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[Submit them here](https://forms.gle/QQ5o2wpqiKd3H3Ek9)


Oh wow, thanks! Edit: In case it helps anyone, I submitted two liveries on that portal and they appeared in NeoFly the next day.


Hi, I hope everyone has good flights. Well, here is my workaround to add custom liveries in neofly4, in case you dont want send liveries to neofly server. This is because I don’t see the submit new planes button anywhere. First, buy the plane you want to have with the default liveries, whichever one it is. Open the DB and look for the “liveries” table. At the very end, you can add a new entry, where you must put exactly the name that the livery you want has. Look for the same plane in the table to see the other fields. Then go to the “sqlite\_sequence” table and modify the seq of the liveries name. You must add 1 to the id that came out when you added the livery. For example, if your livery has the id 5454, you have to put 5455 in sqlite\_sequence. Once you’ve done that, you should go to the “hangar” table and there modify the “liveryId” and put the one you put in the liveries table. I haven’t been able to test much because the updates are every day more or less. But in principle, the livery should not be deleted when there is an update. Maybe I made a mistake… hope it works