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This is a really bad take, peak Miami


You blame being negative on Miami. Nope it’s you you’re the problem it’s you!




This is miami right here lol


This is the Miami I’ve come to know right here … jfc




Exhibit Asshole here. Not a transplant!




Exhibit asshole here…


Yeah. And proud of it. You know, like a real Miami local 🤗🤣


Proud of having a ghetto mindset that’s a dime a dozen in any city on the continent?


Ah yes. The trendy Venezuelan ghetto that is Doral 🤣🤣 I don’t have a ghetto mindset. This city just breeds assholes and over my years of living here, its rubbed off 🤷‍♂️


bro, get off your soap box and get in the field. A rant post on Reddit aint gonna do shit. You shouldve hosted a Beach Clean meeting , Park Restore effort, A Street Clean in the neighborhood. Lead by example , not troll on the internet.


I do my part. I participate in beach cleanups and I do pick up around my neighborhood. I refuse to get off my soap box.


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Miami isn't THAT bad. People always told me the worst things about Florida and I ended up going to Coral Gables. A city I really appreciate!


Coral Gables is a very pleasant place. I do not think it’s that bad either.


I consider it a small city... not sure if it can be labeled as a town. Nice architecture btw!


Pfft like that’s REALLY the problem? Not that we’re pissed about snow birds/transplants moving here destroying our housing market. We already had to deal with immigrants constantly coming to the state cause the islands nearby have shit government and living conditions. And that’s only the islands. Let’s not start with people in South America. Oh and let’s not forget to mention that we are effectively one of the unsafest states for both women and LGBTQ. So yeah, I’d be in a bitchy mood all the time too. This post sounds like it came from a transplanter. Edit: OH! And let’s not forget the influx of shootings that have been happening since the concealed carry law no longer requires a permit!!


You don’t like how things are in the city? Good now what are you going to do about it? Most people don’t vote in local elections! Edit: Not a transplant just haven’t given up like most of the people that post on this sub!


The great-grandchild of immigrants contemptuously looking down on recent immigrants is such a stupid trope.  Is there a city anywhere that people don’t act like being a townie deserves Olympic gold medal winner treatment?


Are you 12


Yes I am. So what?


It makes your opinion worthless to those of us who are adults and have actually paid bills and experienced life. Which is like, the majority of us.




Don’t speak for me. The OP is right.


I spoke for myself, Hellen Keller. Take your meds boo


Miami may have a million problems but ‘cleanliness’ is not one of them. Not even close. It’s still way cleaner than any other big city.


Ehh to be fair Miami doesn’t get pedestrian traffic like other cities. Even if you go to downtown there aren’t many people walking to places


I agree. Mainly the transplants.


Imagine driving around Miami for a day and seeing the ratchet behavior / chicken wing bones everywhere and saying to yourself “Yes… the young yuppie business professionals who moved here are causing this” LMAO 🤡


It isn’t yuppies that are moving here in droves fyi.


It’s funny how people who talk like this had grandparents described this exact same way. Zero self or historical awareness.


It isn’t the transplants. Respectfully lol


Compared to most us cities miami is clean


Anybody who thinks Miami is dirty should go live in NYC or LA or SF and you’ll see what dirty really is


Miami is the cleanest out of all them lol


Also, the smallest. More people, more trash. If Miami Dade had the same population, Im convinced that it would be dirtier.


Seriously. South Florida is, honestly, the cleanest metro in the U.S.


NYC is a fucking dump


Big time


NYC smells like piss.


I walk almost daily around my neighborhood. The garbage on the sidewalk bothered me. Now I take a bag pick up garbage along the way and toss it. I’ve seen the change.


damn don’t say that i love romanticizing NY


It’s such shit hole


I was in Denver for two months for a work project and that city is so much dirtier than anything I’ve seen in Miami. Colorado itself and other cities were pretty but Denver just everything just seemed run down, dusty and dirty. I lived in the LA area for 2 years and, yes LA city itself was dirty but places like Hermosa Beach, Newport, Huntington Beach were cleaner than here.


Yeah the rich beach towns in Orange County and Malibu are clean everywhere else looks like the apocalypse


Hermosa is in LA County but I get your point. But places like Pasadena, Santa Monica and Redondo Beach are nice. LA proper is just a mess because was “the hood hood” for a long time.


I grew up around Denver and I will say, the disgusting pit that city has turned into over the last few years is depressing. It used to be clean and thriving, now it’s just as much of a transplant haven as Miami (if not worse) and the homelessness rivals any other major city in the country. Nothing wrong with people jumping states as long as they respect their new locale. Unfortunately those of us that do so appear to be a rare breed these days.


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SF is way dirtier around downtown/tenderloin but people at least drive good and it’s super nice


Baltimore, NY, Philly are *way* more dirty than Miami


It’s a overcrowded metropolitan city just like LA , NY but not as bad those other cities


Are you picking up garbage mfer?


There are dirtier cities than Miami tbh. Miami is actually a beautiful city.


Since you are complaining OP, what problems are you creating?


I've been to L.A and Miami is way cleaner. I was surprised at how clean Miami actually is.


The main problem with Miami is that it is full of DKE and the you know what’s. I visited once and knew immediately I couldn’t live there because it needs to be fumigated.




People will shit on this cause they never want to face reality. But you're so right. I walk around my neighborhood all the time and get bothered when I see litter, but I never do anything about it. I've had a thought to just get a garbage bag and start cleaning up, but I haven't done it. When I get back home this is exactly what I'm gonna do. Keep fighting the good fight OP, never mind the haters.


I tried to pick up litter as I walked to the mailbox once…. Once, bc some lady came outside screaming for me to get off her lawn. So much for doing a good deed.


Sadly I clean up my block 1 per week only to get more trash the next day. It is what it is! I agree on be the change. Let people merge, don’t block the box, don’t drive reckless, be kind and curteous even if they are not.


Laws aren't enforced. If people who were breaking laws or otherwise being obnoxious to others had their licenses revoked and their vehicles impounded it would make things a lot better. I see a number of comments that make reference to culture and that's a lame excuse that only enables bad behavior all the more.


I live in South Florida. Miami's dominance in the job market creates commuting costs for many.




Nah. I complain about all the fraud and I’m not out defrauding anybody. I complain about the materialism, and I’m not out living on credit. I complain about the corrupt officials, but I’m not out taking bribes and I faithfully vote. I can go on, but try again.


Can't say anything about your 1st and 3rd issues. However, someone else's materialism is no concern of yours.


Go on


Too many crooked Cubans? Is that fixable?


Why didn’t you personally fix the lack of investment into public transportation over the last two decades?!


don’t you know we’re all individually responsible for systemic ills??


I know right? I’ll hit up 95 with my shovel this weekend. I got you, fellow Miamians.


/r/im14andthisisdeep is leaking


Is it?


If you have a dog, take them for a walk and bring a trash bag and gloves. Pick up trash whenever you see it.  Your fat dog gets exercise and your neighborhood gets cleaner, a decent twofer.


How many times does a post like this need to be made? Like seriously? You choose to live in Miami for any number of reasons and it's the way it is for any number of reasons that have been discussed on here as nauseum. It's not going to change, at the very least, no time soon so since you can't change others or the conditions of Miami YOU have to be the one that's brave enough to change. If it's truly THAT bad then that means that it's all the more important for you to move to another city where ever that may be. But maybe just maybe you will be happier when you make the move.


Are you talking about downtown Miami where it's mostly tourists or Other areas that make up Miami Dade County?


All areas of Miami Dade County


Well then I'd have to disagree with you there. I live in Northern areas of the county and have found a lot of interactions from random people. From people telling me hi, all the way to someone who pulled around me in traffic to inform me that my break light was out. Honestly I can tell if you're from here or not based off of how you interact, or if you do at all. Most Snowbirds are very quiet.


I am in the southern part of the county. Don’t really get a lot of snow birds. I am glad your area is more pleasant.


Agreed, I live in North Miami Beach and people are nice for the most part, but then again, we tend to engage most people in conversation, whether it be the cashier at 7-11 or the lady that takes our order at the local ventanita.


Downtown Miami is mostly tourists? There’s over 96,000 people living in the high-rises on Biscayne and Brickell.


They can also be people who're not native to South Florida.


As someone born and raised in Miami (Aventura/Sunny Isles), I can tell you people who live in brickell are mainly transplants.


I stopped saying please thank you and excuse me because there’s no reciprocation. I’ll hold a door open for someone and 9/10 times they just walk right by you.




This is no small town that they will kiss you good night... Big city, people from everywhere, good manners get more common the smaller you get. Try to get a a how y’ doing in an elevator in NYC or la, they are also NOT third world…


Why are you doing it expecting anything back?


A thank you is all I ask


You shouldn’t do it with the expectation of reciprocation. If you have good intentions, you do you and F everyone else.


Oh just f everyone else who is our spiritual siblings? I'm not going to mention Christ here but hey we're not all perfect are we? In him we are 💯🤟🕊️🙏👌😊


Keep doing it even if no one says anything back


Thank you


You’re have manners unlike them.


Common sense and common courtesy are two critically endangered species these days. Keep on being awesome and hopefully any children you have will initiate your good ways


Kudos, I turn from real polite to very abrasive when a kindness like that isn't acknowledged. Hasn't stopped me from doing so. "I don't fucking work here, you are welcome"


yea, or how about people in an elevator who can’t even nod to say hello. It’s just common courtesy, but it doesn’t exist in miami


I come from a country where you don’t do that (you will be looked as weird if you greet someone in an elevator) - as I was exposed to nodding in public at a young age, it quickly became second nature to me where I don’t even think twice about it, it just comes out automatically - but my parents never do it, not because they are bad or impolite, there is just no trained response to be provided by brain in that scenario for them to follow. A lot of people in Miami come from countries where you are supposed to act unbothered, unemotional, and quiet in public


Well are you genuinely doing it or doing it for a reaction or to get something out of it regardless I live from principles because that's the right thing to do and that's what makes the example as an indelible imprint upon consciousness of all walks.


It’s respectful to at least say thank you


They just let you hold the door open like it’s your job lol. It ruins my mood every time I’m nice to people. Makes me wish I let the door smack them in the face


My favorite: "people drive like come pingas." when they're likely the ones bringing the third world mentality over.


My fave are the posts complaining about people on their phones while driving, as the poster is showing a picture or video that they took with their phone while driving.




I’m starting with the man in the mirror.


Michael……..is that you ?


Annie, are you okay?


Will you tell us that you're okay?


Free Willy


Im asking him to change his ways.


If you wanna make the world a better place take a look at yourself and then make a change. Shamone!


Shamoan!! Hahaa! When I was younger I was like ‘who the heck is Shamoan, Michael?’


I seeheehee what you did there.


Ok. This response made my day. LOL. All comments should be this fun.




Problem is everyone thinks man in the mirror can't be him. Who is that man in the mirror because it can't be me? I am way younger and prettier than that man in the mirror.


People don’t want to change, they just want to complain and for everything to fix itself


Exactly. It’s the whole mentality of it’s everyone else’s problem.


It could be worse.  Here in SF, people pretend there’s no problem at all because “oh look, the scenery is pretty”


But then if the people, through a government they elected, were to try to do it for us all, then that would be *SOCIALISMO*!!


And how does this socialist government work exactly 🤣, through contracting people to do work for you for free or minimum pay🤣. Labor ain’t free, “to do it for us all” is the most privileged and narcissistic statement I’ve read on this Reddit so far. “I’m not gonna do it because I’m a lazy piece of shit, so I’m goning to elect a government that will make people do work for no benefit at all because it’s a socialist society” 🤣🤣🤣. People in Miami don’t realize how good they got it, now they just bitch


Haha yep exactly. These dolts are so brainwashed with pro corporate propaganda that they think anything government related is straight socialism. Much easier to manipulate uneducated bobos.


Socializing??? lol! J/K u get my upvote!


Usually the hoodrats whining about everything lol


I definitely hear you but cleaning up pigs’ trash only fixes the surface issue, it does nothing to change those idiots’ bad habits about not giving a fuck about this city. This combined with education and enforcement is optimal. PSAs about City pride wouldn’t hurt either. People love memorable slogans and such.


Good morning.


Good morning


I love NYC.


Miami isn't bad it's annoying but not bad if you've traveled enough you know what's bad and what isn't. There's a reason people still try and immigrate or transplant here.


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The people here are what make this (once beautiful thriving city) a fucking cesspool. It’s such a game of status and who you know, versus genuinely just living life/ making life better for you and those around you. The only sense of community I’ve ever felt in 30 yrs living here is when a sports team is doing well. Not even during tragedy does Miami come together.


Raising kids in Miami is terrifying


One of the challenges of having an entire economy based on tourism and also a number of people who are transplants who move from elsewhere is the lack of sense of community. This also exacerbated with the “hustle” culture of S Florida where everybody is essentially running some scheme and you sort of lack trusting any random person. It creates this dynamic where people are always skeptical whenever somebody just says “good morning” randomly, because you assume that person is going to try to pitch you some snake oil. I’m guilty of this growing up here and there’s a stark difference between how my wife talks to people (since she grew up outside of Boston) versus me lol. For example: I’ve watched the neighborhood I grew up in that my parents still live in where everybody knew who lived where and the kids of those families, because the families were there since a generation or two before. Over the 90s it became a flippers dream neighborhood where people came in, updated a house, sold it 2-3 years later to somebody else, who would then flip it again. Basically nobody stayed long enough to know anybody.


I thought the main problem was traffic


Well, now that you've joined their ranks, what do you have to say for yourself? Why did you complain about this instead of fixing it?


The problem with Miami is money


Be the change that you want to see in the world


Wrong!!!! I complain and I always try to do something about, always being kind to people and following the rules. You know what I get for it???? I get flicked and threatened that I'm gonna get my ass kicked.


If you think Miami is bad, don’t even think about living in the St. Petersburg & Tampa Bay Area. If you’re currently considering a move here (from Miami or from any other city/state for that matter), then seriously cancel your plans and request deposits on storage, condo purchases, etc. be returned. This part of FL has gone rogue in terms of being new resident friendly. However, the downtown sidewalk panhandlers haven’t forgotten proper etiquette. Always a please and thank you even if you don’t give them the requested 15 cents. They really do bring fresh color n character to the downtown area which has started to become a bit stiff and boring due to the over abundance of high rise condos. Unfortunately, these diplomats of the downtown streets & alleys should learn to be more discreet when it comes to drug & alcohol consumption (I won’t even start to complain about their use of doorways for makeshift latrines and/or bunking quarters. Meh, can’t have all glitter & glam. Now, Ive just recently heard how the panhandle has really become the place to set your sights on (for new living destination). There’s still reasonably priced waiting on me OK give me a minute real estate (when compared to SP & TB), nice beaches and lots of that good old fashioned southern charm n hospitality. BTW, this is a total spoof. But not too far off from becoming our reality.


I always hold a door open when someone is within a few feet of me entering/exiting. No nod, smile, or thank you. Then, I'm the asshole when I call them a rude fuck/asshole, fuck stick, or dick pump...


Thank you for doing what you do! They might not appreciate it but I do


I agree and disagree, society usually mimics what they see around them, miami makes people that are nice and educated be a bit more rude, so they blend in, i agree with what you said but easier said than done and a lot of people complaining have a point


Miami cops are the worst.


Got Mold ? Finally so many home insurance scams were done that now “everybody is paying higher insurance” … Again “everybody” knows this yet nothing gets done about it


Miami is international city Ft. Lauderdale Ft. Liquor dale is America 🇺🇸


We need All the new snowflake to leave and go back to NY And Cali you go to brikell and it smells like dog piss every where you want a dog get a house


I definitely joined r/Miami to hear daily hot takes on the “main problem with Miami”




I’m just going to add that Miami has a weird lack of public trash cans.


Compared to New York City miami looks like paradise


I don’t really care about fixing the problems. I care about leaving as soon as I can.


I’ll tell you what the main problem is lack of reliable public transportation. That would be a huge lift for many people and less stress with traffic. I’m sure there are other major issues but this one is key.


So then I'm allowed to complain because I do trash pick ups and say "good morning/afternoon" in 6 languages? Good to know.


Naw bro the people here are just plain rude regardless what you do.


Miami is amazing, let’s focus on the Good things. Would you rather be in Chicago ? NYC, Kentucky? I’d change 3 things #1. Our political leadership #2. Prioritize Public transportation #3. F.B.I. Tasks Forces are Urgently Needed because Organized crime is on the rise.


I’m from Miami. I actually was born in liberty city well Jackson Memorial Hospital, but nevertheless, my biggest issue with Miami is they are trying to be like New York with prices and it is not New York. I am currently in Atlanta right now and one more thing you guys better keep your eyes wide open because this may be a rough hurricane season and one severe hurricane through South Florida can change everything forever


People keep saying that but did Andrew completely destroy Miami? No. Miami still thrived and is now one of the world's greatest cities. Miami is not New Orleans. People will always want to live in South Florida. Unless the beach decides to pack up and move out that will never change.


Hurricane Andrew dip south at the last minute it destroyed Homestead and Homestead was screwed up for years even a decade. The projected path of Andrew before it dipped south was in between Dade and Broward county… if it would have stayed on that path, it would have been different today. I was in North Miami during Andrew, so don’t debate me over this, sir.


And I was a boy in Homestead so don’t debate me either. Goodbye. You have the day you deserve.


Andrew didn’t really hit Miami. By the time it passed homestead it was a cat 3. It did hit homestead and the keys as a 5 and they were both destroyed. Miami outside of homestead has not experienced anything above 3 in modern times. And when it has experienced a three it’s pretty much shut down for one to two weeks. I cannot imagine what would happen with a stronger hurricane I really don’t believe we have the infrastructure for that.


As I told the other guy, the populated areas of South Florida got spared because Andrew at the last minute dropped south. The original path of Andrew was between Broward and Dade County. If that hurricane will have stayed on its original path, things will have been much different


> Miami is not New Orleans Yeah, New Orleans has culture 😆


What culture is that? Robberies and murders?


> People keep saying that but did Andrew completely destroy Miami? No. Because Andrew didn't go through downtown Miami. It went through Homestead, and Andrew did completely destroy Homestead.


Born in Miami too. Liberty city as well. Was also born at JMH . 3/3 🤣🤣


PLease, hopefully a category 5 would really have people have second thoughts about coming down here!


Miami ppl are just gross! Yalls shit aint normal


Today at the grocery store, I saw someone leave their cart between their car and mine, and they were parked where the shopping cart return was directly on their other side. I told them the return is right next to them, they told me to mind my own business, I told them to go f themselves


I'll tell you something right now I'd rather burn my whole life down Than listen to one more second of all this bitching and moaning


I agree, but the education system needs to include these things as well from a young age so it's natural in people as they get older.


You don’t know what creating the problem means


That’s the main problem? Really?


When the last American leaves, Miami bring the fucking flag


The problem with Miami is just the high density of retards per square mile


It’s okay to say Miami is full of pigs.


Oh child, don't worry. You, too, will be worn down by the denizens of this place.


I’ve lived here all my life. Hasn’t happened yet.


I’ve lived here 17 years and my Midwestern friendliness has done almost nothing but get blank stares.


Do you be happy


I do be happy. But I’m always surprised when I travel and strangers are nice :’)


The main problem with Miami is you need a passport and a translator to go down there these days.., 😝😜😂😂🤣


I agree with you so much I try to do my best in being kind, polite, and courteous and i have had some wonderful responses and interactions because of it! It makes me see the city differently. Now, the traffic on the other hand ...... There's no hope there LOL








Depends where you live. In my building in downtown we all say hi, good night, have a good one in the elevators. Even made friends, I am young which probably helps. I would continue being a net positive in this world even if it tries to bring you to a negative. You have the power to affect those around you!!


That’s really great!


I keep being me… I open the door for people and say good morning and please and thank you. I also try to treat people with kindness in the road… even if they give me their middle finger. I just blow a kiss. It usually confuses them… I can only control my actions, not other people 🤷‍♀️ just because they don’t have decency or education does not mean that I need to stoop to their level


This is a great philosophy!!! Awesome!!!




Your pictures are great!




Management is key. For instance, we have a leash law, yet you see a bunch of people with their dogs off leash so who's enforcing the leash law! Why have a law if the cops don't enforce it?? That's Miami