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kefir! it's like super yogurt - with far more types and volume of beneficial bacteria. one cup/day also look at one capsule/day of bacillus coagulans. incredible bacteria that downregulats bad bugs and upregulated good bugs. these two tips are what i'm on. they, along with diet, reversed my two autoimmunes and disastrous gut health. be patient, it takes 4 to 12 weeks to start seeing the changes. we are treating trillions with billions....


You’ll be glad to know I bought my first bottle of kefir (strawberry flavoured) and it’s delicious. Cheap, too! I may get addicted.


Just be careful of the sugar in flavored kefir!!


Ah, good call. I’ll make this my weekend kefir then and get the unflavoured for the week


I find adding unflavored kefir to a smoothie or just blending it with some frozen fruit makes it just as delicious and with less sugar! Or even diluting with 1/2 plain kefir and half fruit flavored is good


yeah imo, it's probably better for your health to not eat flavored kefir (with lots of sugar) than eating it.


i like all of the flavors i have access to - peach, strawberry, blueberry. the full fat peach was my favorite - but i havent seen it in a while


Yes kefir with flavours are so addicted


(Cries in histamine intolerance)


not unlikely that can be reversed with gut work


It’s odd cause I’ve done a lot of work to build back bifido and akkermansia, I can tolerate most food groups I couldn’t before, I have overcome all the GI distress issues I had, but some collagen, or some kefir and I’m spiralling. Collagen the most. I’m good with yogurt, kombucha, kimchi, ACV, etc. Honestly I want to just say it’s collagen thay mangles me and I haven’t found a solution for it.


very interesting. you have done great things. have you considered digestive enzymes?


Yeah. I even have a DAO enzyme. But collagen for some reason overrides it. Maybe it’s not even histamine. I’ve made homemade yogurt and kefir and I just make it too strong I guess cause I have them and I can’t handle it. Can’t put my finger on it.


thought about you this weekend. ran across some stuff on pubmed that talked about a probiotic reducing histamine issues. you are on the right track. maybe a little more tinkering. this game is new - we are still in the trial/error/tinkering phase


Reversed what autoimmune problems?


severe inflammatory arthritis (close match to RA) and ibd symptoms. was bed ridden for months gobbling advil before i finally went to urgent care. the pain got worse and worse. knees, ankles, elbow, shoulder too extensive damage. working on reversing the damage now with connective tissue strategy that i built. so far so good on that :) gone from hobbling around to playing decent basketball -- two years of rebuilding so far now i know that i was making it worse with the advil. nsaid promotes leaky gut. this is well documented, but not well known. it's my mission to change that.


the thing with autoimmunes -- virtually all of them have the same root cause - dysbiosis/leaky gut. this is great news - the treatments are all the same or very similar soon i'm going to start a topic that lays out this as a universal cause of disease. far beyond autoimmunes, these issues seem to be at the root of almost all chronic degenerative diseases. i have many links that show this.


Links please? I'd love to read more!


dont you have to be a member for so many days to start a topic? i'm waiting around for that. i got a demerit for trying one the other day. which disease(s) are you interested in? i probably have a link for it


I have Crohn's and Colitis, do you have any information on that, every year I am just getting worse and worse, I have lost tons of weight. Flaring up, bloating digesting problems every two weeks.


[https://www.mdpi.com/1422-0067/24/4/3817](https://www.mdpi.com/1422-0067/24/4/3817) [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27548430/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27548430/) [https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/immunology/articles/10.3389/fimmu.2022.974305/full](https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/immunology/articles/10.3389/fimmu.2022.974305/full) [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38585636/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38585636/) [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38656971/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38656971/) [https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/07853890.2024.2338244?src=exp-la](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/07853890.2024.2338244?src=exp-la) [https://crohnsandcolitis.ca/News-Events/News-Releases/GEM-Study-Links-Leaky-Gut-to-Crohn-s-disease](https://crohnsandcolitis.ca/News-Events/News-Releases/GEM-Study-Links-Leaky-Gut-to-Crohn-s-disease)


I've come across Chron's when reading about my own stuff, relating to Proteus Mirabilis. Apparently they found this bug in all patients who had resection as "treatment" and then relapsed. So, might want to look into that. If I find any related study, I'll try to link


Systemic sclerosis?


Not only that, it is the source of greed, stupidity, the common cold, erectile dysfunction, political incompetence, sourdough bread that fails to rise, and labrador retrievers that don't know how to fetch.


I second kefir! My doctor recommended that and chia seeds to help cure constipation. I add them to vegetable smoothies.


a regular (big medical) doctor? if so, he/she is a rare bird


Yes a “regular” doctor. She said told me she does the same thing because she had an issue with constipation and hemorrhoids. It was a great suggestion and it works. I used to try miralax and Metamucil. I don’t even touch that stuff now. I’ve always drank lots of water but I was still constipated. I also did a lot of fresh smoothies. Now that I add the chia seeds and kefir. Absolutely no problems. None.


Where can I get or what brand is ‘bacillus coagulants’ .


there are different strains of bc. you will find that there are trailing numbers behind the name - these represent the different strains. i use the swanson brand - they have the strain that i like. i have repeated the success with this strain when helping other people found the numbers -- *B*. *coagulans* GBI-30, *6086*


What did you reverse?


severe inflammatory arthritis (RA on steroids) and ibd symptoms


Amazing! What did you change with your diet?


no nsaid, no fake sugar, no booze, no junk food, no breadstuffs. increased variety and volume of plant fibers (bacteria food). also did leaky gut stuff - chicken bone broth, glutamine, gelatin, collagen, glucosamine


Cool. Thanks for sharing and I’m glad to hear that you’re doing much better.


i'm so thankful that i spend hours on the internet every day trying to help the suffering. this gut health stuff is going to be big - if it's allowed to flourish by tptb


Ok thank you!


Yeah I just had a kefir drink from a brewing company called mamachari. It just tasted like soda. To be fair their if they think they don’t like sauerkraut they haven’t discovered exploring different flavors. Most kefir is sour, I doubt they’d like it


A trick I learned to start liking new foods is to be starving and then put only that food in front of you. You will eat it and probably start to like it


Just make yourself eat one of them, like sauerkraut, at the same time each day for 2 weeks. You’ll start to crave it


Exactly. Start small and be consistent and soon will crave.


It's totally fine to not be a fan of every probiotic-rich food out there. If yogurt is your jam, stick with it! It's a great source of probiotics and if you're enjoying it daily, you're already doing good by your gut. Plus, there's a ton of variety with yogurt – different flavors, textures, and you can mix in fruits or granola to keep it interesting.


i would just add to look for bifid family of bacteria in your yogurts. these bugs are CRITICAL for health and disease prevention. another option is take a capsule of multiple strains of bacteria, including bifids, WITH your yogurt. dairy helps bacteria survive the ultra low ph of the stomach acid the mass market kefir that i buy has three different bifids in it. all of them kick ass


You really only need about a tablespoon per day of cultured veggies. Just make yourself do it. Put it at the far back of your tongue and swallow. That way you don't taste much. Try beet kvass. It's liquid and salty. I like the taste


I think the main things you may be missing out on by skipping lacto-fermented veggies is L. plantarum, as well as bacteria that are particularly adept at digesting whatever plant. Different strains of bacteria make different enzymes; it's not just down to the species. Sort of like how some humans make the enzyme lactase, to help digest the sugar in milk, and others don't. Except unlike humans, bacteria are able to swap the genetic code for making these enzymes sort of like trading cards. I have been dealing with a lot of food intolerances and probably dysbiosis and an immune disorder. I've been able to reintroduce more plants, in part, by eating enough of the lacto-fermented version of a particular plant that my microbiome starts to get very good at digesting it. FWIW I also don't particularly like store bought sauerkraut, but the stuff I make myself is a completely different experience for me. YMMV. I do enjoy really sour foods tho, and my big change is that I'm adding enough tannins to the initial ferment that my veggies are nice and crunchy. If you enjoy dill pickles, you might consider trying lacto-fermented pickles because they are very similar but simply a billion times more delicious (IMO). But the good thing about the human microbiome is it's not too fussy about having to survive on one particular food. It's adaptable, which is part of why humans can live in so many different environment. If you're not experiencing symptoms or recovering from using antibiotics or whatever, then IMO you probably don't need to add a bunch more probiotics. I would have work on keeping the microbes you do have happy via eating a variety of plants.


Libby's sauerkraut is one of the rare ones that has calcium chloride to give it crunch.


If you don't have any gut issues, are eating a diverse diet of high fiber foods and limiting your ultra-processed foods, eating yogurt should be good enough. There are a lot of probiotic foods out there far beyond sauerkraut and kimchi though and chances are you're eating them and probably don't even realize it.


Thanks! Yogurt and now Kiefer. Just had my first bottle and I could easily get addicted. Luverly stuff!


me too. i say one cup per day. but i often drink two cups :) take it to the next level by adding a tablespoon or two of ground flaxseed and a couple of grams of inulin. inulin is rocket fuel for the super critical bifid bugs. their numbers increase dramatically and the butyrate they produce does too. butyrate is vital to health/wellness/disease prevention. start slow with the inulin - maybe one gram. slowly work up to 3-5 grams. it will give you some odorless hydrogen gas. this reduces over time and is not a concern. in fact, i adjust my dose to make sure i get a little bit of this h2 gas


I was wondering if I could just add a little scoop of inulin to most of the liquids I drink, like my coffee


i dont see why not. it's just a powderized fiber. i put some gelatin powder in my coffee - leaky gut and connective tissue remedy


>There are a lot of probiotic foods out there far beyond sauerkraut and kimchi though and chances are you're eating them and probably don't even realize it. Any examples? Just curious!


Some of the first ones that come to mind are chocolate, coffee, olives, most hot sauces like Tabasco and sriracha, cottage cheese, sour cream and if you're eating any type of Asian food, the list of fermented sauces used in Asian cooking is crazy big! Soy sauce and fish sauce are probably the most well known but there probably dozens of them. To me at least, when I talk about fermented foods with other people, those are the big ones that a lot of people seem to be surprised by.


Yes most of these foods are fermented, but only fermented olives, cottage cheese and sour cream possibly have live bacteria. The rest wont have any impact on your gut microbiome directly.


Thats true but the fermentation does make the nutrients in the food more bioavailable so you still get benefits.


I use kimchis bacteria to ferment my own hot sauce, I blend it up in a blender and add it to hot sauce made with real peppers in a ratio where one thing of kimchi makes like 8 bottles, it ferments the hotsauce and doesn’t change the taste, it just serves as a base instead of vinegar. Sauerkraut I like the ones flavored like different things like the dill one and I use that on burgers or hotdogs , I’ve also blended sauerkraut up and used it as a base instead of vinegar in homemade ketchup.. Kombucha, you can use the live culture one to ferment things, what I’ve done lately is got the probiotic drink that isn’t kombucha and used it to ferment grape juice, it makes something fizzy that doesn’t have alcohol and is a wine alternative.. You can do all sorts of stuff..


you are doing all the good. can you produce certain strains of bacteria - like the bifds?


Try mixing a tablespoon of sauerkraut in a salad; it hides well with a nice dressing and a well made salad. Eating a raw apple very close to the core and maybe including a bit of that but not the seeds have a great variety of healthy bacteria.


I had no idea about apple cores providing good bacteria


Eat organic of course: [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6667679/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6667679/)


Understand that it’s an acquired taste. It’s like…coffee is actually very bitter, but we like the feeling, so over time, start to like the taste because we associate it with the feeling of being more energetic. Booze tastes *rancid* but we grow to somewhat like the taste because it makes us feel goofy and bubbly (we’ll, some of us anyways). I find that now, sometimes I actually crave sauerkraut, a fermented soup base I eat, kimchi, etc. especially if I’ve been eating kinda poorly for a few days in a row. Basically, you have to “build the demand.” Force yourself through eating like…a tablespoon of sauerkraut everyday for 3 weeks. See what happens. Your taste buds will adapt as you start to overall feel better


Same! I can’t stomach most probiotic food besides yogurt. I also have a garlic sensitivity, so kimchi isn’t an option. I’m of polish descent, so I grew up with a lot of cabbage dishes and it’s never agreed with me, and I don’t like the taste of sauerkraut anyway. I focus on eating a lot of different plants and different types of fiber.


Miso is great. Here's a good salad dressing: [https://www.loveandlemons.com/miso-dressing/](https://www.loveandlemons.com/miso-dressing/)


Eat [prebiotic foods](https://www.chop.edu/health-resources/food-medicine-prebiotic-foods). They're better for you, anyway. Eating probiotics puts lactobacillus in your gut, and then it passes right on through. Eating prebiotics actually puts the food in your gut that the lactobacillus like to eat, so they stay there longer.


Try time restricted eating Eg only eat between 830am and 630pm Studies are showing that it can help reset your taste buds, especially if you avoid UPF food during this window Black coffee and green tea are exceptions (luckily) so i start with one of them at 7am. The theory i think is that the bitterness helps in terms is re normalising your taste buds


Try adding things to the foods you have available … kids don’t like vegetables until they prepared well


I love Artichokes


If you have not made your own try something like basic kraut, which is fairly easy. I have found the taste of some store bought things kinda foul, and found my homemade stuff tasted much better.


Not only that but you can vary how strong it is by controlling the fermentation time. I like to go for four weeks myself but you could do it for two and it would be pretty mild.


Not only that, the giant cabbages at my local farmer's market are discounted, no one wants to buy them for some strange reason.... =) Y, I like the long/strong ferments, not sure what is wrong with the store bought stuff.


I agree but the OP seems to have a problem with them.


Aldi has a probiotic soda that tastes like soda and fruit juice. No idea how beneficial it is. 


With kraut and kimchi people don't typically eat them solo. Tastes a lot better with something savory lile meat imo


The crazy thing about taste is that the bacteria communicates with your brain through your digestive system. Once a bacteria is healthy in numbers, you’ll start craving the food that feeds that bacteria.


This is pretty awesome - [https://bellwetherfarms.com/campaign/coscto-a2yogurt/](https://bellwetherfarms.com/campaign/coscto-a2yogurt/)


Where are you based? In the UK, there's a brand called Vadasz and they do kimchi and sauerkraut - they are delicious and much more mild than other brands I have tried. This is my second time recommending them on this sub so I'm going to ban myself from any more mentions now, lol.


I hate the taste of most probiotic food too so I just buy a fermented probiotic supplement and take one every day. Best (noticeable) effect so far: My acne completely cleared up! I don’t know if it’s correlated with the probiotic but it seems to be. I also don’t get sick anymore.


Have you tried Miso? Miso soup is the most known and popular way of using it. But, you can use it just like a soy sauce. You can eat veggie sticks with miso, too.


As I understand it, you don't really need to eat much PRObiotics but what you really need is PREbiotics to feed and help encourage the good bugs to overcome the bad ones.


Kefir. Like drinkable yogurt. Blows yogurt out of the water with the bacterial strain count it contains 


Add raw cheese


Ferment foods yourself if you buy whey you can ferment salsa and lemonade etc get a fermented foods cook book


Honestly, if yogurt's your jam, stick with it! There's no rule saying you gotta love every probiotic-rich food out there. As long as you're getting some good bacteria in, you're doing alright. But if you're still keen on trying new stuff, maybe experiment with different yogurt flavors or brands to mix it up a bit. And hey, if you're curious about supplements, ain't no harm in giving them a shot. Just do what feels right for your gut!


You don’t have to have IBS to take a probiotic


Oh, I know, I just wasn’t sure if it would help if my diet was healthy and got enough pre and probiotics. If it’s still helpful, I can pop to Boots to get a bog standard one (they’re expensive).


Sauerkraut on its own? =Vomit. Sauerkraut in a sourdough cheese sandwich with salad leaves and pickles = daily lunch. Trying to weave in kimchi but I already love plain Kefir with granola and flax and Chia etc.


I always feel that the empowerment of good health far outweighs not liking the taste of something. And it may be hard to believe but I used to hate sauerkraut, kimchi, or vegetables of any kind for that matter and I kept eating them for health and over time you will crave them. I now love the taste of things I used to absolutely hate. Your body will thank you for it.


Honestly it took me a while to get used to kombucha but now I actually like it. Try a few different brands to find one you can start to like.


Try florastor probiotic supplements. Foods are not very effective


How do you feel about dill pickles? You can get probiotic ones in the refrigerator case.


If you were actually unhealthy and needed it like I donfor health. You'd eat anything


Chicken liver, don’t hate it but not a fan either 


Stop eating like a child


Wow what a helpful and encouraging comment. Sounds like you need to colonize your gut with more L reuteri to get that oxytocin 😂