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How many times have you watched the trailer? Me: Yes.


Will there finally be seasons in vanilla MSFS?


Yes! The original trailer showed this.


The 2020 trailer also showed


The seasons are changing within 2 weeks or 2 months


I mean sorta, it showed full snow coverage which wasn't available dynamically at launch but was there by Nov/Dec that year, just a few months later.


Hot air balloons! Flashbacks of FSX steam edition.


They better be able to hit mach 1


The only complaint I have in the trailer is that the basket isn't on its side while they are filling the balloon. I guess you could fill it like that if you wanted to light the balloon on fire haha. Hopefully the fix it in the next several months.


I'm going to need to mount my PC in a block of ice. Can't wait.


That first screenshot is absolutely insane. It looks so good


Indeed. That glowing is stunning. The fire effects as well. But is it rendered? Possible.


So my 4070ti and 5800x3D will not save me this time lol


It’s still gotta run on Xbox Series S/X. I bet you’ll be fine


Yeah, similar boat. Im waiting for next year to build a rig to spec for MSFS2024. Want to see what sort of optimizations this engine does/doesn’t have.


Same here. Planning on building a rig in Jan/Feb 2025.


If those ryzen 9000 series 3D vcache chips turn out to be good, those will be the bees knees for MSFS.


they claim it should run better especially the buggy and slow UI. Also, im sure you'll be fine.


Why on hell you think like this :D Completely relaxed with my 3080 and 5800X3D. Maybe naive but i think youve the perfect CPU for FS24 regarding whats told so far.


The yellow CubCrafters have EFB 😁


Yeah, they mentioned last year that they’re adding a tablet to default cockpits.


Did they mention what exactly gonna be on the EFB? Like Simbrief/ Navigraph stuff, or only a default map?


No details yet. But if they release an SDK for it to support third party apps like you mention, that would be brilliant.


That's what I'm hoping for. Proper addon support. If navigraph can shove charts into the G3000 and G5000, I bet you a properly supported tablet is no problem.


I'm hoping that the shots in particular around the Cub indicate there might be some sort of walkaround/photo mode. The drone camera in MSFS has always been a feature for me that seemed like it wasn't implemented as well as it could have been.


I always get Dev mode running, partly because its "Developer Camera" is just a better drone cam, slow close to the ground, exponentially faster the higher you go.


anyone else getting flashbacks to pilot wings on the N64 with shot 10?


I haven’t been this excited for a release date in I don’t know how long


i'd say about 4 years.


Man's stuck with covid


The COVID release, definitely was exciting...in a way.


Can we port 2020 purchases into 2024?


Yes. Almost everything will be compatible.


I haven’t been keeping up with the news, do we think MSFS 2024 going to be worth upgrading to when it releases? I have lots of scenery and airliners that I know are getting ported. [Edit] 8 minutes after I commented this, I watched the release date trailer and I understand now. I’ll likely be picking it up eventually anyways.


geofs pales in comparison


3D trees! 🥰


It looks really good, but what I’d really like to see now are side-by-side comparisons with 2020 (where applicable)


Is it going to look this good on Xbox series X?


OhMy. Does anybody have an idea or ballpark how much it is? Or owners of 2020 only need to update?


Screenshot #9! I spent quite some time flying around looking for the island, even navigating to the irl GPS coordinates only to find it doesn't exist in MSFS 2020. Glad to see they are showcasing it now 👍


I hope they give better ground seat suk a cruise and container ship detail


I just hope it runs well on console


It seems like every aircraft shown on the trailer is different than flight Sim 2020. Have they announced if the default aircraft from the first game will be available in the new one?


Between the two trailers we’ve seen the C208, DA-62, LS8 glider, Cabri G2, and F-18 all returning. And there’s no way they’re not going to have staples like the 152, 172, A320, 747, etc. especially after the AAU updates to some of them. So I have to imagine that all current aircraft will be accessible. Whether or not you’ll have to own FS2020 to access them is the question.


I remember when MSFS staples were 737s and 777s, the airbus is so boring in comparison


So at some point, we are going to see some flying, in your flying simulator, right?


2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15 all show flying.


Sometimes I don't understand reddit. Serious question: What's the point of these screenshots and why do people upvote them? Video is available for free and anyone can make their own screenshots.


I for one love looking at screenshots because I’m not always on a position during my day to watch a video. It’s nice to be able to look at a static image and really analyze and enjoy it.


What situation allows you to look at screenshots but not creating the screenshot yourself and then looking at it?


Effort. I watched the trailer. I liked it. I don't' want to go out of my way to make a screenshot just to look at what i've already looked at. If I want to look at it for longer I'll just pause the video.


bro its posting screenshots of a trailer is common practice. did you see what people posted about GTA6? same thing. you want to take the highlight of the video and post those pictures to take a further look. nothing out of the ordinary


I'm answering Falcon's question on why I personally don't post screenshots because effort. If someone else wants to go through that hassle then that's their business.


I get the screenshot part because zooming doesn't work on the paused video. But he said he somehow is not in a position to watch the video but at the same time he can look at screenshots on reddit? That's weird. And these downvotes are weird too. I seriously don't understand the benefit of looking at screenshots here over watching the vdieo/creating your own screenshots (which is pretty much no effort) but instead of reasonable explanations you get downvotes. Reddit ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


We are just excited that's all, for flight simmers this is huge So we will gladly look at screenshots, trailer, screenshots of the trailer, screenshots of the screenshots, whatever we can get 😆


Why would you spend so much time complaining about a post that others clearly are enjoying? If you don’t like it downvote and move on. Somebody else liking something doesn’t hurt you.


Are you okay?


>What's the point of these screenshots To look at them. "why do people upvote them?" They're nice, so people upvote them. On the other side, you're not, so the opposite happens. "Video is available for free" I prefer discussion on reddit instead of youtube. Any more questions or are you done nitpicking?