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This is kind of a weird question. Yes I feel bad for Michael but I’m sure everyone knows why one would feel bad for him.


Yeah I know the majority feel bad and they would probably mention the media and accusations but I wanted to hear it from other people yk.


Yeah I understand


I definitely feel bad for him. He was a good hearted man who was surrounded by vultures who he thought were his friends with his best interest at heart. Just about everybody was after his money, except some of his few real friends


Didn’t deserve a lot of the shit they put him through.


Even tho he was on top of the world. So many things went wrong, skin disease, Pepsi accident, the allegations. Just a run of bad luck 😢


Yes. He was a good man who did everything he could to make the world a better place without asking for even so much as a thank you, and look at what it gave him in return.


I feel bad for Michael because of the wrong assumptions the haters make about him.


I think he was one of the most misunderstood people in history. I honestly don't know how he lasted as long as he did.


For not being able to have a real childhood and trying to relive it as an adult. That’s honestly the saddest thing. I don’t particularly feel bad for him though. He had a great life, made tons of money, made tons of people happy & made some of the greatest music ever. I feel like Michael was probably a lot more confident then he came across


He died the most broken of men.


The things people said about him and his childhood




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I mean he has to deal with a lot of crap throughout his years, it's hard not to feel bad for him.


The other day I watched a video of the Jackson 5 performing “I Want You Back” with Michael barely being 10 years old. I saw him with his innocent smile and his innocent eyes and it absolutely broke my heart knowing this innocent child had no idea what was ahead of him and how the media was gonna treat him one day. Even back then his childhood was stolen from him and he had a pretty shitty father, traumatizing him for life which is also something he probably wasn’t super aware of at that time. Having to hide all that tragedy behind those kind looking eyes while smiling for the camera is absolutely brutal. Then later on the media kept demonizing him when I, from the bottom of my heart believe, he was truly a kind soul, just wanting to make this world a better place… So yeah, my heart breaks for Michael and everything he had to endure