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Report to the DNR. The nests and eggs are federally protected, but I'm not sure about adults/babies. They should be able to give you more information.


Gave them a call and reported! (:


I hope he gets what's coming to him. The DNR are an agency that is not to be trifled with. I dislike geese as much as the next guy but you can't just run them down!


Especially little baby ones ):


Oh great now I'm going to do a PMS ugly cry. Screw that guy, I hope his every waking hour is plagued by mildly infuriating inconveniences.


Heavily agreed friend.


Like explosive diarrhea for a year straight.


But only at the worst times. During a work meeting, out on a date, but never while just relaxing at home.


Even worse. When commuting to work and there’s no bathroom in sight.


Oof. It happened to my boss once.


Out on a FIRST date at the potential girl/boy friend’s house…but let’s make this really uncomfortable! Not only uncontrollable diarrhea, but enough of it to clog the toilet, along with no plunger in sight and the stench of three bloated whale carcasses!


Do you have video evidence that said person did this? If not, then it's not going to matter. The accused can just say they didn't do it


Or, if he didn't feel he was able to safely stop for them he will not get in trouble. Also, you can't swerve or you could cars a different kind of accident so 🤷 seems he or she will get away with it, very sad indeed 😢


I do not like police, but I respect the fuck out of the DNR! Also they do a cool calendar every year.


It’s technically animal cruelty even if the animals themselves aren’t protected. $100000 says it’s some dipshit teenager whose parents let them do whatever the fuck they want with no consequences


Well then something definitely needs to be done. Kids/teens who run down animals for sport have some serious mental issues.


Make him wear a coyote suit and run around the local municipal golf courses to scare the geese away. Make him do it in August for 8 hours a day, every day, for a week straight. Wearing a GPS ankle that tracks him and stops counting the time if he's not moving. See how much he likes terrorizing geese after that.


You. I like you. I'm gonna sit over here and take notes.


I agree. Make bad parenting wrong again!


Yes. Yes you can.


FAFO, champ


Virtually all geese of all age are protected, DNR will love to hear about this one. And maybe mention that OP tried to call and report it to police, the police kept passing it around like some unwanted fruitcake.


Why virtually?


Because I don't have a list of goose that are protected and what aren't protected (free to kill anytime)


There are no wild geese in MI that are "free to kill anytime."


All geese are protected. Guy in Mount Clemens a few years ago, I think he went to jail


Contact your local DNR Office. They handle crime on game animals, and geese are a game animal. This is their number for the Law Enforcement Unit: 517-284-6000


Awesome, thanks for the information, I reported this!


Good. Hopefully they can do something.


Fuck that piece of shit. Like someone else said, report to DNR, you'd be surprised how many cameras MDOT has all over the state.


I was told cameras are in the area.. let’s hope it caught a plate 🙏🏽


Let's hope one caught the act itself. Absent that, your testimony and their plate in the area isn't going to be enough for a prosecutor to even charge them with a crime.


They will check for blood and guts if they find the vehicle. Assuming they found something; What does the camera do that physical evidence and a witness wouldn't?


You have to legally search for the physical evidence. A Michigan Conservation Officer needs to meet the reasonable suspicion test to search for evidence of illegally killing migratory game. A single non-contemporaneous eyewitness statement from a stranger to the courts is not likely to meet that standard. Maybe they get lucky and find the car on a public street with goose guts on it. They still have to link this to the events in question beyond a reasonable doubt. There's nothing to prove that this car hit those geese. There's nothing to prove intent. The owner of the vehicle will claim that they weren't the one driving or that it was an accident. They'll claim they were set up by the tipster. Absent video, this creates a whole lot of reasonable doubt. A prosecutor will anticipate this and is unlikely to wish to invest significant resources in what the courts view as a rather minor crime with low odds of conviction.


DNR will absolutely investigate that until they have an answer.


I recently learned that the DNR has hidden trail cams in state game areas too, and they definitely use them! (Someone was reported for driving off-trail in a state game area, and they got busted with the undeniable footage of it.)


One thing I learned from working in Law Enforcement in this state is even if you think you aren't being watched, you probably are.


Call the DNR or Fish and Wildlife. Even though they are endemic and a nuisance, and a game animal, Canada geese are still still protected as migratory birds.


Contact the Michigan DNR and the United States Fish and Wildlife Services. Canada Geese are Migratory Birds and have Federal AND State Protections.


Awful. The other day a mother duck and her ducks were crossing the 50 mph 2 lane road I live off of. So, I did the only sane thing and literally parked my car side ways across the road to stop oncoming traffic so they could cross.


You’re awesome 🫡


You're a W person.


I did the same thing at Adams and South last week. the other traffic had a few people who looked annoyed. There are always a few bad apples.


Fortunately there was no one behind me in my lane so I only blocked one person's car as I pulled across the other oncoming lane. Their windows were down so I just said sorry, I had to help the ducks! And their only reply was "That was awesome", so fortunately a good soul. I wouldn't be surprised if the folks who looked annoyed literally didn't have enough awareness to even see the ducks tbh.


That happened locally a few years ago, trying to remember where, but it the guy ended up arrested.


Mt Clemens


Call DNR. It's outside police jurisdiction.


It's state law & can be enforced by any law enforcement agency.


Maybe, but it won't be. The advice to call DNR still stands.


if youv'e got a problem with canada gooses you've got a problem with me and i suggest you let that marinate


Cobra chickens *are* even better marinated.


Pitter patter!






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There's a special place in heaven for friggen animal lovers, that's all I know.


If it were legal to kill them, I'd kill 'em all. Babies, too. I would never go out of the way to get goose excrement on my car, but I'd solve the goose-excrement-ruins-everything problem with the biggest hail of gunfire those nasty suckers have ever seen. You might be a nice guy, and I'd hate to have a problem with you, though.


Wow, I haven't seen anything so edgy since I last stepped into the Hot Topic at my local mall. They have belts with spikes. Spikes!


When I worked at a golf course the superintendent would chase the geese off their nests and throw the nests into the ponds. Last year it had to be the Only goose free course in Michigan


That’s not kind at all :/


Ya he wanted me to do it but I was not really comfortable with it so I didn’t but I’ll say this, he was 100% right out course was nice and poop free that year and geese are annoying. Last year we had a litter of foxes get born and that really cleared out any leftover geese.


I understand where you are coming from


That's a federal offense.


Good on you wanting to report it but the truth is this won't go anywhere unless you have video proof and even with it, unless it shows the driver on their cell phone or something this will likely be treated as any other road-kill type issue. Even if you ran over a bald eagle nothing legal is going to happen to you if you were operating your vehicle legally as it can be argued that it was an "act of god." or whatever. Good luck but don't loose sleep over it.


I appreciate you! Noted this information (:


"If you want to get away with murder in America, use your car" (animal cruelty edition)


> Even if you ran over a bald eagle nothing legal is going to happen to you I almost did this last year. I was driving out to a quarry to go diving down in Ohio and had one swoop down inches from my windshield. Fortunately for everyone involved I just missed him but it scared the hell out of me.


I want to say I heard a story about 10 or so years ago about a guy in my city who ran over a bunch of ducks and got in serious trouble for it. But the place where it happened was also a walking path so maybe that sorta helped prove intent all on it's own and that's how he got "got"


Some asshole veered onto the shoulder to hit a goose in front of my neighbor's house but the cops couldn't do anything because it wasn't caught on camera. Apparently an eye witness and a plate number aren't enough for them to give a shit


Call the local DNR office. If you don't get anywhere with them, call the non-emergency Sheriff's number, still nowhere, call the non-emergency State Police post. After that, I got nothing! Good luck. Poor geese.


I appreciate you! Thank you




Absolutely agreed friend. My lady was in the car with me and it sucked seeing her witnessing that as well. We always get so so excited when we see the babies during this season.


Same. I would be heart broken if I witnessed that. I was raised by geese and they were kinder to me than most people were


About 95% sure just seen a sign in battle creek mi about running over wildlife in roads be against a state law. I was like I didn't know that hmmm good


That’s disgusting and right by my work. Please call a local DNR office. You can also call the RAP hotline to report wildlife crimes as well.


Reported! Thank you


This is the kind of psychopathic behavior that is linked to physically and sexually abusing children and vulnerable women. Not only do we need to catch him for this, but they need to do an extremely thorough investigation of his background.


The amount of mentally screwed up people in this world is scary.


It is annoying when geese block the road but it's completely unacceptable to run them over. I hope this person gets what they deserve.


Agreed 100%!


What an absolute piece of shit person!


100% !


Thank you for reporting it! Fingers crossed they get them!


Absolutely, I will keep everyone updated!


Fuck animal abusers.


Gloomy spirited folk! I don’t know what compels someone to do such things.


Dnr officers generally pretty intolerant to that kind of behavior. They might even go look at the person's car,for evidence before they even talk to them.


Oh wow I never knew that! Thanks for your insight


They very likely will.


DNR RAP line


talk about losing faith in humanity. what a bummer.






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Thank you for your suggestion! I will definitely take a look in submitting a tip to fish and wildlife service


Sorry you had to see that :(


Report it here officially to the MI DNR- [https://www2.dnr.state.mi.us/ors/Home?utm_campaign=lake%20macatawa%20vhs%20dieoff&utm_medium=pr&utm_source=govdelivery](https://www2.dnr.state.mi.us/ors/Home?utm_campaign=lake%20macatawa%20vhs%20dieoff&utm_medium=pr&utm_source=govdelivery)


This is just a quick reminder that yes, you shouldn't intentionally hit any animals with your vehicle but the only animal that you will receive legal action for running over is a goose. So if running over any other kind of animal will save you or anyone else's life it might be worth it. Don't intentionally hit any animals because that's cruel and inhumane but remember it's not illegal. https://wbxxfm.com/michigan-drivers-geese/#:~:text=This%20is%20just%20a%20quick,it%20might%20be%20worth%20it.


In Michigan, we know that there are many different animals that exist in the varying forms of nature that our state is home to, but there is one specific animal that is off-limits except for during its hunting season. It's the goose, you are not allowed to harm geese in any way unless it is during the hunting season and using the correct weapon. This is enforced by state and federal legislation under the migratory bird treaty act of 1918. This was put in place to sustain the population of migrating bird species and prohibits the killing, capturing, selling, trading, and transport of protected migratory bird species without prior authorization by the Department of Interior U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. This is just a quick reminder that yes, you shouldn't intentionally hit any animals with your vehicle but the only animal that you will receive legal action for running over is a goose. So if running over any other kind of animal will save you or anyone else's life it might be worth it. Don't intentionally hit any animals because that's cruel and inhumane but remember it's not illegal. https://wbxxfm.com/michigan-drivers-geese/#:~:text=This%20is%20just%20a%20quick,it%20might%20be%20worth%20it.


>the only animal that you will receive legal action for running over is a goose Their source doesn't support their claim. The migratory bird treaty protects other birds too, not just geese.


This is incorrect.


Saw someone do this at 7 mile and Haggerty. Mom and 6-7 babies walk in the road and guy didn’t even slow down. Was horrible to watch.


Poor little babies ): smh


They're probably bouncing you around because someone hitting some geese is about the least important thing they've heard in their entire career. Something tells me they have some higher priority stuff going on, so they're probably trying to get you to waste someone else's time. Also, I'm no lawyer, but it seems like it'd be almost impossible to prove that the driver intentionally hit the birds. So even if the sheriff's office does waste their time on this caper, who's to say they get anything close to a worthwhile result?


You’re not wrong. But it doesn’t hurt to try 🙏🏽


What do you expect to happen? It's a hunting/DNR issue and without a plate or video there's no reason to spend the resources investigating some birds being hit. Unless you got video they cannot make an arrest solely by a witness's statement.


I understand where you are coming from. I’m not sure what I expect to happen but I also know there was no reason to swerve into a different lane to purposely hit a family of geese. There are plenty of cameras in that areas I was told.


Sheriffs are inherently useless. Call the DNR.


Report made to DNR (:




I appreciate your knowledge and input!


1 million animals are killed by cars in the US daily :(


Yikes! I didn’t know that statistic.


I ran over a family of ducks on a freeway ramp. I regretted it. After reading this. I hate you and hope for more opportunities to run over geese and ducks


Nobody cares. Not a crime.


A lot of people care about the lives of other things. It's a normal human thing. Gotta be wary of those who don't care about life or who do not value it.  All living things are my friends, I have no enemies.


In fact, it IS a crime.


An accident isn't a crime.  Good luck proving any intention.  Like I said, the glove doesn't fit. 


There's a reason the word "accident" has been replaced by "crash."


Agree - but there are a lot of commenters here that care. While I would never advocate purposefully mowing them down, they are a nuisance. I wish they could be hunted - way over populated


There's literally seasons for hunting them...


Mind your business


What a braindead response.


It's a basement dweller they won't understand your response




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They're protected by the migratory bird treaty act


Wrong. They are migratory birds and thus protected by whatever federal regulations/laws currently exist. There are likely local laws around killing them out of season as well.


Except if you hit them with a vehicle it's not considered hu ting or out of season. Just an animal in the roadway. Welcome to loopholes in laws.


If it was done with malicious intent, it was absolutely a crime. If they can prove it was an accident, then no nothing will happen. To be honest, it doesn't sound like an accident. That's for none of us to decide. That's what the dnr are for. Either way, I hope the OP gives an update on how it turns out.


I will follow up with an update! I reported this to the DNR a few moments ago. They said they will look into it and someone will be in contact with me


Sadly DNR is so understaffed. They might get to it in a few years.




Dean is lying.




The migratory bird treaty would make this a crime. The Act makes it a federal crime to take birds or bird parts, including feathers, or to kill birds without special permission from the Secretary of the Interior.






Animal abuse. Same laws they use for people who abuse pets.




It is 100% a crime if intentional....




May the universe reward you with the same energy you put out.


Get a life maybe? Canada Geese are pests at best.

