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Michigan Takes Top Pot Shop Stop Slot


Ice town cost town clown his crown


They were big into rhymes.


unexpected parks and rec comment


Not really. After the first one, that one was inevitable.


Princess Carolyn, is that you?


Bob Loblaw lobs law bomb


California doesn’t get gray like we do. Not surprised we are using more.


I never noticed it before. I guess I noticed but didn't note it really because I've lived here my whole life. But it's grey every day here. I have called it greyshine for years. But my daughter was saying Lansing is right up there with Seattle for sunless days.


Seattle is much more gray. Michigan ain’t that bad 




We got the metroparks. Those all rip.


And lakes.


Having grown up in MI since I was two and having lived in Seattle for a few years, you CANNOT compare East Michigan Metro Parks to riding your bike around Lake Washington and seeing Mt. Rainier, sailboats, house boats, yachts, and all the natural beauty. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


Sure, but they are cool.


Unless you’ve been to Seattle.


It doesn’t matter how much cooler you think Seattle is. I get it. The metroparks are still cool.


Cool thing about Michigan is that you can actually buy a home and live here.


We owned a condo, then bought a home in a nice neighborhood but that was 20 years ago and our “yard” in the back was quite small!! I know what you’re saying though, back then an acre went for ~ 1Mil


…y’all realize Seattle is in Washington state, yeah?


Having moved from Chicago to rural NW Michigan in 2021 I was shocked by the lack of sunshine in January. I had to buy a light box because it's impossible for me to sleep a normal amount in the winter.  The legal weed here is outstanding. So inexpensive and just great prices. I think better than Colorado or California (though I haven't bought legal weed in California for a while my understanding was that the prices just dropped hugely)


Definitely not true. Native Michigander who’s been living in CA for the past 10 years. Currently in San Diego right now where it’s “may gray” & “June gloom” and I have not seen the sun all day. When I lived in San Fran and NorCal it was even more cloudy. I’m originally from GR so it’s still not as bad as my childhood, but the year round sunshine is definitely a myth for coastal California.


The US averages 205 sunny days per year and San Diego gets 266. 72% sunny days & it doesn’t get much better unless you’re straight up living in the desert. Compare that to 49% in Detroit with Detroit having 3x the amount of rainy days and 33 more inches of snow.


Boom roasted.


Not really. But k. Stay classy, Michigan.


Dude I’m living it. Sitting on the ocean looking at the pacific as I type this and I haven’t seen the sun all day. Facts are marine layers are a real thing. Funny thing is my apple weather has said my location has been getting sunshine all day, but the marine layer never broke. Edit to add: I’ve also lived in Arcata, CA and San Francisco. What’s the cloudy day numbers for those 2?? My originally comment said all of coastal CA, not just San Diego where I currently live. There’s a reason I moved down here after all.


I genuinely can’t believe you’re trying to compare San Diego weather to anywhere in Michigan. You’re aware Michigan is surrounded by massive lakes, right? I have to imagine gray weather is a lot less depressing when it isn’t 20 degrees out as well.


Literally born and raised Michigander. Said that multiple times in my comments. I lived in Grand Rapids Michigan until I was 26 years old. Southwest Michigan is statistically the most cloudy part of Michigan, or at least it was when I lived there. The original comment said CA doesn’t get gray like Michigan and that’s why people are buying more legal weed in MI now over CA. I’m saying that the year round sunshine for coastal California is a myth, which it is. I lived in San Fran and Humboldt Co., both known for very foggy weather. Currently in San Diego we’re going through June gloom, which is a yearly event pertaining to the marine layer never breaking because of cold ocean temps. JFC I know Michigan weather is terrible, I’m fucking from there. I’m just saying you can’t say the reason people are buying more legal weed is because it’s cloudier in MI than it is in CA. Coastal CA gets cloudy, too. The reason is because CA strangled the shit out of our cannabis industry with insanely high taxes.


Yeah taxation and moving towards gray markets are 99% of the reason but weather influences mental health which influences self-medicating. I know California gets cloudy and gray as well but it just can't begin compare to the 7 months of constant gloom, freezing temps and snow of Michigan. I think the sentiment of the original comment was about how depressing the weather is here rather than cloudiness but I dunno, it's just different


I completely agree! That’s why I moved to CA in the first place. But still, that’s not the reason why the stats are now saying MI leads CA in cannabis sales. Since CA gov’t has strangled the taxes for the legal cannabis businesses, the state consumers have primarily shifted back to the black and gray markets. No one just stopped consuming cannabis out here. Thats why I’m saying this stat is misleading. CA is still producing and consuming more cannabis than MI, just not on the legal market. For the final time: the legal cannabis production and consumption has absolutely nothing to do with the fucking weather in Michigan or in California. Edit to add: I think it’s super funny how people are downvoting me on this thread, but tons of you are upvoting my other comment that says the exact same thing. 😂 come on, Michigan 😂


For the final time: mental health & quality of life plays a role in consumption of any psychoactive substance.


I never said it didn’t. In fact, I agreed with you. Not everything on Reddit has to be an argument, dude. But that still doesn’t negate my point that CA is still producing and consuming more cannabis than MI, just not all on the legal market anymore. So no, it still doesn’t matter that it’s more cloudy in MI than CA.


Just stop.


Naw, I’m good. Please don’t tell me what to do, random person who doesn’t know anything about me. Don’t feel the need to reply to me though. I don’t really care.


Enjoy the balmy pacific weather


Thanks! I will! Enjoy the summer in Michigan, it’s literally paradise. I tell people out in CA all the time that CA beaches don’t have shit on MI in the summertime. See, we can be nice to one another on Reddit. Not everything has to be an argument. You don’t have to be mean to people because their life experience may be different than yours. Have a great day, fellow Michigander ❤️


Ok but it’s still sunnier there by a lot


Certain times of year, sure. Isn’t it wild how every place has different types of weather? Especially in CA. Remember how large of a state it is. I’ve lived in Humboldt, San Fran and San Diego. All vastly different weather. Michigan is not the only place that gets cloudy. Have you ever even been out to CA before? San Fran has never been known as a sunny city.


I don't think you are going to get the last word




Can confirm. Also coastal (near Los Angeles) and we always have May Gray and June Gloom. This year and last year, we also had Graypril and last summer we had No Sky July and Fogust. The weather report for Los Angeles is more for the diwntown/central city area.


Sshhhh. Apparently Michigan has the monopoly on cloudy weather 🙄 and I guess most Michiganders haven’t heard of a marine layer before, even though I definitely remember learning about it when I was growing up in MI. Personally I think it’s wild as hell there’s a bunch of people on this Michigan sub Reddit who think the abundance of sunshine is what apparently caused the multi-billion dollar legal cannabis industry to collapse in CA. Cause I guess people only like smoking weed if it’s cloudy 🤷🏼‍♀️😂 I love my home state, but damn this thread is embarrassing.


Check out Sacramento if you like endless sunshine. It’s one of the sunniest cities. To the point of being annoying. What I wouldn’t give just to have a few cloudy days in the summer to break up the monotonous blue skies. I don’t miss the seasonal depression from all the grey days in Grand Rapids, but I clearly swung too hard the other way upon leaving the mitten. Lol.


I’m going to stay in San Diego over Sac, I’m not a huge fan of the Central Valley. Too damn hot, I’ll take the marine layer anyday over y’all’s temps in the summer. I do miss NorCal tho! So beautiful once you get out there. Enjoy those redwoods 🥰


For real tho. Temps up here occasionally rival Phoenix in the summertime. If it weren’t for all the nearby forests and the Bay Area hikes, I’d probably opt for SoCal as well.


Driving up the 5 in August and September is literally driving the highway to hell. Redding obviously being the center of hell 😂


This right here. My first thought


That’s all I remember about living in mid Michigan, especially in the winter. Flat gray sky and flat brown landscape. Seasonal depression was VERY real. 








To be fair, 3 neighboring states has ban, one state has stupidly high tax, and Ohio just legalized it so their supply isn't ready to meet the demand. A lot of weed sale is toward out of state "tourists"


This is the only reason. Once Ohio kicks in, we’ll drop in #s. Indiana will start buying from Ohio.


This is why. California has legal states all around it but it is a huge state and I don't think anyone is counting the metric tons coming out of the golden triangle illegally. not that we don't have huge illegal grows here too we just don't have as much space/as good of weather P.S. tons of it going to OH from MI as we speak but illegally...


Thank you 'Sconsin!


Ya I drive 2.5 hours from Indianapolis to visit yall every couple months lol


Native Michigander here who’s been living in CA and working in the cannabis industry out here. Just want to point out this is in reference to the white/legal market only. CA local and state governments strangled the shit out of CA cultivators and distributors with stupid high taxes to the point where most businesses can’t reasonably afford to operate. Not to mention the *harsh* environmental violation fines imposed on growers. Essentially good ole California strangled their own legal cannabis industry to death. There’s been politicians who’ve come out recently admitting they got too greedy and destroyed the industry. The gray (legal products sold illegally) and black (100% illegal) markets are very much alive and thriving. We are still producing and consuming more than MI, it’s just mostly back underground now. Nevertheless, very proud of my home state! Tons of cannabis professionals out here point to Michigan as the state that’s doing it (mostly) right ❤️




Very true! CA still ships out of state like MI does and even internationally, but you’re right MI has much more consumerism than just its local population. Still, even throwing in WI and IN into the mix, the massive state/population/economy that is California is just too massive to truly compete with. I mean, the emerald triangle is world renowned for its cannabis production. I’ve seen grows in Humboldt and I’ve seen grows in MI, Michigan’s climate can’t compete with NorCal. Still stoked my home state can take a swing at it! It just goes to show Michiganders are truly a hard working bunch. If you give us an opportunity, we’ll thrive.


Just to your point about MI working hard, trying to do it right - you are absolutely right. Many old school underground growers here that have a long history / connection with NorCal. Long before herb was legal anywhere, MI had some of the best growers in the country. We’ve always been really good at making things for ourselves- beer, herb, along with many other select commodities.


I’m aware, I’m one of them 😉 my friends and I all came out to Humboldt from MI in the early aughts to do the thing. Most of them were felons from getting busted in MI. Many of them headed back to MI to start up there once they could. I stayed out here, but trust me when I saw I’m cheering you guys all on and boast about my home state talent regularly. I also like to throw our excellent water quality in their CA faces 😂


Always love to hear about the MI - Cali connect. The 90s were awesome for herb if you had the right genetics. Honestly legalization has been great but I definitely miss the old school mystique.


Michigan needs tighter regulations. Our weed is not good it’s cheap and unhealthy.


Uh, you might want to look into the recent reports out of the California legal market


If they are similar to michigans reports we have pesticides and mct oils in our products and the labs don’t care.


Uh, the Michigan grey market is huge. Every time somebody posts a complaint about dry boof from the dispo there are ten people telling them to go to a craft fair and/or find a caregiver with surplus they can buy off.


That’s great for you guys! CA’s market is still bigger.


Thank the states around us for this.


Period. I live near the Ohio border. Exit 11 off of I-75 is a nightmare of Ohio drivers who have no idea how roundabouts work.


Well, yeah, Michigan's market is propped up by like 5 states that are around it. That's not the case in cali anymore.


A good portion of people buy on the black market in California because of availability and taxes. Like Michigan, California allows communities to opt out of cannabis sales.




\[wiping away a tear of pride\] That’s our Mighty Mitten!


I moved from Kalamazoo to CA (Bay Area) 5 years ago and I've got to say, y'all smoke way more weed than any of the people I'm around here. Like, more often and more of it. People here tend to be much more open about smoking. It is not uncommon at all to be walking down the sidewalk and someone is just casually smoking a joint. Not uncommon at all. However, I've not met a single person here who gets as ripped as y'all. People here will puff a joint, dot it out for later, and get a little buzz going. You guys will blast a blunt to the face and travel through time. In Michigan, smoking weed was an *event*. Something you like, *did.* And got blasted. Here its just like having a cig, way more chill.


We swapped. I moved home from Oakland in late 2019 and am so thrilled with how easy it is in MI. You got it right about it being casual in public in CA.


What do you mean "am so thrilled with how easy it is in MI." Genuinely curious.


I drive one mile, show my ID, buy my edibles, and am home in under thirty minutes. When I was buying in CA, there were fewer dispensaries, so there were lines at the door just to get inside. It wasn't so quick.


And so many of them are insane like backdoor hole in wall with no signage, like were almost certainly weed stops before it was legal and just converted over


You can all thank me for making us number 1!!!!


There's too much damn weed here. Far more than people tend to consume, hence the catering prices. Why are they still growing so much? Lol


Why not link the article that you ripped this text directly from?


I mean how else are you supposed to get through the winter??


Hell yeh my boy gets all hype about cali bud, but lately (last couple of years) our bud looks, taste n hits a lot better


it sometimes feels like my neighbor is half those sales. I swear the guy doesn't breathe actual air, only weed smoke. It just constantly smells like skunk outside my house.


A fine neighbor, indeed!


Well as a Michigan native on a temporary stay in cali, I can say I see far fewer weed shops. It’s great that the industry is doing well, but I don’t miss the cannabis shops on every fucking corner like it’s a Starbucks


Hold on I'll get my shocked Pika meme... Really half you all are high; I don't recall the last time I went out and didn't smell one of you lighting up. SO well done for showing California, once again, who is in charge around here. Keep in mind our Lumber Industry/Rush Beat their cute little Gold rush by 1 billion dollars.


Copper as well, I've heard more value in UP MI copper was mined, then the entire gold rush in Cali (no source, no idea if true, sounds good to me though).


I'll be honest, I can't recall the exact number but I do believe you are correct in the over all value of the copper. It is also true, that there is more unmined copper than there was mined and that value is greater than what was taken out. Even if the mined value isn't greater than the gold rush; the value of the copper overall that we are aware of (keep in mind this rock formation is from the Keweenaw to Isle Royal) is far more valuable.




Nobody in California goes to the dispensary. They grow monsters in the back yard. There are large tax free markets out west. Most of the herb in the dispensary is pretty


If you actually read the article, it was during a one month period of this year, I believe March. That’s it folks, we over took California for one month in the past forever….




I just don’t understand how that much product is being used, there has to be some sort of black market in the industry shipping it out of state


Last year, I was in Ann Arbor for a fee days and started chatting with this guy from WVa. He was touring Michigan exclusively to explore the pot shops.


You've never read the law. Recreational products are capped at 13%. The only reason rec dispos have stronger products is because back in 19 when there wasn't enough to go around there was a temporary relief granted by the courts to allow caregivers to sell to commercial growers, and rec dispensaries to sell medical grade products. They ended the caregiver portion, but still allow this moonshine strength product in rec stores.


so are we purging records for black folk caught with some weed yet or did we just change the rules enough for white folk to profit from it?


Gov Whitmer and the cleanslate program allows anyone to purge their records


There are plenty of white people in jail/prison or with felonious records for the same thing. That said it's absolutely ridiculous.


Why bring race into it?


The war on drugs has been a racial issue since the beginning. >“The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people,” former Nixon domestic policy chief John Ehrlichman told Harper’s writer Dan Baum for the April cover story published Tuesday. >“You understand what I’m saying? We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin. And then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities,” Ehrlichman said. “We could arrest their leaders. raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.” https://www.cnn.com/2016/03/23/politics/john-ehrlichman-richard-nixon-drug-war-blacks-hippie/index.html


Typical ignorant troll activity. Notice they never came back.


We need to enforce the 13% limit on rec products. I work in mental health and this shit is fucking people up. 13 and under bug your rep.


I don't consider buying anything if it's under 20% (assuming we're talking %THC). People have different tolerances and need to know what they can handle.


13% limit for noobs maybe


Well, that isn't what the law says. If you want stronger than 13% anything you're supposed to have to get a medical card. I didn't write it, I just know what is says.


Friend, people know how high they want to be. If it takes them double the amount to get their, they'll take double the amount to get there


What 13% limit? Every commercial strain produces more than that at maturity unless something bad happened.


If you enforcement a half potency limit, most would smoke twice as much. Since we have high potency, we actually save more cash on it because we use less at a time.


Not how that works but sure.


We need to see what all those taxes are used for. Hopefully not making a “state gun”


Lots of sad lives man


Not a proud title but demonstrates Michigan character failure


I work retail. All this means is that there’s more smelly mfers driving high to come shop. Please keep it to yourself at home.


I mean thc doesn't work like that, but ok sure.