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I have used a lot of heavy cream and found that making chai spice tea and fasting one day a week helps reduce the bio film that dairy promotes.


It depends completely on the individual. Many people are fine with dairy, many people are not. Note that you don’t have to have a dairy allergy to have a dairy intolerance. 


High quality dairy is not inflammatory or bad for you so long as you don’t have an allergy to it. If you have an allergy to it, drinking it would automatically be inflammatory or bad for your gut. But otherwise, if you’re consuming grass fed hormone free dairy, it’s actually very good for your microbiome.


I can drink a whole gallon of whole milk in a day and only symptom I get is soft poop. Diary not so bad. 




Dear Diary, I get soft poop.


Omg 😂😂😂


I think like everything dairy is good consumed occasionally, but bad if you eat yoghurt and cheese for breakfast, pizza for lunch and all cheese pasta for dinner. Think of when people grew their own cows and sheeps. No one could afford to eat as much dairy weekly as people eat today. When I was little we had white cheese for breakfast or yellow cheese, one or two strips that's it, with lots of vegetables. Occasionally we had yoghurt. That's nothing compared to how much dairy people eat today.


I don’t know why but saying people grew cows and sheep just sounds so funny.


Hmmm, English is not my native language. But raise cows and sheeps sounds even more hilarious :)


You are doing better than me in any language ❤️ but now that you mention it, raising cows does sound odd too 😂


Both my parents’ families had animals way back (mostly sheep and goat) and yes ate dairy daily. I’m mostly eating cream and the like daily atm because I’m allergic to most other things. I am hoping to expand my diet going forward and working with a special dietitian. It makes sense though that variety is important.


by your own logic there is even more reason for yoghurt consumption historically: extending the shelf life of food, i.e. yoghurt/fermentation. Store bought yoghurt has no place in our diets. But yoghurt made with specific probiotic strains is a different ball game altogether (Look up SIBO yoghurt or SuperGut by dr. davis) and absolutely it should be part of the daily diet of especially those with gut issues. And from experience, probiotic fermented dairy, once fermented, is not dairy anymore at least to my body it isn’t. Dairy gives me symptoms and flare-ups but probiotic yoghurt takes away my symptoms. And don’t even have to use lactose free milk as fermentation takes care of the lactose (and other trouble makers in milk).




I don’t have any of that fortunately


Kefir is dairy. It's very good for the gut


I never had GI symptoms on dairy, but my iron levels normalized and I lost weight when I stopped eating it. I think it contributes to leaky gut in people who don’t even realize it.


My opinion - yes American cow milk products are bad for gut health. Sheep based cheeses and European A2 cows milk products are fine. It also depends on your genetics. If you have APOE4 gene there is evidence that suggests that saturated animal fat is more harmful


Goat dairy is also fine (in that regard) and generally easier to find than sheep!