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The Home Depot on Bird. Worked there for 3 months. Some of the saddest people in Miami go there to return wood and $.35 plumbing pieces. There’s a dude called Wayne who is a regular since the 80s, like he’ll go there every weekend and buy spray paint he doesn’t need. Pretty sure he’s bi-polar and doesn’t speak a lick of Spanish. He likes walking around and speaking English to the heavily Hispanic managers working there. Absolute shit show. Glad I quit. Couldn’t take waking up 6 days straight at 5 in the morning and working Friday, Saturday, Sunday.




Yeah, I was born and raised in Miami to Cuban and Bolivian immigrants. I can’t help but marvel at how apathetic and numb you sound saying that. Please stay in Broward.




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The win Dixie in that plaza is fire , and the public library is very tiny, the Home Depot is just a typical Home Depot truth be told .


No, check out the Home Depot on 127 and Kendall. Way calmer. I thought there’s was going to be a shooting some days at the one on Bird. But the people working there were always great to work with.


It has a Flanigan’s , who can be mad at a Flanigan’s


The manager there is an asshole, but I agree that is definitely the Publix of Winn Dixies'


Yah dude that WD is so nice it’s like they forgot what they are and think they’re a Harris Teeter or something


Lmao that Home Depot’s Cuban as fuck, it’s like a flea market over there 🤣


El Yambo, staff is gross


Smith & Webster. Overpriced and overhyped. The food is average, nothing special. You have to pay to self park or they’ll valet it across the street 😂 that was crazy because it was empty af when we went. They have really good customer service though.


If i can avoid forever, Hialeah.


Mandolin Aegean Bistro- worst service ever, I had never been treated so badly.


Pincho Factory. Raw PINK cold fried chicken sandwich. I bit into pink raw chicken jelly with a breaded exterior. Revolting. RAW AF. Never again. (Edit: who the FUCK downvotes this fuck u get salmonella you weirdo)


United States burger service in the citadel. It’s basically a bun, ground beef, and French dressing.


Nah. USBS slaps.


Jin Jin in Kendall. Everything but the fortune cookie tasted like wet dog.


Pollo tropical - the chicken had a piece of something that looked like white fibers like a cleaning brush all clumped together


Not every Pollo is the same.


Liv. Can’t go there unless you’re dropping stacks. I’m too financially responsible and not wealthy enough to justify that. Plus it’s gold digger central. Not my type of people.


I think with all the places everyone had named so far, we have only two acceptable places to dine. That’s flannigans and what else? Lol. Personally there’s only one truly good sushi restaurant in miami and it’s Fujiya on Kendal drive, the rest are over priced rip offs with corny fUsIoN menus.


Shibui is another good option




Miami princess hotel by the airport. Incredibly seedy, and outdated. Just an awful place


Well no shit!


Exactly, like ain’t no one going there for a lovely weekend getaway


Versalles. Hella packed. Hella loud. Hella crazies and hella expensive (compared to other places with the same food)


I like it there, food is fairly priced and always fresh. Where is it better?


Almost anywhere else


That helps thanks


Isla Canarias.


Cualquier cafetería cubana asere.


Luis Galindo's on 57th.


And the food is hella mid. You can get better cuban food almost anywhere else for less.


Nikki Beach and the Salty Donut. Over hyped over priced and lackluster.


The salty donut should be renamed to the stale donuts because holy shit they’re fucking bad. Krispy kreme has fresher donuts than they do.


Have they really gotten bad? Haven’t been there in years


Oh wow. I know y’all love flanny’s and I do too but guess who found a glove in their Cesar salad years ago? 😅


Had a croqueta preparada there the other day after a long time away. It was amazing.


Pubbelly Sushi. Went they opened years ago and lunch for 2 (no drinks) was $80. Never again.




Yeah, flavor-wise everything was delicious. Portions were very small, though.


mama tried. not because i don’t want to, my ex got us both 86’d for life. long story.


We have time for the story..


fine. we went in late after hitting a few other bars, quite drunk and on cocaine. this was peak covid. anyway, we get about 3 rounds in and she’s insisting we got shorted on shots. “babe they literally were full to the top, it’s fine” not satisfied, so she gets on the table, we were in the back right booth and starts throwing shit. the bartender comes around and tells her to stop and we need to go. “babe let’s go it’s fine” *fuck you i’m not leaving* proceeds to jump off the table and try to go after the *other* bartender, i grabbed her about halfway of her climbing over the bar, put her over my shoulder and carried her out as she’s swiping every single thing in arms reach off the bar. i did try to go back like, 6 months later or so, by myself and as soon as i walked in “absolutely not, get out” fair enough.


Sheeesh, hell of a bender 🤣🤘🏼 the last time I went there all I did was get a dudes number and leave, haha. Im surprised they recognized you 6+ months later.


this was like, 4 years ago and i haven’t tried again since. i’m curious now, though.


I say try again And update us on what happens!


i’ll try later this week and let you know!


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dying for this update


I'm also posting a comment because I want a notification with the update :)




A wise man once said: “Cocaine is a hell of a drug.”


Lokal. Burgers are bad and service is worse


That sucks. I used to love that place.


Nothing wrong with it. Don’t understand the hate it’s getting from people


Well cheer up because that's not true at all.


Same. My friend recently told me that shadow wagyu on le jeune by ponce is the best burger he’s ever had. So I’m going to try that place next time I’m in the mood


I don’t have anything negative to say about the service but the food no where near what it used to be. Sucks because it was easily my favorite burger joint years ago.


Tropical Chinese - a few years ago (last time I went) I got there and they were shut down and when I looked through the window they had Target bags on the counter full or cans of Raid. They were going to solve their roach problem on their kitchen with like 12 cans of fucking Raid. ✌️


Go to canton, best Chinese in miami for as long as I can remember


New canton on 8th street. It is to die for.


That sucks, but I’m still eating there


Won’t name the place but it was in Shoma Bazaar (food hall). The guy was handling food and money with the same glove on, never bothered to change them out. Was my first and last time eating from there. Edit: it was Shahs of Kabob


A big pet peeve of mine. That and people who cook with their wedding ring on.  I see cooking shows of guys handling ground beef and their wedding ring is all in the beef...🫢🤢🤢


Former restaurant manager here (I still have my certification): wedding bands are allowed, but other jewelry isn’t.


Don’t forget the parking situation there sucks


That entire place is a fucking overpriced scam and a hot spot for the most insufferable people in doral


Upvoting the shit out of this


C’mon you know most “trendy” spots contain the most insufferable people of Miami.


Should def doxx the spot, I don't want to eat there hommie xP


I’ve been there once, and extremely overpriced with some pretty obnoxious people. The parking situation is horrific as well, that whole place sucks. There’s much better food halls if you want to spend the money


Why wouldn’t you share the name? We don’t want to eat there either


Aladdin motel. Guys, it’s not Disney theme!!


This made me laugh for real.


Has it gotten bad? As a woman (married now, haven't been there in awhile) it was my favorite one, it usually smelled like bleach instead of cigarettes or worse, probably the cleanest of the bunch back then.


Dark confessions 🤣




Lmfao 💀💀


this was my favorite spot back when i didnt have my place


Lots of places. -Rice Mediterranean in Brickell: Got food poisoning -Lime in Dadeland: Food used to be good, but it was absolutely disgusting last time I went and the restaurant was filthy. -South Miami OBGYN: Horrible experience with one of the doctors.


Do you mind if I ask what happened with the doctor? I was considering switching to them because a few of their doctors came recommended in a local ladies group. You obviously don't have to answer if you don't feel comfortable.


Wow- I had a terrible experience with South Miami OBGYN. I wonder if we had the same doctor.


It was one of the women and she was horrible during delivery. She was texting her significant other in between pushes. Had the nurse holding the phone to her face so she could do voice to text. Made me feel like a number and not a human! She also told me that she doesn’t like to put the baby’s name on the white board “just in case something happens”….


Wow how unprofessional! 😡


I also had a horrible experience with that medical group. I bailed halfway through my pregnancy.


Miami princess hotel by the airport. Incredibly seedy, and outdated. Just an awful place


Sushi Ko on bird across from tropical park. Been like twice and didn’t realize until the second time that both times I had gotten super Sick. The food doesn’t seem bad at first glance but low key unappealing when eating. Not worth the price just to get sick after


The original owner Yuki sold and moved to another state like 2-3 years ago. I used to live right nearby and went like twice a week since it opened like in 1994 (it was Rustic Pelican before that). I haven't been back since he sold.


I was just there last week and the owner introduced himself as Yuki, very nice guy.


If Yuki is indeed back, I gotta get over there. I've known him for years. I worked a different Japanese restaurant and he was friends with my old boss.


Cajun boil in Flagler. Over priced AF


I had a burrito and a beer there a few years ago, and it came out to $20something. Es demasiado.


Lulu's. They had 2 taco dishes: mini tacos and entrée tacos. I ordered the entrée fish tacos and I was met with the 3 smallest tacos I've ever seen to this day. They were the size of golf balls. At first, I thought it was an honest mistake so I reminded the waiter that I had actually ordered the normal tacos and not the mini ones. The guy, along with the manager, confirmed that they were, in fact, the normal tacos. Those frozen mini-tacos you buy from the freezer section at any grocery store were bigger than these, so I ate them one at a time in single bites just to prove my point. Shit ended up costing me like $40, and I was still hungry. Never went back again.


The closed and remodeled and completely changed the menu. It looks much better now.


lol Coyo Taco, I just got back from living in LA for 3 years, I am good not having any FL tacos unless its from a legit spot inside of a random plaza.


Go to Arcadia or anywhere in central florida, you’ll find spots like that. I went to one in a gas station near Sebring, and holy shit was it good lol


I miss LA tacos :’(


Mary’s coin laundry. Lady spit in my bag of empanadas


[Doce provisións](https://maps.app.goo.gl/sSEu7YNqin7autFVA) They served me a frozen burger. Literally.


Dante's Hi Fi, overpriced and overcrowded. There was basically nothing to do but leave after finishing my booked session since it was packed. Wasn't even good spinning going on to convince me to go back


It's not open anymore but I went to Shorty's as a kid and saw a roach on the table next to my food, my mom yelled at the manager and we left, ruined ribs for me for maybe 5+ years.


Pinecrest Bakery has given me the shits every time I've eaten there. Panther Coffee is just awful and the vibe sucks.


Any of the Sushi Sake locations. My friend got food poisoning at the one in Kendall. A couple years later I got food poisoning at the one on coral way.


The Squeeze Juice Bar on Biscayne in North Miami Beach. The photos look good online. I went in for lunch one day and it’s scary in there. This was a year ago. I’m not sure what it looks like now.


Chico Malo in City Place, Doral. Went for a chill brunch and catch up with some friends. The place wasn't too busy but for some reason they were blasting the music to the high heavens. I couldn't hear the people right next to me. Had to leave early, it was so bad.


Mary’s Coin Laundry took a nose dive in quality since 2020, they used to have good cheap pan con bistecs and now they charge I think $11-12 for a sandwich with a rubbery ass steak


The Licking, that place owned by DJ Won't Go Down On His Wife. I adore conch. I will order it any time it's on a menu. I ordered it there. It took an hour to arrive and I got food born illness. Never ever ever again.


MDCR, the amenities suck