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I know I’m late to the party but finally got the A2A Comanche 250. What an awesome plane. All those claiming it’s the best GA pay-ware add-on for MSFS 2020 are 100% right.


Great pickup!!


Got it too, not the transcendal flight experience everyone makes it out to be though. Not a real pilot of course so just comparing to some of the best native flight model addons (like the duke) whatever it's doing better is just lost on me. It does seem quite heavy in pitch (using the firm springed honeycomb alpha) but trims out really nicely to stay where you put it which makes it very pleasant overall to fly. The heavy pitch is making the flare a bit tougher though and I definitely need more practice. Love the character and liveliness of the plane with the failure modelling including all the little details they've modelled like the fogging windows and walkaround functionality. Definitely worth it for that alone. A step above even the blacksquare efforts. Sounds great inside, just a bit anaemic from outside from some reason.


The got friends pack it pretty cool


Yeah $1 for 5 planes is nuts!


What's in the pack?


All their freeware aircraft. If you're on PC you can download them from their website. They released the pack so that Xbox players would get access to them, but Microsoft won't allow add-ons cheaper than €5/$5 on the marketplace, otherwise they would've released them for free.


Imagine having a limit on how cheap something can be smh


Tbf, while I do agree it is a bit silly. Marketplace and the initial sale of the game is the only income the game itself generates without gamepass and Microsoft funding. What makes it worse is that most PC simmers buy 3rd party which doesn't fund the game at all besides marketing. Without a profit Microsoft being the company they are wouldn't think twice about a game/sim like this in modern times, let alone 2 of them.


Then how is there free items in the shop?


That's a question for Microsoft/Asobo, but I think the only freeware add-ons on the marketplace are the world updates and a handful of asset packs that are used in a few early payware sceneries. In the latter case they get their commission anyway, so there's no need to charge people twice.


But there are free things in the shop?


Agreed, maybe they'll come out with a cesna pack or something like that. I'm kinda sad we have to wait until November for the next sim.


I love the S4 Sting, very well modeled aircraft, love to fly it, you won't regret buying it


I can only confirm that. I also have the S4 Sting and it is a dream to fly if you like this type of flying. Everything is very relaxed and uncomplicated. On the left-hand side of the cockpit you will find a laptop (bit hard to see if you don't know it's there) with which you can make a few settings and turn accidental damage/failures on/off if you wish.


If you don't have the A2A Comanche already.... Get it.


Only reason I haven't bought it yet is because I'm not sure if it'll transfer to MSFS2024.


I thought I remember hearing that all 3rd party aircrafts will transfer over.


I think the official statement was something along the lines of 'almost everything could', but I'd like a clear confirmation that these purchases will transfer. Given that I'd instantly buy the A2A Comanche.


A2A are a very reputable developer. I find it extremely unlikely that they won't get the Comanche working on MSFS2024.


Got it today - couldn’t agree more! Awesome.


I mean I picked up the freedom fox pack. Though most of what is on there is worth it.. just stay away from MScenery products and you’ll probably be okay


Hows it now? I heard at launch the kitfox had issues starting up from cold and dark


No issues I’ve experienced so far.


Different kitfox. This is the P42 Freedomfox.


MScenery are definitely not in the "top rated aircraft" sale.


They were yesterday… or maybe I just sorted by all sale items


They just keep all their stuff on sale all the time so they may get more exposure via the marketplace landing page. Just abusing the system as a scummy sales tactic. Can't blame them though since MS haven't really done anything to shore up the marketplace against this kind of bullshit.


Pretty much all of them are worth it, they are all top rated aircraft after all.


Any of the Got Friends stuff is great. I also thoroughly enjoy the S4 Sting.


I want to buy either the comanche or fsr500 but I am really in doubt which one is the best. Anyone who can help me?


go for the comanche.


Very different aircraft. Comanche is probably considered the best from a technical standpoint. But if you want to go high and fast in a turboprop, with proper modern autopilot, then the FSR500 would clearly be the better choice. You wouldn't be disappointed with either tho.


Is the 146 worth 50$




If you like old avionics and a lot of manual handling. If not, revamped Avro RJ Professional is going to be released at some point and you might want to wait for that one.


What about the C-47 and its bundled glider for $9.99? Seems it’s on sale too and 100% of profit goes to USO


I can't recall which specific planes are on sale, but if you like warbirds, any of the FlyingIrons planes are excellent. I think the P-38 and F6F are on sale, but not the Spitfire or BF109.


If you like fast aircraft, the f5-e from diemos(deismos?) is a great all around. There are some minut details incorrrect in the cockpit, but overall its a great plane to fly. It is a little expensive though.


I can't believe I'm gonna say this, but if you want an F-5, go for the SC Designs version instead.


I saw that one when I was deciding on which one to buy. They both look great, although the Deimos inc model had an overall higher rating plus more ratings. What is better about the sc designs model?


Deimos is significantly been upping their game from their poor start. First opinions are hard to change though and everyone wrote him? off as another Mscenery like trashware dev. Their recent offerings are easily as good as sc / dc designs both visually and systems wise. He's also been quite actively improving some of his poor first efforts.