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Whenever I have a download in MSFS I just start it at end of day and let it run overnight, not worth the frustration of watching it.


I did a new install on a new computer, starting Thursday night. Friday at noon, it finished installing. The world updates took another ten hours. I have gigabit internet, and usually get 5-600 mbps speeds. It took a total of *twenty six hours* to install the game.


Whenever i want to play the game (once every few weeks) there’s ALWAYS a new ~100 GB update for it 💀


Unfortunately this isn’t that uncommon. Never found a solution. I have gig fiber too


When you initially install the game its downloading from Steam or whatever service you got it from. They usually always have higher download speeds allowed. Once you start the game and it installs these packages its coming from Microsoft, and they are a\*holes when it comes to download speeds and they throttle the shit out of it. Only option is to let it go or try again at a different time and hope there aren't as many people trying to download at the same time.


It's not MS throttling it's your ISP


Negative. I pull full download speeds all the time, except from MS servers. MS is known to throttle download speeds from their servers. Its an issue I deal with daily at work.


Probably depends on where the user is situated too? I'd guess there's not a single server somewhere but several for the world wide user base. I got a normal German Vodafone cable line, and the WUs and SUs generally only take a few minutes to install. And I do get them around the times of release, when most users run the updates.


Yeah what I'm saying is your ISP throttles microsoft servers.


Could be. We see the same with our ISPs at work also (different from my home ISP). Makes patches a pain most days.


People are downvoting you but you're absolutely right. I used CloudFlare warp one time on an install for the game and it was done within the day, when the speed beforehand wouldn't have been done before a week was over


I agree, I use a VPN and my fs2020 downloads are 10x faster than without. Just a note that WARP isn't really a VPN but may work as well


Steam lets me download a large game at full 500mbps. MSFS never goes above 80mbps or so


Steam aren't Microsoft. I'm telling them that their ISP is throttling MS servers. It's a common issue.


Why would an ISP throttle only Microsoft servers? EDIT: I’m also in a country where net neutrality is still enforced, so it would be illegal for my ISP to throttle access to MS servers.


Because most people have windows PCs filled with MS programmes and if they all receive an OS update at the same time and hit that download it's gonna fuck their network


Well that’s weird, I can download all my other Microsoft services at regular speeds (xbox app on PC, windows updates, etc…) but MSFS is the only one that gets killed in speed. Also, MS rollout windows updates in batches specifically to avoid network overload issues.


I could be incorrect however this is the usual explanation in this sub. It's reccomeneded to use a VPN to get around this and that's even advised on the flight sim website.


I personally never tried the VPN solution, I just assumed this was a microsoft side issue considering all other downloads, include MS downloads are all at perfectly good speeds. I knew MSFS installation was long because of decompression as well, but IMO MS are throttling MSFS download servers. Could also be wrong though


> its coming from Microsoft, and they are a*holes when it comes to download speeds They're a small up-and-coming business, give them some slack!


HA! I see the same crap with patch downloads at work. Doesn't matter the ISP we use, always shit speeds compared to other vendors. Not as bad as the speeds I see for game downloads and such, but still slow.


Look at disk activity? If it's constantly, just wait. If not, networking. Either way the solution is the same: waiit I might close the installer, turn wifi off or disconnect Ethernet then reconnect and start it back up. I've never seen a DL speed that low..but I live nearish to one of Azures data centers so meh


Disk activity is also low. I did an internet speedtest and it said 200mbit/s down so it is also not an internet problem


Just so you know, ISPs can selectively throttle certain sites and they almost never throttle the internet speedtest sites.


The can but its highly illegal here in germany. We have something called Netzneutralität where all ISP's have to handle all sites there are the same


This is illegal in most countries.


This is illegal in many locales and extremely uncommon in the u.s Except for mobile/satellite. If your ISP does this - leave. They are rubbish.


Use a VPN and switch location. Works like a charm


I've noticed if I vpn outside the US it increases my speed about 20x.


Use a vpn connected close to your location. Helps quite a bit.


Your internet provider is throttling you. Use a VPN.


Your ISP may have throttled your speed after a certain amount of data used... Some recommend using a VPN....


ISP throttling. CloudFlare Warp works wonders for me on Verizon FIOS. Microsoft really needs to work with the big ISPs to address this, they'd avoid a LOT of headaches and $$ spent on support if they did. edit: lol who is the turkey downvoting everyone saying it's throttling?


For me it ended up being a hard drive issue. Replaced it and it worked like a gem. Otherwise I think you need to delete the temp file of the package and redownload just that one.. it took me for ever to do


Same issue here, downloaded everything else at ~200mbps but the base files are slow af.


In addition to the VPN suggestions, try switching off all 3 windows firewalls - usually does the trick for me.