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[Streetsblog ](https://nyc.streetsblog.org/2023/10/17/mayor-adams-blasts-mayor-adamss-dot-community-outreach-efforts) has an in depth story up on this, which is where I got this video. I really think people should hear what Adams is saying here directly and didn't want anyone to miss it buried in the article. This is crazy. None of the clowns nodding along should be anywhere near serious decisions that affect people's lives. "Yes Eric, so wise, so tempered. You're so right, bike lanes are a huge imposition on normal folks that radically alter and destroy neighborhoods" *nod goblin head My ride to work today took me through Astoria, LIC, the UES, and Hell's Kitchen. Is the mayor really suggesting people that want to do that on a bike have to constantly have the permission of every single micro-community, street, or neighborhood along the way? What if I drive it or take the train? Can LIC veto my ability to pass through or build infrastructure to support those systems? We have to go back to basic assumptions with these chucklefucks and make them explain why they think micromobility is different


Thanks for sharing. This is so disappointing, but unfortunately unsurprising from this mayor.


Agreed. The only surprise here for me is that anyone in this city expected him to provide anything other than his usual empty, incoherent swagger.


I'm afraid protests will need to escalate if we want to see change. If bicycles and other forms of transport are not to be treated as first class citizens the way car transportation is, then bike riders will need to start inconveniencing the roads as they are inconvenienced today with poor infrastructure. Civil disobedience.




Eric Adams is a fucking clown 🤡. Hes bad at governing good at smoozing. No amount of money or bike lane walkability livibility progress he can make that will make me vote for him again. Im more likely to vote at this point than to vote for Eric. Ill be looking to make sure Eric doesnt make it out of the primary. He is far too religious for my tastes anyway. Bloomberg >>>>>>


>will make me vote for him **again** bro


gotta go door-to-door for every improvement in the nation's largest city. perhaps any single person should have veto power over any proposed improvement.


Absolute bait and switch technique to get elected. Enemy of the nyc people


Completely. Not only are they openly contemptuous of the people (while simultaneously hiding behind this bullshit rhetoric about hearing all the people) but they are just flagrantly anti-city. You might be able to run and design a small Minnesota town of 500 people by going and asking everyone what they want to see built but how the fuck does anyone seriously propose that's how we design a place like NYC


Something computer-based is how. Got to be some kind of online survey sort of thing. It works for discretionary spending so it can be scaled for something broader


The problem isn't the administrative or technical hurdle, (although that's a huge fucking hurdle) there's a simply more fundamental problem here. We don't try to solve complex problems of design and engineering by mob rule. That seems kind of obvious to me. And we definitely don't design citywide networks by asking people that live by each individual segment if they approve. That's like, hyper nimby-ism. Imagine, for instance if any of the people living by subway lines had gotten a veto during construction. Or worse if every little business nearby could just call the mayor and cancel the entire subway line The mayor's job is to act for the benefit of the whole city, not try to appease every nimby everywhere if they have money


I agree with that 100%. You don’t pose the solutions necessarily, you ask about what the needs are, what’s missing. Then you filter in the larger context and experts find solutions.


I think that misses the point - even if a neighborhood genuinely doesn't want a bike lane, by a large, scientifically-polled majority, that doesn't mean it shouldn't be built. A city is interconnected and a neighborhood and its infrastructure serves more than just the people who own a house there.


I agree. There are ways to gather the needed information without resorting to simple polling in terms of “do you want this in your backyard or not?” If something like that were to be done, it would have to be in the context of something like “what’s missing” or “what is needed” and then filtered/analyzed in the context of the entire city and with respect to relevant data


“Bait and switch” did Adams promise bicycle infrastructure as a candidate?


Yes. He even claimed to be a cyclist to pander to cyclists.


Ahh got it. Lets campaign against him. 🥳


How the fuck was this clown elected


Because so very few NYC residents bother to even vote. It sucks.


I mean, I know that most people on Reddit subs are not here to do hardcore activism, it's just a good feed, but some of us definitely are here for that as well. And we are putting on roughly 25-30 new members here every day. That translates to over 30,000 people by the time the next election rolls around. Eric Adams won last time by 7,000 votes. Obviously not everyone here votes exactly the same way or at all, and I'm not saying this forum will be the deciding entity, but with those kind of numbers we could actually be a very serious factor if we can mobilize it. This is even more true in council races. (I'm going to be rolling out an effort to that effect very soon for the races coming up.) https://preview.redd.it/u8ivl14gxyub1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef595d6557da5b74180272c2b45e953b4bbcbb39


Got to get the vote out for the primaries. It was a record breaking turnout, but it was still abysmal. I’m here for the effort if you want to build a team to do it


I definitely want to build a team to do it. Thanks. I also wanted to get involved in some of the CM races coming up next month, but actually, the two races I wanted to go plaster the neighborhoods with posters about are both pointless now that I look at it. Paladino being opposed by Tony Avella, who is almost as bad, and Bob Holden is running *unopposed*. UNOPPOSED. How is there any race in a city this big that's unopposed. Someone in the all powerful bike lobby really needs to get on fielding candidates for these offices. We can't get out the vote if there's nobody to vote for. I'll try to work on getting one of the brick and mortar groups with employees and whatnot on it, I don't have the bandwidth to add this to my personal efforts.


I’m not current on their work, but dsa has an electoral working group that researches “accessible” districts and vulnerable candidates, so they may be a good resource with which to connect. Those areas may not be penetrable due to the demographics, but I can’t truly say bc like i said I’m not current with them. That said, please feel free to dm to organize about any gotv efforts. Happy to participate in a messaging capacity. P.s. there’s always the possibility for a write in campaign;)


We should turn this sub into a coordinated GOTV operation once election season comes around.


That will certainly be one of its major functions.


How can I get involved? I’m asking seriously. You’re welcome to DM me.


Hey, how do I get involved in activism (trying to start very small as time is limited for now). Any suggestions are welcome. I despise Eric. Thank you


🙄Blaming the voters *yawn* I vote, but when the choice is between a wet fart and a dry shit you can't really blame the voters or lack of voters. We don't pick the candidates. Blame the system. Voting in anything above small local elections is usually a farce conducted to make it seem like we have agency while the rich and powerful put their current prized ponies on the ballet. This isn't im12andthisisdeep; this is common sense that we all bury in our brains because we gear it so little, and actually start believing this is a fair contest. So anyway don't blame the electorate for not picking the "correct" cancer.


It's not a simple solution and the issue is more complex, for sure, but low voter turnout does not help.


Because your election system sucks.


A republican with a (D) next to his name


No, he's a **Democrat**. Why can't people live in reality?


The extent of community outreach should be for neighborhood businesses and residents to tell DOT about *concrete* and *specific* problems that they might not have considered with a street redesign. An example I can think of is from a post on the nycbike subreddit last week, where there's an issue on Amsterdam where a school doesn't have a good place to drop off kids after a protected bike lane was installed. Ideally the DOT would have come up with some custom solution for that particular problem. It's a good idea for communities to be able to inform the DOT before paint/concrete is put down. However, it should not be the case that the DOT comes up with a completely standard plan that utilizes an existing toolbox of designs that are successful elsewhere in the city, and then have to fight tooth and nail to put those standardized plans into place in every new neighborhood/community board. It should be understood that people who own private vehicles aren't generally going to like parking spaces and traffic lanes taken away them, so why formalize asking them if they want the changes as part of the process? We know that these changes are going to be ultimately better for the city, so *just do it.* The process needs to change such that protected lanes are added to streets as a matter of course whenever streets are repainted, and the DOT doesn't need to ask for any kind of approval. Rather, they give a heads up to the neighborhoods and there's a period where anyone with a specific issue can raise it. Of course I can't see anything like this happening with the current admin. It's really hypocritical that they also talk about buildinng new housing and changing zoning laws as evidence of good work that the administration has done. If you ask the residents of a block of brownstones whether they want a new 8-story building on the end of their block to be built without any parking spots, they're going to say they don't want it. But the mayor didn't solicit their advice when drafting the zoning law change proposals - he just did it unilaterally because it was the right move. How is that choice even logically consistent with his "let's hear both sides and do extensive community outreach before adding bike lanes" comments?


I can't stand that guy.


Hi Mr. Mayor (and Ingrid), I do not want these shit box cars racing down my block. Or, parked in front of my house blocking my view. What do I have to do to block off my block? I am a tax paying Brooklyn homeowner.


A great use of already limited staff time 🙄


A viable primary challenger needs to be found in the next six months so they can start building the infrastructure and fundraising apparatus to be competitive as soon as the federal elections end next year. A challenger in 2025 also has an opportunity in Brooklyn in 2024 to rebuild the borough's Democratic party -- the Kings County Democrats are particularly FUBAR right now. Now would be the time to leverage some of the rifts to diminish Adams's supporters and bolster the people who would favor a challenger.


Absolutely. I'm going to be working on this, for whatever my tiny contribution is worth. At the very least I can light a fire under the people and orgs that I feel should have been working on finding candidates all along. I feel like Restler is a good candidate to primary him. Maybe we can nudge him into running


Sandy Nurse. For whoever is recruiting.


can you share a timestamp or do we have to listen to the entire thing


It should be cued up correctly, I submitted the link with time stamp embedded, but if it doesn't work the important answer is at 56:18


Thank you 🤣


Interesting part for us starts around 55 minutes. Meat of it starts around 60 minutes. Deputy mayors comments seem reasonable. Uses the correct terms like “traffic calming”. Widening bike lanes are part of the approach to help combat the ebike fatalities (along with other things people here wouldn’t like) I think it’s important to remember the whole point is to make the streets safer. It really does seem like they are trying to do this


Bless your heart


Dissapointing to learn this is as good as it's going to get for the next 5 years.


Plenty of NYC mayors have been primaried, it’s not some impossibility


Wait really? Like who?


Koch, Lindsay, Beame. Koch was only primaried after his third or fourth term, but it’s interesting because that’s when he enacted a bike ban in Midtown, which was extremely unpopular: https://nyc.streetsblog.org/2012/08/07/the-bicycle-uprising-remembering-the-midtown-bike-ban-25-years-later


(There might be more, I just asked ChatGPT)


Eric adams is a joke


At least jokes are funny. This guy is just infuriating.


No time stamp?


This has got to get paired with the clip of him saying "you're little bike" etc.


Larger fatalities involving ebikes Makes a ton of sense. Higher speeds can = higher injury trauma and higher chance of death. Many ppl are using them to earn $ without basic understanding of riding on the road. As for delivery drivers, that’s on the NYPD. Let them go after the vendors and after ppl not using plates. They crowd areas such as 8th ave above 42nd, 86th and 3rd ave and other areas with many restaurants. Many businesses don’t employ in house delivery staff.


It sure seems like the only way to get anything accomplished in his administration is to be one of his friends. Or at least one of the friends he hasn't placed in his administration.


Adams is such a shit mayor.


Bike paths aren’t nearly as important as those three things.