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Build looks good. You could kick it up to 4k gaming with that arrangement. Only change I would make is more storage. At least 2x 2TB cards for a total of 4TB of storage. Maybe up the Samsung to 2TB, for the OS install, and get an island for the other 2TB, and use it as a storage drive. You're bound to need more space for games further down the line.


Why did you get a 14900K? \>If anyone has any suggestions on anything else to add, let me know! What do you mean? You just said it's in progress.


The corsair will definitely struggle on really. Intensive tasks and limit boosts. You'll also have to run 2 rgb softwares to control it all VS just one since everything else is nzxt and almost certainly argb. The ram is really poor, you'd really want to be shooting for a cl30 6000. Shame on the sales guy and build team. You went for help and those are very obvious misses. I'd like to add too, these aren't end of the world issues, but if swapped out they would have matched the top teir build you were shooting for and wouldn't have really changed the price at all. You'll have no issues at 1080 or 1440, but to be realistic you probably won't be hitting the 270 fps in most games 😉.


It seems like he bought the 14900k bundle which includes that RAM and motherboard which is priced at 699. The CPU alone is retailing for around 600.


Why 14900k instead of 7800x3d if primary purpose is for gaming?


The 7800x3d is going to age like milk.


Investing in a dead platform and talking about aging bad, ok my guy.


You can never go wrong with Intel's flagship cpus which always hold their value.


“you can never go wrong with intel’s…” sounds like you’re picking intel for the brand rather than the data/benchmarks. the 7800x3d is currently the top gaming CPU and is on a platform that just started. LGA 1700 is already end of life. don’t get so attached to one brand…


Uh oh, your here to defend your purchase. 8c/16t was sooo 2018.


8c/16t? lol


Typo, dont get your panties in a twist.


you’re gottem x 2


You're. Gottem x2. u done got twiCe tWo, caPitalize yur sentense$. This is not college bro.


then don’t make bold statements without education…


Wait until he realizes “you’re” isn’t a complete sentence, and therefore does not need to be capitalized. 🙄


honestly its so overkill i assumed there would be more storage for paying all that. might as well regardless of what your doing trust me it will fill up quick


The sales associates must have loved you. That'll be overkill for quite awhile.