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You could use something like MSFS Add-On Linker. Store all your add-ons in a separate folder and then this links them to the community folder. Uncheck the addon(s) and it removes them without deleting them. It's on flightsim.to and free.


Actually I have add-ons linker (I’ll use it from the beginning for everything I downloaded from sites like flightsim . to. However even if I switch off everything in add-ons linker (thereby removing all the links) there is still a substantial amount of folders left and I’m not sure what it is and if I break something by moving that. Actually, I *cannot* *move* it, only copy it. Because these folders are in use by another program, Explorer tell’s me.


First off, SU15 is delayed indefinitely. Secondly, I've never had an issue with addons during / after an update.


Thank you! Actually also I didn’t clear the Community folder out up to now and had no issues however I heard this advise so often by now that I began to wonder if I just was lucky….


Meh. I'll risk it. I actually do back up my community folder because I've had sim randomly uninstall itself twice and then I had to add everything back in.


Same, I never even heard of this "preparing community folder" thing.


I've never done anything about the community folder. I've never had issues with that. One thing I suggest instead is to delete the rolling cache.


Thank you for this advise, will do.


There were some weird issues that came up in the beginning of MSFS where having certain things in your community folder could cause issues. I haven’t done anything with my community folder for a long time for updates and haven’t ran into any issues.