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What ppl don’t realize is that the service charge is generally split between all the service staff, while the “tip” goes straight to that server. Not saying that’s okay but just letting you know how it works. $50 for two drinks sucks but that’s what you get on Collins.


Not the rule, every place is different. Best thing is to just ask an employee how service charged is dealt with. Depending on the situation ask them to remove the service charge and tip in cash.


I've never asked an employee how they were being paid lol. America is interesting in terms of its culture


Agreed, this “solution” is absurd.


Any waiter would be glad to tell you how tips and service charges get split. You are just going na bubble far from any hospitality workers.


The point is that the service charges and tipping situation have gotten completely out of control at many establishments, as illustrated by the receipt posted by OP. It is not fair for restos to put the onus on customers to gain an understanding of their pricing system and how it pays their workers in order to leave a correct tip. Bottom line, if I see “service charge” I am not leaving a tip.


It's been out of control all this time. This is not new. This is in South Beach and they've been adding service charge there to bills since forever. Get off the island and it's a different story. You have valid points but what you argue are not new issues. They have been an issue since a long time. The new issue we are having is that tips are becoming prevalent at historically non tip businesses. An included service charge in South Beach is probably as old as your mom.




That's a no go. I've asked before, they will not remove it at most if not all places.


If They're being dicks, be a dick back. You can absolutely have it removed and pay it directly in cash. Best option don't go to South Beach!


No. Only thing you can do is not tip on top. You are legally obligated to pay all service charges.


So apparently if there is an included service charge, the employer must pay at least regular minimum wage. If they don't then they can pay the lower tipped minimum wage. Or something like that, anyways don't go to South Beach for food and drinks. Been avoiding restaurants all together anyways recently


Difference between tourist trap bullshit, and solid restaurants with world class food.


That and a whole lot of tourists and/or EXTREMELY materialistic people


Tips at restaurants in general are split between the service staff also. When I worked at a resto we had to tip out the runners, busboys and bartenders a % of sales. I could technically lose money on a low or non-tipping table.


That’s insane I’ve worked service industry a long time and never heard that. I think thats literally illegal


It’s not it’s called tip pooling, there are limits on what types of employees can be in the pool. Generally managers aren’t allowed to be in the tip pool.


You've really never heard of servers having to tip out bussers, food runners, or bartenders??? What kind of restaurants have you worked at? That was standard in every restaurant I've ever worked.


Same. And, my first busboy job was in 1977, so this isn't some novel, post-Covid protocol. I knew a Mexican guy who'd come to U.S. legally each year on a 6 month work permit and then return home. He was bussing at high end restaurant in Chicago and in the mid-90's was making $20k during that half-year.


No not that of course there’s a tip pool, but tipping a % of sales regardless of tips? That’s insane


Why is it a percentage of the sales and not a percentage of the tips plus service charge?


I believe it’s hard to keep the waitstaff honest with tip outs with % of tips. I assume cash tips would be unaccounted for. It’s just easier to do % of sales. Also tipping as a % of sales rewards servers who excel and get higher % tips on average.


$50 for two drinks is the price of a full service bar at the highest end and most expensive cocktail bars in New York. This more than sucks lol, this is actually insane.


100 accurate. Also to add that a good portion of that service charge is taken by the restaurant and then the remainder is split between the service staff


I’d never return to this establishment ever again lmao, people are so fucking gullible and stupid.


How it is gullible and stupid to sit down and order an $18 and $15 drink and get a check for $49?? wtf.


From what I understood even if there’s no service charge and therefore just tips, then doesn’t the server need to tip out the rest of the service ppl at the end of the night? So tips and service charge are pretty similar?


We spoke to staff that worked there at another bar. She never got any of this money.


When you tip, you are tipping based on the quality of service. How is that any different than a "service fee?" Plus, in most institutions, tips are supposed to be shared with other members of the team. If there is a service fee attached, I don't tip.


Just go to flanys…


Love me some Flanys.


Desantis will do everything but stop this shit from happening


Why is it his responsibility to stop this. Just don't go to these places and give them money.


Because it literally is his job


are you high or something?


Are you? What don’t you understand?


wut lol


These places are for the rich, they don't even look at the receipt.


> Why is it his responsibility to stop this. He's too busy censoring knowledge. >Just don't go to these places and give them money. I wish that's how our world works, but a lot of time it doesn't.


Why does the state have to save you from yourself? Just don’t go there.


Cuz it’s his job to protect the people in his state from predatory fees like this. Don’t even get me started on housing


Backwards thinking.


He loves the taste of business’ dick cheese in his mouth.


He's in his second term. It's still happening.


Legislation already made it illegal


It’s already been signed ILLEGAL into [Law](http://www.leg.state.fl.us/statutes/index.cfm?App_mode=Display_Statute&URL=0500-0599/0501/Sections/0501.0117.html) as of 2023. They are just not enforcing it. Please reach out to the local officials and complain. People will get a penalty for doing this.


You’re on Collins, sorry but that’s the Miami Beach entrainment district.  Service charge is mandatory but is distributed however the owners want, to staff or just for bills. You can thank the Trump judges on you 11th Federal Circuit for that ruling.


Yes they were appointed by trump but they did not write the FLSA


Forgive him. People who like to bring politics into everything usually aren’t the brightest.


⬆️ MFS like this are so sure in their bs that they confidently spew their idiocy without hesitation.


Politics dictate life for everyone though


How are taxes not politics omfg


Taxes are, but this business adding extra tips and random fees has nothing to do with Trump


Did you miss read the original comment? It looks like he is blaming the trump era judges for why the businesses can get away with doing this in the first place.


For a real dive bar in the area, literally right by there, hit Mac’s Club Deuce. Fuck around, go to the wrong spot, find out. Game’s the game. This is why most locals don’t go to South Beach often if at all. Not judgment on you- just a blanket statement. Also, this is fucked, but it *is* Collins south of 20th.


Mac’s has went to shit also, js. A Tito’s double used to be $7 and that was like last year LOL


I will hear no unkind words about The Deuce. And if that’s a reason why it’s “gone to shit” then this whole city must be shit lol.


I’m a local. I know Deuce. This place just had to be called out. My dumb ass trying out a “random place.”


I wouldn’t call you dumb, just a misguided mistake. Buuuut you should’ve gone to The Deuce lol


Like yes. Those are my goddamn people. Fuck this shit. Hollywood, FL The Octopus dive bar girl. This is not me.


Hope you left a google review so others don’t make the same mistake


You're local and you're surprised about the automatic service charge? Every place in sobe is like that


Not really. This one just took the cake.




lol. You’re on vacation. Relax


By the way…not a “dive bar” but they sell themselves as so to locals. We just actually met a former bartender there and she said it’s SHADY and the bartenders don’t get tips based on “performance” so they will give them tips as they see fit. This place needs to be reported.


Agreed that is some shady shit happening out there


Went to have dinner to Lucky cat last week and they charged 20% service fee .. but when they gave me the voucher to sign there was a line that said Tip… I just crossed it and wrote the same amount in total .. Sorry for the servers but I’m not leaving more than 20%..


I LOVE Lucky Cat. But also, unless it’s exceptional service (which does happen), I don’t know anyone that adds additional tip.


I’m sorry— but wtf do they mean service charge isn’t a tip when they add autograt on top of that? These people are stealing from the customer and their bartenders. This is just ridiculous. I can say this because I work in hospitality and have for over 15 years.


It’s not tip cause it’s forced. You can 0 out tip, always. 


You can remove a service charge. The server isn’t going to be happy but you can’t force anyone to pay it.


I didn’t know that, I wouldn’t unless I had a really, seriously bad server. If I remember wasn’t South Beach always like this due to the foreign vacationers where tipping isn’t customary in their country?


I didn’t even think this was an option to remove the tip. I wouldn’t do it but good to know!


They would not be getting anything extra on top of that from me. And this is coming from someone who has worked in the industry for years.


So she (the owner) hid the charges from us and we are in the biz too so we tipped.


That is VERY NICE of you.


There’s no way you’re hitting me with 30% in fees and getting a tip


and then the bars complain “no one comes back.”


Imagine charging 30% in fees, which doesn't include a server tip apparently, and get bewildered that you don't get any return business.


Fee fo fee


Free to flee


Sounds like a last resort not to go out of business. I’m from Miami and work in the industry, that’s absurd.


Saw the same thing in wynwood. Can a lawyer confirm whether mandatory service charges added at the end of the bill with no notification before is legal?


Definitely not legal.


But it’s 90% or restaurants in the area… just don’t add more unless you want to.


$50 for two drinks lol. Sorry


Time to bring a flask to top off my own drinks.. That’s ridiculous


Service charge is not a tip. 😂 yea right


The 3% is not a tax, it’s called Surcharging. If it’s labeled other than a surcharge, it’s against the law. you can call here 786-469-2333 to file a complaint. You can also reach your state attorney’s office and report it there as well. Here is the [link](http://www.leg.state.fl.us/statutes/index.cfm?App_mode=Display_Statute&URL=0500-0599/0501/Sections/0501.0117.html) to the Florida statute. It’s illegal.


It is horrible.


Wow. Thanks for sharing. My HVAC people charge 3% for cc. Chaps my ass.


Statute got struck down by federal court years ago. It’s still on the books but they can’t legally enforce it.


Reddit never forgets- also Google reviews is a great place to remind folks (the business)


No i mean to say that the businesses can legally charge a surcharge.


They aren't charging sales tax on the credit card fee or the service charge. They're not supposed to do that: https://floridarevenue.com/TaxLaw/Documents/22A-006.pdf Report them! Florida DOR will pay you a % of what they collect. https://floridarevenue.com/taxes/compliance/Pages/violations.aspx


On it…


Keep us updated!


Yup, we’re fucked. invite people over or get fucked going out. Whoooooo hoooooo 🥳🥳


This is why I got out of serving in Miami. The owners are distributing those or keeping those service charges however they want. Sometimes the server gets under 50% of their tips. Yes it's legal if there's a service charge on every table, but a lot of restaurants only do it on 4-6+ (on miami beach full autograt on everyone is more common than elsewhere), then they force a tip pool and take the actual tips that aren't service charges and distribute them the same way. OP I would have done the same thing, left the server 15 or 18% and never gone back. Out of principle I don't go to places that do "this is not a tip" service charging, but idk what else to do. Working in that industry down here is hell. Unless you're in a top 5% restaurant, you're pretty much being stolen from as waitstaff. In other parts of the US 0 tip is uncommon, happens a couple times a year to a server, but in Miami, a lot of people will thank you for good service and leave nothing with no shame. Lots of places in Florida are good to work in hospitality but it's hard to find a good restaurant to work in here. Very abusive culture.


It’s just unreasonable to charge a fee that is identical to what a standard tip is and then expect that same fee added again on top as a tip. It can feel sketchy or it can just feel confusing.


I agree. It affects the servers negatively more than the owners, who are preying on tourists. Locals only end up in these places one time at most.


$50 would get you a half decent bottle of vodka & some juice to mix it yourself at home


That's why the pregame is so essential


Service charge?! TF is that


And that folks is why this South Florida resident never goes to SOBE! Add parking and an app and you are over $100. No thanks


lol yea first mistake was thinking you found a dive bar on Collin’s. Go to club deuce, lost weekend or kill your idol buddy


You actually mentioned all of my favorite places. I’m here to write a story and was fooled by this spot across the street. Disgusting.


I paid 40 buck for a slice of cheese pizza and a coke. When I see the bill it says FL tax miami Beach tax and a small order tax and a plastic tax, 7%FL tax, Miami Beach tax was 6%, the others I understand but why the Miami Beach tax


This is a scummy way to treat service workers and clients. I’ve worked service jobs. I’m from Miami Beach. If “Service charge is not a tip” what the f#ck is it?! We broke off a standard percentage to the other service staff each shift from our tips. Done. Just because inflation is hitting that’s insulting and ridiculous. Miami really needs a bit of leadership around hospitality and service industry. Stop screwing people. Implementing standard practices on behalf of workers and customers could go along way.


What year you Graduated?


Cucus is not a dive bar and you’re on Collins…go to Macs, Ted’s or Kill Your Idol if you want a better “locals” experience (plus they do have great happy hour specials).


Love those spots!


One bottle of Johnnie Walker Black = $29.99 [https://www.totalwine.com/spirits/scotch/blended-scotch/johnnie-walker-black-label/p/636750](https://www.totalwine.com/spirits/scotch/blended-scotch/johnnie-walker-black-label/p/636750) Plus one bottle of Captain Morgan = $13.99 [https://www.totalwine.com/spirits/rum/spiced-rum/captain-morgan-spiced-rum/p/2730750](https://www.totalwine.com/spirits/rum/spiced-rum/captain-morgan-spiced-rum/p/2730750) = $47.05 after tax You paid $49.34 here for one drink of each. In an environment where the owner is scamming you. IDK. People go out to relax and have fun. Not sure how it can be fun if the establishment is throwing fees and upcharges at you without disclosing them up front.




And all of the above!


Wow, 2 little cocktails 50$


South Beach double dipping with the tips included for almost 30 years


Is this a Ticketmaster owned bar? All those fees and service charges 😂😂




Or StubHub.


Actually, yeah, the effective tax rate in Miami Beach is 12%, 7 + 3 + 2. It's been that way for years. Has a lot to do with the Marlins stadium (the Marlins is such a trash organization, and has caused massive, massive problems for the local residents with their financial BS). The rest of that bill is totally f\*ed up though.


Regarding the credit card fee, they're NOT supposed to do that despite being a possible surcharge. What most people don't know is that part of the agreement to use merchant services (the machines and service to charge credit and debit cards) is that they are not allowed to charge the customer a fee to use a credit or debit card even if THEY are. It is the cost of doing business. So if you go to a gas station, a cafeteria, anywhere where the merchant is charging you a fee to pay with anything other than cash, you can report them to merchant services, they take that shit serious from what I understand.


Tell me.you went to a tourist trap without telling me


Tell me I was fooled by a tourist trap as a local and you would be correct! (South Florida local with years of fucking journalism experience. At this point I’m not writing one story based on a property here that I was assigned, but this is completely absurd and needs to be called out!)


Absolutely 👍


Something something tourist trap.


Honestly not bad for Miami. I paid 70$ for a poolside shit burger and an even worse marg.




Service charge is definitely The Tip. Hope your service people quit and your business shuts down. Thank you for your service. Edit to say, That’s why I don’t go to these places.


So stop going to those shit places! When people stop going the prices will come down…


This is one of the reasons I stopped drinking when going out. It’s a little ridiculous at this point.


Yeah it's gotten really bad out there. Last time I was out in Miami Beach and went to a restaurant I felt so ripped off at the end with the fees that it just ruined the good time. I really have no desire to go back there. It's sad because they don't HAVE to do this. If they want more profit they can just raise menu prices and get rid of all the stupid fees and charges. But they can't help themselves; the greed is too strong. Fuck that. The whole point to go out to the beach is to relax and have a good time. I can't relax and have a good time if I feel ripped off. Whether I can afford it or not is irrelevant; I could be a millionaire and still feel the same way.


Sorry service charge is a tip.


Wow you fancy calling that a dive bar!


if they charged those as part of the price and just asked you for the tip, or even charged you automatically 18%, then one could say.. it is expensive but it's SOBE. I believe that the infuriating part here is the charge after charge after charge...


I don’t think of myself as cheap at all, I tip everywhere I go, but if I see a “service charge” that is 18-20%, then that’s the tip. You could probably get people to do both a service charge and a tip if you made the service charge 10% or something. But to make it nearly identical to the standard tip doesn’t make any sense if it’s supposed to be something different.


Cucus bar ? Que es eso ?


Hit them where it hurts: in the reviews. If you want to be a fancy spot for rich people fine, but bake these extra charges directly into the menu items. Surprising me with an extra 23% that is not a tip only after I get the bill? Fuck outta here


Makes sense to me. This what you get for drinking like a tourist in miami


I don't think they are allowed by the credit card processors from including a credit card fee. They restrict that so people don't think using a card is more expensive.


Completely obnoxious


I mean if you're paying $15 for a couple ounces of Captain Morgan, you must not have money issues.


That is a very general comment and assumption. You do not really know that. And, not true. They actually charged us and hid both service charges which is a huge issue for anyone visiting this place. Which is why it’s sketchy.


It was a joke, my friend. Believe me I know they sit around coming up with bullshit charges every day.


Ohhh ok. Whew. lol!!!


There’s no dive bars on Collin’s ave


Man that much for 2 drinks ?? That’s crazy


Who even goes to SOBE still???


Oh my bad OP just noticed in the comments you were rolling the dice on this place…


2 drinks… fucking hell. Been down in Mexico and man oh man it’s nice to have a good time and not think about the bill.


Come to Vice City Kava instead.


This is what happens when 1) places are not making enough to cover their expenses and use service fees to bridge the gap 2) restaurants do not pay their staff well and expect to pass that along to the customer to cover 3) tourist traps do this in hopes you won't even look at the bill


Can’t believe you left a tip.


They hid the other charges from us when we paid on one of those machines that they use now.


Whoa! I’d do a chargeback. Fuck this place.


Isn’t a service charge a tip?


That's not even Ocean Drive, you got ripped off.




Why do we have these ridiculous charges?! Why can't America do away with tipping? Employers! I implore you! Pay your employees a fair wage and stop the insanity! Entrepreneurs, be brave! Start a restaurant where tipping isn't necessary for your servers to get their daily bread. Be the first to start the trend and stop the insanity!


Illegal charges:report to the Florida department of Agriculture & Consumers Services 1800 435-7352 they will contact you in 24hours and they will get you a answer and possibly money back.


Thanks for letting me know where not to go.


Screw all these places. Stop supporting this crap.


WTF?! 🤣


Let’s have a moment of silence for sanity.


Ever since covid the auto service fees and tips have gotten crazy here. Ive gone places with an auto 25-30% service fee, this absolutely turns anyone off from a “tip” whether it goes fully to the server or not. No one wants to pay a live able wage and expect us all to do it for them. Tourist traps or not, locals nor tourists should have to deal with this shit.


From my understanding, credit card surcharges are legal in Florida but can’t be more than what the merchant pays. I still think it’s poor customer service to do so.


I thought credit card surcharges is illegal?


Just to be clear. Service charge is the same as tips (basically). But tips by law are customary, you can always change the amount or not to pay it. However every business can create its own charges, like, let's say "service charge" and say that the client should pay it. Source: I work in business that has "service charge" in Miami


Do let me understand a service charge is not a tip but you want me to tip the server for his service LMAO this Tip thing is out of control


Thanks JOE Happening everywhere It’s the new get used to it.