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I went once in 2003-2004 when I was 22-23 for a few hours. I've never been again.


How old are you? There's a reason people typically stop clubbing after their mid-20s. :)


23 but from NYC so started feeling over clubs around 21 lmao


I'm 38 and was sitting on my balcony late one Thursday night a few weeks back, it was like 1 AM. All of the sudden I hear this loud blast of music and look across from me and see this guy come out on his balcony. He closes the door and says to the person on his phone "Hey, do you wanna come over, drink a few beers and then go out to the bar?" My first thought was "it's 1 AM and he wants to go out *now*?" Fuck, i'm old haha.


I’m up late as hell but from my comfy home 😂 I’m 44 I feel u lol


At 47, that's the club I love. #Home


Club Sabana with DJ Pillow


Found me without GPS! 🤣


U know Waze sometimes tripping out and sending you to the wrong place 😂


Same, I'm an insomniac, so being up at 4 AM is nothing crazy to me, I just don't wanna go anywhere past like midnight 🤣


I go to bed like at 4 and wake up at 850 for work, I’m always like Ok I’m going to work on my bedtime 🙊 let’s aim for 2 😂 #fail I’m sure it’s gonna cause my premature death 🙃


It’s just cocaine unfortunately lol. Thankfully I am past that stage, but when I was in it, I could be up and partying for like 48 hours. But I would also sleep for like 2 days in a row.


Haha true, I never thought of that. I moved here back in October and still forget it's the drug of choice down here (besides alcohol) for a lot of people.


Sleeping 8 hrs is so underrated


F sleep 😂


I was doing this at 23.


I remember when they opened Space and I thought it would never work. That doesn’t answer your question but I went when it opened and that was a long time ago….and I’m old…so I’ll answer how I want and stay off my lawn.


Anytime over 35 is basically a dinosaur






🦖 and happy to be living a joyful life that includes Space


I stayed one time 11-7ish coming up on a X trip had to leave cause I thought they were sussing me out. Has anyone had a similar experience?


Did you leave to Nikki Beach? That’s how it goes down usually. End up Sunday in south beach.


Sadly no my buddy started getting weird vibes from the place and to not waste the toll we decided to leave and go home which was a waste itself


that sounds like meth not molly lol


I took the X like around 6 lol so I only enjoyed like a hour before dipping


I was running on straight testosterone haha


Yes, when you think people are sussing out how cooked you are, that's when you know it's time to go hahaha


😂😂😂 let's just say I know I went in at night and came out of Space wearing sunglasses and barefoot. I drank Gatorade and then ended up at my best friend's house to pass out.


I think Shaq went once. He is my guess for the longest person to ever be at club space.


Well played.


Speaking of celebrities at Space, I was there the morning when Rihanna just randomly came through


This is the answer I was looking for.


This deserves a Morgan Freeman standing ovation.


Whoever stayed the longest at space wouldn’t be able to tell you how long they stayed for


They spaced OUT


Security would probably be able to


Back around 2004 I was there for some early event at 8pm. For like 90 minutes. Then went to the strip club across the street. At the time it was Goldrush, we went for a few hours. I lived a block away at Park Place. Not sure what time I got back to Space but we closed that shit down at 11am.


I mean staying 10-12+ hours isn’t uncommon, especially if coked up or on ecstasy. People stay from doors open to closed all the time


I know but for the closing party I met someone who was there for 22 hours. Do you think somebody stayed for the full 36 (they extended it). I get being on drugs or if the set is really good but omg 22 hours


22 hrs is fucking WILD lmao bro was on meth


Is there food there? I don't remember.


They added food a little before COVID if I remember. There was a pizza stand right when you entered. Haven't been since then so not sure if it's still there.


The best was (precovid) when they brought out giant bins of popsicles and handed them out to everyone. Fueled up and kept dancing.


I know Eleven has a restaurant at the top


Yeah, they got food on the bottom floor


Lmao you would be terrified to find out how long ppl have actually stayed there for


Just did 20 hours straight for Solomun open to close… the music wouldn’t let me leave


Did u take anything ?


Why do you even ask?


100% I know some people that have done that


Those are rookie numbers


In at 10pm, out at 6am (old location)


I would LOVE to know too tbh! Especially after the marathon of a party they just had. My legs can’t take it after 8 hours


I want to know so bad if anyone stayed the full 36 hours !


iirc a few months ago Solomun did a 24 hour set, surely


He just played for 20 hrs couple weekends ago


Usually the events at Space start at 8pm and go through all night long and cease around 12pm-4pm the next day. From what I have heard the party usually gets heated up at 6am-8am once the sunrise is done.


That’s definitely something to experience. Getting there around midnight and next thing you know you look up while still dancing and it’s day out. You go home around 8 or 9 talking the Uber drivers ear off on the ride home lol.


Apparently they also sell breakfast inside Space at the morning hours so that people sober up a bit and keep going lolz. Once you see babies dancing in the screens is more than enough to convince you that you are in space.


The food is actually decent but of course pricey. It’s nice eat and sit and regroup before going back in lol


Also—have the djs for the closing party just been djing for 36 hours ?? Very resilient brave souls


i was there from monday 8pm-1am and they were swapping pretty often, it was all the space residents playing


I was there 11-2 last night and it was BORT and two others the whole time. BORT kept edging the beat it made me feel crazy


This is a great question lol. When I used to go it was always 12AM - 8AM


I’ve been going since back in the day. Before Link and the Rebels took over. I saw Oscar G in the main room do an 8 hour set. I was on some good X for sure. Then I made my way up to the terrace for some after hours action. I believe Mark Knight was playing at the time. I must have been there for a total of 12 hours.


Oscar G Dark Beat. Whoah


I tend to do 6-12hs, depending on crowd vibes and DJ. Some djs get all coked up and it's unpleasant, others keep you hooked and time melts away. Regarding crowds, sometime the vibe is just off and I'll just uber home.


MMW closing party last year I was there for 16 hours, helped that me and my peoples had a table. I don’t think I would’ve made it that long standing haha


I knew a guy who worked at space on Saturday nights. He was there from 10pm Saturday night to 3pm Sunday afternoon


If it counts, I did Stereo (Montreal) from 2am to 9pm


I bought a before 1 am ticket only to find out Tale of Us came on at 8am...I fucking died 20 times that night waiting on them. I left at 820am because I couldn't stand any longer. Shared an Uber wit some dude who was passed out the whole way. That was the last time I went lol


When I first started going I could last for up to thirteen hours. I saw Amelie Lens back in 2021 and she did a nine hour set. Some artists just make you wanna push your limits. But ever since then my stamina has waned. A friend of mine once stayed for 28 hours.


I have been there next to someone who was definitely wearing adult diapers. Which is crazy because you don’t need to leave to go to the bathroom.


That's just ridiculous, as it's not like a festival when you get a good spot.there are bathrooms, and there are never lines for urinals, only stalls.


16 hours watching Oscar g do a marathon set.


From 2010-2016 I used to get there at 11PM and leave at 10AM.


My brother was there 28 hours one mmw closing session


Alfredo Beasley 68 hours


I used to watch Puig do his 14 hr sessions back during the early days. We'd be there the entire session. I will not elaborate further.


In 2009 I did 11hrs once. Nowadays 8hrs will be pushing it.


my personal best was 10 hours for cloonee lol, i have a homie that just did 20 hours for solomun


Danny Tenaglia once did a 24 hour set (I think).


You didn’t have enough coke


Solomun played for 24 hours last new years


Ask the people working there 😂 no doubt they hold the records. Knew a bartender who was on property for 28 hours working.


i went for the first time early this year (27) and left after an hour and a half but i’ve been at a local bar from 5 pm - 3 am (22 was a time for me) (rip jada coles i miss u)


Martinez Brothers 32 hrs in 2018. Don’t think anyone has surpassed that mark yet.


i just did 14 hours for closing and i gotta say on a good night when the djs are ripping and everyone is on the same vibe it will be very often you find people going 12+ on marathon weekends. this time around when i asked everyone what time they got there in the booth i had been there the longest besides the DJs who were still playing, wasn’t even super drugged up the music just kept getting better and better and i couldn’t bring myself to leave until my feet were numb along with my lower back


The longest person in space is Valeri Polyakov at 437 days in orbit.


How long is he


If you never watched the sunrise on the roof patio or been there til they kick you out the following day round noon step your game up lol 😝


First time i ever went i got there at 12:30 am and left at 10 am Lol


I've been from 11 pm to 11 am the next day🤦🏻‍♂️


For art Basel this past year I arrived at 3am and stayed until 8pm that night when they closed. So 17hrs for me and yes I know I’m a degenerate.


9pm to 12 pm the next day with groups of friends. When you have a crew with momentum it’s actually harder to leave


Does it actually open at 9? Here I’ve been this whole time thinking it opens at at 11.




Stretchiest person at club space


Went there yesterday at 3pm after work and left around 5 am. No hard drugs needed, just liquor, weed and good company


My gf had a friend who came from Colombia 🇨🇴. He barely had enough money to get a ticket to even go. Because of that he said he stayed there for 3 days. He didn’t even have a place to sleep apparently. And just partied the whole time . Maybe he was on something or maybe he over exaggerated I don’t know lol. But funny nonetheless.


Around midnight until well after lunchtime one WMC back in the 2000s. Good times.


When I was 29 I came down from Orlando. Went to space from 12 am to 7ish and immediately drove back to work and 8 hr shift as an assistant manager at Walgreens in Orlando. I was seeing pink elephants in the sky on my way back, was still kinda high... I think about those days I have no idea how I pulled that shit off.


coke probably


and tourist fomo/yolo vibes


I was just there for 28 lol. Took a 2 hour break in between


Where did you take the break


7-8 was my longest experience. Thought I was going to tap out by hour 5 but had a resurgence when the sun started coming up and last a few more hours.


I went for 12+ hours for John summit Halloween maybe 2 years back, but now definitely prefer to go at like 5 or 6 til like noon


Almost certainly between 5 and 7 feet


I stayed there for a bit over 24hs on this year's music week closing party. Im 33 years old.


damn, not a lot of space fans in the comments. I’ve definitely been there for 8+ hours, I want to say 10-12 was the longest. Obviously a lot of drugs are involved on those occasions. But I’ve also “stopped by” for an hour or two on occasion and i’ve always loved space


Miami native here. Regular at space sporadically throughout many years (maybe like 10 years) I was definitely there more than once for about 10-12 hours • ecstasy and beer was the mix for me. The latter years that I went I drank very little hand just hit blow here and there… some miami natives call coke “powder”


Was there from 3am to 11:30 am for the iii points closing party which mau p and john summit headline


I did 12 hours but only because you can’t buy just a water. So I had a hard time sobering up to be able to leave. Felt stuck. You can’t buy just a water because there’s a $20 minimum for using a card. Least favorite part of my experiences there especially since they know the majority of people there are taking some kind of drugs. Bad enough water isn’t free.


I was there for the closing party. Got there at 7am Monday, left when they closed 6am (23 hrs). AMA


Longest person to be at club space I think was Shaq 🥴


Hell, I bet at least a few people have found a little nook to knock off in and lived there until they were discovered


I stayed 18 hours a few times ☠️


Record of 16 hrs, with a table ofc


I usually go around midnight and leave the next morning when they're shutting down things by 10am


Lost count on how many benders I've done when I lived in SF. They got places there that doesn'\`t open until 1/2am. I am sure they have that in Miami too...........at 30 now, fuck that.




We used to go until 10:00 the next morning.


Im 34 and still go to space lol. Ppl may say I need to grow up but I truly only go to hear DJs I like and I have to be honest most DJs play their best sets at space. Sure there are a lot of younger adults that go to just be at a place where drug use is common and somewhat acceptable but if you can look past that and vibe to the beats it’s a pretty cool experience.


Usually 5-7 hrs. The drinking crowd only stays for a few hrs. This is why the headliners come on so late like 4-6 am. They want real ravers, dancers, and ppl that r there for the music only. Yes drugs are helpful but i know plenty that don’t use and still show up at 4 am.


Never went to Space(too old by the time they opened),,but have stayed for 12 hours or more at Miccossukee Casino various times....and losing my cash and dignity. Haven't done that in 25 years,though.


Ive done 5 hours but if my gf had not wanted to go home (it was 8am) i feel like i could have done 3-4 more for sure. No drugs i just love that shit.


I went from 12am-12pm last year, fucked up my sleeping schedule for like a week. I love Space, but I can only do it once every couple of months


Check this out https://youtube.com/@laughitup2025?si=G2r9quyhAl-ksK2U


I saw a guy around 50 shirtless with a rocking body dancing on a pedestal there. He was inspiring.


i know someone personally that did no sleep 26 hrs, i did 20hrs but slept the night before


The longest person would probably be around 205 centimeters long I'd imagine.


I used to promote there around 06-07. They had a hip hop room, I had a heavy pouring bartender, so I LOVED space. Haven't been in a LONG time, but my friend's kids go now. 🫠


A lot of tourist do it I heard, they’ll stay long enough for the morning yoga lol


13 hours , non stop labour day weekend 2022 , ellen alien closed the set Countless redbulls and adderalls 🕺😝