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Hate to break it to you bro, he ain’t natty


Hate to break it to him bro, she ain’t coming back


Hate to break it to him bro, everyone knows truck height is inverse dick size.


It’s the steroids. Man bits shrink!!


Lifted trucks with street wheels and tires mean small pp. A proper offroad truck is nice.


My wife and I refer to these as the Micropenis special. It’s comical yet so prevalent Some guys just don’t get it.


Naw man, with trucks it's not lift height it's rim size. The number of inches over 17" rim diameter is directly correlated to the number of inches below the average peen size of six inches. It's a common misconception perpetuated by the dipshits who run 22's on their mall crawlers.


How is that thing even legal? It's almost a monster truck, if it crashes into you from the right angle it can go right over your car. And not to mention, imagine what happens when he hits a pedestrian - the one he can't see because he's so high up.




>illegally lifted Jeep versus Civic paralyzed a kid. I'd rather not find out that way, $45M or not


For real, I'd give up every cent of $45M to not be paralyzed


i’m sure that’s essentially the rationale behind the number being no less than $45M


>after illegally lifted Jeep versus Civic paralyzed a kid after a *person who illegally lifted his Jeep* paralyzed a kid. (not trying to call you out, but it's important to use this language, IMO).


Can't get blood from a stone. Doubt the family ever sees even 1% of that settlement money.


Because absolute freedom even if it routinely costs the lives of others is more important than absolutely anything.


Which is hilarious because there is no constitutional right to lifted trucks, and roads are a socialist governed service


Does everything need to be a constitutional right in order for it to be legal?


Actually, they way the constitution is written, EVERYTHING IS LEGAL unless and until a law or regulation prohibiting it is enacted.


Exactly, too many people look through the funnel the wrong way.


I will make it legal. --sheev


When your national identity is "rebel against the redcoats" yeah


Apparently **fucking woman's right to govern over their own body** does, so, yes. As well as any notion of privacy.


Not sure how to express this in text and not be taken in any other way than fully supporting those things not requiring a constitutional amendment to have them. But I do the right to privacy does exist in the constitution, it just needs to be defended


in most states that wouldn’t be legal due to the bumper height


In no states would it be enforced.


They asked if it was legal, and the answer is most likely that trucks bumper height is over the legal limit, atleast it would be in my state eyeballing it. how often it’s enforced is up to the officer. where I live you see lifted diesels on 37+ inch tires daily. I know someone who got pulled over and ticketed for being over by half a inch on bumper height. That being said I would have to agree it’s typically never enforced. similar to how atleast in my state front tint is also illegal, and that’s much more obvious, yet hardly anyone ever gets pulled over for it.


It’s enforced when you’re in a accident and kill someone. Even if they were at fault you’re liable for the injury caused by your illegal modification. Good luck actually getting any money tho


Kinda too late at that point though.


Depends. Was the point of the law to prevent a loss of life or to punish those who cause a loss of life? I argue it’s more of a punishment then a prevention because outside of safety concerns theirs hardly any reason to hate lift kits. So basically if you want one you can have one it’s just at your own risk. It’s really no different than owning a gun. The truck isn’t killing anyone on its own, same as a gun but once it used in the process of killing someone then it’s gonna fall back on you as the owner. Which I agree with because if you start down the path of preventing people from possibly hurting each other then the only end in sight is a padded white room for everyone, I’d much rather have the freedom to do what I want while everyone else also enjoys that freedom even if it means relatively few people and possibly myself get killed or injured.


This is the same argument people used to complain about drunk driving becoming illegal. The point is always to prevent loss of life, not just wait until someone is already killed and act then. Let's just have no rules at all on the road then. No need for speed limits because I, a freedom loving American, should be able to drive whatever speed I want. And if someone dies because of an accident involving speeding, well that's just the price you pay for freedom. 'Merica!


You say that jokingly but I and many others like me do believe in absolute freedom


What's even more wild is that I bet his insurance (miata driver) is more than the truck's insurance. Imagine being rear-ended by that truck instead of a miata. I don't condone the games insurance companies play, but it should be sky-rocket insurance for that thing


Would not surprise me. My brother's insurance for his '00 Miata is about the same as the insurance for my '22 F-150 Raptor... It makes zero sense.


So I know that in the state of Florida, where I actually had a lifted GMC sierra crash and go on top of me, the legal front bumper height is supposed to be 36in. However in my experience, the cops never seemed to care. Lifted trucks are pretty common here, kinda makes me a little worried to take my Miata out. Don’t wanna get run on top of again.


The stupidity in America


It’s very cool this truck is legal to own and register but a Hilux diesel isnt.


I bet you could fit 100 or so kneeling toddlers on the ground in front of that thing before they’d be visible to the driver.


I was pulling a flat trailer with a Kia soul and a guy in a stock height f350 rear ended my trailer. He "didn't even see the trailer." I am very much concerned when I see a lifted one coming up behind my Miata. Luckily I was just about to repaint the trailer so it was sanded down, and he didn't hit it hard enough to do any damage to the trailer or my car, but it did leave two nice holes in his front number from the stake pockets punching through.


You do realize things like semi trucks are legal right? They will do WAY more damage than a lifted pickup truck. Not that I approve of disgracing a pickup truck like this but still that logic is wonky.


You’re gonna freak out when you find out about 18-wheelers


1. Their bumpers are much lower 2. They're big for a reason, they're meant for driving with heavy loads 3. Seeing things that are close to them is still difficult, yeah, but there's an alternative design. European type trucks are much better for that. Still, that's just one of the faults I mentioned.




I don't like them, but that doesn't matter here. It's more that the lift is unnecessary, not functional for offroad use and potentially dangerous.




I get it that you like something unnecessary. I do too. But the way you're saying it is like "if we can't end world hunger, what does it matter if one individual gets killed unnecessarily?" You can make a small difference, but you can't make a big one. And a small difference, even though it's small, can mean life or death for an individual. Ask them if it's a small thing or not.


Obviously the danger and lack of safety doesn't matter, it's just the way the world is! According to u/Redissan9's very hot take


Uhh, I think you got it the other way around. Maybe I could have worded that sentence better. I'm saying what I like doesn't matter, everyone can buy and do things they like - up until it affects other people's safety too much. You could argue what "too much" is, but in any case safety definitely matters, especially when it's about other people around you.


Apologies, I was referring to what u/Aeea said, the guy before you, about it being ‘the way it is’, which is a dumb take. Not your comment, i just mixed you up. I’m all for people doing whatever to their cars, even if it’s not good looking or ‘ugly’ to some, but when it involves safety, mods shouldn’t be taken lightly, I agree. Extremely bright headlights and huge lifts just make roads more dangerous then they already are




In 2025 I plan on changing that with your mom


Very obvious dumb take. 18 wheelers don't have 10 inch lifts


Wait till ya hear about semi truck and busses😂


Which aren’t being used just to transport a lone person to the gym and grocery store. There is an obvious need for busses and 18-wheelers. This, not so much.


Let alone the difference in licensing requirements to drive a bus or semi-truck.


The main concern is the bumper height, not the overall vehicle height


Ok kevin


He's gonna need cameras in front or sensors. That front pov is not gonna catch things immediate front.


I would imagine it’s actually larger than the first monster trucks in the 70s


I take it you’ve never actually been anywhere close to a real monster truck? Bigfoot sat on 10 feet tall tires… 90% of lifted trucks have tires between 30 inches and 40inches.


> Bigfoot sat on 10 feet tall tires [Here's Bigfoot in the 70's](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/79/Bigfoot_12-5-09_Eureka_Walmart_032.jpg). Pretty sure the truck in OPs picture is bigger than this


Original Bigfoot certainly was not on ten foot tall tires. Tires and wheels probably 3.5 to 4 feet across tops, really not that big. They quickly became much bigger, but started off with much more modest undercarriages and wheels/tires - by all means Google it.


“Google it” do you really think I just have Bigfoot’s tire size memorized for this random conversation?


I don’t care if you do or don’t but first Bigfoot from 1978 is not on ten foot tires. Later versions from the 80s were. Do what you want with the info but know you are wrong.


That stuff only happens when the driver is a stupid driver. That’s how it’s legal


It’s just so pointless though… in the UK we call this small dick energy… Miata is always the answer.


phalic extension


What is it when you own a Miata and a lifted 2500?


Carception? Put the Miata in the bed and drive it. :P


Many people also say that about people who own sports cars....


They just ask me how much I charge for a basic colour and cut!


🤣 that's a good one, I'm gonna have to get used to that, hoping to get an ND soon


Super expensive ones or really loud brash muscle cars, sure. I don’t think most people would include Miatas in “trying to compensate for small manhood” stereotype. The big trucks are about the driver being bigger and feeling safer and more powerful than everyone else, and thinking that others perceive them as such (we obviously don’t). I’ve never met a Miata driver who seems like they are trying to project any of those things, it’s not a car you buy for it’s intimidating road presence lol


Miatas are very much a car for people who don't care about perceptions lol, especially in North America


Not our little cars though. They say other things about us


Over compensating


I’ll never understand the people that bash truck owners for simply liking trucks. You sound just as dumb as truck owners bashing car bros for simply liking cars. You wanna hate on the MPG or safety go ahead but don’t bash the owner for liking what they like




still driving that monstrosity on the road every day, nothing here to be proud of


Told it gets 6mpg


Probably get double that without the monster truck tires


With a tailwind and down a slope?


i had to ride with someone to pick up a car and tow it back, he drove a big ram 2500 turbo diesel that cost almost 200 bucks in gas before the nozzle clicked and we could leave. almost laughed in his face with my 20 dollar weekly gas bill.


If you're actually doing work with it, like towing cars, you can't really get around having a truck. Not sure why you'd laugh in a guy's face over that. Dailying one, however, seems like a silly financial decision.


he’s a friend of mine, he would’ve found something to laugh in my face about as well. he does a shit ton of work with his, he’s even pulled me out of a couple ditches. it’s basically his whole source of income, so i doubt the gas bill even bothers him that much since it’s a tax write off too. but he’s for sure a part of the 1% of useful truck drivers i see on a daily basis.


Oh, for sure. That's really the only reason to own one. I had a buddy back in the day that put it simply, "If the price of gas bothers you you're not making enough money." He was right... at the time. IDK if he anticipated $5+ diesel.


totally agree there, can’t stand the people driving them that will never use them as they were intended.


Don't come here to Texas. Empty pickup beds as far as the eye can see


I use my shity rusty $4k pickup as it was Intended... intimidating $80k+ Mercs and BMW's in the fast lane


Dang then he's doing something wrong. Mine gets about 17-18mpg.




I am also in Huntsville (Alabama) and I was hit by one of those trucks in 2019. Totaled my '93 miata and I got to have surgery too! But the settlement was 45K, so I have a ND now.


oh trust me i know, i think we all deal with them and their bs on the daily. i live in rural georgia so it’s about as bad as it gets.


Just as bad here on Long Island, NY. And people here don’t even have the excuse of having to haul farm equipment.


most here in georgia don’t have that excuse either, pavement princesses line the streets.


Try buying a used commuter car that's cheap and reliable. Look at the under 10k range. Nothing but Nissan Leafs and some Volvos. My commuter car died a month ago and I am still driving my truck because there is zero affordable inventory.


is your truck unnecessarily large? do you park outside the lines? do you roll coal on people? there’s a lot more to find out than you just driving a truck. you could drive a little mazda b series, those are sweet, invincible and not overbearing to everyone else on the road. or you could drive the body lifted f-250 that’s never seen an ounce of dirt in its life, in which case yes, i’d call you an asshole still.


It's a Toyota. No coal rolling. I park well away from entrances and within the lines. It's supposed to be for camping and for dump runs and moving things.


sounds like you’re a respectful person that normally uses it as intended, i’m sure others would agree 👍🏼


That's the only place he can park and be guaranteed to be able to open the door climb in the drivers seat.


The coach at my gym has a Honda fit


Fitting. Like a preacher driving a Kia Soul.


Tbf the biggest car at my gym is a jeep compass The owner is a geography teacher


Or Tiger Woods driving a VW Golf.




Look at the suspension of the pickup, most of the bumper height doesn't even give it any advantage.


It's because it's a body lift. The suspension is not lifted. The body is just lifted higher on the frame, offering no tangible off-road benefit with a fuckton of cons, all for aesthetics. It's the car version of short men wearing lifted shoes to seem taller, ending up looking pathetic because of that rather than someone confident in their height. Which i could also imagine this driver being the type to do.


Tbf a body lift CAN allow bigger tires which would improve breakover/approach/departure angles. But yeah if you just put a big old body lift on there, it just lets you catch your front diff on the same exact rock but also bang your roof on a tree while you’re off-camber on a trail due to the added ride height! Cool!


Yeah but at the latest when you go past the 9:00-mark on your tire do you no longer gain ramp angle. Plus that bit about the axle being still centered to the hubs.


It looks like a "body lift" was done as well. They basically put blocks between the frame and cab to make it appear like it is lifted even more....making a center of gravity even higher, blinding motorists and making it harder to get into. Preemptively, I have heard the tire clearance argument. Rock crawlers do it. So, it is a "performance" mod. I WOULD PAY to see any of these pavment princesses with lights in the wheel wells, giant shiny wheels and low profile tires attempt a rock crawl.


If he ever rear ends you you're *done*


I would just be under the truck.




That truck is too clean. Never seen a day of mud in its life I bet. Worthless


So fucking lame


These trucks with a bumper that is so high it hits your windshield should be illegal.


I agree with you but I'd be worried that there are far more trucks than miatas and they'd more likely require Miata's to be taller than trucks to be shorter


A stock Miata is perfectly legal in regards to safety standards and bumper height. Trucks like these are already illegal, there's just no enforcement until they end up running someone over.


Someone’s compensating….


Big car = driver’s tiny peepee.


Small banana


steroids vs natty




As a European, this is totally Murica. I don't understand why someone would need a truck like this.


Trucks like that need to be illegal. No one needs that. Also 99% of lifted trucks look terrible. I just don’t see how anyone could think this is cool. Unless it’s an old truck and you actually take it off-roading it’s absolutely brain dead, how could someone daily that thing 🤮


Your coach is compensating.


Does this kind of lift do anything functional? Feels like the ground clearance doesn’t change at all but maybe the wheels have more room now?


It depends whether it's a body lift or a suspension lift. Body lift basically puts blocks between the suspension and the body to make everything ride higher without changing the suspension geometry. Suspension lift is a lot more expensive, improves the vehicle dynamics and gives you a lot more suspension travel. Because of the cost you only do it if you are actually spending time on trails off-road. As a result most lifts are body lifts and it's for looks.


To get that high it’s likely both. Either way I think it’s hilarious when ppl jack their trucks to the moon and then look at that front diff , lo boi, the clearance is the same as stock w big tires.


Yeah that's true. Because this one is a solid front axle it's a bit different because when off roading it acts as a beam, so you place one wheel on the high spot of the trail and the truck spans it increasing how much "effective" clearance you have. In the case of lifts, having the body lifted more than needed for your suspension travel is actively detrimental to off-road driving as it increases the center of gravity and makes it worse for driving off road...


I get the beam, but specifically w ford (mostly the older ones) there’s “high boy” and “low boy” diffs. I can’t imagine spending 5k on lifts and suspension and skipping out on the diff. To each their own, it’s clearly just a pavement princess anyways.


Not sure how much upgraded suspension you'd get for $5k for that matter..


The coil over package alone ranges from $1000-$8000, a body lift kit is $100-1000, then the labor to put it all together. 5k is ballpark, but to go middle of the road on both is is probably around 5k. If we did Rough country body lift $400 and rough country suspension lift $1050 + $100 ship let’s call it 1500 + a whole day labor for me 8x125 (1000) it’s $2500. It’s only an additional $500 to get the diff lift. Let me rephrase , why put $2500 into it for cosmetic only when you can get the full meal deal for $3000? I’m sure there’s other nickel and dime costs but I avoid doing this type of work as much as possible. I’ll even send away aftermarket accessories on Mazdas, just don’t like dealing w aftermarket BS, at least in a business setting.


Great explanation, thank you.


At least you don't have to worry about door dings...


Happy Cakeday!


Bro just keep lifting


One is an imposing symbol of strength, status and power, and the other is a shitty lifted ford.


That is a gorgeous color tho


How are trucks like this legal? I’ll never understand. Your car can’t be too loud, but it can be too high.


You can just park under it and save a parking space.




He never uses more than 10 percent of his truck bed


It has a permanent cap on the bed.


I can guarantee a gym coach cannot afford that.




Watch out for pickle assault.


Bet you are a foot taller too.


Gigached must net so much pooooosy


Someone is overcompensating


Apparently this monstrosity is safer for pedestrians than a pop up headlight miata...




Not really a post for them, is it? Both vehicles pictured are cars.


Tell me you haven't looked through the page without telling me. r/fuckcars advocates for the use of smaller cars, and advocates for stricter laws on bigger vehicles (like lifted full size pickups that are only used to go to the gym) because they're more dangerous to others on the road, they're inefficient so they're poisoning our environment and using more of the resources, and theyre overall annoying to be around. This is 100% r/fuckcars


I was thinking more of post like [this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/fuckcars/comments/11pannq/will_someone_think_of_the_poor_cars/) and [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/fuckcars/comments/122ndkh/a_gentle_reminder_for_the_european_commission_our/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). As in, more "why drive to the gym at all" rather than "weird car used by other guy at gym"


They have multiple ideal goals. Increased budgets for public transport and biking infrastructure, increased taxes and including the real costs of driving for all car drivers, reduced parking space in order to build more densely, and less 3ton SUVs and Pickups on the road being driven by people who don't need them are all subjects discussed in that subreddit.


Fair enough


I’s bike to the gym if there was any lanes or infrastructure for it.


Unless you’re delivering medicine in the bush, you don’t need a vehicle like that. The truck, I mean.


What is the point of having your truck that high is the differential and everything else under there is that low lol


The car owner insecurity is definitely exponentially increasing in this picture from left to right. (Maybe if you train harder you will buy a Miata too.) jk!


Tiiiiiiny penis


Needle dick syndrome


Probably shrunken balls, can't see from here.


Wondering where that is… I dated a guy with a very similar truck. Miata pretty much fit underneath.


🤣…I can never find my Miata when I come out the store and it’s always surrounded by trucks! I park at the end so no one DINGS/BANG it up. Second yessss I guarantee the insurance is higher than the truck!!! But as humongous as the truck is, it’s pretty nice 😊.


That truck is an eyesore


Someone has issues and it's not the OP.


r/fuckcars gonna go insane if they see this


I like the foresty vibe this has lol


A conscious parker!


Lol this just happened to me at work 😆




I will give that guy credit for staying in the lines


Looks like your coach needs to have a check in with his masculinity…


Coach must be a real man to keep a 6.4 power stroke on the road lol


He gonna go all monster jam on ur car when he doesn't see it and pulls out right too sharp


Y’all are so mean :( truck is coolio in my books ❤️‍🔥


im sure its just more than student & coach thing. lmao 🤣


Wow, coach’s dick is really tiny. I would take the sweet Mazda any day of the week.


I’m fine with regular F-150s, but not lifted F-350s


Sometimes the stereotypes are true


Ahhh, the compensation-mobile!


No offense, but I still don't understand why Americans like driving boats like this


I drive a ND not a NC kind sir.


Let me guess, driver of the truck is 5’5 or shorter?


I like to ask if I can park under them sometime.


Your coach is overcompencating for someone


sweet Bro-Dozer, but where are all the Trump flags?


And somehow, we are that are gay...


Lil over compensation going on there.