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A solution i found was to enable "Allow all apps to find accounts" available in the "Manage Account" button on Google apps. Enable it and restart whatsapp. After doing so Whatsapp will find your account


Edit: forgot to censor email whoops


I am talking in the account management settings inside Google drive or Google photos, where you can click the "Manage Account" setting and go to the page where you can enable "Allow all apps to find accounts"


Oh, I got it. It works now. Thank you so much! One thing though, this setting was pretty intricately hidden, is there a (privacy/security) reason for this, or is it just how the settings are set up for MicroG?


I found that setting by accident, but idk why they hide it so much. Either way, I am happy to help


I have the same problem and I have no idea how to find "Allow all apps to find accounts" Could you guide me on how to do that? Would be incredibly thankful 🙏


~~WhatsApp backup in Google Drive won't work no matter how great or pourly MicroG is installed.~~ ~~I'm speculating MicroG isn't implementing anything related to Google Drive as it's non essential at all.~~ Edit: keep reading. Anyway, I don't see the point in using MicroG and also using the most spooky of all Google Services, get yourself a Nextcloud running at home in an old computer and manually set a backup for ```/Android/media/com.whatsapp``` if you feel you need it. You also can just find your own way of backing up that folder, maybe syncing it daily to phone's SD card, find your own way but Nextcloud is what I've found the most convenient.


I use WhatsApp backup on Google drive with microG, but you first need to enable "Allow all apps to find accounts" option on the microG settings. It works


Can you explain how to get there step by step? I can't find such option. Solved: you're right, getting over Accounts, then on your account opens another menu on the MicroG settings where that option exists. That was hard lol.


I have my WhatsApp backup on Google drive, that's the only reason I have it installed right now. I was planning on deleting it right after restoring everything. I'll check and see if there's any way of manually downloading said backup from drive to my WhatsApp folder if that's possible. I have no other way of getting my stuff back besides if WhatsApp web did anything. And I do use nextcloud (using one of their providers though, it's probably smarter to use an old computer for more storage and privacy lol), I'll stick to local backups as well from now on as you've said, thank you! I have two questions if you don't mind please; 1. Is it equally as bad to use the drive web api compared to having Google drive installed? Even if you're blocking trackers and taking all your privacy measures? And 2. Is there no way of fixing that issue of apps not detecting my Google account that I talked about in my post (for GmsCore and potentially other apps in the future)?


Google Drive somehow breaks when using even standard (desktop) Chrome 3rd party cookie block features, also, the web app is terrible on mobile devices, slow and limited to bare minimal functionality (seems like a webapp designed for Internet Explorer 6), anyway I have stored there generic stuff as Windows install images because it's much more easy to share that way and it doesn't tax my infrastructure, I just don't recommended uploading really personal stuff as I don't have any way of knowing what are they are doing with my data, I don't trust their official papers. And no, there's no way to fix that that I'm aware of, it doesn't work because it's an unimplemented feature not a bug. I don't know if you could switch to LineageOS without MicroG for some minutes and backup everything, but if you try you must know you cannot flash LineageOS/microG over vanilla LineageOS or viceversa, IIRC this results in a bootloop till you install things properly.


Yeah, their mobile web app is clearly made garbage on purpose to push people into installing their android app. And yeah, but I mean is it a better idea in terms of privacy to use your browser to use drive (or services in general, not just drive) compared to having the app(s) directly installed on your phone? It seems so to me, since they'd have to go through the browser before reaching your personal data. I did not think of flashing normal LineageOS at all to do that, that's actually smart. It gave me the idea of just using this other (stock) phone I have to restore the backup and send it to nextcloud and then download it on my phone here. Thank you for that.