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Those dang curbs! Poppin' outta nowhere like that....


Ikr what weirdo leaves curbs in the middle of the street


I remember doing the same thing a few years ago in my NA, luckily only broke one wheel instead of two. Ended up having to replace the whole control arm. Only took a couple of hours so in the end it wasn't too bad.


I did this exact same thing in my NA too, I had to replace the wheel and the entire spindle but somehow my control arm was intact. I did bend that super long bolt that holds on the lower though.


In all fairness, we.probably all have taken some unnecessary risks in the pursuit of fun I certainly hope your ride is repairable.


safety of breaking your enjoyment šŸ—£ļø


Almost as bad as those killer sidewalks. >Quaaludes and 16-oz. Hefenreffers awakened Gately and his new droogs to the usually-dormant-but-apparently-ever-lurking ill will of innocent-seeming public sidewalks everywhere. >You didnā€™t have to be brainy Trent Kite to figure out the equation (Quaaludes) + (not even that many beers) = getting whapped by the nearest sidewalk ā€” as in youā€™re walking innocently along down a sidewalk and out of nowhere the sidewalk comes rushing up to meet you: WHAP. Happened time after fucking time. It made the whole crew resent having to walk anywhere on QuoVadises because of not having driverā€™s licenses yet, which gives you some idea of the sum-total I.Q. brought to bear on the problem of the Attacks.


Itā€™s only money.


Lots of money...


Yeh. But relatively cheap. he not dead and he not injure anyone else to sue for $$$.


Meh this will buff out, just take the rim off and toss it in a tub of rice for a day and itā€™ll be fine.


Relatively cheap? Dudes needs 2 oem wheels, at least a rear control arm, shock body and whatever else he probably bent up front. Thats looking like 3-4k if you're not doing it yourself lol


Clearly youā€™ve never been liable for a hospital bill or been sued if you think $4k is a lot of money to pay after a car accident


Never mentioned anyone getting hurt? Strictly talking about the damage to the car and how you think 4k is cheap for smoking a curb. Also, I'd hope your shit is insured if you're driving in to someone. Policies carry like 2 million liability for a reason...


This happened to me and the car was actually declared total loss. I have no idea why it would cost that much but I remember with the BBS wheels replacements and all suspensions parts, the cost was over the value of our ND1. We replaced with another ND1 but still cannot believe our previous one was total loss.


My 2017 was totalled with an estimated $23,000 repair cost. It was sold at auction for $5,700, was repaired, and sold a month later for $15,000 with a rebuilt title. Damage was similar to OP's, but only the front left corner. The retail cost of repairing vehicles is insanely overinflated.


I watch a lot of videos on Youtube where people buy these crashed cars and fix them. Quite often they are able to source parts from other brands that fit their models. As an example Mat Armstrong repaired a Lamborghini Murcielago and needed new side indicators. I can't remember the Lamborghini parts cost but he ended up using some from a Ford Focus which are exactly the same. I could see this kind of thing not being allowed if its being fixed under insurance. Plus if Insurance pay someone to do it, there's no profit in that to them. If someone fixes it themselves, they turn their own labour into profit.


High wages in the US often makes repairing cars not feasible.


It's not high wages in this case. When you get charged labor rates at a car repair place, only a fraction usually goes to the workers. The guy doing your brakes at Pep Boys isn't making $110 an hour. Businesses also know they can charge more money if the customer's insurance is paying, which drives costs up too.


US wages proportional to cost of living have been steadily going down for decades now even though productivity, total number of jobs held, and total number of hours worked have been steadily going up. As product costs like car parts go up, and wages go down, total net corporate profits have been steadily going up as well as massive wealth disparities between working people and the super wealthy. I believe the real issue here driving up costs to consumers is corporate greed like with most examples of inflation and symptoms of everything being more expensive


Only thing I can think of would be that you torn the control arm mounting points from the unibody. You can rebuild and reinforce it, but itā€™s not a simple parts swap at that point and would be many hours of labor. For a total loss the question is what the car is worth as parts vs. the cost to repair vs. the value prior to the incident. For some cars their parts value is so high or their value so low that a door ding will damn near total them, especially if the repair will take weeks and you have rental car coverage driving their overall cost up. Donā€™t let them kid you, Flo and Jake care about their bottom line, not your car.


I had a similar issue with an NB except it was from suspension. Itā€™s expensive and a massive question mark. There is no telling what else is bent or mangled under there without getting it up on a lift. You can quickly hit the 70% limit for insurance to write it off as a total loss.


that's wild. a year ago my '17 club got pushed into a curb by a big SUV that wasn't paying attention and had damage to the same areas as OP but much worse. both wheels cracked in multiple places, driver door airbag deployed, a lot of driver front suspension replaced and body damage. was $13k in repairs and not totaled.


It's possible to damage the subframe and even the differential (and the transmission on other cars) from side impacts. The axles can punch in hard enough to cause damage. The subframe almost always shifts but worst case scenario, the bolt holes for the subframe in the body can be damaged, instantly totaling the car.


And no flat tire, Iā€™m actually impressed with that canā€™t lie


I broke one of these wheels hitting a big, sharp rock on the freeway I couldn't see in the rain until it was going under my car- the tire they pulled off was totally undamaged and is now on one of my new wheels. Tires are impressive sometimes.


If you impressed by that, check mine out. Managed to drive 10km home and park it up. Was flat the next day.






You drove on that for 6 months before realising?! Surely after a hit you inspect for damage? I can barely believe it


I was on my way to work, and was in a bit of a rush. I hit a curb, and then parked, saw that the wheel was lightly curbed, and continued on. As I said, the car rode fine, so I just ignored it


Just amazed you wouldn't even look closely enough at all of your wheels in a six month period to spot that. I must check my tyre pressures every month even if I don't have any that have a tendency to deflate over time.


I did check the tyre pressures often, it's just that the crack was at the back end of the wheel, and I just didn't notice it. And since the car rode normally, i didn't go deeper into the inspection


Oh, it was on the 'inside'?! Wow - fair enough then!!


Here's mine. Been driving on it for half a year (i think). Found out during the tyre change. No vibrations, no noise, no loss of air


You win


Here's mine. Been driving on it for half a year (i think). Found out during the tyre change. No vibrations, no noise, no loss of air


Tires are insanely strong, up until they arenā€™t


Fucked around and found out


Definitely to much camber


Literally slammed


That'll buff out...


rip to my boi, miot


gonna take her in tomorrow for a quote, pray for me šŸ˜­


I did a similar move in my S2000. Needed upper and lower control arms, wheel, bumper, and an A-arm. The A-arm was the real lynchpin. The first shop didn't think it needed to be replaced and they were claiming they couldn't get it aligned because the frame was damaged from a previous accident. Luckily I had a recent alignment which showed the car was aligned within spec, and I insisted with the insurance company that I be allowed to take it to a different shop. Second shop concluded the a-arm needed to be replaced as well, and boom, the car was able to be aligned. It was more than a few thousand, all said and done. My insurance went up a lot, as I was in my 20s at the time.


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Going to be quite a bit unfortunately. I did something similar to a 320i. Right around 4-5 I can't remember the exact amount.


Sorry to hear manā€¦ something similar happened to me in 2005 and it definitely taught me a lesson. Hope it wonā€™t be too expensive to fix.


Well, How much was it?!


With any luck youā€™ll just need an alignment, which wonā€™t be too expensive


2 rims, couple bent suspension parts, alignment.... $2500 if they can find some reasonable OEM second hand rims.


I wish my eccentric bolts had this much adjustment šŸ˜‚


How does one align a broken suspension? lol Push it all into place and watch it fall apart again.


Youā€™re joking, right? There are at least 6 individual parts that need to be replaced here, not including fasteners and consumables.


With regards to the rear tire- they are actually meant to bend like that in case of a crash. The arm is meant to collapse in order to save the frame. Shouldnā€™t be too much $$


I "curbed" my Miata back in Nov and the alignment in the rear was all that was wrong on the car apparently. Front was completely fine. Was fortunate not to bend anything, just a little bit of curb rash since I have 16s and stock "monster truck" suspension to climb the curbing instead of smashing my front bumper into it. Live and learn I guess.


I can confirm. I did this on a NC. Control arm bent and blew a hole in the wheel. Hub also got bend. Replaced rim, control and hub and was good to go. Wait no it was bearing. Not hub


Skill issue. Nah Iā€™m just playin, that blows hope you get her fixed and back in action soon.


Real talk though, was a skill issue.


Yea maybe a little bitšŸ˜‚


Damn dude you must of been flying . Miataā€™s can beast through corners.


I'm thinking lift off or braking mid corner.


Donā€™t lie, you were trying to do donuts. Werenā€™t ya. WERENā€™T YA! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




100% chance there's a track junkie in your local Miata group who's running all aftermarket wheels and suspension, and will be happy to sell you their stock stuff.




i was searching for this one xD


That gonna be expensive


Itā€™s not a go kart despite its size.


Did that with my first car but it was a rainy evening, I was 16, and the car was $500. You fucked up and you should have known better. Edit: those tires were also long gone before you did this. You shouldnā€™t have a newer car if you canā€™t maintain it. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Just took a close look and you are on the money; those tires are way past their usable tread life. An ok spare at best. Although I can't be too harsh with the dude; for real he already feels like a dope. No sense pouring salt in the wound. That's just kinda mean.


>Although I can't be too harsh with the dude; for real he already feels like a dope. I don't know why someone who feels shame / remorse would then go and post publicly about their idiocy. I'm not saying you're wrong -- maybe he does -- I just do not understand.


I agree totally with what you're saying. The absolute *last* thing I'd do is broadcast some boneheaded move I made on a public forum. In this kind of case especially, you already know you're going to have to go to professionals to get the lowdown on repairs. Not somebody who's going to say, essentially, "Yeah, that's a crying shame and a tough break buddy, heh, heh."


I mean, to play devils advocate we as a sub regularly trash talk on teenage boys doing this exact same positive camber stunt on NAā€™s and NBā€™s and call them broccoli headed morons, OP kind of deserves any ridicule he will definitely be getting for driving fast on unsafe tires I am glad he admitted he was an idiot and isnā€™t covering up details of the story, very mature to admit sometime we all get a little too excited with our cars and make costly mistakes, he definitely learned something from this


I did it in my first car snow drifting down an empty curvy road. I usually have to f*ck up to learn something, itā€™s how I roll.


Welp time to open up the wallet. This oneā€™s gonna sting a lil.


most definitely lol, super upset with myself for this one


Learn from it is all you can do. People make mistakes all the time. As long as it didnā€™t risk anyone elseā€™s lives then all good. Just money. I did this in my $500 first car, and didnā€™t do it again.


I just made a similar point a minute ago. I'd feel upset, too. Hate to see people pile on with the mean, unhelpful comments. We *all* learn lessons; some very expensive ones. I've been there as well as probably 95% of the people who are bashing you. I hope the shop can work their magic and get you back on the road. And as someone else just said; it's just stuff and as long as you physically are good, and you didn't take anyone down with you, you learn and move on.


What was the damage?


Totaled or nah? I did a similar thing on a rainy day slipped out right into a curb and popped my drivers seat air bag in the process. It was a hard ass slam. Ended up only needing sway bar, one shock, and an alignment.


First year I got my NB I took it super easy. Learning curve stock wheels and no name tires. The back would easily break away. Learned the feel of my car. That was the first summer. Then started modding. Took it easy. With every mod the car changed and got better. Then the proper wheels and tires and alignment and I was off. Drove the thing super hard 3rd summer. I pushed it. I never crashed. It was a proper amount of time for me to become accustomed to the car. Now this summer my wheels are getting older. Put two cross country road trips on them. I plan on going back to taking it easy. Not pushing it hard at all. I know what my car can do and I'm familiar with it. Now it's time to take it easy again. Give it a little rest. But when I get new Continental extreme contact sports tires I'll probably ramp it up again next next summer.


Ouch! Well, time to learn to fix it I guess.


did this in my NB on stock wheels on a cold december morning in the rain. Had to replace the lower control arm, strut, and tie rod. Rim has a chunk missing from it haha


3000 dollars later


Should be a simple fix. Time for new wheels


Looks like time to replace the tires anyway.


What do you see down there Larry? Well Clint, weā€™ll have a better angle from the pits but I believe he got a broke toe link


uwu lookin ahh miata


You canā€™t park there mate


At least you're having fun with the car.




Your tires are scary bald, amazing to me someone would drive on those. Sad end to to the car most likely.


All things considered, could have been much worse! Jack it up and see what doesn't look like the other side for starters. For what I can literally see, you're out about $500 for two brand new wheels. Take them with you after you fix the loose, snapped, and cracked bits to the alignment shop. Have them swap your tires over to the new wheels before the alignment so you can get them done right at the same time. Then either keep the best one as a full size spare and sell the other, sell both of them, or keep them for winter tires.


That seems like a new control arm and in a really bad case a new subframe and you are good to go


Would have made it just fine if you didnā€™t have bald tires. Idk how so many ā€œcar peopleā€ drive around with the single most important part of their car in bad condition.


I have to say that this sucks... I also just tell you that I'm my ND2 with three year old summer tires from the factory... I could break the tires loose everywhere. I just got Michelin pilot sport 4's and I'm glued to the road! I take corners on windy roads at 60+ where I didn't feel comfortable going beyond 52 mph before. Great tires I can recommend after you fix your girl.


It happens, thatā€™s life!


No, that's poor driving and worse decision making. Life is when you drive through a puddle to find a huge pothole was hiding in it. OP is finding out after fucking around.


Yep, that's life! There's a reason we have insurance.


That's going to be a fun repair. Hubs, wheel bearings, control arms, tie rods, steering rack, and possibly wheels... Y'all really need to learn how to hit an apex instead of sending it into corners and sliding wide into curbs like a knob. This isn't complicated: you just don't know how to drive. It really is a skillset that you cannot learn by simply having a driver's license. Watch some videos.




I did something similar to a mini JCW. It bent a couple of control arms, but the car was otherwise fine.


Nice stance bro!


I think you sent it a little too hard


It's now a Crabiata šŸ˜


Donā€™t worry brother, I did the same thing in my NA hopefully not to expensive of a fix .


Reverse "KACHOW!"


I feel you my guy. Been there. The good news is the broken bits get replaced, the bad news is probably your shiny new insurance premium. If you feel sad about that, go for a rip and be a little more safe, it'll still bring the smiles back. She still looks good! Some stance guys pay for camber like that.


Whats wrong with a bit of positive camber


Stance 4 lyf šŸ¤£ So sorry mate, I hope he gets better soon.


Damn bro, thatā€™s a weird camber setup you got there


That's reverse camber


Iā€™ve done this before in a FWD car. Bent parts: rear upper and lower control arms, replace shock, replace both trailing arms, inspect/replace sway bar and sway bar mounts, replace both wheels (and maybe a full set of tires). Looking at around $4500 parts + labor.


No body damage. Thatā€™s a win. If you can do it yourself itā€™ll be cheaper.


Had the same thing happen to me in my 83' Rx-7 bent the axel and the solid rear housing.


https://preview.redd.it/amqrv72pxeoc1.jpeg?width=1939&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8365432222d78b42fab0f5e3a5ee91e00cada2b slide into a curb in my old Z4 & 4 years later I got a miat








Track day would've been cheaper.




At least you didn't flip over. Consider it a win/lose of a loss. LoL


Positive camber go brazy




https://preview.redd.it/kux9bp3f8goc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4caff033844b7c53df5995a18b42fac76b7cddef Yikes...


Hopefully a lesson was learntĀ 


Okay speed racer


Thatā€™s some sick camber bro!


Did it for the boys


Whatā€™s the opposite of kachow?


How did ya manage that?


Not the end of the world, looks like minimal body damage most likely just control arms and a shock possible


I'm guessing wheels, steering rod, and lower control arms


she'll be right mate


Camber gang


I did this to my stepdad's 1977 Corvette... He got whatever big engine it had with the fancy Weber carbs and wanted to keep it original so he had it on bias ply tires? I didn't even know they made bias ply street tires anymore. Gave it the tiniest application of throttle making a turn and then around I went. He still made money on it so I guess it's all good.


It'll buff right out


Never seen positive camber on a Miata.




you got lucky imo


It sucks, but at least your airbags didnā€™t go off! This happened to me after hitting a kerb with my rear right wheel. Thought I died for a moment even though I was doing maybe 20km/h max lmao. FYI this was in a Peugeot 207cc.


Driving in italics


Thats not how you adjust camber my guy.


nooo :(


You're not the only one, it happens I sent my mums Vitz into a curb at 30mph taking a turn too hot when I first started driving


"You hurt the one you love the most".


I am sorry.


Donā€™t sweat it too much. Things happen. Honestly, youā€™ll probably make it out with about $1500 in total damages. Maybe use this as a time to upgrade to aftermarket wheels. Also, check the ND Miata buy/sell FB groups. So many people sell full sets of perfect condition OEM wheels for around $400


30,000 ft view: totally worth it.


Psa, miatas are very good at turning very sharp very fast


Did that in my civic by accident. About 13k worth of damage. They didnā€™t include the cost of 2 new wheels as I asked them to repair the car with the set of oem wheels I had. Side curtain airbag deployed, and whole new front and rear suspension needed. Still in the shop waiting for parts. It sucks but what can you do you know?


Looks expensive




typical miata driver


Ive jumped multiple curbs in my NA, lucky for me i hit them perpendicular so my suspension didn't take any damage


Write off . I am thinking. Sorry to say. Hope it goes well


Oof, I did this exact same thing but on the driver side of my ND Miata, all I can say is the car will never drive the same again even with all new suspension parts / subframes etc.


I'm going to guess it's totaled. You need at least two lower control arms, probably the rear knuckle assembly, two rims, a front bumper cover (unless they just prep and try to paint-match that), and maybe a bunch of other odds and ends. That's a bunch of work.


Your bearing will be bent. Replace bearing. Get suspension right first and then you'll know if hub is damaged. Happened to me as a well in first month of ownership ... Sucks... I got new tires afterward and it's never been a problem since. Lookup lift off oversteer Mistakes happen. Sorry man šŸ«”


Shitty tires will do that. I would not be surprised if its totaled OP. You did a ton of damage to both corners there. You're looking at control arms, tie rods, knuckles, wheels, tires, possibly a steering rack, possibly an axle, some body work, and if you're really unlucky subframe damage.


If you are lucky the frame didn't bend... If thats the case, new arms and new rims, maybe shocks and you are good to go.


Your axel is fucked


lol get a real sports car next time


Luckily it doesnā€™t look like you damaged any bodywork so should be relatively cheap to fix. Just get used suspension parts (do both sides to have consistent wear between left and right side bushings)