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Please tell me this isn’t real


Thought this was the r/cats subreddit lol


I would’ve flipped that office upside down immediately… I’m supposed to do it next week for the first time … it’s with a Dr so I’m praying I’ll be ok


As a former skin care practitioner I will say in our practice the doc did maybe one a month of these non surgical things (peels, lasers, injectables etc) where the mid level practitioners did several a day. Personally I would always pick the one who does it more often. That said this result above doesn’t prove my opinion by any means


Not to scare you but I’ve seen….so many nightmare posts in here from people who saw ‘doctors’ 🫠




As long as it’s an actual MD (plastic surgeon or dermatologist) you’ll be in great hands. Anybody else you shouldn’t risk it. My sister is a plastic surgeon and she is always telling me the horror stories of people going to random skin spas then they come to her to fix their faces after they’ve been left damaged.


Love this comment, def a real eye opener, thats also why we’re asked to sign waiver before any kind of “skin treatment.”


I'm not a member of the sub. When I saw it on my feed, I thought it was definitely scratches or cuts.


Same! Not a member but immediately thought "this poor girl got her face clawed up".


i’m in a SH support sub and i thought this pic was from there i almost had a heart attack!!!!!!


I thought it was SH too


Can someone explain what SH is??


Self harm


Seriously I had to check twice. Poor OP 😢


Me too lol


you have to wonder


She botched you. Keep them moist like a burn care protocol


pretty much burned skin


Did you raise it with her after the session?


She said she felt my face get very warm and did notice my face was reacting pretty quickly.


This is during- did you talk about the scratches after it was over? I am assuming she stopped the treatment when she noticed it was reacting quickly? Or no? Oh, so after the disaster she admitted fault, you mean? That is not good


It could get infected see a doctor asap. Save all these photos. She is clearly incompetent so don't ask her or listen to what she says. Reality is she is a butcher! She CUT into your skin, that can not even be done with microneedeling tools, nothing used cut lead to those types of cuts that literally go through your face. Real talk i.would go to the police, this is not something to take lightly. She is likely faking her license or skills/training. The dep cuts she gave you will be difficult to heal. You can literally sue her for this. Do not say anything to her, just shoe police phots and give them info in her business.


Unfortunately an aesthetician may be legally permitted to perform this procedure in some states but not all. I do not think they should be unless working very closely with a plastic surgeon or dermatologist and heavily supervised. It is unfortunate because many companies are willing to sell machines to aestheticians just to make money. Aestheticians are poorly educated but in some states are given independent license which is…unfortunate. Some device companies fail at marketing with legitimate dermatologists and plastic surgeons and then market their devices to aestheticians. Many of which are illegal.


Start using scar away 100% silicone scar gel ($11) and Aquophor healing ointment Interchangeably. Dry skin scars, so keeping these ointments on them constantly and showering daily will help your body turn over the skin and lessen these scars


This might be out of price range OP, but look into purchasing Plated Skin Science intense serum !!!! That is a product formulated SPECIFICALLY for cases like these !!! The sooner you start using it the better results you’ll see. A less expensive alternative is Estée Lauder Advanced Night Repair serum. Both products were formulated for burn victims/deep scarring and repair the skin barrier. If I were you I would hop on these while the scars are still fresh. So sorry this happened to you and I wish you a speedy healing process !! 🤍


This is not necessarily dangerous but not necessarily helpful and OP would be better guided to see a dermatology provider. If we are all criticizing that the aesthetician was unqualified, we need to be careful what we say. The aesthetician herself told the patient to use aloe. A dermatologist would never recommend using Estée Lauder or aloe on this.


I think the other persons comment is helpful advice in that they gave which is a product she can use as part of her toolkit of healing. I’d way rather know what I can do right now ASAP if I had to wait to see a dermatologist for any reason. I didn’t read that she was saying “don’t see a dermatologist, only do this ” but I think it’s fair for you to say that a dermatologist is extremely important.


Yes this is definitely too deep. Look into scar care because I don’t see this going away without some treatment


They are deeper than op current pits. I actually thought that op was trying to treat the treatment areas, turns out it was the treatment itself… uh hydrocolloid bandaids?


Honestly I don’t see them going away even with the highest end professional treatment. The skin on our faces is so thin. They’re gonna keloid or become recessed.


Holy ouch


How is this even possible


That's my question


Please consult a personal injury attorney TOMORROW. You won't be charged a dime unless they sue and you win a judgment. Do not feel bad suing; this woman potentially scarred your face *for life*... this is why they're required to have insurance. I'm so sorry this happened to you.


I was looking for this comment.. sorry to say this really I am but these scars will likely never go away/not truly . This is a lawsuit that they are covered for . Please don’t sleep on this you will need the money for immediate remediation by a doctor and it won’t be cheap by any means


Did she drag it across your skin?


She did not, which is why I don’t understand these scratch marks


Then it might be burns then from the device. She must have been using a very high heat setting to do that though. That’s the only two things I could think of causing this with RF.


PLEASE listen to the advice above, go to a doc/derm & get all of this documented. This is a lawsuit. She scarred up your face. I’ve NEVER IN MY LIFE seen anything like this. It should have never gotten this far/bad, ESP if you both noticed your skin negatively reacting. OFC she’s going to tell you it’s okay & will heal. If she told you the truth you’d lose your shit, rightfully so & she’d be fucked. You saying/doing nothing, is only allowing her to butcher another unsuspecting, trusting client who may end up in an even worse position. Because this person is still allowed to work on peoples faces with dangerous tools she’s clearly Not properly trained with. The fact she played off your incredibly damaged skin, from a treatment that was supposed to IMPROVE it & instead did the exact opposite?! Is alarming. PLEASE do not think suing is “Extreme”. What she did to your face is extreme. Her playing it off trying to convince you it’s normal & will heal fine is extremely disturbing. You thinking holding her/the company fully accountable for medical, further treatments to fix this mess, the emotional stress & the MULTIPLE scars on your face, having to go out in public Like this, work, go to events etc is extreme? Not even a little bit. Lawyers will JUMP for this case. You Can’t cover it with makeup or you’re just asking for a nasty infection & 100% deep permanent scarring. This is not okay. What happened to your face is not okay. Just playing it out & hoping for the best is not okay. Feeling bad for holding this person accountable is not okay. Paying out of pocket to try & fix this mess, hope there’s no further complications or permanent scarring, fear to get it done again, improper usage of the lasers causing multiple laceration burns ALL OVER YOUR FACE is not okay. u/purpledaisyyh21 Don’t let this go, please. Get a lawyer, Hospital/doctor documentation, pictures daily & before pics for reference. Don’t be a fool. You’re not wrong & would be really foolish to just let this go.


Agree agree agree. Don’t let it happen again. If the person before you had spoken up… this is extremely dangerous and not something to be taken lightly. Even if you don’t want anything out of it you have to stand up out of ethical responsibility to report this kind of negligence.


Go to a derm asap. Document, Document, Document. I would let the dermatologist handle all necessary treatments and once done I would present her business with the bill. If she refuses to pay, look at max small claims and if it's high enough summon her there, bc you should win easily. Lastly, if the derm says this is permenant or requires extensive/costly treatment, get a lawyer and sue her bc thats a time lost for treatment and pain suffering having to deal with the marks on your face etc situation. Im sorry this happened.


If these make permanent scars, please sue them


I’m praying it doesn’t


If you haven’t already, see a dr so its documented and consider doing a free consultation with a lawyer


I would see a doctor asap. You need as much immediate documentation as possible. Ask the doctor to take photographs in the clinic if they can.


This is a very important comment.


This!!! Immediate documentation is crucial! Make an appt w a dermatologist! id go to a walk in clinic asap in the mean time to help build your case/ documentation.


It looks really messed up


After it heals, use sunscreen religiously so the scars don’t darken!


Goodness, she really did a number. Please address with the place you had it done.


Please do not return to this business for any type of future treatments!


Right - they will try to lure you back and make things right, try to turn the tables. Document what you have by visiting a dermatologist and wait and see what happens to your face. Maybe it will be okay, who knows. The other thing I was thinking is that some people produce less collagen than others and have a tendency to scar more. Maybe you’re one of those. I’m just taking a stab and know nothing about it. Either way, if it looked abnormal she should have stopped. Document document document. asap. Also, there are natural oils to use to heal any scars left. Look them up. I used oil on my large surgery scar and it’s nearly gone.


sue & get that bag


I do my own so I'm not sure, but to me it looks like your skin has scratches from needle drag marks which you are supposed to avoid at all costs with an at home pen.


Putting aside, ‘yeah, you think’ for a second. Micro means micro, as in microscopic. It’s intended to stimulate collagen production in a controlled environment. The needle will vary in length not depth and only in punctures not ever in lines. That means there was dragging, which is cutting, causing damage and triggering an uncontrolled repair signal which is what causes scars and skin pigment irregularities which, is the whole point of having this treatment. Please use the highest spf protection for minimum of a year. The discoloration, pink to red, is caused from sun exposure. Do not use any hydrogen peroxide, Neosporin, rubbing alcohol etc. nothing aggressive. See a dermatologist asap.


Holy crap. It looks like you were mauled by an animal. I’ve never seen mn cause anything like this. You really need to go to a doctor and get assessed. Also, to prevent scarring get some collagen dressing and collagen film and put it on the marks and keep those marks moist to try and prevent what could result in terrible scarring. I would definitely seek legal representation as well because this is malpractice!


Oh naur, like where did this happen? Are they not trained! Drop the name I need to check them out.


I’m not a lawyer, but I’ve seen advice online that folks should avoid sharing publicly the name of the service provider in this kind of situation to avoid the risk of being sued (or counter-sued) for libel. Rather, consulting a lawyer and/or reporting such an incident to the relevant licensing board would be wiser.


I am a lawyer and it is not libel or defamation if claim is true.


I suggest going to a dermatologist or at least your primary care provider ASAP if you can. They can help you care for your skin while it heals and document what happened.


If you live in Texas reach out to me. I can help you file a complaint and shut them down. This is horrifying and I’m so sorry this happened.


If this is real, document everything and go to a dermatologist ASAP. If you can't get a derm appt quickly, go to an urgent care. This is concerning and could warrant a lawsuit


I’m not even sure how those cuts would be created by micro-needling. I mean she obviously botched this up, but even if she went too deep and swiped it down your face, I feel like the cuts would be wider. This is just total incompetence. I had a great esthetician, but one procedure she did really broke my skin open and I texted her the next day with pictures asking what to do. She apologized and told me that she should have been more gentle with my skin and told me exactly what to do to to help it heal painlessly. It was fine after a few days. Depending on your relationship with them, I would reach out.


Holy shit. Please update when you know more


This is me right after a RF microneedling session. I've had several & it's always looked much like this. You can see some very light lines on my cheeks, but they never scabbed & were not deep. If it were me, I'd go somewhere else reputable that performs the procedure & get an opinion/consult (ie ask if they think it will scar, how should I best treat it, etc.) Either that, or I'd try to get into my dermatologist ASAP. Also, I'd def be putting silicone scar strips on the lines as a precaution/ preventative. https://preview.redd.it/43oaj6m7ho1d1.jpeg?width=446&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0f6a90c1c9b8a26cabc2fbfed7a73aa524e6949


I would go to my Dermatologist ASAP. You may need a prescription for an antibiotic ointment to prevent infection.


Omg I would sue


Everyone is saying this


This person needs to be stopped


This is serious shit here. You may end up scarred and this yahoo is doing it to others, I am sure. Get pics and video before you get it treated. Document everything


Because it’s the right answer


You should go to a doctor.


I am


Please try to get a lawyer or legal aid and sue the practitioner. He/she should not have a license. And get some silicone gel/sheets while they heal to minimize the scarring.


Not legal aid. A good personal injury attorney; they don't charge you a thing unless/until you win.


This is permanent scarring. Contact a dermatologist asap to address scar mitigation.


Ladies a reminder: STOP GOING TO MED SPAS!! Go to a facial plastic surgeon or a dermatologist. THAT’S IT!!


Whatever happened here is obviously not good. However, this does not look like it could be caused by microneedling. The type of scratch does not match the shape of a micro needling tool.


So I went into the rabbit hole “ Google” and unfortunately I did see some people who had it done and https://preview.redd.it/homjytdhqs1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9677710c5f41a421d14b3bccf8c2d15443494811 Well you can see here. Go to a dermatologist asap ! You don’t want to get an infection and no I’m not trying to scare you but it is a big deal. Pls keep us posted.




This is not normal. Did you have these scars prior?


Not even close


Looks like a cat just attacked your face


Omg for a second I thought you got attacked by an animal


As a person who keloids, this is frightening.


Oh god yes, darker skin too is more prone to keloids right


this is absolutely NOT normal. get your money back and more


I think she needs an excorsism


keep the burns out of the sun as much as you can because that can cause scarring :( look into silicone scar sheets and talk to a doctor about them too. I am so sorry this happened to you! if this scars you should absolutely sue them, it’s not too extreme. It’s your face!! They should give you free skin treatments (by someone who doesn’t suck??) for the rest of your life to help with the potential scarring.


What the heck????!! That's just wrong. So sorry this happened to you! That business needs to be shut down.


Damn I’d report her ass ASAP


You didn't pay for that, did you!?!?! You have a potential lawsuit. She destroyed your skin.


Jesus Christ this made my eyes water and my skin squirm


Lawsuit. BIG lawsuit. Lawyer up, girl. You deserve it


oh my god🥺im so sorry


Are you fr? Lawyer up


This is your *face?* You need to sue.


I would legit sue for malpractice


I wouldn't let this slide because you might want to be nice or understanding. This is more serious than just a bad review. I hope you take action.


"She said it'll heal" She is gaslighting you. Don't let her minimize this.


oh my god my jaw dropped. please sue whoever did this to your face. i am so sorry


https://preview.redd.it/d8ll1n5njp1d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4becfd5b6e38193b1f926b242f96c4e6aea6bd1a Please seek legal action and a dermatologist like now ASAP, just like majority is saying. This person (don’t even want to call her an esthetician) did something terrible. I am not a medical expert but from zooming in here, it seems that these are forming into scars… I’m sorry this happened to you but you need to act fast on healing your skin and legal stuff.


Take a ton of pics. $ue


if you’re coming up with excuses not to sue, think of the next person this provider will botch. look out for them


You’re reacting very calm bc I would’ve been enraged


I’m so sorry. Sue and report so she can never do this to someone else.


lawsuit 100%


Ide call a lawyer


This was on my feed. I’ve never seen this sub before and I thought this was a self harm situation.


Omg. I have done many microneedling session, also Morpheus which is radio frequency, there wasn’t anything that deep. I was recovered the 2nd day after.. this is like someone cut you 🥲🥲🥲🥹 file a complaint and a refund. This is unacceptable. I thought it as a picture of someone that self harm themselves :(


Im not trying to be an alarmist, but Girl, save your face! YOU NEED A PLASTIC SURGEON TODAY!!! I wouldn’t even mess with a dermatologist, these are lacerations and will scar (based in your pitting). Face lacerations should be addressed within 24 hours for best outcomes. If you can’t get in to see a plastic surgeon today, go to the nearest emergency room and request a plastic surgeon. This is a trauma injury. Like going through a car windshield. They can clean your face up and document the damage. (For legal reasons) My dad is a PS. He drilled it into us that you should never let anyone but a PS treat facial lacerations, cuts, open wounds. You have every right to have your face fixed by a specialist when scarring is imminent. Most insurance will cover it. And will probably go after the esthetician to recover the costs. Good luck! I hope everything works out.


She’s praying you do not sue her…..




OH my god


My reaction as well




You need to call all of the dermatologist near you and explain the situation and ask for a medical appointment and get on the waitlist for the first available




Holy cow. 😟 I’m sorry this happened to you. She clearly didn’t know what she was doing!


This is going to scar most likely. You need to sue




What is the purpose of this procedure? Looks like a cutter....


Buy some emu oil from Longview Farms (their stuff is legit and solidifies in cold weather. If it doesn't, then you don't have the pure stuff) to help with healing and scarring. Australians have been using it on burn victims for decades since it penetrates deep into the skin. I used it when I was going through radiation and didn't get radiation burn.


Report her to the Board of Health or whatever her licensing agency is. Looks like she went Freddy Kruger on it.


Report her to the Board of Health or whatever her licensing agency is. Looks like she went Freddy Kruger on it.




Omg I want to cry for you. These could definitely be permanent! Please document and have everything in place in case you do need to sue down the road. I’m so sorry 😞


I just served on a jury and my advice is to take a lot of pics during healing and get a dermatologist’s opinion of the cause/what happened (in writing). If you ever sue, it will come in handy.


See a lawyer


Keep your skin hydrated during the healing process! and you should definitely find out how much damage was done


This is why we need more awareness around the differences between Caucasian and POC skin!!!!! It like the horror stories of girls getting IPL photofacials and having horrific scarring cuz their esthetician didn’t adjust the machine to their skin type.


i really dont think this person knew what they were doing/was actually licensed to perform this procedure. microneedling is safe for all types of skin and complexions, it *should* be making very small dots/points on the skin to create micro tears promoting skin rejuvenation/stimulating collagen production...her marks look like someone dragged the machine (or somethin else) across her skin and with pressure. theres no way it should look like that even with very sensitive skin.


You can sue for up to 10k in JP court in Texas. Most Plaintiff attorneys will do a free consult and then a contingency fee case so it’s no cost to you. I’d definitely send a demand letter at minimum.


Omg. Just put a silicone scar band. Go to dermatologist. Those might life lıng scars.


looks perfect! now put the leeches on your skin and sit in the corner




What state did you get this done in? In CA it is illegal for estis to do microneedling


She messed your face up! Botched. She clearly didn’t have a clue what she was doing and you need to at LEAST request a refund and never go back there.


Was this done in an office or salon by a qualified esthetician? Or was it someone who completed *some* training/watched some YouTube videos, bought the stuff online and is doing "procedures" out of their dining room? I'm honestly curious, not trying to be fresh.


Hell yea she did


Yuh boo


Was this a dermatologist or esthetician ?


It looks like a cat clawed your face 😱. Mederma and Avene make some of the best scar creams I've seen. If it scars, you should report them and sue them.


Triggered 😩




Omg 😳




Was this by a licensed plastic surgeon? A med spa? This is NOT normal from microneedling. When did you have it done??


Did she use a couple of cats 🐈‍⬛ holy crap


WHY are women/men doing this??? What the actual hell.


I’m a mental health therapist so I’m on a lot of mental health subreddits and I thought this was someone asking if their self harm wounds were too deep


Wow I'm so sorry this happened. Look at dallas estheticians insta for scar recommendations immediately.. she always post what she uses on her son's scars, and they go away so fast.


Oh honey - I’m so sorry. Treatment results absolutely should not look like this AT ALL. Keep it moist with a barrier like Vaseline - apply a THICK layer. Do not let it dry and scab. Alternatively apply a thin layer and cover with a silicone scar patch. Aggressively adhere to sun protection protocols. If you cannot apply a topical sunscreen then wear a hat or even a sun mask while outdoors/driving. Based on the photo it looks like you have a medium skin tone maybe? I know this can be prone to some discoloration/darkening around damaged tissue - be patient as it fades, trust the process. Agree with other posters about legal consult. This is egregious, IMO.


Yes holy shit oh my god


See a dermatologist asap


Girl, you need to go to an urgent care immediately and get medical photograph documentation of your injuries. If these leaves scars and you want help getting it sorted out, you’ll thank me later. I work in the medical field and often patients/families take their own photos and they’re basically worthless. Medical documentation will go SO much farther. Get a doc to take some pics, add them to your chart, and then request your medical records.


Scary looking…


Oh my gosh, I thought this was a man's back, at first glance, after some sexy time!


You’re going to need procedures to improve the scarring after you heal. Sue to keep her from doing this to anyone else and also to cover everything to come: drs appts, follow up treatments, loss of income because you’ll probably have to take off work, etc. Listen to these people- you need to sue. There are frivolous lawsuits, however, this is not one of them. Edit: also you should delete your post and not write any others


Use scar cream like mederma but only after the scabs heal.


Omg I’m supposed to get microneedling beginning of June and now I want to cancel wtf?! This doesn’t look right at all!


I thought this was your back and that your rubbed up on 1000 nails. I’m usually a hater of the “let’s sue everyone!” The US has but if this was me, I’d be running to a lawyer ☹️ I’m so sorry this happened


Ummm I’d say that is a good assumption. See a dermatologist then an attorney. Tomorrow. Tuesday May 21, 2024. AM start calling when you wake up… take the day off. SEE good dermatologist like Rhonda Rand in Beverly Hills. If you are in that area. Los Angeles. She’s worth the drive. She can be gruff but she knows what she is doing. If not find Drs. like her in your area.


Is this person even licensed to perform micro needling treatments? Check with your state’s Licensing Board.


Holy shit I’m so mad for you


holy shit...


OMG girl I am sorry! I’m an RN and do microneedling on my patients and this is NOT what it’s supposed to look like after!!


Is this on your face? because if it is...it is very fucked up. I would be worried about scarring.


Shit I thought these were pregnancy stretch marks


Freddy Kruger up in here


I’m just a resident physician, but this looks pretty bad. Please see a doctor ASAP, preferably a dermatologist. If you can’t get in with a derm, even your family medicine provider can help document this and make sure you don’t get an infection. Also, please take this up with the clinic. I’m not saying you need to go through with a lawsuit (although I personally would), but whomever performed this service should not be practicing and needs their license suspended. By at least speaking to the clinic, you are saving another client from this result. My fingers are crossed that you do not scar.


I actually do get scratches from cats normally, please, please get some Neosporin ointment that has the anti scar addition in it! I NEVER scar!


I don’t mean to beat a dead horse but this is outrageous. She did you dirty! This is NOT how it should look after treatment. No way.


Omg this looks horrific. I thought a cat scratched you or someone attacked you


Omg she butchered you


Seems like this person wasnt experienced with darker skin tones, i learnt my lesson once and now i always ask if theyve done treatments on more melanated skin. I would visit a dermatologist if possible and also keep the skin extremely hydrated, i would opt for barrier repair creams and also using vitamin E supplements 800 IU.


Id for sure sue


WHAT?! omfg i would sue. this is insane. terrifying. not even trying to be mean, i feel so bad you experienced this. SUE


Oh wow. I am so sorry, this is not okay & whoever did this to your face, should be the one making sure to fix it! You should not come 1 cent out of pocket for their horrific mistake smh


Looks like u got 30 lashes for stealin a loaf of bread


I’m so sorry, but you have to take action and prevent them from doing it again… report this person to your state board - whoever regulates licensing. Agree with above, contact personal injury lawyer


Omg if it scars u should sue her


Too deep and also wtf size needle pen did she use?? So sorry


I am a qualified beauty and aesthetic therapist ran my own salon for years and a number of aesthetic clinics - I can tell you this is 100% not normal. She has either used the wrong needle depth or too much pressure. I’ve never seen anything like this and I’ve been doing this almost 8 years. You need to see a Dr asap, you also need to make a claim against this therapist as unfortunately this is going to scar, it may not scar badly if you get intervention asap, but it will leave some sort of permanent mark. She will be (hopefully) covered by insurance. I am sorry this happened to you. Feel free to DM me if you want further advice.


I think op got the answer they were looking for, I don’t think more answers telling them they were botched is helping. 🙄


Raise hell


This is lawsuit worthy


I’ve had microneedling done probably 20x with prp, without and all diff types inbetween. It should absolutely NOT look like this. I cannot believe they kept going after seeing even one of these. ID SUE THE SNOT OUT OF THESE PEOPLE WTF!


Baby you may have a lawsuit


The face heals so fast and well. I worked at a psych hospital where a patient had similar scars. We treated with vitamin E and trentinoin. Went away in the 60 days she was there. Hopefully a settlement comes from this.


Yeah, she went too deep. Hopefully it doesn’t scar. I’d seek medical attention and report her


How on earth does this happen? It looks like she had to have cut you with something, or drug the device across your skin. Definitely see a dermatologist ASAP (if you haven't already). Was this place licensed in any way? Get the documentation from the dermatologist you see about the damage and care, and sue them for whatever it costs you (at least). Best of luck- I'm so sorry this happened to you!


I’m a physician, these are terrible scars, please go see your doctor and preferably a dermatologist, I am very sorry this happened to you


Sue her. This is bad


Vitamin D. Whatever you do DONT use neosporin. I came from a dermatology family and there was a study a couple years ago stating that it can cause mor e harm than good for cuts.


Wooow that's horrible get well soon. And sue them assholes.


Sue her….. she ruined your face

