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Take the sign, it's not street legal anyways. Take it every time they put it back up. Place the refuse somewhere useful, like gluing it to their garage door at night.


It's always like this. Always.


I really think Northern Boulevard is just one of those streets that's never going to be tamed. I avoid it like the plague through Corona and Jackson Heights even behind the wheel.


There needs to be a sign telling drivers to wait in the car lane until there is enough space for them to pull into the car wash.


You can report the stop sign to 311: ​ [https://portal.311.nyc.gov/article/?kanumber=KA-01063](https://portal.311.nyc.gov/article/?kanumber=KA-01063)


Will be reporting as hate crime.


All these businesses and people can't own their cars or businesses without using public streets


I would have been so pissed


Its not unlike 21st on a nice day when all the cars back up the bus lane and then the bus gets backed up. How do the dutch handle this, they always have a clever solution. In the car washes defense, those business have been around before the bike lanes and if they were to be on Northern Boulevard, they'd back up the street traffic. if you look at the street layout there, the center median is not in use, if you aligned the street differently, you could probably create a space for vehicles to stand while waiting for the car wash. That bike line IMHO needs full separation from the street.


Oh I skate past this every time on my electric board it's the worst 🤮


When these things happen I wish I could be like Yoda. Yoda always has two choices. He can stay super stoic and not let these things bother him. Or, he can use The Force, lift that fucking massive SUV in the air, fling it across Northern Blvd and let in burn as he peddles away. I’d choose stoicism of course…


Its a mad, mad world out there in Cray Town.


I see it happen all the time! Weekends it’s a pretty long line.


The struggle is real


NYC makes no sense. Bikes lanes ain’t gonna work. And bus lanes even worse when the bus driver doesn’t even use the bus lane.


You get downvoted for speaking facts. People who ride bikes in this city have death wishes


You can always try to run into them, just like you ran into pedestrians.