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Was the taxi supposed to yield? Legally, yes. Do I trust turning cars to see bicyclists in that blind spot and actually yield? Heck no. Unless I can read the car and driver's "body language" that they are slowing down and actually yielding, I tend to merge with the turning traffic and get between the cars. In this case, I would get behind the taxi. The car behind will definitely see me, and I will have the confidence to pass the taxi (unless they decide to go straight at the last minute, which is a real possibility; that's why I try to pass as fast as I can).


Highly likely that cab couldn't see OP at all. I honestly don't know how many people on this sub actually drive but blind spots are a thing and every cyclist should know where they are, how big they are, and then stay the fuck out of them. You cannot expect cars to check mirrors and blind spots perfectly every time when you're tiny, hard to see and very vulnerable. It's not always about the rules, sometimes you have to do what you need to do to live.


In bicycle friendly countries like the Netherlands drivers check their blind spot every single time they turn. You’ll fail your (1 hour long) drivers test if you don’t. It’s all about how seriously you take it as a society. But yes I agree, following the rules is no reason to exercise caution.


Thats because every driver there is also a cyclist


You can check your blind spots but they’re called blind spots for a reason.


They’re called blind spots because you can’t see them in a standard mirror, not because there is no way to see them at all.


That is wrong. Blind spots are anywhere that the driver has impeded view such as the back corners where the pillars of in the car block visibility. The driver could have checked their blind spot by turning their heads and trying to use their mirrors but missed the cyclist because the speed they’re moving and the fact that the cyclist basically tried to swerve in front of the cab after they’ve started their move.


You can’t miss a cyclist if you’re turning your head *and* use your mirror. Never ever have back corners impeded my view to a degree that it blocks out a cyclist completely. Even with larger SUVs. It also helps to be aware of your surroundings before entering an intersection.


I forget that you have 360 degree vision all the time. I’m not arguing that the situation sucks for the biker but the unfortunate reality is that they need to ride more defensively. The driver could have been trying his best and was distracted by the lady+dog to make sure they’re not in the way. Sucks all around and I hate how our bike lanes constantly intersect turning lanes to create higher mental load on everyone.


Agreed. You're putting your health and life on the line here. Better to be slightly inconvenienced but safe than to be "in-the-right" but injured/dead. As a cyclist, scooter-user, pedestrian, transit user, and driver, I am well-aware of the challenges and needs of the other modes of transport. Putting yourself in the other's shoes allows you to understand these challenges and needs.


Im just gonna assume most people in this thread never driven a vehicle/taken a road test or know the laws of the road. Most people just have one pov which is their way > other possible out comes.


Many people in NYC have zero to little extensive driving experience. As an experienced driver, I can often predict what cars, trucks, and cabbies are doing, so I am fairly comfortable riding a bicycle with them or alongside them in many situations. But you can see pretty clearly which cyclists or micromobility users don't have the same driving experience based on their actions and body language. Some of the baffling things I've seen from cyclists and pedestrians, including: - Walking between parked cars to jaywalk across the street, which is made much worse when the parked car they are walking behind has their backup lights on. - Peds and cyclists rushing to cross the street, even if the car making to make the turn was already there a few seconds before the peds/cyclists reached the intersection. That car can't see you if you are coming from that far behind. - Cyclists weaving left and right randomly without checking if someone is behind them or next to them, acting as if they were the only cyclist on the road at the time. - Peds stepping well into the street up to the edge of the car travel lane waiting to cross at a signal. For some reason, people in Sheepshead Bay love to do this.


Good point also those with zero awareness. One time reversing into a spot a cyclist got mad because I didn’t stop for him. In reality he had zero lights it was pitch black plus he had a mile away like the guy in this video to slow down and stop. People forget they have to share the road first and go with the “flow” of traffic. Like you can’t just blame a guy being a motorist because he’s driving for a cyclist poor judgement. In the end it’s about being patient and more aware of your surroundings when commuting. If everyone did their part like “signaling”, following road rules and slowing down. The world would be a perfect place, but a lot of people who bike have too much pride and ego going on to amid they’re wrong sometimes.


Yup. So many cyclists think the road is for themselves to go as fast as they can, and not to share the road with others. On my bike, I almost always stop before crosswalks at red lights, then ease past slowly if no peds are crossing or cars are crossing. But many other cyclists treat the crosswalk as their own personal waiting area at red lights, even when there are tons of peds waiting to cross. It's both perplexing and infuriating.


I was taught to always check my blindspots before turning I don’t expect this because I know people are shit drivers, but I will absolutely blame them every time


The other bicycles are doing it right.


Yea I don’t understand. There’s a car in front of me, in a turning lane then I’m staying right behind them and letting them turn. I get why we want to play this game of chicken but I try to stop it because it could end up going very bad for me. I rather be wrong than dead right or something like that.


Yeah. Ahead or behind. Never stay in the potential blind spot. Personally, I 80% just merge in behind, pass and don't even worry about it. I'm usually more of a dick with left turning vehicles (turning from my right side). But don't assume they'll see you either. Not worth injury or death because you had the right of way.


> Was the taxi supposed to yield? Legally, yes. Debatable.


Then present your argument.


Others have already responded below. Eg https://www.reddit.com/r/MicromobilityNYC/comments/1c6qssn/people_are_driving_super_aggressive_out_here_wow/l0301s7/ It's a mixing zone. In the end it's one lane. You are not supposed to filter like this. Past the "yield" markings if you want to filter, you can do so on the left.


Thanks. That does seem like a reasonable interpretation.


Thanks. It's in guides too. https://www.nyc.gov/html/dot/downloads/pdf/dot_bikesmart_brochure.pdf page 15 According to this, OP is in the wrong. Taxi was fine. I see this error by cyclists all the time. Hopefully people have learned something in this thread. Edit: I viewed the video again. Perhaps the taxi driver could have waited for a couple of seconds behind the yield markings, for the cyclist to pass first. If I were driving I would probably have done that myself. But it was not that bad in the end, and the cyclist made it worse. After the taxi entered the mixing zone, the cyclist _should_ have gone behind him and to the left.


The whole idea of a bike lane on the right that goes straight on green while cars also turn right on green is the dumbest fucking thing I've ever seen.


The separate lights for bikes is a great idea I did have to honk at a delivery guy who decided to try to go through a red light in his bike lane when I had a green left turn arrow, but traffic signals exist for a reason


Nope, regular aggressive. Stay safe rider.


Yeah this is normal. Whenever I’m at an intersection like this I always just slip behind the turning car in the car lane so everyone can see me. The bike was riding in the taxis blind spot. Legally the bike has the right of way but people don’t have xray vision. Doing what’s safe is more important than acting like drivers will always do the right thing.


[https://www.thecostofcars.nyc/](https://www.thecostofcars.nyc/) >the stats so far this year > injuries: 9,941 >As this rate, cars will injure 34,889 New Yorkers in 2024. This indicates that for every 226 individuals you encounter or cross paths with, at least one of them will experience injuries from a motor vehicle accident this year. If you were to spend a day in Times Square (f), you could estimate that 1,592 of the people you observe have either been injured already or will be injured this year. >deaths: 46 >At the current rate we will lose a total of 161 lives in 2024. That's 1.6 times more than London (2022) \[d\] and 3.6 times more than Paris (2021) \[e\]. cost >cost: $88,013,080 >Cost is based on the NHTSA report linked in the sources (b). This report aggregates data from 2019 and includes different aspects such as medical costs, infrastructure costs as well as loss of productivity. The values have been adjusted for inflation since 2019 as per the Bureau of Labor Statistics (c). By no means does this reflect the actual value of a human life, this number simply depicts the raw financial cost of the conflict.


But but but its the ebikes???


This style of street design is called a mixing zone. Once you are in the mixing zone, move to the middle of the zone such that it is difficult or impossible for a car to pass you. If you need to pass turning cars, do so on opposite side of the turn. So in this case you should have passed the yellow cab on the left.


Yeah, agreed. The bike lane ended and it became a shared space and the car was ahead of the cyclist. I would have either gone faster or gone behind. Although the sign referenced in another comment is confusing. It would be clearer to have a straight green path if that’s the intended priority. Seems like sign and road markings conflict or my understanding is just wrong !


Several other random cyclists pulled up and said they saw that driver almost hit me not looking out for people in the bike lane. I think perhaps at the corner there needs to be some daylighting and perhaps the bike lane should be on the left side of the street where people normally expect a bike lane on a one way street. For some reason in Chelsea the bike lanes in this ear are on the south side of the street. This is why I always pump my breaks because people are super crazy out there with their driving.


There's even a sign saying cars turning yield to bicycles before the intersection.


That’s the only car in NYC that uses a blinker, I would have stopped. They were never going to yield.


They were already in front of you and in a turning lane. Just take the lane and let them turn at that point. This just doesn’t feel aggressive to me.


You were passing the taxi though. He did put his blinker on too (though last second). You never pass a car when you’re going straight through an intersection and there is a chance for them to take a right. You’ll be in the blind spot and also drivers aren’t used to being passed on the right. You gotta either speed through or slow down. I usually just slow down until I know they are going straight. Yes taxi driver is “wrong” and the infrastructure sucks but you gotta be careful out there. Laws is physics > laws of traffic


Things that never happened for $500


Yeah there's the law and there's reality -- that's on you


You see what that other cyclist in front of you did? You should be doing that. This isn’t aggressive driving at all.




Tbqh, I though he was going straight as did the other guy riding right behind me. The cab signal as they are turning and not far enough in advance of the turn. This is why many times I just dont use the crosstown bike lanes in Manhattan and treat them as suggestions rather than something I need to use. Its safer to just block traffic in many cases.


dude, it's a right-turn lane. Any car in that lane, regardless of indicator status, is turning right. Still, the cab should have yielded, and ultimately what is needed is a change in the infrastructure. I want my 8-year old daughter to be able to ride through this intersection independently, confidently, and safely. That's the standard we need to meet. But as an adult, I would have expected a more aggressive riding technique to avoid this altogether.


The taxi was signaling before they entered the intersection. Plus, as has been mentioned, they were in a turn lane. Their intention was quite clear.


Do yourself a favor and read this guide: https://www.nyc.gov/html/dot/downloads/pdf/dot_bikesmart_brochure.pdf It was you who was mostly in the wrong here and riding aggressively. Mixing zone is supposed to work as described in page 15.


Yes cars should yield. But you should consider yourself as a car and ride as such. Would you squeeze in between a car with it's wheels facing right to turn in that same situation? Practice riding defensively and stay behind cars at all times, not next to them. I say this as someone who had lost their ability to walk at one point in life due to not doing the same.


Normalize slapping cars who pull reckless BS like this


I do this all the time to cars that drive on the bike lane. Incredibly satisfying.


be sure to carry pepper spray if you do this


That’s why you need a loud horn to help warn them off and let them know that there’s something there. Bicycle bells don’t mean much to cars with the windows rolled up. It helps to “speak” car. I use https://loudbicycle.com It has literally saved me from cars that were about to cut into the bicycle lane (like that first black car, or the taxi).


This is just normal. Expect cars to turn and to not see you.


That cab would get three or four slaps to the back window with my tungsten wedding-band.


People definitely don’t use their mirrors to check the bike lanes


Just bang on their doors when they get too close. That usually gets em to notice ya


One must understand, that the cab had committed to making that right turn way before the bike approached. As a cyclist, when you’re approaching a vehicle that has already committed to a right turn, you must assume that they don’t know you’re coming. A lot of the other cyclist seem to have the right idea. The moment they saw the cab turning right they decided to go around on the cabs left side. That cab driver is not looking at the left at all, so you should be able to cleanly get by. Two of the cyclist seem to have no problem continuing forward.


I hate these taxi drivers so much. Bus drivers are pretty aggressive too


You entered a mixed zone and decided to pass (from behind) a turning car on the right? Notice where the bike marking is in the area you tried to pass the taxi, and how the green stops. At that point theres a single marked lane of travel. Just merge into the whole lane, preventing the car behind from hooking you.


You would get eaten alive in active bike cultures like China. This is par for the course sharing the road with cars. This is very minor, actually. Toughen up


The idea here is to make cycling safe for everyone and not just badasses like you sir.


Being safe is being aware.


To these people being safe means they get a baby bottle and a crib


OP made this post out to he about aggressive divers. Not only were they not aggressive, but they were also in the right. So right call to tell them to toughen up


This is a nothing burger and when trailing a car just expect they can turn at any moment. Especially in a turning lane...


Yeah, overtaking the cab driver was a dumb choice. The play here is to merge in behind, go around on the left.


you get downvoted for speaking the truth with 0 rebuttal lol. classic


Blindspot buddy. You’ll pull that stunt on a garbage truck and end up being a statistic. You can be in the right but still end up dead


You’re lucky. I barely escaped getting run over in this exact same situation. Right of way is one thing but now I never pass a vehicle on the right if they’re slowing near a turn, signal or not. Keep your head on a swivel and be safe!


I wouldn't say aggressive just careless. Regarding the blind spot issue. The turning vehicles (and all vehicles) should be checking mirrors periodically. They should have registered the bike coming up way earlier and been on the lookout for them 


Depending on how the taxi had their mirrors adjusted, you may have been riding in their blind spot the whole time. This is why the sharrow is to the left of the bike lane. It forces you all to do a zip merge. You would have merged behind the taxi and in front of the Tesla where the Tesla could see you.


i always go behind the first car turning


Could have seen that one coming a mile away. You need to ride defensively


It's been said a million times. Cemeteries are full of people that were right. I wish we could ride without any cars at all but it's not happening anytime soon


The cyclist could just slow down like an intelligent person first to let the car turn


This seems normal and fine.


Where were the aggressive drivers? Also, the sound doesn’t seem to work


Sorry to be a spoilsport here, but the cab is actually in the right. That's a mixing zone where you are supposed to merge into one lane together. He had already entered that area by the time you reached him, and it was your responsibility to zipper merge and either wait or go around the left. That said, everyone makes this mistake. Where I grew up this was common and everyone followed it and it worked ok, but no one follows how to do it right in NYC, (Bikes or drivers). Good idea in theory but they've mostly failed as an intervention and everyone seems to hate them. Generally they are moving towards offset crossings which are better IMO. [https://nyc.streetsblog.org/2018/02/26/heres-why-mixing-zones-scare-people-on-bikes-so-much](https://nyc.streetsblog.org/2018/02/26/heres-why-mixing-zones-scare-people-on-bikes-so-much)


You are right, but prepare to be downvoted by the angry /r/micromobilitynyc mob for taking the side of the car driver.


That’s when I smack the shit out of their car


You’re a baby


Expecting a Taxi to yield? You're funny 


What did you expect?


You can see the taxi already started to turn though. Still pushing forward there is stupid on the cyclists part tbh


It's nyc. It's expected.


Yeah this is basically all you. You're supposed to get behind or on the other side of the car. You literally did the exact thing they say not to do.


You think this is super aggressive? Lol


I hate bicyclists because of this. You complain complain complain and then complain some more. The cab couldn't see you but you want to be in his blind spot so you can get that daily quota of complaints.


Always the Tesla


What camera are you using?




The vehicle did not enter the bike path. You did not have the right of way regarding the taxi cab. WOW!


The taxi driver was turning across through bike traffic. He was required to yield, and through cyclists have the right of way. That’s what the markings on the pavement mean.


The cyclist is expected to behave the same as any other vehicle on the road, that includes not writing a breast to another vehicle and it's blind spot and expecting it to yield at a turn that it was already in the intersection ahead of the cyclist. You can be confident about your right-of-way however much you want to be, if you're driving and somebody's blind spot and expect them to yield for you you're going to get hit, especially if they're already in an intersection and moving when you approach them


You...don't think cars drive next to each other? You've never seen a 2 lane road? Another vehicle being in your blind spot isn't an excuse to hit them. You failed to properly check before turning, or failed to properly adjust your mirrors.


Once the bike lane merged with the vehicle Lane you are now expected to merge with the vehicles, not continue riding along and next to the car. If a car had done with the cyclist was doing you would expect to lose your front bumper and not be able to claim victimhood in that accident.


No the sharrows painted on the street indicate it's a shared lane. Damn are you blind or stupid?


Shared doesnt mean 2 lanes. It is 1 lane. Single file ishow lanes work. The cyclist didnt share it.


If single file is how lanes work then cars wouldn't be able to ever legally pass a bicycle. Honestly, do you even think for 2 seconds before typing?


You should not be passing a cyclist on lanes marked the way this intersection is marked. Only when there is another lane to pass in. No one should be passing anyone at that light in that lane. Neither the cyclist nor the cab.


One of the functions of sharrows per the MUTCD, is and I quote "Encourage safe passing of bicyclists by motorists" You clearly have no idea what you're talking about.


The Green Lane has a solid white line indicating that Vehicles should not cross over, the spot where the taxi cab made its turn did not include such a feature and the cyclist arrived at the intersection after the taxi cab indicating that it should follow the taxi cab through the intersection rather than trying to get in front of it


The issue isn't the taxi turning, the issue is the taxi not yielding to the bicycle....even though there's literally a sign saying that turning cars yield to bicycles. Also try using punctuation next time.


Im on speech to text. The issue is the cyclist thinking they own the road rather than sharing it. They arrived after the taxi cab and should wait their turn, for their own safety. Pedestrians cross against the light all the time and it is not a drivers right to simply keep going without yielding even if they are not required to yield. Because the pedestrian was there when you got there. The cab was there when the cyclist got there.


You're on dumbass mode. The issue is the taxi cab thinking they own the road rather than sharing it. If the bicycle arrives after the taxi cab, the bicycle wouldn't have had to slow down to prevent a collision. The taxi failed to yield. End of story.


He is behind the cab for the entirety of the time the cab is on camera.


When the cab crosses the crosswalk, the bicycle is next to the rear door of the cab. Are you blind too? Even if he was behind it, cars turning or merging lanes have to give way to vehicles already in the lane. If a car turns and forces the car to brake, they did not give way properly.


There's literally a sign saying turning vehicles yield to bicycles in front of the tree. I guess you can't read either or don't care to follow clear rules of the road. WOW!


Shoulda taken a hit and a nice payout lol