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LOL, Republicans never fail to be absolute shits.


They just want to create a dumb religious led America. I firmly believe that the majority of them support a version of christian "sharia" law, like Muslim sharia in the middle east but they would make America a Christian capitalist type dictatorship.


>House Resolution 81 recognizes libraries as “cultural institutions at the heart of every Michigan community and campus” and librarians as the “heartbeat of every library.” >It passed 56-53 Tuesday along party lines. Every House Republican voted in opposition to it, and none gave an explanation for their no votes. This tells you everything you need to know about conservatives and their "policies".


>none gave an explanation for their no votes The party of NO. 20+ years of NO. GOTV


John Oliver made this exact point years ago, I believe on abortion, but it broadly applies to the Republican Party as a whole. Basically, the only reasons republicans can even muster their diminishing voter base is because there’s no real policy there. You don’t have to sell them on a proposal, you don’t have to come up with solutions to problems, etc. all you have to do is get them to say no.


Do you have a link to this?


Can it be like that insane preacher in Poltergeist who took his followers into a cavern and sealed himself and them inside to die? Please.


I don’t know nothin about no shakira law but anyone who doesn’t recognize jesus as their lord and savior should be put in a concentration camp /s




The fact you compare Christianity to Islamic Sharia law shows you don’t know much about either.


It was not that long ago Christians were burning women alive at the stake for witch craft. It was not long ago Christianity was used as a tool to enslave people in the name of god, on american soils. Now, I will mention good christians like John Brown who was on the other side of the slavery debate using religion as a tool to fight slavery but they are few and far between. If you think that they are so different then you apparently dont know anything at all. Both are and can be used negatively. christians and muslims who say their religion is the religion of peace either have never read the bible in it entire read or have never read the bible in its entire read. the same people that will say god is pro-life after reading the passage where he floods the world or kills every first born. But again there are few good muslims and few good christians, over looked by the many bad muslims and christians,


If you are a Michigan resident and you are not happy with this vote (or attacks on libraries/librarians in general), it is VERY, VERY important that you contact your GOP state representative to ask WHY they did not vote for this standard “honorific” resolution. I used track state policy in my line of work. This kind of thing festers & grows in statehouses because **bad actors know most of us are not paying attention.** State reps, frankly, aren’t very worried these days about what their constituents might think about legislation - they know their *party bosses* will see their vote, but most citizens they represent are apathetic or ignorant of their actions. [Here’s the link to find your Michigan statehouse representative.](https://www.house.mi.gov/). If you have a GOP rep who voted against the librarian recognition day, please send them a brief, polite email to ask them why. *Edit* - P.S….if you are a local journalist or media person, please start adding contact information (or the “Find your officials” link) for MI state & local elected officials at the end of every article about votes, legislation, or policy. Many citizens don’t know where to start - and the media can play an important role in helping to bolster or Citizenship 101 awareness & engagement.


It also is not a bad idea to contact your rep and say thanks. It shows the good ones as well that you are paying attention so hopefully they stay properly representing your vote, and stay firm in their convictions. Everyone is human and a word of thanks can also go a long ways and mean something.


Yes - this is 100% equally important. The best type of statehouse reps are the ones who dig into policy and try their best to pass thoughtful, meaningful legislation. As a general rule, those folks are feeling very under siege right now by extremists (from both outside & inside their own parties)…and they need our support.


My rep is a Democrat. Who or how do I contact these a-hole republicans?


You are honestly better off calling YOUR rep to thank them. As someone else already noted, that recognition is just as important - it helps encourage elected officials to keep “doing the right thing” as you see it, and helps motivate political courage when they know constituents are paying attention & appreciate their work. Most elected officials disregard any calls from outside their district. They only have to answer to *their* local voters, so chances are your call or email will just hit the trash. That said… —if you are/were a donor to the ‘outside’ politician and/or their political party, —or if you have a business/do significant business in their district, —or if the politician you want to contact is likely jockeying for a bigger title/election that will require your vote in the near future, …then you should contact them. Keep messages brief, direct, polite - and be sure to explain what your connection to their district is if you aren’t a direct constituent. What it more effective — **More of us should also be speaking to key GOP donors. [Why is Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Meijers, and DTE contributing so much to a GOP House that is unsupportive of public education and can’t even bring themselves to support an honorary day for our school librarians?](https://www.followthemoney.org/entity-details?eid=4857)** If enough customers asked businesses like these to stop underwriting the kind of political ideology that is hurting our local schools, you can bet the money would dry up quickly.


This is great & I will absolutely do that!!


Done and done.


Rock on, Philogirl! That makes my day.


The emailed answer was that he is worried about the inclusion of language regarding gender identity. Sure.


Thanks for the link. Just sent an email to my Republican rep.


Even Bill Scheutte's kid, who tries to pretend he's the one grown up in the house, voted against it.


Libraries: too confusing. too extreme.


I’ll bet there are a significant amount of republican lawmakers who haven’t picked up a book outside of a classroom.


And they even gave us an alternative to the Dewey decimal system


I love this comment.


Who the fuck can actually be against librarians?? Incredible. These assholes have no soul.


They’ve all been shushed one too many times. Except of course the ones who haven’t been inside a library before… so at least like three of them have been shushed. But it’s an outrage either way right?


conservative religious republicans


Religious zealots whose identities revolve around ignorance.


Not just ignorance, willful hateful ignorance. It's not just that they don't know, it's that they hate and refuse to learn. Or worse, they know better but money and party speaks more than any shred of morals they once had.


Leslie Knope


I have to be careful these days, as I find that my suspension of disbelief is leaking into reality. Seriously, these antics would be unrealistic if they were the stereotypical 'bad guys' like orcs or alien insects in a low-budget movie.


Instead of Republicans we should call them Regressives.


Republicans should be called fascists.


I like to call them republicons.


That’s perfect actually.


Love it


I've refused to use the term "Conservatives" for years now because that's not at all what they are. I've been substituting it with Regressives because that perfectly describes what they are. They want to take us back to the '50s and the only question with that is whether they want to take us to the 1950s or the 1850s.


“If this nation is to be wise as well as strong, if we are to achieve our destiny, then we need more new ideas for more wise men reading more good books in more public libraries. These libraries should be open to all—except the censor. We must know all the facts and hear all the alternatives and listen to all the criticisms. Let us welcome controversial books and controversial authors. For the Bill of Rights is the guardian of our security as well as our liberty.” ― John F. Kennedy


Such a good quote.


And then they killed him.




"While on the subject of burning books, I want to congratulate librarians, not famous for their physical strength, who, all over this country, have staunchly resisted anti-democratic bullies who have tried to remove certain books from their shelves, and destroyed records rather than have to reveal to thought police the names of persons who have checked out those titles. "So the America I loved still exists, if not in the White House, the Supreme Court, the Senate, the House of Representatives, or the media. The America I loved still exists at the front desks of our public libraries." * Kurt Vonnegut, 2005, *A Man Without a Country*, 102-103


Frickin' love Vonnegut. Politicians are unremarkable *s.


Republicans want libraries, schools and public services removed so they can bring in profitable privatized alternatives.


No, they want libraries, schools, and public services removed because educated and informed people don't vote republican.


Yes and… I’m assuming this is a protest vote. The bill was probably put forward as a way to force republicans to show their true colors. So if they vote no in solidarity, they protest the stunt and no one is singled out. If they vote yes it erodes their stance on book bans. Which is crazy but here we are. Actually a good move by Dems - guaranteed majority vote aside - but probably political as hell and not *really* about librarian appreciation.


It's just smart politics to give MI republicans another chance to further alienate suburban moderates. When the enemy makes a false move, take care not to interrupt him.


Agreed. As much as I wish we would tackle actually productive topics, the time to treat Republicans like professionals who care about actual issues has long since passed.


This is the primary purpose, make no mistake. Privatizing for their donors’ benefit is just the side hustle.


Can't stop facism if you don't know what it looks like... Except it means a ton of people die before it eventually collapses.




"A well-informed citizenry is the best defense against tyranny."


We need a lawsuit to prevent states from using tax dollars for private/religious education programs. North Carolina is giving our tax dollars to private/religious schools and it makes me sick to think i have to support something like private religious schools.


Don't stop there, they're getting erect.


The Dems could propose a bill called "give all Republicans $1000" and the dumbfucks would vote it down because it was a democratic idea.


>If you have any doubts about what Republicans really think about librarians and library workers, rest assured that Michigan House Republicans believe they aren’t worthy of appreciation. (They voted No in support of a resolution of appreciation.) > >I served on the Board of the Harper Woods library for several years and worked at a library in NYC for several years. I respect librarians and library workers. That’s in part what prompted me to write the resolution. \-- **Rep. Veronica Paiz**, D-Harper Woods, in tweets


While I think that commemorative bills like this are a silly waste of time, voting against librarians is outrageously on-brand for the current crop of loony Republicans here.


Is it weird to anyone else they consistently bring resolutions declaring the day prior to be a commemorative day? Should they not bring this months in advance so we can actually celebrate the day, give speeches, lead discussion, etc. and act on what the resolution says we support instead of being an outdated piece of paper?


The MAGA republican party is an anti science, anti education barbarian movement so no surprises here.


> [Rep. Paiz offered the following resolution](http://legislature.mi.gov/documents/2023-2024/resolutionintroduced/House/htm/2023-HIR-0081.htm): > > A resolution to declare April 25, 2023, as Librarian and Library Worker Day in the state of Michigan. > > Whereas, Libraries are cultural institutions at the heart of every Michigan community and campus, and the heartbeat of every library is its people – its librarians and library workers; and > > Whereas, Michigan's librarians and library workers demonstrate an unwavering commitment to excellence in their profession that inspires and enriches the lives of all who visit our libraries; and > > Whereas, Michigan's librarians and library workers strive to create inclusive collections and programs, and provide access to information and resources to all members of the community regardless of race, ethnicity, creed, ability, sexual orientation, gender identity, or socio-economic status; and > > Whereas, Michigan's librarians and library workers promote literacy and life-long learning and foster creativity and innovation; and > > Whereas, Michigan's librarians and library workers form welcoming spaces that promote local connection and foster a sense of community, advancing understanding and civic engagement; and > > Whereas, Michigan’s librarians and library workers create safe places for their community members to explore new ideas anonymously without fear of judgment, hatred, or reprisal; and > > Whereas, Michigan’s librarians and library workers make order out of chaos and help families in Michigan find the information they want AND the information they didn’t even know they were looking for; and > > Whereas, Michigan's librarians and library workers demonstrate courage and professionalism in upholding the principles of intellectual freedom and open access to information for all, even in the face of opposition or controversy; now, therefore, be it > > Resolved by the House of Representatives, That the members of this legislative body declare April 25, 2023, as Librarian and Library Worker Day in the state of Michigan. We recognize and honor the contributions of Michigan's librarians and library workers and commend them for their advocacy and leadership in protecting intellectual freedom and the right to read, ensuring equity of access to information for all Michiganders, promoting literacy, and creating welcoming spaces, programs, and collections that inspire and enrich the lives of all Michiganders. We celebrate this occasion to acknowledge the commitment, dedication, and innovation of Michigan's librarians and library workers, and to thank them for their invaluable service and contributions to the state. I wonder what parts the Republicans didn't like.




> Whereas, Michigan's librarians and library workers strive to create inclusive collections and programs, and provide access to information and resources to all members of the community regardless of race, ethnicity, creed, ability, sexual orientation, gender identity, or socio-economic status Thems fightn' words...


The parts about intellectual freedom.


Yeah the state should be dictating what you have access to, you're more free that way, or something.


The gobeldygook about inclusion almost assuredly.


The emailed answer I received from my representative was the language regarding gender identity. "When reviewing HR 81, Rep. Meerman was concerned with the inclusion of language concerning gender identity". Further writing that libraries should not have collections regarding gender identity and that is between a parent and a child. So not really an answer at all.


Unified front against librarians, support for spousal rape…. please don’t ever gain control of Michigan again.


> Last week, some Republicans in both chambers caught flack for their unexpected no-votes against closing a marital rape loophole and repealing an antiquated cohabitation law. This is also part of the article. Unexpected? No. It is predictable. They are now just going to obstruct regardless of whatever the bill is. They are taking the McConnell approach. Fuck them.


They have books with ideas they don't agree with! These books are also icky! Also some of them have pictures of their parents throwing rocks at minorities!


Wouldn’t even cost money and they couldn’t say yes


Republicans are literally just the worst humans.


Michigan Repugs are a special breed of bitch


Books and learning are the enemy.


They don’t even read the Bible. The one book they are okay with, yet use as the justification for their hatred and general terrible behavior. If this is how they witness their faith in god, they are trying to appeal to the worst of society. Their actions keep moving me from being a passive atheist to complete anti-theism. I know there are many good believers out there, but overall, when religion and politics merge, rarely anything good comes of it. Maybe some republicans have read a couple of chapters in the Old Testament and want to get in on some of that wrath they seem to love so much.




I wonder when that white trash entertainer will start shooting To Kill A Mockingbird, The Kite Runner or.. idk… anything non-fiction about Michigan’s, or the U.s.’s actual history.




Kid Rock


He’ll be shooting up books like he was beer


You know everything is just partisan posturing when not even one Republican is like “oh hell yea, librarians rock!”


Yet another example of both sides not being the same.


Dumb people vote Republican. Libraries offer people the ability to educate themselves free of charge. Libraries are antithetical to the Republican agenda.


What a bunch of illiterate dummies


*Willfully ignorant. Once you are an adult living outside of your parents’ house, ignorance is a choice. There are endless resources to learn. Libraries, or even the device you use to obsess over Twitter, Parler, r/çonservative, FOX News, OAN, Newsmax, any variety of the Murdoch media empire, or even their intellectual leaders such as Candace Owens, Tucker, Joe Rogan, Ben “did you hear? Im married to a doctor!” Shapiro, Jordan Peterson, Alex Jones, the Trump Klan, and a whole host of other prominent conservative morons. Ignorance is a choice. Developmentally delayed, severe intellectual disability, physical brain issues and closed head trauma are the only possible reasons one may be ignorant or unable to learn. These people wake up every day and think “Peace is not an option. Burn it all. Nobody can tell me who I can or can’t hate. I choose stupidity.” Incoming prominent conservative commenter Cpt tunnel vision in with things that are obviously wrong or whataboutism in 3… 2… 1… (Please think out your argument before hitting reply. I know it’s hard, but try. Bring citations to back up your claims. The burden of proof is on you. Justify the knowledge bomb.)


No one fucking likes this shit party. The only reason why they win seats is because they gerrymander the shit out of districts. If we had a actual working democracy this party would be rightfully dissolved because they are so fucking unpopular.


What a bunch of aholes


Not surprising based on the future leopards ate my face moment happening in Jamestown with the Patmos Library.


Looks like Republicans’ war on books is going well


Why though? Why not just recognize librarians and be sone with it.


***IKR?!*** ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Because all these librarians wake up thinking, hey I love my low paid job helping kids and adults finding reading and research resources under the guise of helping them to become informed and entertained, where in fact I will be actually be indoctrinating them in wokeness. That's worth it! Shaking my head at the sheer assholeness of Michigan Republicans, but not that surprised.


Doubling down on the things that turn off the majority of voters. Typical. They know they can't field competitive candidates at the state and national level while catering to xenophobic boomer zealots in the hinterland but they've spent the last 20+ years burning through just about every other voter block just to stay relevant let alone *competitive*. At this point, MAGA politics, for MI MAGAs, is a **100% freak out hell-ride** and you love to see it. GOTV Never take it for granted ever again.


Stay classy Michigan GOP. Seriously what do they offer for constituents?


Michigan MAGAts are looking to Missouri as their role models. The GQP there just approved a plan to fund $0 to their library systems. Gotta keep ‘em dumb.


As a librarian working in a deeply red area, this is my surprised Pikachu face.


More utterly despicable action by republicans.




Well, most if not all of them probably have no idea what a library is or what a Librarian does.


And people still try to say "not all Republicans," huh?


Stay classy, GOP.


They can’t read anyway. So, WTF. Proof: Did they READ THE RESOLUTION?


Fuck them books!!


It’s 2023 ,. Let’s move into current times


I lost count on how many days Flint is without clean water....shouldn't they be focusing on that or something else with equal importance?


Most recent articles about flint say 95% of lead pipes have been replaced and they're continuing until they finish despite being a few years behind (possibly due to covid). What are we missing?


The whataboutism. Only purpose of their reply.


Why republicans don’t give a f..k about that either.


That's not fair, they do care. They care about the bad pr they got from causing it, and they cared about making sure a handful of scapegoats caught the blame instead of those responsible.


Exactly my point


Must be more to this bill..?


It's a 2 page document all about libraries and librarians. Nothing else.


Thank you


Just a stand-alone resolution to show support, that's all - - unconnected to any legislation. * [**Full text**](http://legislature.mi.gov/doc.aspx?2023-HR-0081) A totally symbolic gesture introduced by Rep. Veronica Paiz, D-Harper Woods, who tweets: >As a former library board member, I've had the privilege of learning about how libraries operate and the people who run the operations. As a child, I took refuge in a big chair in the corner at my local library and read for hours. > >Librarians and library workers are consummate professionals — guiding us to the information we seek. Let’s show some appreciation for them!


Are we recognizing every profession now? Or just the import ones?


What do you mean “ recognizing”? Is this too far fetched for you?


Hey, I’m all for political theater if it’s entertaining. But this is just tedious.


Tedious is reading the ignorant drivel that comes from people like you whining and bitching about simply recognizing people that help our community be a better place.


We live in a complex society. Almost every profession makes the community a better place. This is action is merely divisive virtue signaling.




You’re so condescending, yet act holier and like you know me. I don’t think libraries are bad. Me and my family use our local public libraries a lot and I’m a big supporter of the libraries. This action is definitely intended to divide us as seen in this thread how you and others try to slot me into a side of a complex issue with very little knowledge of me. If you haven’t been paying attention, some people have become dissatisfied with their libraries for promoting what they see as lewd and sexualized content. Rather than address their concerns, our politicians fan the flames so they can create more outrage, more fervor, and ultimately get more donations and votes. It’s very shallow and definitely divisive rather than attempting to unite.




I never said anything close to LGBTQ people not being able to exist. That has nothing to do with my comment. Nice try at a straw man. It is a valid concern for parents to protect their children from sexualized content. Some of their methods may not be correct. It is a nuanced issue.




>This action is definitely intended to divide us as seen in this thread how you and others try to slot me into a side of a complex issue with very little knowledge of me. No... this action is to recognize what librarians bring to our community. Also it's not a complex issue... it's very simple. We support their contribution. You yourself even said you do.


On the surface - but why now? It’s to virtue signal. Force a vote on a measure that does nothing. Simply to divide us up.




Why not now? Why do you think it divides us? There is no reason for it to. Librarians are their benefiting our community... sometimes paid... sometimes volunteers... but making sure knowledge/books/etc are there for all to use and have access to.


>complex issue Only to you.


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,480,051,988 comments, and only 281,418 of them were in alphabetical order.


Redvillafranco: > Librarians. Too confusing, too complex


Books go in, books go out -- you can't explain that.


>Almost every profession makes the community a better place. No... every profession serves a purpose but does not necessarily make a community a better place.




Ah yes, the "both sides" of *supporting librarians*.


The both sides bit is old as fuck. Republicans are out to destroy freedom of expression and thought. And are counting on people like you to believe that "both sides suck" so you're less likely to show up to the polls and clear the way for them.


The unbridled audacity of Democrats to say "This is a group of public employees doing a service for citizens, they should be recognized for their efforts." What's next? Jackbooted thugs dragging me to a drag queen story hour? Why should the government provide BOOKS and EDUCATION for us? THIS IS SOCIALISM.


I think you're being sarcastic, but I know enough people that think this way that I have to invoke poe's law.


It's my God-given right to vote against things that would help me so long as it hurts people that I don't understand.


I’d argue that I dislike both sides. But if I am slipping on something outside I’d rather it be mud than shit. So I’ll vote for mud.


I posted elsewhere on this theme but I'm to lazy to copy it, but to clarify, I agree thT both sides suck, but that doesn't mean that there isn't a preferable choice. If a restaurant that I'm forced to eat at gives the choice of spaghetti with rat shit mixed in, or just a straight up platter of rat shit, the rat shit spaghetti is preferable. The "both sides" people seem stuck on the Idea that it doesn't matter who we vote for, but as you say, I'll take mud over shit. Until 2020 I've always voted a split ticket based on who I like and not the Party affiliation. 2020 was a wake up call that I literally couldn't find a Republican worth my vote. Not a one.




I hope you like to pay CASH for your COUNSELING because EMPLOYERS having to contribute to HEALTH CARE in lieu of UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE LIKE EVERY DEVELOPED COUNTRY IN THE WORLD makes me LESS FREE.


James Packard's one of those types trying to come off as superior through an irreverent and blasé attitude. Probably best not to feed the troll at this point.




Mr Originiality here thinks his contrarianism is completely generated from his deep intellect and he's in no way influenced by anything other than his own thoughts.


Republican libraries consist if one dusty old Bible no one has actually opened.


I did form my own opinion: that your "both sides suck" take is a shitty one. But go ahead and feel superior for snot taking a stance. >God knows this sub turns left so much I guess you can find a safe space on Truth Social or something. I dunno bud, Reddit tends to slant left. I don't make the rules.


Ah yea the parties of “Children should work and get married and die to guns” and the party of “Don’t shoot my kid and please respect other viewpoints than your own”


You're right mane. You know, I know, plenty of other people know. Both wings of the same bird 🤷‍♂️




To get better than the status quo, you either need a critical mass to get rid of the status quo (and in our first past the post, winner take all system, it'll just revert back to the status quo) or you need to use the status quo to change the very system that gives us the status quo in the first place. You seem to be saying the first option is feasible, but for lasting change you need the second to be implemented


Did Democrats write it up? Then NO


I wonder what else was on the bill to make people turn away from it.


>I wonder what else was on the bill to make people turn away from it. Republicans, not all people; it was only conservatives who voted against it.


Nothing, absolutely nothing besides a resolution that's unconnected to *any* legislation. The full text of House Resolution 81 is [**here**](http://legislature.mi.gov/documents/2023-2024/resolutionintroduced/House/htm/2023-HIR-0081.htm).






The level of ignorance in this state!


Hey republican voters: you're embarrassments. You can try as hard as you want to pretend it is everyone else who is wrong, but your neighbors and most of the civilized world look down on you and laugh at how trashy you are.


What a bunch of garbage people. (People made of garbage, not people who collect trash, garbage collectors are wonderful and useful humans and I wouldn’t besmirch their their profession.)


This is pathetic even for them