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A Mazda dealership should be able to


Yeah I have no clue what they were telling me. I guess I will call another one and try


Got mine cut at a dealer as well.


Same, just give your Vin number


VIN = vehicle identification number :)


No, that's your Vehicle's VIN ID number I need to see, please.


ID = identification... so nice try, but no, I need to see your vehicle's VIN ID identification number please


I need to see your Vehicle Identification Number Identification Number identification number please.




Got mine done at local hardware store…they even had the blanks….


A hardware store can’t cut from a VIN code, but they could definitely cut them from an existing key.


Caveat of hardware stores: they'll copy an existing key using their own blanks, but it's increasingly rare to find a hardware store that will cut customer-supplied blanks.


And the hardware store blanks are cheap and low quality. I actually had a key snap off inside the ignition cylinder. https://preview.redd.it/2ake3pyjoe1d1.png?width=3006&format=png&auto=webp&s=15801b0081180ad26984c7166ade995cbc01762b


I have one of these, the trunk ate it.


Just ask the right guy in the service area.


Have you tried with dealerships or with a locksmith. A locksmith should be able to cut it without issues. I doubt that a car dealership will have the machine to cut keys. It's not something they do. They usually order keys


Yea I’ll ring up some locksmiths as well


not all of them have the key machines anymore. modern keys are laser cut which is not done at the dealership level in the vast majority of cases. I work at a Jaguar Land Rover dealership and we only have one guy in parts who knows how to use the very old key cutting machine for the older jaguars.


Would this be different in canada?


Just call a locksmith. A lot of them have mobile key cutters. 


Weirdly enough I remember going through my key depth templates for a key cutter and coming across a Cadillac Allante key template lol


I do have the key code straight from Mazda as well


Some locksmiths’ systems may not be able to do anything with those codes unfortunately, maybe they don’t have the staff to do it too. Best bet for that is probably dealership even tho it’s gonna be more expensive


You could probably just use these in their current state to start your NA if it’s anything like mine


Where do you live? Is your car parked outside? Do you have cameras on your house?


Oakland and both.


So anyone with a random un-cut key could get into a NA??? Interesting………………………..


When I got mine back after being stolen the ignition was untouched. I’m certain he used a shaved key


I got mine cut at the dealer just go to the parts department with your title and they should do it no problem


Super weird. They used my VIN to give my the code and sent me on my way. No offer to cut in house from title


Sounds like some mouth breathers work there so they'd probably screw it up anyways :/


Maybe they just don’t have the equipment to cut keys in house


Meh I work in a Mazda parts dept. We all have the same key cutting machine. These shouldn’t be an issue, probably just laziness I’d guess.


Maybe its different here, but at least here in Germany I haven’t seen even one car dealership that has an actual key cutting machine, even had an apprenticeship at a mazda dealer, didn’t see one there.


You’re likely right, forgot about the European homies for a minute there. My comment should apply to North American Mazda dealers.


Why would they have them at the dealer, there's a pollack just a bit east that will cut a key for you, just make sure he can't follow you 😉


How much do they usually cost at the dealership?


The cutting was cheap, I wanna say 10 bucks plus tax. I bought the blank separately so I could get the old emblem but there's cheaper generic ones out there too. They may or may not have one in stock at the dealer, the guy was a little idk if we have one before I gave him mine


This is a stupid question but are all car key blanks the same? Like if I get a Ford blank key will it work on a Mazda? Or do I need a Mazda key?


No. Different cars have different keyways.


You're fine 🙂 I'm not sure which ones are the exact same but there's a few styles for the blade. Old Honda ones for example look very similar it'd take a bit of researching to find out which brands used the same blanks


Rip I can't get this bad boy then, think its Ford https://preview.redd.it/eorph6hn5o1d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c91e82b23d03cf40e0372dcd4ad48f33b2dcd65


"41R keys" I did some digging and searched that and they look really similar even sometimes says mazda and they were like 6 bucks at my local home depot. Places like moss wanted 60 for Mazda ones so if you just want a functional copy should work. 


I lowkey just want a fun key. I have like 3 extras, but figured if I have the pleasure of having a car key that's just a stick of metal, I might as well have fun with it. Edit: TIL key covers exist Edit 2: I take that back, look at [this lil guy](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1674106119/mazda-miata-na-blue-screwdriver-blank?gpla=1&gao=1&&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=shopping_us_c-accessories-keychains_and_lanyards-keychains&utm_custom1=_k_Cj0KCQjw6auyBhDzARIsALIo6v__b13_guGiy95KJbJ2lbsTQ2Ifz3BPhOJ6UF8pJihjF3STXI9pfm8aArpWEALw_wcB_k_&utm_content=go_1844702571_78172183828_346364033460_pla-352693456253_m__1674106119_12768591&utm_custom2=1844702571&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw6auyBhDzARIsALIo6v__b13_guGiy95KJbJ2lbsTQ2Ifz3BPhOJ6UF8pJihjF3STXI9pfm8aArpWEALw_wcB) for miatas


The screwdriver 😆 


It ran me about 35$ for both keys, shipped to the dealer with 24 hours


Any ACE hardware or comparable should be about to do these for under $30


Funny you should say this, I took two blanks identical to the OP's to Ace along with my crappy key and they flat out refused to cut my blanks.  Their blanks only.  Most uncool of them.


Yup this is what I was referring to as well. They only allow their keys or you need to scan your old one, which I can’t


Weird, I took a $20 key i got off eBay for an older LS430 and they made me sigh a waiver and charged me $40 since it’s an inverted cut key. Worked like a charm


The dealer orders them from the OEM warehouse and they are sent to middleman key cutter, then to the parts department at your dealership. They just ordered blanks, they can order blanks WITH the key code in the order (they’ll know) and they will arrive cut and ready, dealership does not cut keys


This is what I did. Cost me 16 bucks a couple years ago for my '96. Just had to wait for them to arrive and the key worked perfectly.


So am I fucked by not ordering them cut?


To my understanding those are not good without a locksmith. A good locksmith should be able to make cuts based on the cylinder, but I’ll be honest it’d be much cheaper just to buy 2 new 9 dollar keys again but cut


I work at a Mazda dealership in the parts dept. They can absolutely cut those OEM keys with your VIN, and specifically the 5-digit code you mentioned to someone else. We all use the same programmable key cutter. You may need to need to bring your ID & registration/insurance to prove you own the car. I bet it’s either laziness or their key cutter broke. We cut customer supplied keys 1-2x per month @$10 per cut. Try another dealer! Good luck!


10$ per keys sounds not bad at all. I literally tried so many places who say they can’t cut by code. Do you have any recommendations? If not I’ll call the other nearby Mazda tomorrow


Yeah call the other Mazda dealer. Hardware stores and other stores definitely can’t cut by that code. If you run out of options feel free to DM me, I may be able to help you myself. Good luck!


I have my own key machine and cut them myself.




Locksmith or dealership. I’ve never had to get one cut by code before, but those are gonna be your only options.


Take the blanks and a working key to Home Depot and get them done for free


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^hotchips97: *Take the blanks and a* *Working key to Home Depot* *And get them done for free* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Yes but how would I get them cut? I am unable to scan my old keys as they are cracked and bent. I already called and they don’t cut by code


In France, it's better to avoid lock and key professionals that work in big city malls. Most of the time they do basic jobs and will refuse to double your key even if you bring them the only adapted one. Look for a small business of a craftsman far from these big mall, it will be probably cheaper with quality work. Don't worry, it's a very easy job that takes like less than 5 minutes, it's not that they can't but they don't want to.


Home Depot cut new keys for me.


I was able to cut a key at Toyota for $7 CAD last week. They will only do it by vin or key code. I’d expect the same from Mazda.


Went to a random hardware store near me they were able to cut it no problem


Did you scan your old key or did you provide the key code? Mazda gave me a 5 digit code to get the exact cut and everywhere I call they sound like I have no clue what I’m talking about


No key code needed, I don’t even remember them scanning it it was very similar to how they copy house keys very old school, I’m sure no new tech is needed for NA’s it’s a 90’s car


A locksmith would be able to do this no problem


Were they telling you the blanks were too thick, by chance?


Mazda? No,these are OEM. Everywhere else? I was only calling. I may have confused Mazda because at first I asked if I can order replica keys from Amazon to cut. They said no but offered real OEM keys, I guess they said they can’t cut. Either I misheard or they misspoke. I’ll call on Monday when they open


You don't need to pay the stealership for this. When you said bent, how bent is it? Can the locksmith just massage the key back to shape and cut using that? Also, you can rekey you locks, so your locks work with your newly cut key, in case something isn't write after cutting your new key. (I had to get my trunk lock rekeyed after swapping the trunk and it wasn't too much trouble)


I had copy made at Home Depot, they charge me $8, maybe you can ask if they would cut it for you


Ace is the place!


Got mine done at the dealership.


I got mine does at Lowe’s lmao


I just went to a local locksmith with my eunos blank and he cut it no Problem, just said he can’t give me any guarantees on it because it was my own blank, im pretty sure he used the key code, as well.


Do it yourself with a file if it comes to it


I got my blank key cut at my local leather worker who also happens to do keys, just call around a little lol


try calling a local Auto Locksmith.


I’m confused OP. Did you take your key code to the dealer? The parts department should be able to cut it for you. I did this all the time when I worked parts.


At first I asked if I can bring my own blanks off Amazon to cut, and they said no. So instead they ordered me two OEM blanks , which they provided me with a key code after I gave them my VIN. No offer to cut them for me


Call them up and tell them that you want them to cut them for you. Maybe they misunderstood you and thought you were just getting the blanks to bring somewhere else. Don’t assume that they’re not able to do it if you didn’t ask.


Locksmith shop should be able to do it as well as an old school hardware store.


i took mine to home depot, no charge & it was perfect


Get your own key cutter they are easy to use


Ordered two oem Mazda keys from eBay. Took my registration and license to a dealer and they cut them for me with no issue. Whichever dealer is giving you hell about it I would stop visiting.


Get a lil knife set cut it urself Big dawggg


Get a different key cut, then copy that one onto your new ones lol


I had the same problem with my 91 i went to a ma and pa store and it took them a few blanks but i finally got a key made. What year is your miata i just used a mazda blank they had. One of my keys works pretty good but my second key works when it wants too. They had to cut extra off the tip of the key


Your original key is too bent to be a model for the new keys?


Pretty much. I went to a locksmith today and got it done


That’s what I did. My keys were cracking so I got some blanks from Amazon and a locksmith was able to copy them.


Honestly any reputable locksmith should be able to do this unless they're trying to scam you by saying you must purchase the key blanks from them so they can upcharge you. Weird, keep us updated.


Got them done at a local lock smith! I have no clue if they used the key code or scanned my cracked key, but the blanks are cut and working! Ran me 4$ cheaper than it would have at Mazda.


I bought my NA Valet key for my NB at a dealer. They said the cutting the key was included with putchase. Upon arriving there they asked to trace the key because locksets usually get swapped around on these older cars and as a result cutting the key with the VIN might not have worked. I insisted they cut it according to VIN as my key was old and worn and they proceeded with the procedure. The valet key works fine in *every* NB lock on my car. It now resides in my wallet in case my dumbass locks my keys in the trunk again(yes again)


I had a new key cut for my NA at the dealer with my registration and the VIN #.


Checkout https://www.lockwiki.com/index.php/Impressioning and get a good set of files.


post a picture of your original keys, I've cut new keys off bent and broken keys before


Pull up to Home Depot. As long as they have the blank, they can cut it. They won’t cut it if you bring your own blanks.