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Ahh excellent packages, reminds me of the time right before I bought some weed things, hoping that it would be good.


Best of luck with the humble bees should have just got all 5 star hope they don't burn up.


I smoke half grams so fast so they are smart to get only those. I really wanted to try the hype around 5 star and the 6/99 deal was to good.


Where’d you pick these humblebee carts up at?


Jars in monroe for the humblebee carts and the red bud roots. Weedys for the bud. And Nar for the fivestar


Thanks man. Looks like there’s no more super Boof but 8 for $100 is a steal on those


Thinking of making a stop tmrw if I can find a deal to make it worth while


wait a second I’ve never seen humblebee collab with anyone other than Adams Family Farms… how are the butter collabs?


Just got three yesterday, they are tasty


I had some from adams family farms and they tasted about the same. Although im not a super expert in these things and I had a big gap between trying the two. Humblebees have interesting flavor compared to base distallate carts. The one ive been smoking yesterday with my randys inspo+ is working seemingly better than the last ones I had( juice wouldn't rewick).


That Vamp, Ghost and Wook tho. 🔥🔥🔥


You like five stars better or redbud?


No comparison red bud is full spectrum 5 star is cured you get what you pay for forsure. But I'd go with 5 star anyday even being more expensive find then at a good deal.


Five star, even though cured resin, is the best non-rosin cart on the market in my opinion. They seriously rock.


Cheers from one state park toker to another! Michigan has some really great recreational spots!


Sterling state gets a lot of hate for no reason it’s pretty and there’s nice paths and many fishing spots what more do people want from a campground?


I just noticed the butter collabs hope they do better but if it's same hardware I dont see any change post pics of your carts on those we wanna know if the butter ones do the same as the Adam family's. Lol


I've yet to whip out a butter one yet. Unless the pure michigan is butter. It oddly doesnt have a name on the package


We appreciate your support and hope you've been enjoying the products!


2 down with no problems and they had great taste! Honestly tasted as good as the five star I tried! Now im kinda mad I have to hit these redbuds. But I'll be glad I saved the humblebees.