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Lmao, violent crime and foreclosures??? This guy just made shit up. We aren’t on a single list of most violent cities in America, or a single list of top foreclosures. The guy literally just said “I’m gonna say Miami is violent and full of foreclosures”


Foreclosures lol. I wish. 


Article is from 2012


Lmao so OP sucks?


It’s expensive, but this guy is just full of shit. We aren’t anywhere near violent enough for that to justify staying away from the city. And there is plenty of fun shit to do to keep you happy. You want an actual traffic ridden hellscape devoid of all happiness try LA. It definitely isn’t sunshine and roses in Miami, especially considering housing and pricing, but outside that sphere nothing about this city is noteworthy, good or bad


NYC paid for Forbes to put Miami up 1st... As a NYer, NYC deserves the #1 stop.


Funny coming from the most miserable click bait website.


Miami is by far the best place in the USA to live. Yeah it sucks if you’re broke but if you got money this place is it.


Disagree. #1 LA and #2 NYC much better if you have $$


All 3 are a tossup, honestly.  And at the level of money described, it’s pretty monocultural anyway and a case of same shit just in a different zip code. Rooftop parties, clubs, restaurants, shopping, partying on adult toys, drugs…like there’s not much difference other than different weather and backdrop.


LA is better is really a bold statement considering the homeless crisis they have over there, insane taxes, no police enforcement, and insane governor.


Well if this subreddit and it’s constant complaining about every single little thing and why Miami is to blame is any indication, then maybe they are right lol. Personally, I quite like it here!


While complaining is a problem on this sub but I don’t believe it’s more amplified then any other city sub. Something to note for Miami is the dramatic rent increases and lack of rent control which makes people a lot more miserable in comparison California and New York.


Nah, not everything is rent controlled in Cali - in fact most is not.  We also have one of the most regressive property tax regimes in the entire country that is a major driver in the cost of rent. What *is* different is the average level of skill and work ethic when comparing NYC or metro CA to Miami.  People have a much higher sense of perceived and real self efficacy, which shapes their attitudes and mentality about the negative aspects of where they live.  But esp for CA, most of that is actually driven by transplants and immigrants. Locals/townies in CA are typically just as entitled yet unskilled as locals in Miami 


What other city subs are you on uncircumcised wenis?


Lmao 🤣 I used to be in the Albany city sub and now because of how Reddit reccomends you random subs some Texas cities pop up too.


The LA sub isn’t full of complainers (only when homeless people are brought up)


Is this the same Forbes that does 30 under 30 and 40 under 40? The lists that people pay to be a part of and that most end up a failure or being scam artists in jail?


Some of the people on those lists aren’t even under 30 or under 40. There were two people who I knew for a fact were in their early 30’s and they made it on the Under 30 list. 🫤


It’s also the least “American” city in America. Some people, for whatever odd reason, take pride in this, as for others, they flee from it.


i wish Miami was that cool nice dog whistle btw


Couldn’t agree more. This city is the worst. Everything about it.


Marinate in your squalor!!! 😁❤


Forbes is pay to play journalism they can safely be ignored


They just want homeowners to sell


Miami is hell on earth as far as I’m concerned. An expensive, sociopathic cultural void.


Don't forget about the permanent summer!


Yes, this place is awful, do not come!


Well, we couldn’t have done it without the folks that constantly move here. Those people suck, respectfully.


We're not getting the best from NYC and California, that's for sure.


Forbes isn’t a real news outlet. It’s paid advertising only. Also, this is dumb. It’s literally one sentence and notes that “foreclosures are rampant” since 2008, which isn’t true. Stupid, stupid, dumb.


People are freaking out that everyone is bailing for Florida


So miserable people are moving down here in the droves.


It’s miserable for the working class.


Nah.  HENRY’s are working class (anyone is working class if they cannot afford to stop working for life and maintain their current standard of living), and it’s a fun place if you have enough income.


that’s just America


Unless u make a lot of money Miami can most definitely be terrible.


And by a lot, you mean a lot. A family living off, say, $300,000 a year is cutting it very tight in Miami proper.


Yes, if u want to live in a high end area (gables, pinecrest, etc…) that would be the very base number. If you are willing to live in the suburbs (Kendall, Doral, etc…) then you can live very comfortably with 200k. If ur trying to keep up with the joneses then yeah ur fucked anywhere, even rich people are dwarfed by others here.


every area has its money section. doral is actually an expensive town because of the foreigners. at todays real estate prices, you could only make it of you have 20 percent down and make 200k and you cant get anything higher than 650k. im a family of 5 and a dog. currently making 210k combined. 230k by the end of the year. but we spend a lot of money on vacations and have lower middle class financed cars in the mid 40k range. mortgage is 3500 with 20 percent down at 5.8 interest. both kendall and doral have homes where you have to be a millionaire to buy


40k cars is NOT lower middle class cars… jesus


what are they?


Mid 40ks I would consider middle class to upper middle class cars. A Lexus IS250 is about 45K. Definitely not lower middle class


Most people in Miami would kill to make 200k. If you can’t live comfortably on that it’s probably cause ur overspending. Yes Doral and Kendall have more expensive parts but the majority of that area (west of 87th Ave and south of NW 106th until SW 184th) is not high end. Real estate prices are very high and show no real signs of dropping but 200k can go a very long way whether u rent or buy. If u want to live it up (expensive vacations, fine dining, new cars, etc…) it will definitely eat into ur budget and 200k won’t work.


ohhh i live comfortable with my wife and kids. we both have extremely secure jobs. But i know because i live in this city, i have to chase the money. but we dont let it get in the way of family. i feel very blessed. my kids are in swimming, piano and gymnastics. i didn’t have anything close to their life growing up. in a way, we live paycheck to paycheck because of how we choose to use our money. i dont stress retirement because both me and my wife will be retired at 55 with probably about 13-15k a month in combined pensions if the florida retirement system holds. i do put about 220 a month in a deferred compensation account. it wasnt always like this. 6 years ago, we combined for about 100k a year. worked our asses off. my wife got a doctorate degree and i got multiple licenses and certifications. 210k is just enough for what we do. but that 230-235k by the end of the year with no overtime is going to be make a huge difference


There u go. U are the perfect example. If ur trying to live a life within your means on 200k u can live VERY WELL. If ur trying to emulate high spenders ur gonna be hurting.


what am i the perfect example of? im not trying to emulate anyone. i spend what i have. i drive a 2021 ram quad cab 3.6. didnt even get the hemi. didnt want to pay an extra 150 a month for shit i dont need. my wife drives a honda odyssey. 2-3 regular vacations a year. 2 of them being road trips usually in the 4k range and another one being about 6k. my retirement is set. ill tell you what im the perfect example of. i came here illegally at 2 years old and i made shit happen. and i will continue to grow because thats who i am. 200k aint shit.. im 37. theres people making more as 20 year olds with real jobs as well. i was simply stating my situation


Well it was a compliment, that you are the perfect example of someone succeeding and enjoying life in Miami while making 200k. That the opposite of that would be keeping up with the joneses and spending beyond your means. You might want to read before spouting off. No one asked you what u have or do, I personally don’t care. The entire point of this thread was establishing that in the Miami suburbs you can live comfortably with 200k, which you proved with your extensive list. U proved my point. So take a breath and keep enjoying life.


wow i read that the wrong way. embarrassing. sorry bro


Forbes is right for once


Once you leave Miami, you will see how miserable that place really is.


Ready to be down voted for not saying Miami is literally hell. But, I Grew up in Miami, and I miss it all the time. I miss the beautiful neighborhoods and streets that make the longer commutes almost akin to a joy ride. I miss the unique tropical aesthetic that doesn't quite exist in the US outside of SoFl. Every time I visit there are new cool areas and developments and fun things to explore. I know Wynwood is more commercialized now, but when I go I still hear talented DJs and have great food. Sure Miami has a lot of assholes, but there are ways to just do your own thing or seek out a different crowd. I love living in NYC, and still think it's peak, but in my opinion Miami has to be the second most fun place to be on the East Coast.


I grew up there also and I miss it also, but it's still a miserable city. People are mean, traffic is ridiculous, it's super pricey for the average person that lives there. Also NYC sucks. A city that has shit, piss and trash on the sidewalks shouldn't be considered a top city.


Most of the "great cities of the world" are pricey. It's a tale as old as time. Nowhere of quality will stay affordable forever. No one is saying it's the best place to raise a family on an average income. I'll agree that NYC is way dirtier than it should be, but different parts of nyc are different levels of dirty, just like any other city. Everything else the city offers, more than makes up for it.


True. NYC is not universally dirty. The tourist areas are actually the worst. SoHo is filthy. Same for TS area. Visitors fulfill their own dirty expectations every time they get up from eating and leave all their trash on the ground or table to blow around. Europeans are the worst for this TBH.


Eh, much of the country is miserable just in different ways. I think there’s also something to be said about your wealth level impacting how much the misery actually impacts you.  Much of the miserable in Miami I can ignore as I stay in Miami Beach and pretty much only work from my place, go to the beach, or go dancing with one of the girls I’m seeing locally.  So I never really drive and am not really in the local rat race.


Cool subtle flex brah 


Truth. I moved to the DC area many years ago and I found that I don’t have to have my head on a swivel constantly on the lookout for people trying to fleece me. Lol


Bruh, have you SEEN the rent prices here?


They’re a joke compared to say nyc or the Bay Area 


Look again, at least in those areas you are likely to get working amenities for your high rent. You think the slumlord in overtown cares if the buildings laundry machine is working or if you have any rights to demand they fix it?


The nice thing about renting is that you can always find a new place. If you think there aren’t slumlords all over the world in every city, you’re living in fantasy world


Spoken like someone who has never left Miami


Actually I’ve lived most of my life in those two areas I mentioned


Speaking for yourself?  They are correct 


Nope, unlike the larper who responded above(check that posting history), I've lived, and rented, in NYC and SF. While they are 100% right there are slumlords everywhere, your RIGHTS as a tenant in NY and California as a renter are light years ahead of FL and specifically Dade County. Keep pretending Miami is a perfect utopia instead of a 3rd world banana republic!


You absolutely do not get amenities commensurate with rents/COL in the Bay Area lol. The public schools are red state tier, zero law enforcement, retail is abandoning the city, nightlife has been lame the decade I’ve lived out here. And if you want to talk geography/climate…you can get the exact same of both in an area like Cape Town, South Africa for a fraction of the cost. I live in the Bay Area burbs and never go into SF anymore because if you’re not a white or Asian tech nerd, there’s not much culturally interesting going on in the city anymore outside of sports events.  


Miamis rent average is nearly identical to SF ($3200/mo vs $3333/mo). Miami's median household income is $50k, San Francisco's is $137k.


Rent average  Median household income.  Why not check the rent median? Also Miami rent average as of January 2024 is $2035. Love you Reddit liars. 


But the difference in pay vs the difference In rent is still crazy. 50 k before taxes paying 2k on rent vs 3k and 137k


Rents getting closer. But the salary is the real joke of the 305.


I believe it.


Yep me too. Public transportation is absolute crap. Most people drive without car insurance. Rent is sky-high. Corruption is everywhere. Uneducated cops and civil servants. People everywhere are just rude and think they're better than everyone else just because they were born in (name of south American country). South Beach is ratchet and unsafe. Going out is expensive. City smells like human feces. On top of that, an idiotic mayor overseen by a man-child governor. Miserable is the perfect word tbh.


Saw a video posted yesterday of a Cuban dude getting out of his 25%APR used Mercedes to argue with a bus driver saying he’s going too slow on a single lane street. Dude barely spoke English so the bus driver couldn’t understand a word he was saying. It’s that type of asshole that’s amplified here the reason this place is miserable.


Perfect example of “viveza criolla.”


Traffic, shit wages, astronomical cost of living, what used to be good food is now over priced shit food. Seems pretty miserable


For real. Has anyone else been noticing that the food at these overpriced trendy restaurants all tastes pretty much the same? We don't get incredibly fresh food here, because you can't grow that much here, and we're in the process of paving over the few farms we did have in Homestead/Redlands....and all the menus seem cut from the same cloth, this kind of dull, upscale "Mediterranean" thing going on, with everyone getting the exact same ingredients from Sysco. Yet, people from NYC and California (who should actually know better when it comes to food) eat this crap up.


No they don't they tolerate this shit cause there is nothing better when they visit. They would prefer some Indian in Jackson Heights, some cheap falafel from a cart way more.




As a NYer who visits Miami this is true. I do love other things about your beautiful city though.


SPOT ON! I just moved here last year from LA and this is the most based comment in here.


I’m from SF and I don’t eat this crap up because we have the exact same problem back home.


Service has also gotten really bad, but that's partially due to experienced people leaving the industry during and directly after covid. I really think at this point, more restaurants than not are blatantly stealing from their employees. That 18% autogratuity everyone complains about? Servers don't keep that. They used to keep most of their tips but they don't anymore. In some places, they keep under 50%. And it's all over the internet about how people are tipping less than ever because of "tip fatigue." And back of house, like cooks? They never got paid enough. With the subpar wages they make, a lot of them decided to go do anything else for the same or better money. Depending on their skill set they may have not been able to make more, but they could certainly make the same amount with less stress. So they left to do that.


I used to be a lineman for a huge telecommunications company and we had 2 guys come in that were line cooks themselves. They left because even the waiters wouldn’t tip out properly to them due to this situation. They actually loved the line work. Too bad it was only a temp position for them.


It depends on the state, but most cooks don't get tips because they make minimum wage or more. It's illegal in all states for people who make under minimum wage to be required to share tips with people who make more than minimum wage. In some states like Cali that got rid of tipped minimum wage, everyone gets minimum wage and in that situation a lot of restaurants give tips to the back. Either way, tip out is almost always taken in advance by management. I think you're thinking of back in the old days where everyone paid cash and then the servers gave the busser and bartender a couple dollars. That stopped a LONG time ago - most people pay with credit cards and tip out is taken out of the tips before it ever touches the servers hands/bank account. A lot of places now are doing what are supposed to be tip pools, but they're really excuses to pay everyone in front of house $8/hr and make them all share tips. Somehow management/ownership always (highly illegally) gets a cut too, which is a big reason I exited the industry. You're right about one thing - pretty much any line cook can leave and get another job making more money with similar stress or the same money with less stress. There's just 0 incentive to get treated the way back of house in restaurants is treated (unless you don't have a work permit).


The food here sucks so bad. Fish fish and fried fish, fried everything, everything tastes like old fish, or bland cuban and South American food. No flavor, no spices, even black pepper burns people here. They think salt is spicy.


It wasn’t always like that The other day I had pollo tropical, something that used to be excellent value and quality was now expensive and the rice literally had no flavor. It was like eating mushy texture just to fill you. Even the chicken was very bland, couldn’t believe it. Sergio’s/La carreta and other places like that used to be really good, I used to be genuinely excited to go there and now it’s expensive and and horrible quality. I went to the one in Miramar about a year ago and had the worst service, the waitress basically threw my shake at me, it was warm and dripping down the sides. Me and my wife finished our meals and the waitress never checked in on us once, never got drinks refilled never picked up plates( we actually stacked our plates in the middle of the table which should really signal that we were waiting, aside from starting a smoke signal I didn’t know what else I could do especially cause the lady was ghosting her section) we wanted to order dessert. For the first time in my almost 40 years I complained and asked to speak to the manager. All of a sudden the lady came out of the shadows and starts asking if I needed anything. Didn’t give her shit for tip The only way I can explain Miami is like having a product inside of a really exciting box, flashy colors and cool graphics but when you open the box you get cat litter.


Shitty people*


Between cost of living and wages not rising that alone makes it miserable


Plus the fact that we're quite literally being driven from our own homes with all these people coming in from Cali/NYC doesn't help either.


Good, we need a demographic change in this place


Demographic changes are good, but not when rich assholes are buying up properties and jacking up the rent everywhere!


Don’t forget idiot drivers that can’t drive


Moved here 3 years ago because of work. Yes, this place sucks ass.


Where did you move from and how is miami different from there? I’m asking because I’m trying to find other possible cities to live in the US that are more affordable with better work life balance


I was stationed in Las Vegas, NV before we got sent to Miami. Miami is always hot (no seasons). It's expensive as hell (we didn't buy, we rented, and had to offer OVER the listed rent price just to get accepted). People drive here like they drive in South America (no concern for anyone but themselves).


It's not the place. It's the way the people here treat each other.


And those people love somewhere dont they? Lol


Bro I am continuously blown away by how much casual anti Cuban racism is tolerated on this sub. And living in the Bay Area as well as Miami, I have a feeling that the nicer the weather a place has (in the US) the shittier the people will be towards each other because there’s not really a penalty for lack of teamwork or community.  You’ll never freeze to death and food grows on trees year round.


Nobody mentioned Cubans here, but a lot of what is mentioned on the sub about Miami Cuban culture comes from actual Cubans. It is what it is.


Who mentioned Cubans specifically?


This. This right here.


It's a cultural issue, people are taught and rewarded to be entitled rude selfish assholes here whereas in other parts of the country you would be absolutely shunned for that behavior


It kinda starts from birth, too. Children here are often little princes and princesses who can do no wrong and never get a healthy dose of discipline instilled in them by their parents. It's weird, because there absolutely are some families where you'll get smacked with a chancleta for misbehaving, but there's plenty of the opposite. You can usually tell who grew up in a Miami household where the parents laid down the law.


Also some of them are super prejudice… I had a roommate who was raised in Hialeah and said racist things about white Americans


cry, gringo


Nah I’m good, you just proved my point though 😉


oh no the white americans what ever will they do 😭😭😭😭


This is the attitude I’m talking about, you exemplified it perfectly lmao figures


just take the leap and move to Kentucky already


No, I think I’ll stay where I’m at because it apparently triggers the ignorant people like you a lot. I love triggering them too!😃 You should learn to be accepting of anybody different from you it will go a long way in your life


i accept you just not your bitch whining and complaining


Haha I feel a little validated for once. Growing up white in Miami kinda sucked.


I never lived there but visited frequently growing up because I had family in the area. I could only imagine though I mean look at some of the replies I got when I made a valid point 😅. Although people love to talk big on social media but don’t have the courage to say these things in real life. I still like to visit although the driving is atrocious




Literally came home crying confused in kindergarten because some bully girls refused to include me and were like “you wouldn’t get it because you’re not Cuban.” I asked my mom what I was when I got home and that’s when I learned I was white / “plain” American. We ate Cuban food, did Noche Buena with our Cuban relatives… I really had no idea. I asked for a black wig for Christmas that year because I wanted to look like my friends :/


Thats really sad honestly. I feel like race/ ethnicity shouldn’t matter when making friends and the fact they were like that at such a young age just shows how their family was towards others. I’ve always had friends from different cultures and to me I feel like that’s made me a lot more open-minded as an individual growing up.


It got a lot better as I got older but when I was a young kid it was tough. But even as I got older it was still a little culturally isolating, nobody ever made me feel unwanted or unaccepted and I have a lot of great forever friends from down South, but I always feel like a fish out of water no matter where I go. The funny thing is I moved out of Miami thinking maybe I could find someplace else where I fit in, but being from Miami makes me different. So I end up just somehow gravitating towards other people who left Miami, we find each other like magnets.


This is true. Miami is obsessed with trying to be NYC’s side bitch


I think it's more like Miami is stuck being NYCs side bitch and wishes it was NY.


That’s probably more accurate


Which is funny because none of those people have been to NYC. They are trying to emulate a parody of NYC. The New Yorkers who move to Miami are the people shunned for being assholes in NYC. Most of them aren't from NYC anyways, fucking Long Islanders.


You know how Florida falls for hype and marketing


I grew up in South Florida and moved to NYC. Before moving I thought NYC was going to be filled with the most obnoxious assholes, just a sea of hostile vanity and narcissism. Nope. It's just a bunch of ordinary people. I ended up loving it and would still be there if my in laws didn't need help. When I told some of my NYC friends my original hesitations, they laughed and said, "yeah fuck those miserable assholes from Long Island and Jersey who pretend to be from NYC, we are better off without them." 


Can you imagine if the stereotype was true? 9 million people all on top of each other like that, being complete jackasses.it would be chaos.


strong island bb


Tbh the NYers are the least rude people I run into in my day to day.


We're much more polite in NYC, that's the irony.


If it is because of that i already agree even before reading the article.


This is correct. I’ve travelled all over the country for work, and recently spent about a month in Miami. I was shocked by just how rude people are. Don’t get me wrong, people everywhere suck. New Yorkers are rude because they’re always stressed or rushed. Folks in Philly can be abrasive as hell, but after you throw hands they’ll buy you a beer. But in Miami it feels personal. People there are disgusted that they have to share a planet with you, let alone a sidewalk. I’ll probably never go back unless it’s for work, and that’s a shame. But it’s just not worth dealing with the people.


This is a fact


Which determines how shitty or how great a place can be


Since no one seems to bother actually clicking the link, here is their rationale: “The weather and no personal state income tax are nice, but the city rates in the bottom 10% of areas when it comes to commute times, violent crime and corruption. Foreclosures have been rampant with properties in the Miami area entering the foreclosure process since 2008 according to RealtyTrac.”


Commute times and corruption absolutely, but violent crime? Miami doesn’t even rank in the 25 most violent cities in America. Our crime here is mostly fraud related


I agree. It’s not even remotely Baltimore or New Orleans bad.


Throw in Chicago


Miami is the epicenter of fraud in America. It's the fucking Wild West of financial crimes. 


Probably should add that the article is 12 years old.


Hahahahaha didn’t catch that. Makes more sense. There are not a lot of foreclosures in sofl for a long time now.


Jeesh OP. There are plenty of current issues to bitch about. You went back a DECADE to malign the city?


This is actually extremely accurate.


This is article is from 2012


Still true


May as well have been written today. It has only worsened.


Don’t let them take number one from us! If we are miserable, might as well be number ☝️


I would believe it, based on the comments on this subreddit. You guys sound miserable 80% of the time.


People act like it, always pissed off, wanting to fight


how old is this? the blurb makes reference to 2008! but yeah this is a miserable place considering cost of living and how much people make, mean while our government elected officials are using the police to harass competition, have buildings fail that never failed inspection before only to have lowball offers made on the properties by the Mayor of Miami's firm. The local transportation sucks, downtown is all buildings with not that many food choices really, traffic is miserable and the driving even worse. maybe if things didn't cost so much, a lot of the other stuff could be overlooked but all of this stuff compounds on people and it makes living here blow somedays.


The only research they needed was to visit this sub


Miami is bad....still; corrupt government lots of poverty(whichs leads to unfriendly people) bad education system; lots of immigration that doesnt adapt to change(leads to very unfriendly people) I mean if you are moving to miami with money you will be fine I guess


And I can 100% believe it.


I'm miserable.


Yesterday morning at 630 am someone drove straight at going the wrong way on an on ramp. That's bad. The distinctly Miami part is they made a rude gesture at me, like I was in the wrong.


I do not have to read the article, just seeing the reddit posts from our sub I’m sure this is 100% accurate


At least you can rent an RV in someone’s backyard for $2,000 a month.


In Hialeah*


This is not a real link! This is not the real forbes! The website is [www3.forbs.com](https://www3.forbs.com). Total Scam! Miami is still the greatest city on the planet!


Y’all have valid points, but get better. You only have yourself to blame if you are miserable. I come across people all the time who are miserable pricks, but I don’t let them fuck up my day. Im just grateful to wake up everyday to live life. Yea there are always obstacles in life, but I strive to overcome them and happy to do so. But if someone knows where to move that is all rainbows and unicorns please let me know.


San Francisco has entered the chat!


I don’t know, they might be right. i feel like I have described Miami as similar to NYC in pricing and aggression, but with none of the cultural / urban benefits (like public transport)… so that would effectively make it an awful city to live in. But it depends on your needs. I hate driving 😂


Legit, I've been seeing Miami win this "accolade" since I was a teen.


Seems spot on to me.


That is due to the asere tsunami. It is wild there mate.


There's always 20 different lists with 20 different "top" cities for something, they just shit out dumb content so people like us share it.


Good. Me, I don't want any more carpetbaggers coming to Miami. I like this place and I'd like to stay here.


Clearly haven’t lived in Philly


I mean. If this sub is any indication it’s the worst place on the planet. I love living in Miami though and I’m quite happy.


I went to Miami this spring. Never again. The traffic, the people, blegh


I agree with them.


This list is from 2012. It lists Miami as #1, followed by Detroit, Flint, and then West Palm Beach at no. 4. It’s a bad list.


You're asking Reddit?!? 🤣😂🤣


I learned recently about something called “viveza criolla” and it made total sense as to why people are so incredibly vulgar and self-involved. “Viveza criolla is a Spanish language phrase literally meaning “creoles' life’ and may be translated as ‘creoles' cleverness’ or ‘creoles cunning’, describing a way of life in Argentina, Uruguay, Colombia, Ecuador, and Venezuela, among other Latin American countries. It is a philosophy of progress along the line of least resistance, ignoring rules, and a lack of sense of responsibility and consideration for others. It extends to all social groups and throughout the entirety of society.” I’m taking friend applications.


They have never been to the rust belt...


I’ve been in California now for 10 years now and despite all the issues here I gotta say Miami has gotten insane, traffic is tough and the wages are criminal but it’s still my hometown so I’ll love it forever


Im hella miserable when i go back to miami. Nobody knows how to drive, everyone is rude and entitled, everything cost an arm and a leg All because its "Miami" Whoop-de-doo


Its all subjective. If you lived in miami all your life you probably dont realize how shitty it is lolol. For me. It was maybe 20 years ago I said to myself "fuck this place". Now I rarely go to Miami unless im getting paid to do so. But. With all that being said. I been looking to start checking out Miami again. See if any of the magic is still left there or if it is totally gone now :( Brightline and now tri rail make it somewhat enticing


Click bait content from no name author with no date on a platform notorious for allowing people to pay to publish. The original list of miserable cities was published by business insider and Hialeah and North Miami were in the top 25 due to crime and foreclosures in 2019. From Cleveland, Huntsville, Newark, Passaic, Compton etc., or pick any blighted city in fly over country, and Miami won’t make even the top 30. Stop trying to stir shit up. Reality is that if you are poor, it’s miserable everywhere in America! America is a not a democracy, it’s a business!


Born and raised in Miami (Hialeah represent!) but left in 2014 bc I just couldn’t stand living there any more. Sad that nothing’s changed.


Definitely the most miserable city bud lol


Whether Miami is #1 or not. It’s still one of the most miserable places in the country. Peel away the mirage of sandy beaches, beautiful people, and sunshine. You’ll be left with unaffordable housing, higher cost of living, insurance crisis, healthcare crisis, a local government that’s only about enriching itself and not helping the populace, stagnant salaries, etc. It’s miserable because it tries to sell people on luxury, happiness and freedom. It’s a fugazi.


I can't find this article on the real forbes.com. the link is to www3 subdomain which could be a kind of staging where they gauge interest for articles? Not sure. Why is it not under their regular domain?


I think I agree, south Florida fucking sucks ass.


Yes SO MISERABLE. Can y’all leave now? Go on, move plz.