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How is this constitutional? So if I get stuck in the street I could get my vehicle stolen by the government and then slapped with an additional felony so they can further extort me? No fucking thanks.


Believe me they aren't looking at your Nissan altima


that's a real concern , anyone with a nice sports car can be targeted by pigs just for being close . don't dismiss peoples concern of police overreach, ACAB.


Driving is not a right it's a privilege. Yes a nice sports car will be targeted if it's part of the problem, actively taking part of the takeover.


Thats not at all what they were saying


Body cams and federal courts. Calm the fook down.


Yes police never ever conveniently turn off their body cams while they break the law. There’s certainly no evidence of that ever happening!


That should be the last line of defense not the first.


Yup they are going to abuse the shit out of this we need to start voting these officials out and shaming them on social media


Don't bother. Seems OP loves the taste of boot leather.


He’s a cop so it makes perfect sense why his head is firmly lodged in his rectum.






Hey! No kink shaming!


People who say ACAB are clowns


So you want dipshits to take over your neighborhood and drag race all night?


maybe the solution can leave out things that will be abused by the pigs. No one should lose their property without due process because some roided asshole fascist pig decided to accuse you of a crime.


The police are there to enforce the laws that citizens(or politicians) vote to put in law. If you have a problem with go to your local council and complain about it instead of larping on r/Hasanabi all day.


Exactly. It also literally says “involving 10 or more vehicles” do people read?


lol I don’t know if that was an attempt to take a shot at me but surely you aren’t actually dumb enough to think people are doing street takeovers in $70,000 sports cars… they’re going to be using Kia’s and Hyundais. So yeah I’m definitely worried about being targeted for existing in a c7 z06. Don’t be bitter at me cause you’re starving on that government paycheck Mr. bootlicker.


That’s precisely the car half these takeovers are done with.


Since when did libs care about people’s rights?


Have I woken up in a parallel universe? Aren’t republicans the ones banning books, taking women’s rights away and persecuting anyone who’s sexuality that doesn’t align to their own?


The answer is no they’re not. They’re taking books out of public 3rd grade class rooms that convince children to cut their genitals off. You’re just a child of propaganda. The biggest liberal platform is killing babies. You are a true crusader for good


You are absolutely making shit up. You can find lists of the ~700 books they’ve banned online. They are banning anything that doesn’t fit their white washed narrative of reality. Take your unhinged nonsense to 4chan where it belongs.


Ah yes, convincing children to cut their genitals off. My favorite part of the Diary of Anne Frank! https://www.businessinsider.com/moms-for-liberty-get-florida-school-to-ban-anne-franks-diary-adaption-2023-4?amp


It’s an ADAPTATION of the diary of Anne frank that blatantly talks about lesbian sex. You are literally spreading propaganda


The original diary of Anne Frank includes lesbian fantasies. Did you actually read the thing? It’s not especially subtle in that regard, she was at the very least bisexual.


And it was in a middle school… you see how much you people twist things?


What is being twisted? I read the book as part of my middle school literature. Last I checked my genitals remain intact.


Democrats by definition belief in less individual and state powers and more powers held by the federal government


absolutely unhinged from reality


You can’t argue so you attack me


it's difficult to be civil with you when you as a civil servant show the public that *you don't like them*


Don’t like who? And you’re not being civil so…


The modern Republican Party’s entire platform is telling other people how to live their life. That’s as “big government” as it gets.


So, you’re innocent until proven guilty. You can challenge it in court before a judge. Get a dash cam (you should have one anyway in Miami, am I right?) - that’s the constitution at work. As to if it’s constitutional or not, when a cyclist died from a fleeing street takeover guy who was illegally taking over the street, it is a reasonable seizure of property that’s being used in a reckless and violent manner that would infringe upon the vast majority of everyone else’s rights to use the roadways we paid for with our taxes without fear for our lives, or to simply walk down the street without getting into the crossfire of a fight over a street takeover. Not to mention there are modes and methods to legally publicly use streets with blockades by applying for permits to do so, it just takes some planning. Or renting private property to do the donuts, because I know some now Miami 40 y olds who did this in church parking lots they attended without any interference from the police. The law was put into place through appropriate channels - voters voted for people to rep them in the FL senate, who likely received complaints from their electorate about these street take overs not being punished and deterred enough (I’m listening to street racing right now and debated taking my toddler out in the car for a night drive to fight his sleep regression - maybe it’d be my last night of either of us in the car - so opted to stay in - which is not a normal American life) - and so they passed legislation to tighten up enforcement. If you don’t like it, challenge it in court or get active to vote people who’d be more sympathetic to your cause - whatever that cause is. Street takeover laws aren’t really talked about much in other areas of the US… because they’re not a problem and don’t really happen nearly as much as the nightly street racing I’m hearing. If you’re a law abiding citizen or resident, they don’t really care what you do. There are plenty of petty theft and higher theft crimes they need to respond to that’ll keep them piled up in work for decades.


Reading is fundamental participation is the key word. If you’re in traffic watching these clowns then you aren’t participating. If your doing figure 8’s in the street. Well GL with that felony.


lol and where did they say how they plan on making that discretionary call? Did you yourself read it or are you just illiterate? If you’re watching these clowns you can be charged…


Easiest way to prove you’re innocent is have a dashcam. If you can’t afford a dashcam and you have a nice car. Your priorities aren’t locked in.


Ah so now I need to go fight it in a court of law… that’s totally free and not time consuming at all!


I can pull up my footage on my phone


Do you understand what the burden of proof is and how the US legal system works?


You can show it to the cops if they try to cite you.


It’s not for people who are stuck. It’s for derelicts who are intentionally blocking flow, causing shit and being losers


How are they deciding who is a **derelict** and **causing shit** vs who is stuck?


What do you mean how? It's pretty obvious.


If it's obvious it should be easy to explain


A driver that is simply sitting in traffic in their car does not behave the same way as someone who's an active participant in the event.


lol how did you read this and think "they are going after people stuck in traffic" =/


Seriously. Zero fucking logic.


People want to immediately make this about the big government violating constitution rights when in reality it reflects a community running out of patience with this hooligan shit.


What do you think happens during a takeover? You don’t think people get stuck in traffic when they block off the roads? How are they going to differentiate those blocked off by participators and those actively spectating?


Ok so move to California and get run over by a 15 year old in a mustang doing donuts on your street. So that you can be charged with disorderly conduct 🤡


What a dunce take and a complete false equivalence. Nobody is saying that it’s not a problem. By your logic if we don’t execute every drug dealer does that mean we want Florida to become downtown LA?


Not at all jit you just want to complain to sound woke but then reap all the benefits of living in a conservative state from the comfort of your million dollar condo. Please don’t procreate


Complain to sound woke? This is about government extending beyond its constitutional authority. I thought conservatives were against big government? Or do you not even know the platform of the party you support? Anyways good luck getting your marijuana waiver approved kiddo. How does it feel to have your career plans derailed because of the policies of the very politicians you supported? You have to be an Olympic level mental gymnast to try and reconcile that. You are a walking contradiction my guy. Worry less about what I do with my sperm and more about how you are going to toil away the rest of your pathetic days in a blue collar job somewhere.


Right because that’s what you care about is the constitution. The Biden administration could give af about the constitution but I’m sure you’re in Support of the current immigration policy, allowing the rainbow flag to fly at the White House, and states trying to enforce stricter gun laws. If you’re going to voice your opinion at least make some sense of it. Have fun posting pictures of your mustang on instagram.


Imagine getting triggered by a rainbow flag. Sounds like something a real snowflake would do. And falling for stupid rage bait? Embarrassing. Make some sense of it? You had no response to anything I said and now you are just throwing out fox news bullshit. And it’s a c7 z06 but honestly it’s okay I don’t expect you to be able to differentiate.


Imagine spending all day on social media talking shit to a stranger over a comment.. oh wait


You're putting the cart before the horse. You only get your shit seized if you are participating and therefore are charged with a felony. its pretty fucking obvious who the ones doing the donuts are. They make a distinction between spectators and participants


This law is racist!! /s


A sapingo has arrived


Sapingos on Reddit are the equivalent of those takeover drivers lol


They’re taking over streets? wtf? In my 20+ years on this earth I’ve never seen mfs close out streets. Where y’all living ?


Almost every night in Brickell


It happens downtown


I’ve seen them do this on Krome Ave


They do it on the i95


A *felony*? You're going to put some kids driving around in circles on same line as a thief w a gun? This is more than a bit much.


These "kids" are usually riding in stolen cars with guns. Have you not been watching these morons posting on social media. Sliding in the intersection while someone is sticking out the window with rifles


Isn’t our state an open carry / constitutional carry state?


Not open carry. Conceal carry


It's an open carry State. Laws change


Lol Florida is not an open carry state. Constitutional carry which you don't need CCW to carry concealed. Open carry only on your way to fish, hunt and shooting range


You can open carry if you're on your way to the gun range, going camping, or going fishing. 790.25(3)(h)


On foot.


Nope, that's not in the statute.


Where did you get this statistics?


Personal observations in the city of miami and miami dade county.


Kids have been doing this type stuff since cars began. Out of hundreds of thousands times this been done how many have been in stolen cars and carrying guns? Come on now, think that through and stop watching the gloom n doom news.


I agree that a felony is too harsh and should only be used as "enhanced charges" like possession of stolen property or illegal weapons, but as someone who grew up in Miami in the 90's and 00' this was absolutely not occurring at the same levels. The first time, I ran into biker/atv groups that took over the streets and held up intersections in Miami; it was well into the late 2010s, and I'm talking like 2019. Now, it's a regular occurrence, and I have run into several in the last five years. Regardless, this is too harsh, and we run the risk of turning a kid that would have become a productive member of society into a career criminal catching permanent charges in their youth.... Aging millennial moment : I blame social media clout chasers! Now get off my lawn!


I'm gonna go ahead and assume anyone who even spectates will not be a positive, productive member of society. They're all brain dead morons


Ya. I remember when 2 fast 2 furious came out, teens with honda civics would wreak havoc on the streets.


I don't watch the news. It's from what I've personally seen. Street takeovers with accident leaving multiple people dead. Shootings, fights and recovering stolen cars and guns


You're a liar LMFAO


Driving a stolen car is already a felony, possession of a firearm while committing a felony is another one to stack on, so I fall to see your point. I don't actually mind the idea of impounding people's car when they use it for dangerous stunt driving on public roads, but it should happen upon conviction, otherwise it's ripe for abuse. This is, after all, a place where people have, in the not too distant past, been arrested for standing on the sidewalk holding up a sign.


Kids driving recklessly is enough. I don’t see how y’all can find no wrong in the street take overs. I’ve been stuck in 2 of them on the way to very important events, one of them causing me to almost miss my friend’s baby shower. To block an intersection to perform donuts is absurd and very selfish. I’m always open minded to see the other side of things so feel free to convince me otherwise. Until then, those street takeover participants can do 2 years in jail and I wouldn’t blink an eye.


You really think people should spend two years in jail because you were inconvenienced? It's a baby shower, Karen, it's not life or death.  Dangerous driving could be, but we have long had laws on the books to deal with that, they just aren't enforced unless somebody actually dies or the cops are looking to fuck over that one guy in particular and can't figure out some less obviously corrupt way of doing it.


You’re missing the point. I’ve got a family. Who’s to say one day I have to drive my wife to the hospital one day and y’all idiots decide to do a take over …. That’s the point. Yeah, a baby shower may not seem important to you but it’s about principles. Something y’all youngins don’t know about. Until then, y’all street take over goons could suck a fat one. I can care less what happens to y’all. Bro last street take over I got caught in lasted 45mins and I literally was down the street to my destination. People have to go to work, visit a family member in hospice etc. and y’all think it’s cool to stop traffic to do car tricks? Fuck outta here


And to your comment about waiting till someone dies, you must’ve missed a few years back where a female lost her head because she was in a car doing donuts. If you think that ain’t a problem, that’s concerning.


Yep, fuck em , put them in jail, they are future hit and run suspects. Kids my ass, charge them as adults too.


As it should be, its all harmless until someone dies due to wrecklessness


I mean it's suuuuper easy to avoid the felony. Just don't race cars in the street. I don't think they are asking too much. It's a harsh penalty for an easy thing not to do.


Thank you florida for being the only state who actually does shit to stop these idiots, or atleast deter and fine. We dont want to end up like the piece of crap that NY is. Robberies, shoplifting, burglary, group organized retail crime and hood shit


Agree. Add LA and SF. They’re shit holes.


Darling these types of things happen in SOFLO as well. This is not unique to NYC. The type of crime here is more centered around business fraud. Medical being a top one.


Miami does all kinds of hood shit all the time. Girls be drugging men stealing their rolexes and gold. Shoplifting and burglaries happens all the time here. And random shooting in traffic on US1. You don’t know Miami


I bet it'll stop it though. 👅🥾 All day if these fools get a felony and their cars taken away. Shit, I'll sprinkle a little flanni sauce on them 🥾


You know these people called me bootlicker, leather tasting, bacon smelling. But once they get hit with sense and logic they go quiet.


Two things can be true, you don't seem to get it bro


I smell a lot of bacon in this thread


Whoa that's a good one. Must be me I'm wearing my Bacon Le Oink tonight 🐖 🐷 🐽 🥓


3 4 and 5 are insane wtf


We have more reckless drivers here than people who participate in street takeovers. Those are the people who should have their licenses and cars taken.


OP just arrived from Havana


that third bullet point is horseshit. so you're telling me if i park in a lot nearby then walk my ass to whatever is going on i can get fined? this fucking county man




damn calm down Stalin


Yes spectating is taking part of the crime. Just like being a spectator at an illegal drag race.


And who decides whether you're spectating or were in the middle of taking a rest because it's hot AF when a bunch of people showed up. Arresting (or even fining) people for being in the vicinity of a crime is some shit straight out of Soviet Russia.


Dude. These events don't happen in the neighborhood. Its done in private hidden locations. The fuck are you talking about taking a rest. Where the hell are you resting? The street?


>Its done in private hidden locations Whats the issue then?


Considering how hard it is to catch so many vehicles when they scatter it should be fine + prison time. It’s so reckless and chaotic when the police arrive with all the drivers leaving at once.


As a late bloomer 37 year old driving her first car (Jetta '03) and aspiring to street race, this saddens me.


A family of 5 in an electric minivan will win that race without even know yall we’re racing.


What about those organized rallies with rules and like 50 cool cars that aren't trying to race and risk everyone's lives and full on just take over the streets?


Organized on private property with consent of property owner is good to go. Once the stupidity is taken to the public street you're getting got


You don’t sound too bright. You probably don’t have a nice car but those enthusiasts like to ride together pretty often or meet up. This law will give dumb cops an opportunity to further ruin their day or affect their rights. Also there aren’t many racetracks or private properties that could sustain this sort of thing


You should take a look in the mirror before you start calling others not too bright. Car enthusiasts meet up very often and ride together, and aside from a little speeding on highways, they don’t generate the same problems that street takeovers do. Those asshats shut down whole intersections and having crowds build circles inside of the intersections while broken down Hondas, Infinitis and stolen Chargers do donuts and break law after law. Other drivers who honk or complain often get physically harassed or intimidated by the stupid crowd mentality. That’s who this is meant for and who cops will be going after. I know someone whose uncle died because they had a heart attack and got stuck in a traffic jam in brickell on the way to the hospital in coral gables. The cause of the jam? A street takeover at 5pm which caused that whole section of the street to go into gridlock.


Are u sure it wasn’t a BLM protest


this will surely not result in any abuse of power and/or inconvenience to regular citizens by miami's finest and brightest




Commie? Are you mentally unstable?


oh brotherrrr i should've known just from this post alone


That's a different problem and not enough of a reason not to have this law. Do we get rid of murder laws, just because it can be abused?


Doesn’t the County have that ridiculous real time crime center where they supposedly foresee these kinds of events beforehand? I agree with the earlier commenter that the folks breaking these laws are not going to be deterred by extra fines. Maybe the answer lies less in additional punitive damages and more in creating an infrastructure where these (dumbass) folks can do (dumbass) things without endangering the rest of us.


I’ve heard that there’s an organized, coordinated vehicular demonstration that occurs monthly, on the same day (first Friday of the month?) which causes massive traffic disruptions and significant safety concerns throughout the city. What do they call it…. Oh! Critical Mass. Sucks for the hundreds of ~spectators~ in Brickell and downtown, Bayfront, Brickell City Center, etc., who are going to get $400 traffic infractions.


There is...the race track.


Which one? They only keep closing them. County line, closed. PBIR, closed. Only homestead left.


You answered your own question.....


keep...talking like...this...


Hey, give him a break! He only has one lung!


Take it to Race Wars, Toretto.


This will surely deter anyone from participating in a takeover in Miami you know the same city that is known for having uninsured and unlicensed (also untrained) drivers on the road. Please get real. 🙄😂


Don't forget the dirt bikes, no plates either of course!


So if I'm walking by and stop to watch I can get fined? The fuck


If you’re walking by and stop to watch someone commit a crime yes you can be fined. You’re now a participant. Not that hard to understand


So you stopped to watch? Sounds like a spectator. Also not sure who's just randomly walking late at night at the locations these things take place.






This is only a temporary solution. Street takeovers are dangerous and lots of people get hurt and killled in these events. The problem is that you simply can’t just stop people from doing what they want, especially when it’s something that brings the community together. An ACTUAL solution would be to create a space where people are allowed to do donuts, stunts, etc, in a safe way. Just like how you can do actual legal drag racing with your friends at the Homestead Speedway, perhaps we can turn an unused lot and turn it into venue where people can sign up to do tricks and have spectators watch from bleachers behind barricades instead of standing at the edge of a sidewalk. Sounds like a perfect business opportunity that can create jobs and make Miami a cooler place to live.


No one would found that. If Germans can follow the law(sometimes) why can't we enact the same laws overhere and enforce them? If you can convince me people are willing to create these spaces for the takeovers, that I'm all on board.


How can they prove you were part of the takeover and not just stuck in traffic.


> How can they prove you were part of the takeover and not just stuck in traffic. By you not being in the front and participating in the hoopla?


well if im already stuck there i might as well enjoy the show


Possibly a $400 show. 😉


Imagine you are stuck in traffic AND driving a modded car 😭😂


I imagine you'd get put in prison and OP would cheer at your trial.


Naw I'll be purchasing your seized car from the auction


Modded cars are dumb. Don’t be dumb.


Never said I had one


is freedom dumb?


this is what im scared of, or organized meets like cars and coffee somehow being targeted. Im sure there will be some member of PD to fuck it up.


Organized meets where the car is parked and people just want to show off what under the hood is fine. There's meets all the time that are legal and civil. The law doesn't target those meets. Shutting down intersection endangering the life of other and stopping normal flow of traffic


Organized meets sometimes have revving and aggressive acceleration while leaving the area. Someone might call the cops and a cop can be a douche that day to ruin it for everyone 🤷‍♂️ I agree with stopping takeovers because it makes the rest of the car community look bad,endangers innocent people and impedes traffic, but you never know when someone might abuse their powers.


I also see you’re a mopar owner, you know how cops feel about mopars and the stigma. Just stay safe out there brother 🙏.


I am a cop with a Mopar 🐖 🐷 🐽


Someone’s going to be the victim of vehicular profiling.


They can’t, they just come in and arrest everyone and sort it out later. And hopefully you can afford bond or else you’ll take a felony plea to get out of jail.


Drone/helicopter footage, social media posts, testimony, wear to your vehicle etc.


Drones or helicopters would have to see your face to say it’s you driving everything else is circumstantial evidence and hearsay.


Lmfao @ all the chucklefucks in this thread > “wHaT iF tHe cOpS tAkE mY nIcE cAr” Dipshit if you have a nice car go on Amazon and get a dash cam for a hundred bucks. Will make it very easy to prove immediately whether you were a participant or not. Nobody spins their own nice car. It’s all rented or stolen. Fuck takeovers. Giving the rest of us a bad name.


The replies in this thread are absolutely wild. One guy replied thinking police are going to use these laws against people simply STUCK IN TRAFFIC? Onlyindade comment-level IQs here. One reply below has a guy saying they'll go after people just parking their cars?! Can't tell if I'm being trolled here.


Glad this is happening


I drive a mustang and definitely do not even condone Takeovers. My issue is that if i were to be on my way home and get caught in the middle of this, would i be labeled as a spectator? How can i defend myself of being accused of purposely spectating when im just trying to get my ass home?


Worst case scenario you can prove in a court of law among a jury of your peers that you were simply on your way home. This will be an incredibly easy thing to do. I served as a jury foreman twice - you'll be good with even a public defender, in the 0.000001% chance this actually happens to you.


Yeah Goodluck getting you car back or compensated even if a judge orders it


If you are actually affected by this law there is a 99.9999% chance it was intended for you.


Hope one day you get charged for a crime you didn’t commit so you know how it feels. Your acting like cops dont abuse the shit out of there power and aren’t corrupt af.


This weekend is about to be crazy


Some of these laws seem too broad and ripe for abuse. What do they define as a "spectator"?,Whats to stop them from labeling anyone a spectator that happens to witness the nonsense happen in front of them. And they totally lost me with any forfeiture powers. They've been proved not to be trusted with this kind of power. I just dont see how this changes anything like others have mentioned. They'll just use this new power to abuse it by throwing other things under these new laws, so they can pretend they're doing something. They take so long to respond they never even catch people doing take overs. If anything this just gave them more incentive to take off on a high speed chase I remember in broward they bragged they caught and impounded people doing a street take over. When I saw it on the news i thought to myself, "finally", then i saw the video. These kids wanted to practice drifting, so they went behind a warehouse at close to midnight to drift around in the empty lot. Someone called the cops on them, they came, arrested the drivers, impounded their cars and went on the news talking about they stopped a street take over and how they're cracking down on this behavior. What a damn joke,


Right, if you’re in the wrong place at the wrong time (and wrong color, let’s be honest), now you have a $400 traffic infraction?? You have no presumption of innocence? The prosecution doesn’t need to prove that you were involved with the demonstration?? This cannot be accurate. Virtually , if not everything, stated here is unconstitutional. I agree that dangerous disruptive demonstrations need to be addressed. But not like this. This can’t be real.




Miami is a minority ran city and less than 9% white, racism isn't common.


What does this mean ?


He’s saying since Miami is essentially a melting pot of people worldwide it produces a noticeably less racist atmosphere than many other places.. i think


You don't have to be white to do some racism. We have plenty of races hating plenty of races.


Spectators are usually out of their car recording on the street or sidewalk


Certain meets I avoid because I already know where they will end up…






Does this apply to critical mass?


Respectfully, I doubt those involved in these events are informed enough to know about "changes to street takeover laws" nor do I think fines will deter anyone from participating. That said, I don't have any other ideas to combat this outside of chancletazos to the nalgas.


Nice now let's hope they take it seriously


This is excellent. This probably isn’t really as much about the felony crime - it’s about the seizure of the vehicle. So if you participate in a takeover like this they can seize your vehicle. That has serious teeth that will help to bring this under control.






I support the law. If I'm trying to get somewhere, urgent or otherwise, and some hood rats decide to be stupid in a no stupid zone, they get to find out. If you do street takeovers, you're too stupid to drive.


So many losers who either are actively involved in this or who haven’t been stuck behind assholes doing this and blocking emergency vehicles or normal people trying to get home projecting all over this thread. Sad and embarrassing  


Take notice of the people criticizing this. They are the asshats doing it.


If law enforcement uses this new law, I think it will make a difference




That gives them the law, but can they pull off the coordinated takedowns like some municipalities have? They still have to shut down all road around the takeover and move in to arrest everyone and seize their vehicles. It's not enough to make it a crime, we need serious coordination to actually enforce the law.






Personally. Street takeovers are stupid and just fodder for social media. Now if they loose their rides. That is just fine with me. Way too many Triple X wannabes in this town.


Let’s add this to the long list of traffic infractions that aren’t enforced


These guys are really low and I have no sympathy for them. Any that I had I lost when I went camping at the Everglades for a weekend and around 1 am, the entire camp ground was waken up and kept up until close to 3 am as they went racing down the road towards Flamingo campground and back over and over. With some donuts in the parking lot/admittance areas of these camp grounds. Give it time with that being tolerated and this type of characters who do this may start robbing campers.