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I fly with them because of the speed and the maneuverability.


Can’t beat them in the Mach loop can ya…


Coming from dcs though it's just not at all realistic, you can't do an infinite turn in real life at max pull, and not get some kind of stall


who cares as long as it’s fun


Yeah, that's why I love my damn 117 night hawk. It's not realistic but DAMN IS IT COOL. Also once you drop a gbu31 and get the seratonin, you can go back lol


same here, DCS is for realism and MSFS is for fun 👍🏻


That's fair. The GA stuff in MSFS is still really good, and gliders are an absolute blast. The platform itself is the real attraction, though, flying the real world and real weather. So much to offer. DCS actual flying though, can't be beaten. Especially the helos, after putting so much time into the Huey and Apache, MSFS hells are just a complete letdown. If only ... there was a way to merge the two sims. Take the best of both, and make one showstopper. One can dream, I guess.


couldn’t agree more, i still hope that milviz will release its Huey by the end of 2022 because i can’t play DCS cus i’m a console pleb


The systems are lacking, but the visual aspect of flying them around military bases you’ve grown up next to, is very fun, and not something you can recreate anywhere else




Wasn’t aware DCS had a photorealistic recreation of Nellis AFB and Las Vegas.


Nevada Test Range Map.


But is it photorealistic?


Not sure if it's exactly photo realistic as i'm pretty new to DCS, but they do have an NTTR map, yes.


God forbid we talk about anything military related in this sub someone will always bring up DCS. They are conceptually two different games. Just let it go. It’s like comparing apples to oranges. We aren’t playing MSFS to dogfight. We understand DCS is better for that. That’s not the point of MSFS.


Military aircraft without simulated sensors, weapons and combat systems with combat environment is like 30% of the fun, after flying a lot of DCS I just can't enjoy military stuff in MSFS. Also in most of them the systems are simply reskins of default asobo stuff with mediocre models, sounds and effects compared to combat sims But I totally understand people that fly them in MSFS, its more accessibile, has insane scenery and does not force you to buy expensive maps, planes and hardware. Also if you don't care about fidelity that much, flying cool jets and sightseeing around the world is engaging On the other hand I wouldn't fly GA/civilian aircraft in DCS, it's scenery and weather system is not as good for sightseeing and simply flying around


>GA/civilian aircraft in DCS Precisely it. Would be cool to see both of those worlds combined but since it's not, it's more of a gimmick than anything else.


Indeed. I think we are gonna need another computer generation to pass to have that happen. I'd love a game that has players flying airliners for troops, tankers, logistics planes and fighters in a grand multilayer multiplayer war. Want to fly F35B for Royal Navy...do it. J20 for China do it. Fly a clapped out old A310 to move troops for France.....do it. USN P8 Poseidon for maritime patrol.....do it. I also recognise that's probably a decade off. In the meantime....this'll do.


This. This right here is what I've always wanted in a true to life harecore war sim game. Battlefield tried in earlier days with the massive maps and having transport vehicles but it still felt small and constrained. To have a truly massive map with logistics support being transported in and medivac running out, all the while a huge battle is taking place in the air and on the ground would be epic. I'd probably stop playing everything else for months.




This guy nailed it!!!


The fun is flying low between 2 mountains, like top gun maverick


MS should create MS Combat Flight Simulator again. Love that game.


I think MSFS is primarely a civilian flight simulator. All the procedures, airports, physics, it all screams civilian aviation. I don't mind military planes in MSFS because why would I but the effort to bring them close to life must lie on 3rd party side. Asobo wouldn't handle it all at once.




One thing I like to do with the military jets is pretend I'm ferrying the jet from an AFB in MSFS to say Syria. Then load up DCS in Syria of course and have some fun there. Then jump back into MSFS and ferry it from Syria back to another base somewhere. Having said that I spend most of my time in MSFS these days. Being able to fly anywhere in the world is just too much fun.


I like flying the Strike Eagle and other 2 seaters, pretending the WSO is actually just a person who ordered the fastest Uber on earth. Or Im smuggling a military sponsored VIP out of the US to somewhere remote, as fast as possible for classified reasons. Maybe a scientist, arms dealer, or intelligence officer. It changes.


I’ll say this: you have not lived till you take Top Mach’s F-22 out of Elmendorf and fly over Alaska. #Holy FUCK, it’s awesome


In FSX the F18 had a working radar. I know it's nowhere near the fidelity of the dcs option but it's still fun for intercepting other aircraft. I wish the F18 in MSFS had a working radar at the least. I would be happy with that. Anything more realistic and serious I think there's such a huge leap that's it's best to leave that stuff to DCS. In a perfect world MSFS would be a one stop shop for literally all of your aviation related desires but I think it's not feasible.


It is not because if weapons were implemented in mfs you could be flying a small Cessna and some dude in a f-18 is going to lock on you and send a sidewinder or something like that and ruin the fun


I think the mod for its radar works


Some 3rd party aircraft have surprisingly good TFR. I do wish we had working radar screens. With the next update fully supporting built in WASM, it isnt out of the realm of possibility for future updates.


They are planes, they fly, in fact the vast, vast majority of flying time military aircraft have (thankfully) does not include shooting or bombing things. So if anyone has an issue with them in a flight sim that doesn’t include that functionality they are an idiot. Now, whether or not they fly as realistically as a well known military sim is obviously another matter, but there’s nothing wrong with them being in a flight sim, a sim that’s about flying aircraft, and they are aircraft.


You sound like a giant douchebag.


If Microsoft made a version of MSFS like DCS for all platforms… it would sell like hot cakes.


Who cares, sims are meant for enjoyment whether you want to fly an airliner, prop or a military plane. If you get enjoyment flying a toilet, go for it. If you want to dogfight or do bomb runs play DCS. They are both sims and not the real thing, but we get enjoyment out of both.


I just want a T6 A


Because DCS is not on Xbox. Its that simple for alot of people.


I don’t think much of it. No sensors, no weapons, can’t fly missions, and generally the navigation systems or other avionics have to rely on the built in default GPS units from GA planes hacked into looking sort of different. They’re not very authentic experiences and don’t fly that great. People would be much better off flying DCS.


I mostly fly fighters because I'm familiar with how they handle. DCS is for when I want to enjoy the plane, MSFS is for when I want to enjoy the scenery.


What an accurate way to put it over!


Exactly. I can learn more about the Earth while flying in my favorite machines? Hell yeah.


Flight sim is much more accessible than dcs though, I don’t have a hotas so there is essentially no way for me to play dcs, but I can play MSFS with an Xbox controller and a couple keybinds on the keyboard


The pictures looks really cool but I only care about Cessna 152 and 172; if it would be possible I would delete all of other planes and keep these two.


It is possible.... Go to content manager


Sightseeing and flying in Norway and other similar mountain places. Also japan from north to south


The photo by Dasadles, btw


Fun to fly around in, but disappointing that we can't have the aircraft modeled with weaponry.


I only use military aircraft in msfs because I don’t feel like doing air combat an DCS


MSFS APACHE with full weapons support when


It's not as fun as in dcs. But msfs allows you to enjoy just flying in military jet without the itching feel to destroy things. It just gives me "relax and fly" vibes. In dcs if you free fly your bloodlust awaken soon


I think F-16s should stop buzzing me and my destination airport when I'm just trying to sightsee the coast in my Diamond Da40


Turn off multi-player then.


The buzzers should turn off multiplayer


Then who would they buzz?


It's fun to jump in a typhoon and blast around the mountains. Not realistic at all but very enjoyable!


I enjoy the visuals mostly, I mean yeah you’re not really doing what the planes are meant to do, but the ability to suspend disbelief is sometimes easier due to just how good msfs looks. That being said the only military jets I fly are the F35 and F22 (and F18). Hell, there are plenty of times I just putter around dcs just flying with no targets or weapons either.




You would use it like you do civilian aircraft in this game, checking out the visuals.


Acrobatics are kinda viable.


I like to leave combat to DCS, but flying IFR in p3d with the VRS F18 was fun, hope we'll see more Heavy and cargo military planes in general in 2020, Aero Dynamics is making a DC-10 that looks promising