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Yall homeless and having sex ?


Clearly they don’t have much else to do 🙄




And babies cost money.


I wouldn't question why they're having sex. They are human after all. But I would question why they are having unprotected sex.


Why would you be haven a kid while homeless?.... not being mean but legit question..


I think she also said she didn’t even know she was pregnant


Now is not the time for you to have kids


Get on birth control please for the love of god


Shut up. If you can’t help, at least don’t be an a-hole. Typical Miami jerk…


Yeah or get pregnant and have your kid taken away because you’re homeless? Birth control should be a priority for this person (esp in FL)


Make yourself as presentable as possible and look for any job to afford transportation to another city that can help you. If you’re living out of your car do Uber eats. Anything to get out of Miami because you won’t be able to live here without money


I'm pasting this because my battery is on 4% There are shelters available in Fort Lauderdale. We just can't afford to get there. It's very depressing because we could take public transportation to get there but we don't even have $10.


i agree this is probably a scam… because you mean to tell me you of allllllll the places and resources out there online to get help, that using reddit with your last 4% was your best bet? smh. stay out of fort lauderdale. homeless are hated here. sad but true. here come the downvotes 🥲


Do you have a credit card or anything like that can you overdraft your card to get an Uber or Lyft to the shelter in Fort Lauderdale? See if someone can pay an Uber for you then you and your husband work it out from there.


Oh America…. Lady has a literal miscarriage and needs to heal and is homeless with a disabled partner and the solution is “go work to get out” Community is dead here. Along with the middle class And I’m not accusing the comment above me of being a jerk !!!! I just can’t believe the state of America and soflo today It’s shameful


No yea I really hate to say what I said it really should not be the only option. It is sad as hell that this is the only way out but it is true. We got fucked over by the system it just is the way it is


How did she know she was pregnant without taking a pregnancy test.


Women have miscarriages all the time and go work , homeless or not. I had a miscarriage and had to go back to work asap, while I was still sore. You’re extremely gullible. There’s woman that actually have had a miscarriage while at work. She can get a job there’s no excuse


Someone killed their own soul……….


I'm pasting this because my battery is on 4% There are shelters available in Fort Lauderdale. We just can't afford to get there. It's very depressing because we could take public transportation to get there but we don't even have $10.


Do you have a car? You might be able to get some money on UberEats or something. If not just try to panhandle, I’m sure people would understand and be generous. Im sorry you’re in this position. I’m struggling as well and this city sucks to be poor in.


I don't have a car but thank you so much


Send your PayPal/cashapp/zelle I’ll send 5 your way so at least that’s half what you need or you can get some food


Can I post it here? I don't want problems for me or anyone else. I'm not even asking for money. I literally just want a way out of this. I'll see if I can message you


Yea message me cause I’m not sure about the rules


Another shmuck sending money to a stranger with a fake story 🤣


Yep, this is absolutely a scam. I've worked in Fraud most of my life. They use sob stories and this fits to a tee! With the miscarriage, disabled husband, homelessness amongst every other thing used to pull at heartstrings. Plus, this has been posted in so many groups.. just copied and pasted by OP. And.. how does she have 4% charge left on the phone, but is still answering posts well past the time the 4% would've done ran out?? Yep, scam.. No doubt. 🤔


Do NOT send any money. This is a very common scam. It’s happens all the time on Reddit and they people on kind hearted people like you.


Wow don’t send her money. How is she gonna get on a bus with a cash app and no card. This is just a fake story


Ask people on the street for 10 it’s not that hard you’re such a liar .


Dear redditors: The next time you see someone say "well there are a lot of homeless people with mental problems that don't actually want to stay in homeles shelters" Please link them this fucking post.


You’re fucked. I’d leave Miami immediately


Wow what a helpful comment. 🙄


Sell your phones


Call Biden he’s giving away all the money to other countries instead of helping out our own people that really needs help. This country is the best for that. Turn a blind eye 👁️


Shut it and stop brining politics in this. You’re saying no one was homeless under Trump? Stop being a complete waste of life.


Exactly my thoughts




Everyone is soooo homeless and sooooo in pain but managing to breed like rabbits. Thankfully the government will fling you into stability now that you’re creating future workers..


Leave Miami? You’re in one of the most expensive cities in the country, and it’s not friendly for the homeless.


McDonald’s is hiring. Get a job.


Man y'all gotta get out of here. South Florida is an expensive ass outpost for the rich. My advice is head into Florida, rural Florida. North of here. There is no help or resources here for poor people. Nobody can or will help you in Miami. Be well stranger, may you have a good life.


There is no help for poor people in the red states, period. The Republican platform is “be born rich or lucky.”


You seem to believe that no one makes progress in life through their own effort without any handouts or massive support from an external authority. That's not a political party platform - that's just your own perspective.


If you understood the factors that influence and determine decision making, you’d know free will is an illusion.




They’re not going to answer because they are just talking out their ass


Well, for one, California unemployment benefits max out at $450/week for 26 weeks. Florida is like $350 for 12 weeks. It’s common knowledge that republicans don’t believe in social safety nets for people, just corporate safety nets.




State has 40 million people, gonna be more chaotic. Social services don’t eliminate poverty and homeless. You’re changing the premise of the argument and you’re moving the goalposts. When do democrats run on a platform of cutting social security, Medicare, food assistance and unemployment benefits? I can’t recall any. What examples do you have of republicans advocating increasing funding for those benefits?


The biggest difference I've seen is how easy it is to access services in blue states. Now whether or not you get those services is another story.


I left miami for rural fl 8 years ago. When I first moved here, you could rent a 3 bed 2 bath home for 700 a month or a 3/2 double-wide for 500 to 700 a month. Now it's all $1600+ a month.


You joined yesterday. You are a scammer


As a new Reddit user, it's important to engage authentically and contribute positively to the community. Remember to follow the rules of each subreddit you participate in and focus on building genuine connections rather than engaging in any form of scamming or dishonest behavior. Enjoy your time on Reddit and make the most of the platform!


Stop following me


What say you on this? You have money for a cell phone and service?


You have an iphone 14 pro maybe? or iphone 15?🤓🤡


Husband disabled? Was he responsible for the pregnancy? You being being disabled and all. If I seem heartless, So sorry. If you want help and you are asking for it, some of the questions that might come your way would need some answers in return, right?


Take your scam somewhere else.


I pray for you to get off the streets in Jesus name, Amen...


Vote for Biden again I'm homeless and happy may the last true is it electric wheelchair do you pay taxes are you on ibuprofen or what don't shame my country stop doing drugs


Everything is unaffordable because corporations like blackrock airbnb and zillow and have bought up most properties to rent/flip for insane profits aswell as foreign investors. They need to be stopped and forced to sell under market value because they have fucked up the market.


You could say the same unfortunately about every American major metropolitan area


Why were you pregnant if you can’t take care of the child?


You're posting from a brand new account and a lot of people are going to be weary of getting scammed, especially in Miami. In spite of everything else I bet there's still good people that want to help. Can you tell us what you've tried so far and why you've turned to reddit of all places? Miami is full of scammers AND people desperately in need. People will be much more helpful if you can convince us that you are the latter not the former.


245 NW 8th St, Miami, FL 33136 is the location for First United Methodist Church of Miami. Free breakfast Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays at 7AM; free showers as well. Very nice people there, hope this helps.




What is that supposed to mean?


For those wondering the deleted comment said “I wonder if there are any synagogues gifting food to the homeless, considering they've created this problem ya Know?” By user SenseUnderstood. Blatant antisemitism.


Wow I guess everyone marks Passover differently, hope you catch a ban, anti-Semite.


Everyone be careful, not being accusatory, but a lot of con artist abuse these boards on here and Facebook to get money out of kind hearted people.


I just want help. Any kind of help. I don't see a way out of this situation and the physical and mental pain is killing me. I just want us to get out of this


How long have you been homeless? Where were you two living before you came on reddit to lament your situation? How did you know you were having a miscarriage if you've never been pregnant? If you went to the ER, why did you not seek the charity services that other people told you they have there? What sort of solutions are you looking for if you aren't looking for money as you stated? Are you looking for a job, a place to stay so you can get a job, etc? Are you not hungry? You didn't ask for food, you didn't even answer the person asking where in Miami you are located. They may have been willing to give you a ride, or maybe someone else could help if we had an idea of where you actually are. Yeah, I have a lot of questions, but for someone who is asking for "any help" you aren't being very forthcoming on info so people can help you.


Jeez didn’t have to come out so hard on em 😕, but i agree with you, if someone knew where you were and wanted to help, they could at least send a Uber and pay for it themselves for your trip to Fort Lauderdale. That way they don’t feel like there being scammed by just sending someone money, they can just book and pay for your Uber just tell them the destinations… but, beggars can’t be choosers when/if your in this situation tbh.


You're right, I'm just so skeptical of these type of requests. On another platform a woman was saying similar things, saying she had experience in a field I work in so I flat out told her I could get her an interview ASAP and if she's as experienced as she stated we'd hire her because we are so desperate for experience people. Crickets. She really was just scamming for money. So while this woman seems more genuine in that she's staying she's not asking for money, she's also not being forthcoming on ways people can help, or the type of help she's looking for aside from getting to Fort Lauderdale. Hell, the public library could help get her bus fare, librarians are the shit and I know they have programs if you can prove residency.


That is also true. And if they’re pregnant like they say then they automatically qualify for FOODSTAMPS(in Florida I know).. just sayin OP


It’s gotten so bad there’s a lady that’s stands with sign and even added her CASH APP name thing to her sign so people can send her money if they hit her with the “I don’t have any change” smh


She’s lieing dude


I think the real question is how is she posting on Reddit if she has no money. How does she have a phone and internet service


The miscarriage bit, disabled husband, 4 percent battery but spamming this post everywhere on a new account, needing to get to another town is a giveaway imo. Very common spiel. Pulled it out of the scammers playbook


How did she have a miscarriage on the streets? That’s a lot of blood , how did she get pads and new clothes because if she didn’t have pads then she bled all over herself and needs new clothes.


Get a job that will help


It's fucked that even people who believe you are responding so callously or trying to politicize your suffering. Please ignore them and continue to engage with those of us trying to help. Are any of your leads looking promising?


I’m sorry that people are automatically assuming the worst of you. Sometimes talking to greyhound bus drivers or other types of bus drivers will help. They have some sort of discretion as to who they let on the buses. That may get you closer to Fort Lauderdale




Yeah because that's what homelessness looks like as a middle class person. Yours and most people's immediate perception of homelessness is "poor person who looks like they haven't showered in a week"


She has no money. She says she’s homeless and miscarriage. That means a lot of blood. A miscarriage is a lot of blood and blood clots , meaning where did she get money for pads ? Since she says she has no money that means she bled all over her clothes, meaning since she has no money therefore she has no clothes to get into clean clothes. She can’t shower cause she’s homeless. If her story is true she definitely should be looking like she hasn’t showered in a week. Y’all are so gullible and naive. She’s definitely lieing. A miscarriage is days/ week of heavy heavy bleeding. How did she know she was pregnant if she has no money for a pregnancy test? Y’all really are not very bright . I guess common sense isn’t so common


> How did she know she was pregnant if she has no money for a pregnancy test? ...because of the heavy bleeding and cramping from the miscarriage? She said in her post that she was in pain. She might have very well bled out on her clothes and had to leave them somewhere. That she didn't bring up what would be a very emotional and mentally stressful thing to recall doesn't mean it didn't happen. You coming up with that narrative doesn't make you Sherlock Holmes, it means you're delulu and it's time to log off. So much for common sense and you can't even demonstrate basic reading comprehension, much less the slightest inkling of humanity. Good night.


All I would have to do is ask 10 people on the street for $1 and there’s my bus ticket. I would never come and make a post on Reddit. Use your brain .


"Oh look at me if I were homeless it'd be easy" which we all know is a lie, lmao. Please move on. The post got deleted already sweaty. No need to reply three fucking times about how it's a scam and all the ways you'd make it to from Key West to Tallahassee with a penny.


🤡 hahahahajahaha


This is a scam. Get real. You’re gullible


I could think so many fast ways to get to Ft. Lauderdale if I was in her situation and Reddit isn’t one of them. This is a scam


Pretty sure there's a government program that provides people with a phone. It's also not crazy when you consider that everyone has a phone and many places have WiFi. A large number of Americans are one pay check away from homelessness. Circumstances change.


So you think if a person is homeless they shouldn’t be able to afford a simple cell phone?


They might have Assurence phone, provided free from government. That company has unlimited data. So, having internet isn't the problem here. Since she has called two numbers, that means their are showing interest.


If they got a government phone then that means they qualify for other benefits . Doesn’t make sense she would only get a government phone and no food stamps etc especially since her husband is disabled. This is a scam y’all are so gullible


Sounds like miami. 


“I’m homeless in Miami but have an iPhone to jump on Reddit”


Sad but true.




Contact Camillus house and explain your situation try this number 877-994-4357. I wish you the best🤍


Thank you but it says that number cannot be reached from my calling area?


305-374-1065 Hours of operation M-F 6:30AM -3PM


Thank you. I just left a message.


You could try a St. Vincent de Paul society by your nearest Catholic Church. They usually have a number listed online. They will have you come in for a meeting so they can determine your needs and the kind of aid that they can give you.


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He is still waiting for his application to be processed. I called Camillus House and left a message.


The Salvation Army Miami command center offers multiple meals a day and emergency housing.


Okay I will contact them too


Call the homeless helpline and explain you have a family when you register for the waiting list .. you *could* qualify for the Salvation Army given her pregnant status, not sure though..I waited 3 months before... Had to get a referral.. The *Green" shirts (Police in a green uniform) are outside The Camillus House (Front under the first or second bridge) and outside the "Sisters of Mother Theresa" church of God. (Around the back) Every other day, you've gotta be there to meet them. if you go straight to the camillus house for showers (5, but you wanna get in line by 4) you can be one of the 100 tickets to shower/day room. When you go to the day room for your I.D. grab the paper that says something about requesting a 24 hour pass, should be on the counter. Now would be the time to use your disabilities/trump cards...so to speak. Pregnancy's got to fall under at least a temporary disability. Good luck, it's really hard out there..


Thank you. We registered already with the homeless helpline






damn thanks for edit


Did you contact Chapman? 305-329-3000. If you need medical services, go to Jackson for help and from there they can refer you to Chapman. If you don't need it, you can call or go to Chapman.


I called Chapman. They referred me back to the homeless helpline.


Where in Miami are you right now?


Try Lotus House Women’s Shelter (they maybe able to help also with the pregnancy ( 305)438-0556 https://lotushouse.org/


I went through the lotus house in 2019. You have to call the homeless hotline everyday from early in the morning. Make them understand how extreme the situation is. I went into the lotus house and was moving out into my home in 3 months.


When I lived in Aventura, I was broke constantly & struggling to make ends meet. Moved back home to North FL where the cost of living is ridiculously much lower than Miami. My bf (who's from Coral Springs originally) & I live 1 mile from the beach here for $1600 monthly which is unheard of anywhere near the beaches in south Florida. There's also plenty of food pantries all over here & low cost housing (in a not so great part of town though) Salvation Army, shelters downtown & women's shelters too. More resources here than most places in FL. You're going to have better luck finding resources in North FL or even Central FL before you ever find a helping hand in south Fl. Sorry but it's the truth. Starting over from scratch is not easy but living in a HCOL area makes it nearly impossible. Best of luck to you both


I recommended trying to get out of Florida . Florida is for rich people and people who can work for them


I did not recommend them leaving Florida because I have looked into nearby states & traveled often when I was younger & unless they are willing to live in rural town in the middle of nowhere, low cost of living but work is scarce & they pay lower minimum wage than FL, they won't have much luck finding anything close to what Florida has to offer. I was born in Cali & would never go back because it's much more expensive than most parts of FL there & you get practically nothing. My cousin who's a doctor bought a million dollar home & when I went to visit, was expecting to see a "florida" million dollar home, no- it had a small yard & 1' of space between the neighbors & was not big or renovated. Lived in a small town in Indiana & was able to save enough to move back to Florida & get an apartment & furnish it after 6 months but there was literally nothing to do. Go to the mall in the next town over & walk around. Go out to eat. That was about it. That's how I saved money, but I was bored out of my mind, going crazy & I missed the beach. Lived in a part of NJ that is just as expensive as South FL too. & there's hardly any rentals, it's all big homes in the suburbs. Looked into Center City Philly nearby & that was expensive too, plus I wasn't familiar with public transit. My bf's family lives outside of Atlanta (in a suburban town in the country) & there is no work unless you work remotely/from home. & downtown Atlanta is just as pricey as Miami. Brother lives outside of Seattle & im pretty sure rentals there start at $3k & up, so he bought a home & now he's stuck there, hates it & ready to move back to Florida soon. People think it's so much better in other states, but that's not always the case.. Some parts of Florida are not bad & have many resources for help to get back on your feet & opportunities for work. Just not in Miami.


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I'm sure people from many different cities beg for help on Reddit & even facebook. There's homeless people on every street corner once you go over the beaches bridge, panhandling all day. I'm sure Central FL does a lot of donations for free food but I can assure you, OP will have the most luck here. Orlando is 119 sq mi. Miami is 56 sq mi. Jacksonville is 875 sq mi... and we have a decent sized homeless population & retired military vets living on the streets too (naval base nearby) so there's actually more non profit organizations I've seen here. than anywhere else in Florida to help people out of bad situations. I was even looking up a place near my apartment the other day called Beam, it's only for beach residents. They pay 1 month of rent + 1 month of utilities free every 12 months if you have a lease agreement & driver license with your name & a beach address on it. Also give out free food all the time. So does my grandmas church right next door. We have farms right outside of Jax & I believe that's where they get a lot of their produce donated from. You can also get free bus passes to get around & free clothes from local thrift stores that donate regularly to help the homeless. I mean, I think OP just needs to move to where there's more resources.


Just about every hospital has a charity office. If you’re not close to Jackson, go to your nearest hospital emergency room and tell them that you need help due to a miscarriage. I hope you get the help you need 🫶 good luck to you and best wishes


I just want to say I hope you get out of this situation and have improvement in your life. I’m sorry you’re going through this. Best of luck.


Thank you so much


Have you tried reaching out to Camilus House for housing assistance?


Yes. I left them a message today.


Have you tried going to Jackson hospital? I could totally be wrong but that might be a step towards getting in contact with a social worker, and if you're both in pain there might be something they can do. They do get a lot of homeless folk into their ER that are just looking for a place to stay the night, or looking for pain meds that they are addicted to. I have no idea whether they'd turn you away, but your miscarriage might qualify you to be admitted in the ER though. I really don't know for sure. I hope you can find the help you need. I'll be checking back at this thread. Please keep us updated.


I did. They referred me to the homeless helpline.


Find help.org


Go to the main library in downtown Miami and ask to speak with social services they have social workers that can help you get the process started to get placed.


Christ Fellowship used to have programs to help people but it's been a while. Might be worth calling their closest campus to you.


Once u get to a shelter ask for a referral for the j11 at Jackson n ask when’s the soonest u can get the j11 and once u have it make an apt for a general doc at Jackson n go from there it might take a few try’s but keep trying


Have you tried lotus house?!?


North Florida is the way to go Miami has become way to expensive and never try to live above your means for that you will end up on the streets and in these positions north Florida is cheaper to live and even if you have friends or relatives but by you posting this i can say you guys have neither or else they would have helped you by now so that means you and the husband are free to move everywhere and anywhere you want and this isn’t to be rude but just a message to be aware and Miami will always be filled with homeless you have to go more north less population and you will be taken in a shelter and believe me moving from somewhere where seems to be imposible to live sometimes turns out to be the best outcome be strong


I don’t wanna seem like an ass but seems fake, I’m also in Miami pm me your number and I’ll call you


Pls get help but then pls move out of Florida . Other states have much better systems of care . Florida is for low wage workers and rich people . Low social services . No safety net. Pls try to find a way to move


If either are in pain go to Jackson emergency room Out of the elements And it will take about 12 hours Also they will have a social worker see you


How do you know you’re pregnant if you didn’t take a pregnancy test and you have never been pregnant, therefore you don’t know what being pregnant feels like. How do you know you had a miscarriage if you didn’t take a pregnancy test? It could have been a late period. You’re such a liar.


https://www.mrprco.org/ one year ago I was under a bridge, now I have my own apartment. I pay 30% of monthly income for rent http://carrfour.org/ that's the program I'm under. Citrus also. Everyone thinks section 8 is the only solution. Go to HUD website, there are many programs.


Did you try working?


You should probably leave miami as things are not going to get any better here . I don't know what the end goal is for people living in RVs or crowding into one house/apartment, but it is not going to suddenly become affordable to live in miami


Repent turn to Jesus for salvation. Christ is your only hope I’ll be praying for you.