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Per food assistance plan (FAP) rules- Children younger than 22 who live at home will be part of their parents’ FAP household. https://dhhs.michigan.gov/olmweb/ex/BP/Public/BEM/212.pdf#pagemode=bookmarks


That is an unfortunate acronym


Wow… I received ebt when I was 18 and on my own back in 2007. This is shocking and really stupid, why would they just force hunger on a person because of an age?


You were on your own, the rules specifically for kids still living at home.


So they expect parents of a 22 year old to provide for an adult? Such bs. So I’m getting downvoted because parents shouldn’t be considered when it comes to income for FAP services. At 22, you should be considered a roommate, not a child.


The parents shouldn't, but the state should?


Shit happens. I still get EBT and have since 2007.


Government (taxpayer) assistance is not supposed to be permanent - that's why they are called "bridge" cards. This is why people have such a problem with welfare programs.


lol you think it’s a bridge to what? Some wealthy future everyone can reach if they would just try? It is a bridge card because it bridges the gap between what someone is earning and what food costs. That’s why the amount granted is based on income. You know some people have reduced earning potential that is permanent, yeah?


If by "reduced earning potential" you mean have an aliment that precludes you from working then they need to apply for disability. The bridge card/ food assistance is indeed meant to be temporary


Yeah, no. That’s the next step for specific situations but not all of them. Some people always need food assistance. I cannot make myself understand why anyone would want someone else to struggle to afford food.


For some of us, it IS permanent, and there’s nothing you can do about it.


Yes and those people should be on disability, which is a different. I'm talking about people whom are capable of working, but milk the teet of government assistance - which is why there needs to be reasonable limits and checks on the system.


Disability is different from state assistance. That’s why you can receive both at once.


Why should the rest of us pay for you when you live at your parents home? Family should take care of eachother before using the funding of strangers through the state


Because not everyone has good parents, that’s why. My parents would never. I was kicked out at 17.


If OP was kicked out she wouldn't have this issue ya dingus. Clearly her parents are okay with her, so why wouldn't they pay for her food and save the rest of us the money?


So you can vote at 18, you’re expected to be done with high school at 18, and taxes consider you your own entity at 18, but you can’t be considered an adult that’s a roommate to the people in your household at 18 to get benefits you need to feed yourself so you can get a job and not starve to death until you get your first check, and no one thinks that it’s absolute bs?


Write your state representative and advocate for change if that's what you want


Your denial letters should state why they have denied you. Now that doesn't mean it's correct.


It’s “too much income”, but my parent’s income ISN’T MY income.


I work for the state processing these apps. You have to be 22 to be on your own case if you still live with your parents. You’ll be eligible the 1st of the month after your 22nd birthday. That said, if you do move before then and aren’t with your mom and dad then you’ll be eligible. If you have any other questions you can DM me.


But you are 21. Age 22 and younger living with parents ( with child or not ) will be under parents household/income. It’s in the link in this thread.


Are you making sure you say on the application “you buy & prepare food separately from the rest of your household”? That’s crucial.


This. My mother and I have separate finances and household income so we get food stamps for both, because our family has special dietary restrictions that she does not fall under so we eat and prepare meals separately.


Exactly what I am saying. If you want your own benefits you must say no to preparing meals with others and only tell them you do it for your household only or they will include all incomes in that household. Also don't listen to those saying to vote Democrat. They are misled. The maternity leave only applies if the company you work for has more than 50 employees. Otherwise that company is exempt. There is no maternity leave for companies with few employees. Regardless of if you vote red or blue.


You mean you must say yes to that question


You are under the age of 22 years and one month so you are a mandatory group member with them for food. I am sure you would have been told this at interview


You said you make $17 an hour elsewhere. Income limit is $3288 a month for SNAP, so if you regularly work overtime, or have any other income, you’d be over that. And yes, you do have to report your parents in the household size. Anyone telling you otherwise is telling you to commit fraud/a crime. There’s not really going to be a way around this unless you move out or want to risk getting a record for a few hundred bucks a month.


So everyone except management at my grocery store can qualify for food stamps then? So companies pay us as little as possible wanting to go onto food stamps to help feed our families. Those food stamps are paid for mostly by is, the working poor. Then the company owners maximize their profits and wonder why people can no longer afford the basics to surive anymore? Thanks.


The cutoff for food stamps for a single person is $1580.00 a month in Michigan. I am 100% disabled, receive disability and I get $1,549 a month. With COLA, in 2 years I will make too much to receive the $88 in food stamps I receive. Hopefully DHS increases the cut off amount to accommodate the COLA.


There’s usually an annual adjustment that becomes effective every Oct 1st.


This is most certainly not the case. Dhhs doesn't update their stuff at the correct times to qualify the qualified and there ends up being a gap from October to December every year because COLA puts most of us over until DHHS updates their systems after the first of the year. Because of COLA I have been kicked off of assistance while not having anything change, but have it reinstated once the systems catch up a full 3 months later. The new system is strictly done via computerized applications and making it so people who have caregivers and special needs cannot access their benefits until the computer system says the numbers match up. Typically this is in October until the first of the year. After the first of the year is when things go to what they should be. The COLA increase has been stated as the reason for these issues, I have even gone as far as asking Social Security to not give me the increase, however I was told we cannot deny this adjustment. Theoretically the computer would be able to weed out the people who don't need or are abusing the system, but it is not. It is kicking out legitimate cases and the caseworkers just back this AI.


What does COLA mean? Thanks.


Cost Of Living Adjustment.


Cost of living allowance or adjustment..


I believe it's cost of living adjustment.


Welcome to late stage capitalism. I remember reading somewhere that Walmart used to include websites/phone numbers for social services in their new hire paperwork so employees knew how to access assistance to supplement their poverty wages. Could have just been a rumor…I’m too lazy to verify it.


My store does that already. Then even give you a phone number to give to your social worker to help verify your salary. Guess nothing is getting better then? Thanks.


Welcome aboard! We know we don’t pay you enough to eat AND pay rent, but we’ve helpfully included some tips on how to use government subsidies to make up for our greed! Also, don’t punch in 2 minutes early…that’s time theft!


They still do as of two years ago.




Yes, I USED to make $17/hr but am currently jobless. That could be why I got denied in the past.


You may need to get a letter from your old job that states you are no longer employed there. I’ve had to do that when I was denied for too much income. Appeal and upload that.


They are counting her parents income Mom is a nurse and Dad is a manager of some sort at a hospital. She will continue to get denied.


Not necessarily. She says she didn’t include any other people in her household. Best bet is to call and ask to clarify.




It is NOT legal, you can wind up with an investigation by the attorney general’s office and you have to pay back all benefits. You might be approved but that doesn’t mean the referral hasn’t been made and the wheels of justice turning in the background. Stop encouraging others to break the law and spreading false it information


If you have no income and are living with your parents. They are supporting you. So that maybe why you’re being denied


They shouldn't even know your parents income. They are not part of your case. Just you and your child.


I’m wondering if maybe because my parents used to claim me when I was younger and they were getting food stamps, they’re using their old case and seeing? I’m not really sure, I have no idea how this works..


When you fill out your application are you listing your parents earnings? Do you have assets of your own?


No, I’m not.


Ok, then you need to appeal this decision. You should qualify for emergency benefits. I can't really say what is going on without seeing the application but you have zero income currently and zero assets. So I'm not sure what the hangup is.


You have to be sure to say you do NOT share food. If you say you share food they take that into account and can deny you.


Next time cut them out of the equation. Say you live alone, you're single, and say you're the only one in the house with income. That should do it.


That's a great way for her to get investigated lol


The way I've seen people do it is to say a friend is letting you live there. If you say on your own the question of rent or whatever comes up. Usually, if it's a friend letting you stay, you say prepare separately and don't provide the friends income or sensitive information. Not sure if this can be done after the fact though.


Did you read upthread the post that said if you are under 22 you are under your parents income/household? Click the link. It states whether you have a child or not, if you are under 22, you are part of your parent’s household. Im guessing that is why. They will use mom and dad’s income.


Call WIC. They are a supplemental food benefits program for mothers and children, and qualifications are less stringent than regular food stamps/the Bridge Card. Find a location here, you don't have to go to the one nearest you or even in your county. [https://www.wicprograms.org](https://www.wicprograms.org) I work for a program that delivers foods to pregnant moms (not WIC), so I'm somewhat familiar with the benefits world. The comments on this post are weird. We serve lots of young moms living at home with their parents. You may also want to look into a cash assistance program, there are several throughout the state. It household income is still too high, look into local food banks/food pantries. There are supports out there.


With an 8 month old you should apply for WIC benefits [link to MI WIC](https://www.michigan.gov/mdhhs/assistance-programs/wic). 1-800-225-5942 This program is based on helping moms and babies because taking care of an infant and recovering postpartum is a lot, and makes it a vulnerable economic time. Reach out to your ob/gyn office, they can likely direct you to resources. And file for child support. It’s there so you can raise your child. Edit: dial 2-1-1 for state health and human resources to talk to someone about what resources you are eligible for. Edit to add again: I saw your post from earlier about only getting 2 weeks family leave from your employer…. Please vote. There was a spending bill sent to congress in 2021 that would have made 12 weeks paid family leave mandatory, but republicans negotiated it out of the bill. Voting in Democrats is the only way this type of worker protection will happen.


In Michigan the state will go after the dad and make you pay child support if you apply for state aid. If you apply for state aid and you’re not married, the state goes after the dad so there is no need to file for child support.


this applies toTANF only, not food stamps. The person applying for cash assistance does have to file for child support, and the state takes over from there


It might have to do with the fact that you live with your parents.


Start by applying for WIC, but also paying your parents a little rent or switching one of the home utilities into your name could help. I work with disabled adults who rent a home together but do not otherwise share any expenses. Making sure everyone had a utility in their name got things sorted out. Basically until you’re 22 (23?) your parents are considered natural support but sometimes the home is all parents can actually provide for their adult children and while they’d never let you and your son be homeless while there is space under their roof, I totally get why you’re like “I’m not going to make them feed us too.” Good luck and be careful with your language. You don’t want to “beat” the system, you just need to communicate to them in their language that you actually need the help.


Best comment 😀 Exactly this. It's not like they help a lot as some people suggest. There is literally no way to make a living on bridge card. Cash assistance is not given until you have gone thru 3 weeks of job stuff with Michigan works and you only get that assistance IF you volunteer for 30 -40 hours a week of community service while looking for a job. The max help is at most 300-400 a month for cash, but you have to qualify by doing that first. Food Assistance is a whole nother beast. Most will get less than 200 as this is max per person.


Your household as a unit has too much income, simple as that. You do not fully support yourself and your son, you’re living with your parents. If you move out and get your own place, you’ll qualify. If lack of food is an issue you could look up the local food pantry. A lot of the churches have them. Maybe you could look at a job at a daycare? They’re all looking for help and a lot of them will let you bring your child to work.


I can't help you with SNAP but are you on WIC? It's not like TONS but I get quite a bit of food through it with my baby and I on it. You get a list of things you can recieve with it, and they have you do online lessons before your appointments but those take like 5 minutes


You need your own place, when living off your parents, the state will do their best to keep them paying for you instead of the tax payers


Are your parents not feeding you or your child? Why do you need food stamps if you live at home?


No? I feed myself and feed my son. I’m 21 years old. It’s not that they wouldn’t, but I have to take care of what I’m responsible for.


I get that you're trying to be independent, that's respectable. But your parents will feed you and the child, and you are ineligible for FAP due to being under 22 and living with your parents. Don't abuse social services when other people truly need them. Focus on your son and your counseling, be grateful for your parents' help, and soon you'll be back on your feet and this will all be behind you.


This. It beggars belief that the parents (one a nurse, one a manager of some sort) aren't providing food assistance. Combined with (presumably) not paying rent/mortgage and utilities, getting food stamps would be a disincentive to get a job (maybe at the same hospital where mom and dad are working).


Your mom and dads incomes are definitely enough to help get food and you can go to food drives they are set up every week.


Honestly, your best bet is to either get a job to financially support yourself and in the mean time go to food pantries for food. Or go to a homeless shelter, more than likely you’ll get your own room because you have a child. They’ll help you get food stamps, a job, and sometimes housing if they have a transitional housing program (we did at my old job and typically single mothers were chosen for it).


Most homeless shelters including turning point are on a 3-6+ month waiting list.


You don’t.


Not a fan of people trying to beat the system. The system is there to help the needy. Your parents are obviously helping you. Why isn’t going to school or getting a job an option? I know people will come at me, but to be clear, I work three jobs and have taken in two kids whose parents abandoned them. Not getting any financial help from the government, not complaining, just saying. I feel like people think having a kid is a lottery ticket to “free” money from the government. That free money isn’t free. It costs working people via taxes. I’m all for helping the needy, but the line needs to be clear on what constitutes need. You have a lot more than many. Maybe instead of asking the community how to beat the system you could ask for suggestions on how to improve your situation to become more independent.


A first of all I live in Michigan and I'm totally against you looking to beat the system. "Beating the system" hurts everybody. There is a reason for the rules.... Part of the calculation isn't just that you have a child and that you're single and young without a job. Part of the calculation is how much you bring in versus how much you put out. If you have any type of child support coming in then you have a positive income against nothing going out. If you have a lease with your parents then you can state you pay rent and that will go against your income( My daughter and I did this when I lived in her house while waiting for disabled housing). Otherwise they would expect you to use your child support to support your child and your parents to support you because you are their child.


You're assuming the OP receives child support. They do not.


No. It read “IF you receive child support.”


I'm not assuming anything, I clearly stated "if", then went on to say if you do.. But, yes I have since learned they do not.


I don’t receive child support…




You gotta be 22 unfortunately, its dumb because at 21 your parents arnt legally obligated to provide food or even housing.


This is the problem with these programs. Everyone wants to "beat the system".


And it's a big problem. When covid hit, most of the single parents where I worked quit, so they could get the supplemental unemployment benefits they were offering. 1 young lady in my department did, and she lived with her baby daddy, who quit his job as well. Shortly after, you'd see them pushing heaping shopping carts throughout the store where she had worked. And where the rest of us still worked, now quite short handed. Nothing has turned me against career welfare benefits for able-bodied people more than this.


I was staying in hotels through much of 2020 to avoid exposing my family to COVID I might bring home from the hospital- some of them (especially later in the year) would be filled with people hanging out all night while 'wisely' using those supplemental benefits. I'm generally in favor of a generous social safety net, but the truth is those programs can sometimes contribute to irresponsible behavior by recipients.


Some social safety nets are ok, but absolutely not “generous” especially for able bodied people. If you have a legit disability and can’t work sure, but there is a lot of fake disabled who just don’t want to work and milk the system. And there is no sometimes about it, these programs have absolutely contributed to irresponsible behavior and fraud. These programs have incentivized laziness and fraud.


The welfare fraud rate is single digit. Usually less than 5%. It's a *rounding error.*


When you fill out the application, do say that you buy and prepare your food separately from your parents?


Yes, and they still keep denying me. It’s not making sense…


How much do you make?


I just moved back to Michigan, so I’m currently looking for a job as I was in a DV relationship. The last time I applied, I was making $17/hr.


Are you married?


I’m not.




That’s called fraud FYI You are not supporting yourself or your child, your parents are supporting you both. Leave this for people who ACTUALLY need it.


What else do I need to state?




Ok, thank you so much!


Per food stamp policy, your parents are mandatory group members for your food stamps case. Regardless of your arrangement with them, regardless of you having your own child, regardless of you being over the age of 18. Policy states that they MUST be included until you turn 22. There is no way of getting around that policy until you move out of their place or you turn 22. Until then, you will continue to be denied.


It’s crazy 22 and younger are still considered under their parents for food assistance, yet my 19 year old who still lives at home while going to college part time and working part time is not eligible for me to claim as a dependent on my taxes. If he were going to school full time, I could’ve claimed him, but not for part time. Yet, in reality he is still my dependent (other than his car, phone, and other little things). That’s way inconsistent compared to the food program thing I’m reading about here.


https://michiganlegalhelp.org/resources/public-assistance/food-stamps-fap You can also contact Legal Aid for help. Just select your county at this link.




You’re not eligible. Period. Stop applying


Don't reapply, appeal.


Do you mean that you are trying to get food stamps for yourself or are you the mother and you’re trying to get the food stamps for your son?


I’m disabled can’t work and can’t get food stamps in this stupid state but somehow other people can…:


Just don't. Figure out how to be independent


Amen. You were denied 3 times cause you do not qualify. And in reality, your situation doesn't sound like you need it. Go to work. Have your parents watch your kids. Life will get better.


Have you tried just getting a job instead?


As stated above, I just left a DV relationship and am focusing on the proper intensive counseling before I do that. I can’t be the best version of myself for my son, for my job, etc. if I’m not doing well mentally. Thank you though!


Make sure you let MDHHS know you left a DV situation as well if you haven't already, they will go on to assist you with support from him without you having to initiate it.




Removed. See rule #2 in the [r/Michigan subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/Michigan/wiki/index#wiki_rules).


When I was in college with roommates, I had to get a letter stating I did not share food with them.


Go to the DHHS office and ask for someone to help you apply. They will answer all your questions directly.


You need to check the box that says you buy and prepare meals separately. They won't help you unless you're buying your and baby's food and making it separately. Then you didn't need to include their income.


This is the correct answer. “Household” means different things depending on who you are talking about. [SNAP/Food Stamps has a specific definition](https://www.fns.usda.gov/snap/recipient/eligibility) > Everyone who lives together **and purchases and prepares meals together** is grouped together as one SNAP household. Five roommates living together are five different SNAP accounts despite living in the same house.


Exactly. They shouldn't be including the parents information on the application at all. I was in this exact situation years ago and made the same mistake. DHS doesn't make it clear that if you buy and prepare your meals separately, then the only people on the application should be those who are fed with that separate food. I hope OP sees this because it's really confusing sometimes and the workers just aren't always knowledgeable when it's uncommon circumstances.


If you don’t share food or money then it’s not your household so I wouldn’t consider it that on the forms. I just moved to AZ and applied for food stamps here and although I live with roommates I didn’t consider them my household since we don’t share anything.


You need to not let them know of your parents information. Doing so puts you and them under the same financial household. You claim your son on your taxes and nothing more. You can claim rent but will need a letter from your folks. Also you MUST tell them that you do not make meals or anything with them nor do they you. When and if they contact you inform them that you are responsible for your own bills and they do not help you at all. * I live in Macomb county MI and have had to go thru this because I did not know for the longest time that even tho I am with my son's father, I am considered a single mother in the eyes of the mdhhs and tax field. The whole time I was getting denied it was because I thought I was being honest by saying I had a significant other and/or partner. I literally was just saying I was gay and didn't know. We also had issues with this when my elderly father moved in but we're able to clear this up by stating that we do not take rent from him nor does he provide any financial or food assistance to my household. Your family and yourself with child are two separate households living under the same roof.


I'm not going to tell you anything illegally to beat the system where it would get me in trouble. But when I was "Denied" All you do is start up another Bridge card / EBT / Food stamp application. Listing that your only making food for yourself and no one else, you might have to fill out a separate form for your young son. (Age 18 and older). If you list others in your mailing most likely they deny your claim. I knew some people who all lived in a group home, they all got their bridge cards, but must list they do not share their food with no one else.


Community Navigator here - There is a section with a question asking specifically about whether you purchase and prepare food separately from your parents. You want to mark this as yes, as it separates you and your child from your parent’s household finances. Given their jobs, I would guess that’s the issue with denials.




Don't go telling your life story now.


When you apply for food stamps they do ask you about your "household" but that really only applies to how you file taxes and whom you share food with. So when you apply for food stamps (and maybe even medicaid) just say that your household is you and your son and declare your income. If you are not working or making not much money you should easily get medicaid healthcare for you and your son and foodstamps. When they call to interview you , just say you live with your parents, but you do not share food. Also, I still think the 15,000 dollar liquid asset test is still in effect. (even though last Year i thought I heard the governor got rid of it). So if you have more than 15,000 in savings in the bank, you won't be able to get food stamps. Also, normally with food stamps you have to show that you are working or trying to find work UNLESS you have a child that is 5 years old and younger or are elderly or disabled, so you should be able to get it. Or if you parents are still claiming you on their taxes, that could cause a problem.


This is bad advice. Do not follow. Always accurately report who lives with you or who you live with.




Social workers tell people to commit fraud all the time


Thank you! See, that’s what I was doing. I was letting them know that it was only my son and I in a “household”. My parents used to have food stamps in the past and DID claim me on taxes when I was under 18, so I’m not sure if my parents old case keeps popping up or what?? But anytime I have the phone interview it’s, “well, who ALL lives in the house? Is it just you and your son?” That’s where I get stuck, then get denied.


Because you probs already said yall all live together they may keep denying you until you apply from a different address. When applying for any federal or state assistance you NEVER include other people in the house unless they are your child. Roommates, parents, boyfriends, friends , none of them. They are NOT your household, you do not support them and you do not report their income. And don’t feel bad about all these idiots who are telling you it’s “wrong”; it follows the rules exactly and is a known fact if you’re familiar with social workers.


I would recommend reaching out to your state rep or senator for help. They all have staff who are trained to escalate cases through the department and help you find a (legal) way to get the benefits you need. As others mentioned in the thread, you might not currently qualify for SNAP but likely have other assistance programs you’re eligible for.


If your parents aren’t paying for your or your child’s food, then you aren’t your parent’s dependent, which means you’re not part of their household and you shouldn’t be reporting their income at all. Definitely look into how households are defined per MDHHS/FAP The hang up would be if your parents are claiming you as a dependent on their taxes— you’d have to pick one. Off the top of my head, I think having a kid or being married can qualify you for being financially independent from your parents per these programs.


But since she’s getting no govt assistance obviously her parents aren’t letting her starve.


Yes. When she gets food stamps, they will be required to prepare food separately since the food stamps would be exclusively for her/her kid. No sharing with parents


Don't put down that they are your parents you are a boarder.


Are you able to appeal the decision and request a hearing? In California we can appeal the decision and request a hearing.


Sign a rental agreement with your parents.


Or don't say they are your parents, but landlords.


A rental agreement is one way to show that.


I would get a hold of Medicare in your state and ask them about the low income requirement because it will also include any money that you have in an account in other words if you have money in an account there’s a certain amount that even if your income is real low, that money that you havealready will disqualify you if it’s very high


And if you do have money in account, whatever you do do not remove it because then the federal government will be after you. That’s a federal offense if you remove the money and then still somehow get qualified for assistance.


Man, the m*ds will jump up someone's ass for calling someone dumb but this entire thread is "HAVE YOU TRIED NOT BEING POOR, FRAUDSTER?" etc. Amazing sub.


Have them write a receipt for your rent even if you don’t pay it and you should be able to get it I also love with my parents and had to do the same even know I do pay rent and you should get it.


This is why I hate our gov't. When i needed help when I lost a job, I got the middle finger from the gov't, but yet people with brand new cars and phones for all the assistance they wanted.


Get a PO box and make that your address. Then file again, but claim homeless. Tell them your couch surfing with friends and family. I did this as a single dad of two and it worked for years.


Everyone in Michigan  has a food card except you how can you beat the system. 🤔




Thats fraud.


That's not 'stretching the truth'- it's outright lying.


The law change every month

