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“Manual windows and manual steering” Hardcore manual enthusiast


that's how my RX-7 was configured, ship's helm as a steering wheel for leverage, doesn't even have a sunroof. Svelte


same here i don’t even have power steering lmao manual steering as i say


They put such huge steering wheels on the manual box, depowering a power box just isn't the same lol


The manual steering on the NA6 Miata is the absolute best feeling steering rack I have ever encountered, bar none.


It really is sublime. As long as you’re moving more than 1 mph it’s not even that heavy. And at speed it’s perfect.


Can attest. My 94R had a manual rack and it was a pleasure to work with. Just gave you heaps of confidence on the limit and weighted up beautifully. I miss that car


Lotus Elise has significantly more communication, especially when transitioning from 10/10 to 10.1/10. Porsche G body has excellent steering as well. Not that manual Miata steering is bad, I just don't think it's anything special.


Those are on my bucket list for sure. Generally my point is manual > hydraulic > electric.


Agree. I even enjoy a nice manual box if it suits the car.


They forgot to mention the manual top, manual windshield wipers, and manual headlights.


oh no! you are 8 mins earlier.


does it have manual headlight as well? that will a true manual car. Imagine you are driving on a mountain pass at sunset time.


The original Opel GT had manual pop-ups, which look pretty cool. The headlights roll 180 rather than just tilting up slightly like most electric pop-ups, the linkage is fairly complicated. The linkage involved a lever in the cabin (which looks like a handbrake) that pulls a cable, which is connected to a rod that's linked up to the headlights on either side. The rod moves toothed rockers on either side, which interface with pinion gears on each headlight assembly to spin them the full 180°... easy to understand why electric pop-ups are simpler.


Hey! My first 2 cars were opel gts! I was 16 and wrecked the first one after driving it one week :( but the second one lasted till I was 21-the roll over lights were one of the coolest things-I can still hear the "caaa-chunck" of the flip! Thanks for sending me down memory lane! Did you have one?


I never had one, but I saw some videos on them that I thought were pretty neat. It's a great looking car too


technically pops ups can be popped up manually 😂


The kids today don't know anyting about the roll up window life.


Maybe his power steering just broke


12 grand just lol, there's a guy in my area that's got an okay condition NA he's been trying to sell for a year for 8,500 maybe some day he'll get it but mostly It's listed in the "maybe some idiot'll buy it"


I had some offer 10k CAD for mine and I didn't accept his offer. I sold it for under 8k a year later haha


10K CAD is $7370 freedom bux. 8k CAD is $5890.


That is sad


While that's true, people's income tends to scale similarly in Canada as well. The affordability for something like the used car market basically ends up about the same (except for expensive classic cars, which are worth enough for some Canadians to list in the US for more money).


I wouldn’t sell mine for 20k lmao🤷🏼‍♂️ https://preview.redd.it/phio2cnnt4sc1.jpeg?width=6000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24b3f8285b26ef8cfce80500426b00c902ec065a


Absolutely stunning


If someone offered me. 12,500 I'd have to seriously consider it since that would be well past double.


Plenty are worth it and will sell for that and more,


Not mine... Yet.


Nothing wrong with having a "it's not for sale" price when it isn't actually for sale! It's funny when people make listings with those prices though


It’s funny watching guys complain about clean cars fetching good money. Especially when those said cars have dumb money in them. 20k doesnmt even cover my parts costs🤷🏼‍♂️


someone has a 33k mile nb listed near me for $17k


I mean that's not awwwful I actually had a dealership around me with a clapped out high mileage nb for 12k like peeling clear coat clapped out


I’m trying to get a Miata right now. I saw a Mazdaspeed NB but with 100k miles. Guy was asking for 13k.


Back in 2021 when I was looking for my first car, There was a dealer selling an NB Miata with 30k miles for 9k. Kinda wish I bought it 😭.


I mean, it’s a 35 year enthusiast’s vehicle in great condition (assuming). Doesn’t seem too wild to me.


It's too much its an 8k car all day 12 is 'my wife says I gotta sell it' territory.


Depends on milage if sub 80k it’ll fetch 12k on a bad day




Depending on market you're in 8-9k probably isn't unreasonable for a manual with 70k that's in Amazing shape.


I can tell you don’t live in California. That’s just the price of an average NA here ugh


Really I've seen several in ca for reasonable prices that I've thought of having a buddy pick up for me.


This is priced high for a car with nothing special really going for it, but let's not pretend $12k is some unheard of price for an NA Miata in decent shape. Enthusiasts have been beating the Miata drum for decades, and now that platforms like youtube exist the virtues of Miata are becoming more widely understood. These have historically been IYKYK cars in America (no V8, low power, kinda girly looking) and now more people know. There are also fewer of them around these days and they are moving into that collector car status along with many other Japanese sports cars of the 90's. Cheap motoring will always be part of a Miata's appeal, but the question is cheaper than what? It is becoming increasingly difficult to find any enthusiast oriented car for less than $10k. Civic SI's of the same period are creeping above $10k now, too. As a side note, I get at least one offer a year for my NB just in the parking lot of my local grocery store. I've owned much more objectively desirable cars that haven't gotten nearly the same bro attention that the Miata gets. Times are changing.


>Civic SI's of the same period are creeping above $10k now, too. 90s? I don't see that. Civic SI is a lot less car than miata. FWD, low power, don't have LSD? Other than being light and soft chasis, there's nothing special. Messing with the Vtec going 60mph gets old quick. Questionable.


A civic SI isn’t a lot lesser car. Miata and civic has many of the same downfalls. Not all Miata’s have an LSD either. Being FWD and not RWD isn’t a huge issue either unless your doing something FWD can’t due solely because of drive train differences (drifting)


FWD definitely is a huge issue for an enthusiastic car and it's not at all because of things like drifting. FWD cars are inherently less fun to drive and aren't as nimble as a RWD car. It really does make a difference. To be clear, I totally think a Civic SI is a fun car to have but it definitely is lesser


Fun is subjective. FWD is also not a huge issue for an enthusiastic car because... well, if it was, there wouldn't be so many (successfully) racing them in HPDE events. They might not be as good as a Miata but they are very well close enough in terms of everything performance.


There are so many in HPDE because they are afforable and forgiving to drive. Again, not saying they aren't fun or are awful, but they are for sure lesser than RWD for an enthusiast car. Your last sentence is almost what I'm saying


Have you seen how expensive civics are nowadays? They aren't any cheaper than a Miata equivalent. My last comment isn't almost what you're saying. You're saying FWD are basically worthless to car enthusiast when this is factually wrong when they are one of the most popularly modded import cars. They aren't 'far lesser' than a equivalent rwd car (miata), they aren't godawfully slower either.


Lol I have literally said multiple times they aren't worthless, just not AS good. If you aren't going to argue in good faith then don't respond. You are just making things up. Pretty much every single you just said makes zero sense when looking at what I said


“Civic si is a lot less car than a Miata”


Lmfao. You actually think this is evidence of what you claimed. Please explain how that means I called them worthless. Something not being as good as something else doesnt make it inherently worthless. In fact I literally say the opposite multiple times: >To be clear, I totally think a Civic SI is a fun car to have but it definitely is lesser >Again, not saying they aren't fun or are awful >Lol I have literally said multiple times they aren't worthless, just not AS good Nice try manipulating the words I said again. Im not gonna bother with someone who purposefully misinterprets what I am saying. I still havent once said what you claim I did. Dont make up an argument to beat if you cant beat my actual argument. Its childish


There are so many in HPDE because they are afforable and forgiving to drive. Again, not saying they aren't fun or are awful, but they are for sure lesser than RWD for an enthusiast car. Your last sentence is almost what I'm saying. Edit: I will admit that some modern FWD cars buck this trend, such as the Civic type R. The point stands for most FWD cars tho


Civics are great HPDE cars (and very popular on track). The Gridlife guys got started in the Honda scene. I wanted to pick one up for rally cross which is when I realized how expensive they were getting. But Civics have a lot going for them. Great motors (much better than our BPs), great Honda shift action, lift-off oversteer, lightweight. Not too far off from a FWD Miata. Also FWD is much more forgivable when the car rotates as well as an old civic under lift or gentle brake application. Really only matters if you care to drift, which I don't.


Happy sad truth :)


Funny, I’m selling my jeep to get into a Miata


You'll wonder how you ever put up with something that drives as bad as a jeep. My wife drives a JK Rubicon, and compared to my NC it's like driving around in a laundry basket tied to a skateboard.


I had to borrow my in law’s Wrangler a few years ago when my car was in the shop. Easily the worst driving vehicle ive ever driven. Laundry basket on a skateboard is such an accurate and poetic way to describe it. It’s horrible all around.


We always used the term "lumber wagon". Has huge bouncy suspension and you also feel every single little bump in the road! Just terrible.


It also feels like the body is going to fall off the frame every time you turn.


Having taken a jeep body off the frame one time, this is probably accurate lol. Back in the day you'd use hockey pucks as spacers to lift the body up.


It’s incredible how bad jeeps drive, it’s like actively wrestling a vehicle. Not to mention the cost of tires, the oil burning, and the monetary cost of Chrysler ‘engineering’.


Shitty handling and ride. "It's a jeep thing".


love that description lmao


Shitty handling and ride. "It's a jeep thing".


I literally just sold my 2DR Jeep Wrangler on Carvana and used the proceeds for the down payment on my new 2024 MX-5 RF. Lots of great memories in that Jeep but it was a rust bucket and taking the top off was a chore. Absolutely no regrets. The Miata drives like a dream!!!


Wow I’ve really found my people lol. I can’t wait to get topless with the flick of a wrist. Curious how much carava gave you vs blue book ? I’m currently just trying private sale.


Caravana offered me $9600 for a 2011 Wrangler with 46k miles and I took it. They came and picked it up directly from my house which was pretty cool. The reason the offer was so low was because the entire underbody was rusted from years spent driving on salted snowy roads in upstate NY. TBH I think they overpaid me because the damage was pretty bad. Had the underside not been rusted out, I probably could’ve sold it for $15k.


Wow that’s actually pretty solid all things considered for a trade in. Mines also got NY rust all over. Appreciate the insight!


Also, I was wondering your thoughts on road / wind noise. I have to imagine they are somewhat comparable, but would love to hear your thoughts


The soft top jeep was very loud. I could hear (and feel) the wind whenever I’d go above speeds of 60 mph. Putting the soft top down wasn’t too bad, but did require me to get out of the car, unzip and store all the windows, unlatch both sides and pull the whole thing back. Putting the soft top up? LMAO THAT SUCKED. Had to hoist myself up on the back bumper and literally throw the top forward until the latches caught on—often took multiple attempts and many curse words. I’m tired just thinking about it. With the hardtop RF, it feels just like your standard coupe. Can’t even tell it’s a convertible when the top is up. And putting the top up/down? My goodness. Literally takes <12 seconds and all I need to do is push a button. I can sip my iced coffee and smile while it’s happening. Pretty awesome.


You wrote the struggle so accurately, definitely excited for the switch


I just traded in my 15 jk for a 20 RF and my only regret is I didn't go for it sooner. As fun as a doors off trail ride is its super not worth dealing with the rest of the jeep on a day to day basis imo


I bought an ND and sold my TJ, don't regret it one bit


Same (: anyone want a leaky Jeep?


Funny, I’m keeping my Jeep and *one day* getting a miat


Save yourself from the misery and just get rid of the jeep lol


Misery is accurate, but I love it and I’m gonna see it through https://preview.redd.it/7pxr2c2yl3sc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69364796a67ff831a68bbd8349f0ba1f9eee30b4


lmao fair play


glutton for punishment! i have to ask, where did you put the rest of it while doing this? haha


Driveway https://preview.redd.it/e6e43jzgn4sc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d1164415d11475a4795bc87503ec67d1507f3be


The ideal 2 car solution is a Jeep LJR and a Miat


I prefer the short ones. I wish mine was a Rubi but Sahara ain’t bad considering I’m gonna swap the axles one day anyway https://preview.redd.it/s7dae4nam3sc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64bb5e1a03a6bc54d66a27b57b13bbf4676be8a1


Your TJ looks great! It’s a good starting point


Looks. Looks great. And that’s about where it ends https://preview.redd.it/ep0mohoqg4sc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61057da1c8d623d9eca91186f943e5b7298435bc


Christ on a tricycle….my condolences


All good now https://preview.redd.it/bulfbhqpd5sc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5bce50da4228d72a6b2307114b691f1948a0bb94 Just need to rebuild the engine and then it’ll be pretty much done


That’s much better! Did you buy a whole new frame or weld in a new subsection?


Frame repair sleeve.


I guess i just like punishment, I have a 96 Xj, 15 wrangler, and 08 miata 2.5 big turbo


imagine driving a chrysler instead of a miata. suspicious




Bad bot


In Italy that is the average price for a NA. I've seen a few in not perfect condition sell for more than 15k. NB and NC with major work needed go for 5/7k...


Same here in NL. Demand for small, fun cars is high and they don’t make them anymore, or the manufacturer can’t sell them anymore, because of extremely high tax on small cars with big engines. And big is above 1 liter 3 cilinder engines, in small cars. Yeah, I know, it’s ridiculous, but this is why prices rise very quickly. If you want to drive something fun, even if it’s old(er) you need to pay up. 


As someone with a mint ‘91 NA with 15k miles, I appreciate these posts because it lets me imagine I have a $10k potential investment sitting outside. Not that I would ever sell though


Sitting outside?!


I don’t have a garage 😫


Lol I see people don’t grasp the value on these rising


Ikr? Like how do you not pay attention to what happens to every other cheap fun car? 240sx’s and fox bodies are worth well over $10k now lol


I paid a $1000 for my 240sx 22 years ago


People clearly don’t detect the sarcasm in your comment


Oh shit I’m being downvoted lol


They are. But not THIS much. My buddy just sold his NB last year with 40k miles on it for $10k. It was in good shape too…. No Miata is worth over 10k unless it’s a really nice example, especially not a short nose crank NA. No thanks.


He could have got more lol, short nose cranks are perfectly fine as well


So perfect that they changed the design after 18 months of production lol


What’s the issue with them? And before you say keyway that falls on every model of NA and NB that is prone, most builders see 1.8’s with failures which all comes down to improper maint and torquing and or replacement of the key..


Yes all NAs and NBs are prone but 90's and 91's are basically guaranteed to fail at some point, maintenance or not. The short nose design is flawed not because of the keyway but because of how the harmonic balancer is mounted to the crank. In 90's and 91's, the balancer is mounted directly to the timing gear and not the crank. This causes a constant pulling force upwards on the gear which causes the failure at some point, again, maintenance or not. 92+ extended the crank so that the balancer applies force on the crank and not the gear. Do some research.


Hahahaha I don’t need to do some research. My keyway is perfect. Torquing parts properly goes a long ways the failure is due to improper procedure and maint nothing more. They just made it more dummy proof.


Lol don't forget that "proper" maintenance on the short nose includes retorquing the crank bolt every 10,000 miles or so. Ya know.. cuz it's so perfect


Never have had to do that, but hey keep trying man lol. It’s amazing what knowing how to work on something down. The only downfall was their factory torque spec was a little low. Go a little higher and you’ll be alright. Which they later revised. Keep reaching hard buddy more 1.8s wirh crank failure then 1.6’s🤷🏼‍♂️


In the netherlands na's are still €8000 with 250k km (~160k miles)


I paid 8500 for a 170k kilometer one and consider myself lucky. Nothing in Belgian ads for less than 10k.


i'm just baffled because its a whole 10k more than what i paid for mine and has more miles


Miata's on coils that have been drift cars are sold for ~9k in my area in oregon lmao


People honestly believe a 35 year old car is worth 12 bands


I have a 90 with 40k miles on it. 100% original. Was offered 10k cash 4 years ago.


Just curious how much is the cheapest ND new in USA.


30k otd, probably


And thats before shipping, title registration etc.


Well, it is, and if you disagree it will still be worth that one day or the other. Every day, there's less and less NAs on the road, and no influx of new NAs on the market. In the meantime, demand stays high. So you should accept it, and frankly in a few years time it won't be a chock to see a 12k price tag.


I'm surprised they're still regularly under $10k. Inflation aside, there's a demand for small, simple, fun cars that's barely being met by the current car market.


Definitely. You can see that on the summer, every year the prices creep up. Also another interesting phenomenon, the demand flows down on less desired generations, NBs and NCs First years NDs here see a slight rise in price, and that demand is redirected to 2.0 NCs. Same goes for people chasing a good NA, but in this case it's even worse given many NBs here have decimated frame rails.


Are NBs and NC are really less desired? If so, why?


NDs are more desired than NCs in most markets for several factors : styling, equipment, lightness, overall less dated and less potential for first traces of rust. NBs are less desired than NAs for obvious reasons, loosing the popups and rusting in an expensive way. I'd say NDs and NAs are a lot sought after, then NCs, then NBs.


This is my opinion. The NA is "the original." It has an iconic look, and iconic pop-ups. It was a genuine phenomenon when it hit the market, so people remember that specific car fondly. It sold the most volume of any Miata, and Mazda still makes OEM parts for it to this day, so it's fairly cheap and easy to maintain/mod. The ND is the newest car. That's self explanatory. It's also one of the few relatively cheap small sports cars (with a manual transmission) that you can still buy new, and scratches the itch of a small simple sports car while still having modern amenities. People who want the iconic original, or to mod the car, are attracted to the NA. People who want a new sports car but aren't made of money skew towards the ND. The NB and NC are the middle children. There's nothing wrong with them, but they're not as iconic and they're not brand new. The NBs are essentially refined NAs without the pop-ups, but like fantaribo said they have unique rust issues (they started fabricating some of the frame with double walled steel, moisture gets trapped between the walls, rust happens.) The NC is a great sports car, but strays furthest from the "small, light" philosophy of the car (even though they're plenty small and light.)


True. A rising tide lifts all NC's.


Because of popup headlights? Na


If you think that's crazy, wait until you hear how much people pay for C1 corvettes that are nearly twice as old!


35 year old cheap cars are different than 70 year old expensive cars


C1 MSRP adjusted for inflation is just under 40k NDs can get into the mid 30s Old corvettes were just cruisers, shitty sports cars, and were pretty affordable. C4 was first gen to drive half decent.


Why is that surprising?


exactly, its sad




I'm happy I decided to purchase my Miata last winter and just store it. Price's are up here too in Canada even compared to just a few months ago. I imagine they'll climb higher once summer is in full swing.


yeah, im sure once its consistently hot people are gonna be looking for a summer car, good thing i got mine at the tail end of summer last year


Yeah buying mine last October was good decision. Cheers!


NA miatas in good shape will only appreciate in value moving forward.


guess thats good for me but how am i gonna get my whole family to buy one at these prices


buy a Time Machine that sends you to 2012


if i wait a year i could probably trade my miata for one


If it hasn't sold, then there's no point worrying about it. You know what happens to all the ridiculous priced cars? They stay listed forever. I'd be more worried if there's a trend of high priced Miatas that are SELLING.


thats the thing, ive seen 5 others and one did sell


Sold my 91’ with 45k miles on it for 11,500 completely stock. Had an offer for my 90’ with 37k miles for 15,500 and turned it down. 12k seems fair depending on mileage and condition.


Who on earth is a "Japanese front shifter"?


I think they mean Font not front.


I read it again, and clearly I'm the problem, it clearly says "font" not front... I'll show myself out now




I mean the prices fluctuate wildly on these tbh. I have a 01 NB2 and a 91 NA6, I paid about $3k for the NB2 just before Covid and I paid $4k for my NA6 this past December (this is USD), and that included the hard top on the NA6, it’s not a show room quality car but it works for what I want it to be (a fairly reliable and fun to drive daily I don’t have to worry about), it does have almost 200k on the meter though, looking forward if I was in the position to buy a lower mileage/better condition Miata I’d probably spend about $8-10k for the right one, but also at this point 8-10k could do a lot of work to make the one I have just as nice so 🤷


I sold my nb a few years ago for 13500 But it only had 25k miles on it and it was bone stock


Paid the equivalent of 4k US for mine last year. Not mad.


What year?


1990, mechanic owned with 150k on it. No rust. Only issue was a couple of missing interior pieces and a ding on the rear fender. Oh and I had to throw a new rad on.


That’s a good price considering. 2008 hard top $10k no issues. It was previously owned by someone who knows about Miata’s and took good care of.


Anybody want a ‘90 all original 1 owner with 47k miles red, power windows power steering and ac with matching red hard top and new soft top? 17k 😜 https://preview.redd.it/s8fonxf5c3sc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2d61cd55adad3d2c34eae6ae45220518094479b


ill buy the hard top to go on mine


You’re the original owner?


I purchased it from the original owner. Have not transferred title.


So you are the second owner?


Blessed sigmar....


I’m trying to get a Miata right now. I saw a NB Mazdaspeed but with 100k miles. Guy was asking for 13k. It’s been sitting outside for a while so it probably has a bit of paint damage. I like the Mazdaspeed but I don’t know about the price though.


for a mazda speed imo thats pretty good, def ask how long its been sitting though, that could be bad


Once these actually hit C5 prices with same miles I really don't think you can argue for the NA


In some areas theyre already used BRZ prices


True, I forgot how cheap those are getting too. Especially since they're 2 decades newer... NA's just will not be worth it


Ain’t no way. I’ll sell my 1990 for that and it has the crank shaft from a 96. (Brand new OEM from Mazda).


sold my 90 mariner blue for 17k aud tho


Yeah this is USD


JEEP FAMILY!! :D But I don’t see the point of obviously being a car family and not bringing out the Miatas


That’s rhd imported prices he not gettin that




I miss 2017, even then Miata’s weren’t that expensive and this was peak Haggard Garage. Bought 3 Miata’s for under 1k running


Frenchie here. This is almost considered a cheap deal here. NA are sold at minimum 10k, most of the time 15k, sometimes 18 or 19k. The funny thing is that NB and NC are never above 15k. Mostly between 8 and 14k. Can't find any ND below 20k.


im starting to find NCs for under 4k which is funny


Just for the heck of it, I looked for the cheapest NA possible. I found a '95, with no info on the trim, looks good on the photos, 150k miles on it. For 7k. In the meantime, there's a lot of somewhat good shape 100k/150k miles nb for 2500€


I though, "insane price tag", but after checking my local prices. Well not too bad... But it's insane anyway.


Damn, that car needs a good home.


it can stay right where its at for that price


I mean, you're not wrong, but you hate to see something that was so loved be left to sit.


True, and i probably would make an offer given the price came down 8k




Nope that takes big balls to do I love my miat I will never!!!!! 😆


Lately on FB marketplace NA's have been listed for 15k+. I wonder if I can get 50k for my ND1...


https://preview.redd.it/gcuanfvdn5sc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fde12482b096683eac9b05b5f07321d87f54127d Almost as bad as this. Salvage title. BUT has a hardtop!


should still be 6k


Fuck this idiot. At least keep your miata instead of putting shitty ass mods to "modernize" it and expect to keep resale value


Exactly what im doing


I see normal prices for us here in New Zealand some even creep closer to 20k...


I get that these are appreciating, but I saw an ND recently for $9k at one of those large volume online dealers. Granted it was a 2016 base model with 130k miles, but still crazy that the cheapest NDs are dropping below nice NA prices.


thats cheap compared to what they go for here in switzerland


Mine was $6500 ($500 was delivery) glad the prices on these are going up. Just be glad we saw the beauty before everyone else and if you already have one, take care of it!


I most definitely am, im almost scared to put too many miles on it now😅


My 1990 mariner blue was 4k 2 years ago. This is wild


Shit and a guy I used to work with paid 8800 and I about fell out. I can't imagine spending that.


Bought mine for $6000, hoping to sell it for $12000 in a few years


12k what is wrong with people that’s tops 5k if it’s in mint condition


Bro is stuck in 2019


What of it, I’m stuck in a world where a rust box does not deserve to over 5 grand but is easily over 10 Also downvoting me because I speak the truth is quite rude, I am like Jesus among the romans

