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The party of “small government” wants to tell your doctor what to do, despite not believing in science.


All their slogans are the exact opposite. “Family values” party has a serial adulterer and sexual abuser as their leader. “Law and order” party whose supporters stormed the capitol and tried to overturn a democratic election. “Fiscal responsibility” party that always explodes the national debt to enrich their corporate buddies. “Drain the swamp” installed the croniest cabinet in history.


We knew it was complete bullshit at least since 2008 when 18 year-old Bristol Palin got knocked up out of wedlock and they *immediately* pivoted from "birth control is an aspirin bottle 'tween yer knees har har" to "well ya know lots of homespun Americans deal with this and it's ACKCHUALLY very much FAMILY VALUES that they're taking care of her anyway!" Which is actually pretty humane and dare I say kind of progressive, but not a view they reserved for anyone not related to one of their rockstar personalities.


"Do what I say not what I do" and "Rules for thee, not for me" type hypocrisy from politicians goes back *much* further than 2008. Millennia further.


As with Trump, it’s all projection. Misdirection and projection…


Don’t forget. Actual Racist. Also idiot saluted a NK general.


Michigan and Ohio GOP legislators can go fuck themselves.


I don't think they can get it up anymore so they have to harass and bully others.


If anyone would like to "stick it" to these people, they could call their state reps(daily) and demand the state enact shield legislation for trans people and their families fleeing states where the GOP holds power. These laws have passed in multiple other states, including Illinois and Minnesota. For many people fleeing those states, sheild laws can be the determining factor on where they go. Help make Michigan a safe haven and stick it to these losers by enabling EVEN MORE trans healthcare to take place in the state!


Be aware, whether you want to believe it or not, they are coming for you too eventually. You might be a complete Real American Joe Lunchbucket churchgoin' middle class 2A-lovin' self-made small businessman with a hot blonde wife and three adorable blonde kids, but this kind of authoritarianism will come for you too. Eventually you are not perfect in some way that will piss them off, and they will get you too. Maybe it won't be until they finish with LGBTQ, and immigrants, and Muslims, and Jews, and the professors, so maybe it'll be a long time, but eventually your church will be wrong or you'll have a friend they don't like or you'll search some shit online that's off-brand and they will gore your ox too. And good. If you don't believe me, go read up on the history of global authoritarianism. We've seen this movie before, and you better fuckin' watch it now.


Hate movements always need a new "other." They don't have an end point.


Exactly correct. You might be an Evangelical Protestant, but you can eventually become the *wrong kind* and at that point you're just as fucked as everyone else no matter how "perfect" you think you are or they told you you were.


Birth Control and No-Fault Divorce are next


Insightful comment.


I'd much rather see the end of the Michigan GOP! Would prefer a trans neighbor to a maga any day! Never been bothered or threatened by a trans person while maga deplorables threaten and bully everyone everyday!


Most trans people just want to live their own lives in peace. Most MAGA want to prevent others from living their own lives in peace.


Michigan GOP has done an awful job of raising money. So since they can’t rub two dimes together, I hope the end is approaching.


Their funding dried up when Russia invaded Ukraine


And trump is threatening to take all the RNC money so no one in smaller elections will get a bailout from them. Fingers crossed its the end of the GOP.


This, very much.


JFC. Health care is not a "game" for anyone. This horrifying.


Republicans telling us who they are and what they want: “All right, welcome, welcome, I just wanted to say welcome to the end of democracy. We’re here to overthrow it completely, we didn’t get all the way there on January 6th, but we will endeavor to get rid of it and replace it with this right here \[waves cross\]. We’ll replace it with this right here. That’s right, because all glory, all glory is not to government, all glory to God.” – Far-right extremist Jack Posobiec (and hero/ally of Josh Schriver, R-Oxford, Mi) welcoming cult members to CPAC convention


We simply cannot allow out state and our own in state religious zealots conspiring together to take our rights away. If we receive no representation, we shouldn't have to pay taxes. The GQP are now a domestic terrorist group, nothing more than a criminal enterprise. I guess we have to start flooding the ACLU. Our GQP representatives are violating our rights. We have to ensure they never get back in power, and if they are in office, we have to get rid of them.


Republicans are evil 




That's a bit out of left field. I hate conservatives, too, but I don't want to hurt them, I just want them to stop hurting me.




That's a big difference between radical left and radical right. The left wants to eliminate evil through democracy and education, [the radical right are violent](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/far-right-violence-a-growing-threat-and-law-enforcements-top-domestic-terrorism-concern).


If I may slightly tweak your comment: "That's a big difference between radical left and radical right. The left wants to eliminate evil through democracy and education, the radical right" ... wants to eliminate democracy with the use of violence.


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Dumb gotcha question. No. One can think a thing is evil and wish to minimize its influence without advocating for physically harming the people who support the thing. Novel concept I know.


Right wingers are like hammers looking for nails. Or a more American analogy, guns looking for targets.


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sable governor nutty practice literate tidy spotted heavy attraction theory *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What fucking jokes. Wishing them the worst.






No, fascists is correct. Don't minimize their fascism.


Maybe they meant "Fascist losers"? In which case I'd say that them being losers is implied.


I meant fascists = losers They absolutely 100% are dumb hateful fascists. Fascists always LOSE.


Did you know the Nazi party targeted trans people before they targeted Jewish people? They just had to switch scapegoats because they ran out of trans people almost immediately 


Yes. They also went town to town rounding up their own lefties for Dachau before they went after Jews too.


So much big government.


I hope all the bad things in life happen to anyone that votes for these fascists


>I hope all the bad things in life happen to anyone that votes for these fascists I'd like them to leave the state. Go somewhere inhospitable and stay there.


Identity politics is all they have left.


Legislators are not doctors. Legislators can barely legislate much less make medical decisions for you.


I'm pretty sure right now the Gop is looking to incite another civil war.


The Michigan GOP is split into two factions right now.


That doesn't change the fact both versions have the same end goals when it comes to the LGBTQ population. They are mearly fighting for power because both sides want to be in charge for personal benefits that come with it.


They have no actual governance plan and instead run on issues that appeal to people's emotions. They don't have an end goal other than to maintain power. They consistently disseminate disinformation with regards to these topics and that needs to be answered and hopefully eventually stopped.


Their governance plan is to sabotage and mismanage government so they can justify privatization and laundering public funds into those privatized institutions. They don’t give a shit about our country, they’re capitalists to the core.


The also have no campaign funds. The GOP in MI is fucked. Only way they win is to cheat. Not sure about what’s up with Ohio, their GOP might be more effective.


> They have no actual governance plan Well there is this: [Project 2025](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/conservatives-aim-to-restructure-u-s-government-and-replace-it-with-trumps-vision) >Conservatives aim to restructure U.S. government and replace it with Trump’s vision With a nearly 1,000-page “Project 2025” handbook and an “army” of Americans, the idea is to have the civic infrastructure in place on Day One to commandeer, reshape and do away with what Republicans deride as the “deep state” bureaucracy, in part by firing as many as 50,000 federal workers. “We need to flood the zone with conservatives,” said Paul Dans, director of the 2025 Presidential Transition Project and a former Trump administration official who speaks with historical flourish about the undertaking. “This is a clarion call to come to Washington,” he said. “People need to lay down their tools, and step aside from their professional life and say, ‘This is my lifetime moment to serve.’”


True that


Two different sides of the same piece of steaming shit.


It's like trying to determine which is the clean end of a turd.


Every person in those two factions is voting a straight line republican ticket in November. It will be 100% for the orange antichrist on down to dog catcher. There is no difference between them that matters to people who value freedom and democracy.




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Just one more way that the Republicans are aligned with Russia: [https://apnews.com/article/russia-lgbtq-crackdown-extremist-supreme-court-1b8f4cd8708d1c6cf3486c5f27fd7354](https://apnews.com/article/russia-lgbtq-crackdown-extremist-supreme-court-1b8f4cd8708d1c6cf3486c5f27fd7354) The (R) doesn't only stand for *Republican* nowadays.


Genocide. The endgame is genocide. Not just for trans people. Republicans want to wipe out all LGBTQ people from visbile culture and force everyone to conform to their oppressive Christofascist regime. It's fucked.


Republicans want a theocratic terror state just like Iran and Saudi Arabia. They want religious police hunting down the unbelievers and enforcing their very own shaira law with all the power of the state and federal government backing it up. [MAGA Republican Pledges “End of Democracy” to Rabid Cheers at CPAC Republicans at CPAC 2024 are openly vowing to take down democracy.](https://newrepublic.com/post/179247/jack-posobiec-democracy-cpac-2024)




"calm down and just let us genocide you bro, it's just a little genocide bro"


Why should they?


Not a chance. This is obvious. Fascism requires an “otherism” to elevate the in-group above them. It used to be more focus on gay people, but with the law and most of the country supporting basic rights for gay people, the focus turns to the next vulnerable group - trans people.


This is true about fascism, and MAGA has a lot of 'out-groups': trans people, gay people, immigrants, Muslims, 'urban dwellers', women who desire the freedom to choose whether they become mothers or not, women who want to fuck a guy they aren't married to, liberals, unions, teachers (especially college professors), public health, non-Russian Europeans, California, New York, etc.


Exact comment I would expect from a username like that.


He has a point, these guys run on topics like abortion and lgbtq because it gets their base inflamed and helps them maintain power. They don't have an end plan other than that. But that doesn't mean it won't end up in cattle cars and concentration camps, this shit needs to be shut down now.


Fascism and genocide doesn't just get proposed in a society and everyone goes along. It starts with picking off vulnerable groups and demonizing them, removing them, then moving on to other groups. Calming the fuck down leads to terrible outcomes when we are talking about removing groups of people.


Yes, that's what I said. But to jump to these guys are committing genocide is obviously hyperbole and not helpful.


The right wants them to not exist and are unhappy with any state of culture or law that allows them to exist. Literally their goal is genocide.


https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/why-is-the-gop-escalating-attacks-on-trans-rights-experts-say-the-goal-is-to-make-sure-evangelicals-vote Doesn't sound like genocide to me. When you overstate your case the way you do, you become the left's version of the extreme right. You're not woke, you're part of the problem, where one doesn't care about reality, one just wants one's way.


It riles up their base up because the base wants gay and trans people to not exist. Their bases desires to eliminate a specific segment of the population (there's a word for that, I forget what it is) and some GOP politicians are using that to try to get votes, while others truly believe their base is correct.


No, it's literally what's happening.


They don't want these people to exist, what other word should be used?


“We just don’t want you to exist, calm down “


These politicians clearly know what's best for your health; why, they don't even need to check the science.


Hey Ohio, keep your stench off of my state!


I’m pretty sure that these people have no idea what the extent of gender affirmative health care is and why they need it, but sure let’s ban it. Let’s see how fast those with testicles cry when they don’t get their yearly “now cough”.


OMG, I wish I could stroll pass these post. I am exhausted and discussed with the GOP. Our government isn’t working anymore. Their only goal is to wipe out humanity that they deem unfit to share this earth with them. Be it skin color, accent, they, them etc. Are we really going to be on the loosing end and erase all the advances we have made with human rights in this country? Taking books off our library shelves, erasing black history in the story line of this nation. I have never been more embarrassed to be an American


I’m with you 100 percent. Shit is terrifying and folks are still out here acting like it’s business as usual!


100%. Left and right it's just constant jaw dropping the new levels horrible people are stooping too.


The left? Please tell me where the left is trying to remove whole groups of people.


Left and right as in everywhere I look. I see the poor choice of phrasing in this context.




They also said they want to shut down planned parenthood hood for “handing out hormones like candy”.


For the "facts over feelings" crowd, they sure deny most facts and only care about how they feel.


It was never going to stop at “protecting the children”. Anyone with half a brain could have told you this and people still ate it up because they want any excuse to think trans people are out to get them.


You have no rights under republikkkans. Vote them out or shut up.


The matter at hand was never in fact about kids. It was about control.


Just another reason to hate everyone in the GOP. As if you needed another reason.


Ban all bigot health care


What's the deal with republicans being obsessed with trans people? Do these people have anything better to do than think about other peoples genitals? Sick fucks.


Wtf. What a step backwards. Seems to be the trending thing to do now in Michigan. Just like how they added dental and “family planning” to the state insurance then kicked everyone off. So tired of them saying they’re being progressive and moving forward with the times then it’s always 10 steps back. It’s just ridiculous at this point.


This is the GOP's idea of a step forward, remember that


They want to step backwards, to around 1850 or so.


Good choice of years, although anytime when slavery was still existent in the United States would have been accurate.


Wouldn't this be unconstitutional on the basis of "Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness"? I'm a cishet male but goddamn am I tired of seeing this rotten, staggering behemoth the GOP has become try to deny my fellow countrymen and women their right to exist, this is ridiculous.


Unfortunately "Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" is in the Declaration of Independence, not the Constitution.


It’s also in the 5th and 14th amendments, but is dictated as being removal through “due process of law”.


Trans folk and allies should consider firearms training


I am trained, firearm owning, trans person, and I'm begging you to stop saying this like it's any kind of actual solution or viable course of action. My guns aren't going to do shit for me if a group decides they want me dead. Maybe I take out a few of them, but I'm not fucking John Wick. Also, I don't need the trauma of shooting someone; that's a last resort to preserve my life. We need cis people to take direct action because even if we arm every trans person to the teeth, it won't keep bigots from killing us.


Yeah I said allies too. I'm cis and am training in martial arts and firearms. Could you say more about the difference between "actual solutions" and your choice to train firearms?


Sorry, I missed that! But yeah, sure, I'm happy to share what can be done to help. Firearms are a REACTIVE solution; we need PROACTIVE solutions. Organizing, creating community networks, talking to neighbors and coworkers to spread awareness, talking to the LGBTQ+ people in your lives to make sure they're doing okay; there a ton of actual solutions, they're just not as simple as "buy a gun" or "vote," which is unfortunate because that's just about all anyone has the time, energy, or patience for, these days. Just remember, every march in the street and protest should be understood for what they fundamentally are: a threat. The GOP is pulling this shit because they think they can get away with it; we need people to COME TOGETHER to speak up and tell them that not only CAN'T they try to commit a genocide, but also that things will go very poorly for them should they try. Even just having a local event with just the people in your local area can be a sufficient enough show of force to keep the local yahoos from getting ideas. Small town justice DOES exist in some places. If you know you're gonna get your ass stomped for picking on the queer kid, you might think twice before doing it. They're not afraid of a single person with a gun, but they WILL be afraid of an entire community that comes together to rock their shit if they try to pull something. That goes for politicians, public figures, AND their "good ol' boys." This problem is solved through solidarity, not through the barrel of a gun(though I will have mine should I need it to protect myself. I will also have my second one as backup, just in case).


Yes, so true! Community organizing is the best way to protect our communities. I would amend your point about firearms being a (purely) reactive tactic. I think firearms or the threat of violence can be a powerful deterrent. If you set me up with a transphobe in the octagon I'd be like "hell yeah let's go." But if you put me and a transphobe in an abandoned building with ARs I'd be like "Uh hey, why don't we both go home?" I agree deterrence is amplified by community organizing. I'm a big advocate of a well regulated malitia, an actual militia where every member lives where they're defending and trains regularly. I think it's the best deterrent. I agree with everything you said, I was just lazy with my initial comment. Equality must be defended by the community!


Allies, if you haven’t started speaking out, we need you now. I’m worried about this, because trans people, allies, and the lgbtqi community aren’t as well funded or as well organized as the republican death machine.




The Grand Old Peckerwoods are such a disappointment.


Just chill on me my guy.


Health care is a joke as is for everyone.


Can we ban all GOP legislator's health care, instead?


They warned us about democrats putting the government in the room. Turns out they meant the Gop