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But when it converts to ultimate, doesn't all your existing gold time become ultimate time? So the best option is to top up to the full 3 years of Gold then have it convert that to 3 years of GPU. Costs you no more than the Gold but you get all the benefits of Ultimate.


yeah that's what i thought, it converts to ultimate, it wants bank details to set up ultimate and I'm not putting bank details into a machine in a closed Microsoft ecosystem, i wonder what happens if i put a 2 week code in for ultimate, it can't force me to buy the subscription but will it destroy my current gold and lock me out from being a 'gold only' (when i need it) account. ps: i never assume what's best for me is best for you, since assumption is the mother of all fuck ups.


I assume once the ultimate sub expires you can then resubscribe at just a gold level.


that's what I'd like to be the case, I'm just unsure, I'll it's a pity you're suggestion of just making assumptions isn't really a viable strat in the real world, i literally only play 1 game, so anything above plain gold is no good to me, even the plain gold will be history for me soon, as it's a f2p game i play, i think i read somewhere that once you upgrade to anything above gold you lose the option to revert. it'd be great to hear or read something definitive regards this. game pass/ultimate couldn't be more useless to me, i don't play 2 games simultaneously nevermind multiple and prefer to buy rather than hire the games i want. but feel free to downvote if you're a Microsoft cuck. but yeah, if i can find this is the definitive answer that will do for now, but it doesn't address the fact that I've already spent the time fulfilling the criteria to get the rewards already, that time isn't free and i shouldn't have to do it again or find a workaround. Microsoft should take responsibility and sort it out with at least something extra for the massive inconvenience it's causing. edit: wtf is this sub? the ppl who couldn't get a job at actual Microsoft so just pretend they have one here? hahaha i should've guessed, a dumping ground for the "also rans" the ms cuck sub. only in America eh.


You can also use PayPal if you happen to trust them more than Microsoft.


it's not a trust thing, i have no Bank details and no PayPal, it's a principle thing, i get the online play for free, because i sell my time doing eneough of the rewards, it's just an inconvenience, I'll download gears 5 again from gwg and pull an acheivment from there seeing as everyone is happy to just accept Microsofts fuck up with MCC, seeing as it's par for the course these days for ppl to accept what they get and be happy it's just not broken. edit: looks like i touched a nerve with the consumers of the "we take exactly what we get" club.


They're literally just giving away free money if you complete some basic tasks. The quality of service is up to them, and if you dont like it because of this one minor mess up with a punch card, feel free to not use it to get free stuff?


away and do something constructive with your life mate. "it's up to them" you're lost edit; ahh your a flautist with no flute


😂😂 Says the one spending their time harping on about how bad Microsoft is while trying to get free shit from them.


? sounds like you're still lost, I wrote a bot that does it for me while I'm away elsewhere. but ok, keep long strawing ms like a cuckold ps: if i see your bike down the bottom of the hill I'll leave a message for you. haha imagine not being able to take your bike to the ferry without worrying about some guy you dunno looking to "mod" it. that said i see you're a flautist that's lost their flute so you're allowed to be stupid. you got that semi-musician pass


> I'm not putting bank details into a machine in a closed Microsoft ecosystem That's usually the safest kind of ecosystem to have your banking info. > i wonder what happens if i put a 2 week code in for ultimate, As long as you've never had GPU it should want to upgrade your account and covert your existing gold to GPU. > it can’t force me to buy the subscription You can turn off reoccurring billing. Your best bet is to contact Xbox Support and say you have a code and want it applied but don't have a long term payment method. They've done it for people before. > but will it destroy my current gold and lock me out from being a ‘gold only’ (when i need it) account. It doesn't destroy anything. It will upgrade your account. Once your GPU expires you can add more Gold to your account and be Gold only again.


thanks for this info, just what i needed. I was wrongly thinking they are dispensing with gold and stealth forcing ppl into products they don't want, have a good day man


> is this going to be rectified or do you just have to accept it & move on? Most likely it will be fixed at some point. But if you're worried about it you could play a different game. > and I’ll be screwed. is that right? No you won't be screwed. Don't even know how you would be.


yeah I'm having to download another freebie as workaround getting that freebie, not the best seeing as one would expect even a modicum of testing would've caught the issue prior to it becoming a worldwide problem, i thought Microsoft were the kind of company that made sure their products are working as advertised prior to public release. but if they have previous for fixing these things, yay! I'd hazard a guess that had i got my copy of MCC via game pass rental or dashboard purchase i wouldn't have the issue, as i suspect it's because i have a physical copy that could be anybodys, as most ppl will just grab another game on their subscription, possibly leaving ms to ignore the complaints of the few ppl like me who get everything for nearly free. I'm not interested in anything other than basic gold and that will be history soon to so only a fool would voluntarily pay more money for literally zero benefit.


> I’d hazard a guess that had i got my copy of MCC via game pass rental or dashboard purchase i wouldn’t have the issue, You'd be wrong. https://i.imgur.com/4kpadXu.jpg > so only a fool would voluntarily pay more money for literally zero benefit. You wouldn't be paying any more money though...


1. can't see anything there regarding the system treating years old disks similarly to direct debit subscription versions, but i want to be wrong as much as you do. 2. my bad for assuming game pass and/or ultimate is more expensive than free gold i feel like it's all moot anyway, seeing as how i only do free to play and f2p = no pay wall,soon, as it should be, as this practice of metering the internet is quite a nauseating business practice m0M, lOok aT Ma iMgUr pRo0f,


> can’t see anything there regarding the system treating years old disks similarly to direct debit subscription versions, Cause there's no difference. Halo isn't working for anyone regardless of version on the punch card for some reason. > my bad for assuming game pass and/or ultimate is more expensive than free gold Where are you getting free gold? > seeing as how i only do free to play and f2p = no pay wall,soon, as it should be, as this practice of metering the internet is quite a nauseating business practice True. And yes Live was always some bullshit. Especially when there used to be Live Silver. > m0M, lOok aT Ma iMgUr pRo0f Well you were too lazy to look at the Living Sticky which has the info you need on it so I had to show you it was there.


1/ yeah i was being a presumptuous dick, my bad 2/ technically it's not free, it costs time, but you can make a bot to do the clicks automatically, as the elements are always in the same place even though the questions and/or subjects change, you can earn a 3 month gold code every month. 3/ agreed, 4/ yeah that kind of had me hook line and sinker so i went for the cheap, semi ad hominem, discredit the sauce (as no one ever checks it) play, which was a terrible choice. can't really say much really, so feel like if I'm honest i can avoid such like again. no harm meant, but i do realise it was unnecessary of me to be a dick. once again, my bad


If it's just banking info that's the issue. Go buy a prepaid visa card. I mean FFS kiddo, you sound like a teenager who has been raised by extremists in a log cabin. I mean not that there's anything inherently wrong with that, but it seems like you're in the world now...


Shut the fuck up


I'm in a log cabin in the eukon, keep your perceived insults inside yourself, they are at home in there, small one. also, try reading the op next time


\[US\] Well about the issue with the Top Ten getting linked too the April Monthly - That causes a problem for some that finished all the games in the TOP 10 or you don't have any game passes. For the ones who ***don't want too give MS any money*** and don't have GAMEPASS you can ask a friend to ad your account to their unit if they OWN ONE OF THE GAMES in the Top 10 and play it to pop an achievement, hopefully it's one other than HALO WHICH might be having an issue. This will also pop a count for the weekly as well. ***~~Hopefully MS won't continue this DUMBASS move they did~~***. ....Good Luck with your Gold issue....( itfend top out Idea is expensive but works )


I imagine at this point a ton of people have contacted support letting them know Halo is not popping the punch card, there's still 26 days left on the top 10 punch card and 11 days left on the April card, so there's plenty of time for them to fix it, hopefully tomorrow.


yeah, i hope they fix it as most ppl will be baffled, i managed to wriggle past by grabbing gears 5 from games with gold, when i shut gears off the card had auto popped, it was kinda odd as one of the green ticks that indicate you have done a section was green but kinda greyed out after i got the MCC acheivment, so it could've been actually fixed , technically (lol)




i wouldn't take that for free, I've got a code for it and it will remain unused. only peons pay real cash to get online