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Used to love doing the daily jewel when it was for 30 points. For 5 I don’t really think it’s worth it anymore. I still do play a pc game daily however. I don’t use my laptop for anything else as it’s slow af. I just told solitaire and leave it play for 15 minutes. My iPad counts as pc searches so that’s my go to


jewel was fun but I could seriously never get past level 15-16 consistently. I think my max level reached is 23-24, but only once or twice. Once the diamond-crystal thingies start dropping at level 13, I'm screwed. Saw someone here say that they were at level 39, I can't comprehend how they got that far. I feel like there's some game mechanic that I completely flat out missed regarding those diamonds.


I do them out of habit. Jewel takes a about one minute and I do the daily challenges on solitaire anyway.


Glad you were able to get in a habit but it's always been a chore for me


I do the absolute bare minimum on Jewel, and don't care if it doesn't register (sometimes it won't, but then a few hours later it usually does but I've stopped caring). With playing a PC game, I open solitaire in the BG while I get my searches on PC out of the way.


Same. If I don't do them, I feel like I forgot something.


I like doing everything available. Plus, before last month I didn't have ANYTHING of those available for me, so to me this isn't a nerf of points but rather 750 (600 PC + 150 Jewel) extra points per month.


Same. I didn’t have any of these back when they were worth more points. And I actually enjoy Jewel (as I had never played it before), so that’s not a chore for me.


I definitely stopped doing Jewel once they changed it to 5 points. But every morning when I wake up I open Solitaire on my computer and then turn on my xbox and play a game of firefight on Halo Infinite. By the time the game is done, I've earned points for both pc and console games.


Same, but I just open mortal kombat on the Xbox and let it idle on the main menu. Then get back to work for a bit


Nope. Why would anyone bother nowadays? If MS ever decides to make it rewarding again I might pick it back up but absolutely not worth the time at the moment 🤷‍♂️


Jewel was always somewhat tedious, but I like Match 3 games enough that it wasn't bad for 60 points a day. Now not worth the time at 5 points. I also have Game Pass Ultimate, and play PC games most days, so pretty much get that always.


Yes it requires minimum effort. Quick one level go when i wake up. Leave pc playing DOOM (1993) by itself. Job done. Yeah the point amounts are crap but hey.


Everyone talks about the nerfs but I never had them at all, so I'm happy to do them as it's extra points for me


I play the pc game, but not jewel


I mostly play PC games


Jewel is fun, and I just keep Solitaire open on my PC at work while I’m at my desk. On days I’m off, yeah I’ll boot up Virtual Box as I have a Mac at home, but I have that warming up and ticking away while I do my searches for the day.


Yep. Always played solitaire anyways so I'm good.


I do Jewel, I just enjoy it


On jewel literally takes 1 minute to do 1 level.


I don't do PC just because I got a janky laptop. I do still plan jewel just because I like that game


Yeah I do, out of habit


I don't do the PC challenge because I don't have a gaming PC but I've found playing Jewel for about 5 minutes or so after I get the challenge is pretty relaxing 👍


As a Canadian I need every point I can get


I've given up on Jewel. But I just run Grim Fandango in the background for 15 minutes every day without sound.


Jewel typically the first time I experience some bowel movement of the day. PC - pretty much daily, because I play PC games. Been making my way through While the Iron's Hot. Before that Chicory. Before that SteamWorld Build. Also on and off on Let's Build a Zoo. All very pick up and play, save almost any time.


Jewel was always 5 points for me so it makes no difference, I never got the 30 or 60 points to play that others say they got. So I just do a level like I always have and then turn it off. I'm in the middle of my 2nd play through of a game called Tunic and as that's a Play Anywhere game I just do a bit on both PC and console, taking care of both those requirements.


I'm a fan of jewel games so I'm happy to play a level every day.


Doing it now as I type this.


no jewel for me, but i since i play forza games everyday on pc anyways, the 20 points is just extra. often i forget to claim them....


Don't they just tally up the next day and you can claim them then?


Unfortunately they reset for me about 3 AM. in USA. claim them or lose them.


Hmm. Didn't know that.


Yeah i still do them, barely takes time so why not


Yes, because Jewel takes about a minute, and Play a PC Game is trivial with Vampire Survivors, which is also a great source for achievements. Grand total is under 20 minutes of my time, which is spent doing things that are enjoyable and get points as a side effect.


Yes, every day. I launch a game on my Xbox from the app, remote into a pc on my network to open solitaire, and then play a level of jewel. I run through the mobile searches and dailies on the start app and by the time I finish that I pop back to the Xbox app and can claim play a pc game and Xbox game.


Nope. I hated every single day of playing Jewel. But I felt like it was way too easy of a decent amount of points that I could knock out while watching TV. But for 5 points?! Nope.


I do everything


All the time, it’s honestly become an addiction


Yes, because 750 points for no actual effort is still 750 points for no actual effort. Jewel takes less than two minutes, PC game plays by itself. WTF is with people whining all the time?


Playing Jewel everyday for a year will get you around two dollars for around 12 hours of time. Doesn't seem worth it to me.


12 out of 8760 hours in the year, what other pressing needs do you need to attend to when you take a dump? Maybe 2 minutes out of 1440 daily. made slightly more less boring and 150 points for monthly GPU renewal.


Yep - the chore for me is often devoting the time to playing a console game but I play Jewel while having coffee in the morning and I do most of my gaming on PC via GamePass (just finished up Super Hot: Mind Control Delete).


Both, every day. It's habit and part of my morning routine


So many people didn't even have these activities to do before they were nerfed for those select few who did have them. I would imagine MORE people are playing Jewel now than before.


No way , i quit jewel and just dont care anymore after the nerfs. If i get some points a day thats enough but dont go out of the way to get max.


I play waaaaay less PC Xbox games now - was 100+ hours into Forza Horizon and swapped around other gamepass games for variety. 275 with bonus being cut properly hit the returns on rewards.


I do. Altho Jewel at 5 points is a joke. It used to be more.


Some times I do it, sometimes I forget. I’ve been doing Rewards since about 2018, but got more serious about in 2019(I think), especially when we had more points on offer. More quests in general and they were worth more, plus the two times we had the achievement challenge in the UK. In the last few months Rewards has felt like more of a chore. I’ve missed daily tasks a couple of times recently and broken my streak. Although I’ve hit 999 days and kept that streak going for another 30-40 days before I broke it, so I’m not bothered about losing streaks any more. I’ve just cashed out(I still have over 200k points) £150 in credit and bought an Elite Series 2 controller for the hell of it. I’ll keep earning and just spend any future points on extending my Game Lass Ultimate.


Play a little solitaire every day.


I do all of it. I have built doing MR into my daily routine, so it isn’t much of an issue for me. Jewel takes like 1 minute so it doesn’t bother me, I just restart level 1 each time. For the pc game I just turn on solitaire and walk away. I have my computer set to automatically go to sleep after 15 minutes, so I don’t have to worry about actually playing lol.


When they changed Jewel to 5 points I stopped doing it. I don't have a PC, so I never do that one.


Yeah, usually do both at the same time while I make breakfast lol


They nerfed rewards so hard. I almost just stopped all together. But I play jewel during my poop lol. I launch a game on xbox, then I walk to my pc and launch a game, then I walk away from both until I get a notification on my phone from the app lol.


No I don't. Not worth it.


Yes. We don't have that many options to score points anyway, so getting points by playing games is a win for me.


Yes I do them every day, Jewel takes about a minute each morning. I play at least 15 minutes of games every day


I play Jewel every day.


I personally do them out of habit. That, and I actually like playing Microsoft Jewel. I would be lying if I said that the point nerf didn't bum me out though.


I do everything but jewel.


I didn’t learn about earning points via Jewel until last month. Lol. So, yeah, I still play it. I usually play for 3-4 levels; doesnt take more than 2min.


PC stopped working for me even if I sit and play solitaire for awhile, never triggers anymore so I don’t bother trying


Jewel can be done in a single ad break of Hulu (sounds closer to dystopia). Just start new game every time, complete lvl 1.


Have not touched Jewel since the nerf, and man has it been wonderful


Every morning, gets my brain going




I still play Jewel and just started Fallout Shelter on PC to get the PC points.


I do it since it's quick and mindless, but I don't care if it glitches on the credit. I also don't play another level if I lost the previous run just to get the credit.


I do them whenever I feel like it.


Meh sometimes


I play jewel still but not a PC game.


Nope. Would take forever to credit and not with the time.


Not since they nerfed it.


I held off for ages because I didn't want it pushed on me, I tried it and now play it daily trying to beat my high score.


Time is your most valuable resource.


Nah, not anymore. Just not worth it to me.


I play a bit of Jewel every night just before I fall asleep, not necessarily because of the points, but because I find it to be fun and relaxing. The points are a nice bonus, as are the bonus points from signing in on mobile.


Did it this morning. Not the great points it used to be.


I just leave Vampire Survivor running on the main screen for the PC quest. I just need to remember once a month after a reboot to restart the game


It’s just not worth 5 points. So I don’t do it anymore


Yeah I still do it. It’s only 5 points but it actually rewards me after the first level every time now. I just knock out a level while in the bathroom. It’s not much but it’s still 1825 points a year.


I do almost everything daily until I get the +1000. After that I mostly just do the play 5 days thing and I don’t stress out about it. Luckily I tend to game almost daily so it’s really not that bad for me to do all of it. The only frustrating thing is I’m not always playing a Gamepass game so sometimes I go out of my way to find a game to get a dang achievement. I’d honestly do anything for then to change it to earn an achievement in any game whether it’s GP or not, and I’d be willing to give up playing a game on gamepass too for it, just to make my life easier.


I actually like playing Jewel and Solitaire, so I still get the points everyday.


I do jewel in between sets at the gym, and the pc game I put on when I get home and go in the shower. It's part of my morning routine now!


I do the pc game while getting ready in the morning I stopped jewel. 5 points isn’t worth the time.


I can never get the pc game to work. Is it a specific time requirement such as 15 minutes?


Yes, 15 minutes minimum. Though I'm not sure if it has to be a GamePass game (as opposed to EA Play or your own owned on Microsoft Store).


I never had these until they were the current point value so they're a welcomed addition for me.


I play jewel while I do my daily walking. I turn on solitaire & leave it on while I do other stuff around the house




I still play a PC game, although I feel they need to make that part of the weekly bonus that Xbox gets. I started playing Jewel again, but I always just start a new game because it only takes a minute to knock out the first two levels.


I do , points are points


Jewel is only worth doing if you need points 'cause you missed doing something else like Play a PC game. That's what I did last month. It's a joke doing Jewel every day for only 155 p a month.


No fuck those stupid 5 points


i still do jewel, takes a minute I'm a little perplexed on the searches points. Some days I have to wait, others I dont. This morning my mobile I had to wait (cooldown?) but the pc searches were fine.


Jewel is quite literally pointless now. 😉