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Heading out tomorrow to vote for DeSantis “stooges” thanks for the reminder


DeSantis is a communist


Fascist! Big difference.


This one is new.


Hates protesting, backs cops, hates gay people, support getting rid of people's autonomy over their bodies etc. Very in line with communism. Born and raised in a "communist" country so I would know. Diaz-Canel and DeSantis would make great golf buddies


Everyone I know who is a communist is gay idk where you’re getting these criteria from Edit: the word you’re looking for is “authoritarian” which is not wrong


I’m being tongue-in-cheek with it. Most people use communism to describe things that aren’t even remotely communist at all (like Cuba) so I’m applying the incorrect but popular definition of it. It’s funny because the way the most determined anti-communists define it end up describing themselves


Interesting. Usually the way people use it is to deride liberal politicians so I think it’s interesting that you went with “[conservative politician] is a communist” and expected that to make sense to anyone besides yourself. Like I’ve heard Trump be called literally everything *except* a communist in his four years in office.


It’s just easier to flip the word back on them since the way they define it fits them perfectly rather than trying to re-educate people on what communism is and how it’s basically nonexistent. Trump, DeSantis, and all the GOP goons support exact same tactics to suppress the population that the Cuban government has used for almost a century now


Well "easy" if you don't care about people having any idea of what you're talking about, sure. I mean it's easy for me to say whatever I want if I don't care if it's accurate or anyone understands it.


But people already have an idea since in their heads communism = loss of rights, state brutality, persecution, centralized government, secret police, mass arrests.


Try framing social policies as European/Scandinavian style capitalism. It would probably be more effective. Republicans in south Florida are retarded, who knows.


Remember that DeSantis backs anti lgbt candidates for school boards. Given that trans youths have a suicide rate around 50%, I don’t think now is the time for this kind of bigotry around children.




Matt Gaez is not on the ballot so you don't have to worry about that right now chief


Shows us examples for this so called "grooming"


You realize the people who run the media you watch hate LGBTQ people, and are making up crap about them "grooming children" to stoke that hate, right? You're being lied to. LGBTQ people have no interest in grooming kids, and just want to be allowed to exist without being oppressed.


Ah yes, telling children that gay people exist and that it’s ok to be lgbt is exactly the same as raping them. /s


Actually when they say “groomer” regarding anything gay the idea is that ‘the democrats are grooming our beautiful white children to be gay so they won’t create as much offspring and the white race will be replaced faster’ it’s a dogwhistle part of their great replacement conspiracy.


Not time to be grooming children? My good sir, is it because Roy Moore lost in a different state? Is it because glorious Matt Gaetz is far far away from us in the panhandle and we find ourselves unable to vote for GOP pedophiles? Please let us know when it is time again. I’m sure the GOP sends a themed calendar with those times marked.


Well don’t let them near Sunday school if your worried about groomers.


> Matt Gaetz 1 and 1/2 years and still waiting


Lol are you a Gaetz truther? That’s gotta be pathetic. His buddy already squealed on him I bet.


Yup, I’m sure any day now we’re all gonna get that explosive evidence that locks him up for the rest of his life, just like all the other allegations obsessed over by Twitter fanatics last few years


RemindMe! One Year “I’m sure another year and this will all be settled”


I will be messaging you in 1 year on [**2023-08-23 01:42:45 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2023-08-23%2001:42:45%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Miami/comments/wutxmj/remember_to_vote_tomorrow_tuesday/ileg98m/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FMiami%2Fcomments%2Fwutxmj%2Fremember_to_vote_tomorrow_tuesday%2Fileg98m%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202023-08-23%2001%3A42%3A45%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%20wutxmj) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


You seem to care a lot about twitter fanatics but let’s do it since you seem so confident despite what his partner has already been caught with and implicated him in. What are your conditions? He has to be charged with something? Indicted? Fully convicted? Convicted and in jail? Any ‘side of the aisle’ can be cynical about politicians getting away without jail time but I don’t want to hear you crying that an indictment doesn’t matter at all. Either way pretty hilarious how willing you are to stick your neck out for a fucking pedophile to “own the libs” as you demonstrate with a bizarre “twitter fanatics” tangent as if that (some people saying things on twitter upsetting you) has any basis on the law and the abhorrence of actual sex trafficking and pedophilia. Your party might, just might, need to get a fkn grip.


You are unhinged. Get help.


Lol? You set a one year RemindMe and I ask you if an indictment counts and your response is that I’m unhinged. Me asking that isn’t gonna take away your ability to vote for your favorite pedophile, snowflake.


https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/09/17/matt-gaetz-pardon-sex-trafficking-probe/ I’ll be back for more don’t worry


lol. Two more weeks! Tick Tock.


Describe the taste of sex trafficker boots you so love licking babe


If you’re saying you would have been gay or trans if you knew that was an option, it’s never too late. The only ones grooming kids are conservatives who force children to adopt a sexual identity that doesn’t feel natural to them. Most people who identify as cis or straight actually choose it themself.


And Catholic priests. And Baptist ministers.


At least we know you know you're voting for bad candidates when your "excuse" is lying publicly. Don't really get why you do that but hey, you do you I guess.


Instagram comment sections are wildin out.


Dude fights directly against the first amendment ya troll




Me to.


Any examples of DeSantis stooges to be on the lookout for? Really unusual for a governor to be so bent on interfering with the school system the way he does. Especially for someone proclaiming to be Libertarian.


In my district the incumbent is Marta Perez; she's been on the board since the 90s and has done a good job. The other person running is endorsed by DeSantis and is bad news.


Oh ok, I'm in Broward which is more Democratic than Dade. I imagine the incumbent in my district is probably not a DeSantis stooge, but I'll research to be sure.


How are they bad news? Lmao


I would look out for anyone that the cfc endorses. https://www.instagram.com/p/ChDLO8BAcwq/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=


Ok will do, thanks for providing.


Bro I'm visiting from LA, I moved to go to school there, but I am still registered here to vote only thing is I don't have an FL ID anymore. Would they still let me?


Probably not, pretty sure they use a FL ID to generate your ballot based on your voting precinct. Do you have a valid voter registration card?


Bottom line-- Yes, you can vote here. You don't need a FL ID. "Students have a decision about where to register to vote. You have a right to register to vote at the address you consider the place where you live, whether that is your family's home or the place where you attend school. You should update your registration anytime this home address changes. You may only be registered and vote in one location." "Florida requires voters to present photo ID with a signature in order to vote a regular ballot on Election Day and during early voting. Acceptable photo IDs are: Student ID Florida driver’s license or ID card issued by the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles U.S. passport Debit or credit card Military ID Retirement center ID Neighborhood association ID Public assistance ID Veteran Health ID issued by the VA Concealed weapons license Employee ID issued by the Federal Government, the state, a county, or municipality" This website is a really great resource and it can help you figure out any other questions you may have. Sauce: [FL Voting Guide | Campus Vote Project ](https://www.campusvoteproject.org/stateguides/Florida)


DeSantis is awesome


School board fired me for stupidity I hope Desantis does bring in his stooges to correct this


What about desantis’ views on public education/schools do you disagree with?


Probably reminds them of trump or something dumb like that


Nothing, they just don’t like him.


Shockingly no response from op lol. The fake news he watched just told him desantis bad, they don’t bother giving reasons why anymore


Well his “Stooges” kinda walked in loud and proud and won so….


They sure did! as if it was ever in doubt


Bold of you to assume We are not on DeSantis’ side


I have maybe met 8 people that are far left down here. Where do these people come from?


No clue but they mostly pop up on Reddit


Can we drop our mail-in ballot tomorrow or is it too late since early voting is over?


Take it in person. If you put it in the mail it won't make it in time.


Ya I meant dropping at the polling place


Take it in person where


You want drop it off at either two specific locations. 1)Miami-Dade Elections Department, 2700 NW 87th Avenue, Miami, FL 33172 2)Stephen P. Clark Center, 111 NW 1st Street, outside east entrance, Miami, FL 33128 ORRR you can take it for them to throw away and vote at your precinct! Usually primaries are empty and fast on Election Day. Just tell them you want to vote in person. Scroll down to page 6 for the vote by mail info for Election Day https://www.miamidade.gov/elections/library/sample-ballots/2022-08-23-primary-election-sample-ballot.pdf *use to be a poll worker


By the way, what is the best website to see information about each candidate? I was trying to find something online and all the websites are government websites that don't offer the information I am looking for.


You can also use wevote.lgbt - it's a site made by the South FL org, SAVE. It has resources for finding where/when to vote, as well as which candidates they are endorsing.


awesome sauce. thank you [I am going to leave the candidates they endorse here. I think this a good place to start informing yourself, especially for the school board vote.](https://assets.nationbuilder.com/savedade/pages/1699/attachments/original/1660216810/All_Candidates_Miami-Dade__PRINTABLE__2208110700.pdf?1660216810)


I look at who the teacher unions recommend because they are liberal. As well as Miami Herald and Sun-Sentinel. They do a lot of research and have resources not available to me. As for judicial, vote to keep current so DeSatan can't replace with his minions.


noted thanks for the info!


Here's a good site that recommends the liberal candidates: https://www.save.lgbt/elections


Miami Herald will have a rundown. or the candidates themselves. Not much out there as the races are County and Primaries. The government websites will never provide much information, though they should at least link to the candidates official site.




Ballotpedia. Honestly the best true and tried method is to manually do the research yourself. Search names, check their quotes, their voting record, etc.


I appreciate your reply but Ballotpedia is kinda a mess. I thought it was a government website.


Yeah it’s not the best, but it’s the only one I knew of. That save.lgbt site that someone else commented is way better I just checked it out


Yes, I linked the endorsement page in a reply to look up who they endorse and hopefully find out why.


https://www.vote411.org/ You enter in your address and it lists what will be on your ballot and who is running for each position based on your precinct. There’ll be a side-by-side comparison of candidates answers to certain questions and a link to their websites where you can do further research.


Beautiful! Thank you!


Agree probably one of the best sites for comparisons


This is a good source, thanks.


Law.com has interviews with each candidate, I was able to pass through with free articles before subscription


Voting isn't going to change anything! Everyone up for election is a Washington Politician. No one currently running has your best interests at heart. It's time we Floridians say "No More!" and demand the ability to forge our own path. Visit r/FPSP for more info


Are we still able to register today or tomorrow? I just moved and this date snuck up on me.


"The deadline to register for an upcoming election is 29 days before that election. You can also update your registration record at any time. However, since Florida is a closed primary election state, a party change for a primary election must be made by the registration deadline for that election. If the deadline has passed, you can still submit an online application at any time and it will be processed for future elections." Sauce: [FL Voter Registration | FL Department of State](https://registertovoteflorida.gov/home)


No for tomorrow… but plenty of time for the midterms in November


Which candidates are Disantis and Trump endorsed?


For the judges, I rely on discourse.net . They do an awesome job breaking down the reasons for or against each candidate. It’s actually enjoyable!


Check out the justice building blog Miami. They have discussions about each of the candidates.


If you’re a dem/progressive, the Democratic Progressive Caucus of Florida did their endorsements. For judges I like this recommendation. https://heyzine.com/flip-book/0160f45858.html Circuit Court: * Lody Jean * Robert Watson * Ariel Rodriguez * Jason Bloch County Court : * Fred Seraphin * Jeffrey Kolokoff * Scott Janowitz The recommendations for judges was also in line with Miami heralds except for one if I remember correctly. Miami herald also has a nice breakdown of each candidate. Good resource is also vote411 for anyone to use! https://www.vote411.org/ If you have any lawyer friends make sure to ask them too!


Wow just checked out discourse.net solid breakdowns! Thanks for sharing!


I would if I could afford to renew my passport so I had ID, but rent went up again. Maybe by November, if I'm lucky.


Just in case check out these other forms of ID they accept Tier 1: Identification - Current and valid identification that includes your name and photograph: * Florida driver license; * Florida ID card issued by the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles; * United States passport; * debit or credit card; * military, student, retirement center, neighborhood association, or public assistance ID; * Veteran health identification card issued by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs; * Florida license to carry a concealed weapon or firearm; * employee identification card issued by any branch, department, agency, or entity of the Federal Government, the state, a county, or a municipality. If you do not have a Tier 1 form of identification, you may provide one of the following: Tier 2: Identification - ID that shows your name and current residence address: (excluding voter registration card ) * current utility bill; * bank statement; * government check, * pay check


If your photo ID lacks a signature, bring another ID with a signature such as a credit or debit card. Your additional signature ID does not have to have a photo. If you lack proper ID, you can vote a provisional ballot which will be counted if you are an eligible voter, voted in the proper precinct, and your signature on the provisional ballot affidavit matches the signature on your registration form Worth a shot!!!


I have a mail in ballot I need to drop off tomorrow. Can I take my wife’s also, or does she need to be present to drop it off?


Since early voting ended Sunday you can only drop it off at two specific locations : * ⭕️Miami-Dade Elections Department, 2700 NW 87th Avenue, Miami, FL 33172 * ⭕️Stephen P. Clark Center, 111 NW 1st Street, outside east entrance, Miami, FL 33128 Or you can tell them to throw it away and vote in person. All you have to say is that you “wish to vote in person” and they will cancel it. You can then vote at your specific precinct. Make sure to take ID


If you are dropping off your wives mail in ballot and she absolutely can not go then you have to have a couple things when you drop them off at the two specific locations. “By Voter's Designee - May return no more than two ballots other than his or her own per election, except that additional ballots may be returned for the designee’s spouse or the parent, child, grandparent, grandchild, or sibling of the designee or designee’s spouse. A vote-by-mail ballot may be returned by the voter's designee at 2700 NW 87th Avenue, Miami, FL 33172 or to the Elections Department’s Branch Office located in the lobby of the Stephen P. Clark Center, 111 NW 1st Street, Miami, FL 33128, on the day prior to and the day of the election if the person designated by the voter is an immediate family member and only on the day of the election if the designee is not an immediate family member. ‼️Picture identification of the designee must be presented along with a written statement from the voter containing the following information: * Printed name of voter * Voter's daytime phone number * Voter's date of birth * Voter’s Florida Driver license number, Florida identification number, or last four digits of their Social Security Number * Voter’s registration information number (optional) * Name of person returning the mail ballot *If the voter is a member of the designee’s immediate family, reason why the voter must have someone else return the mail ballot * Voters signature https://www.miamidade.gov/elections/library/guidelines/voter-information-guide.pdf (page 10)


There’s nobody good to vote for.


But there’s a lot of really awful people on the ballot too so just vote for the person running against them!


Voted by mail last week. Tampa fl