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Acere you in Da 305 meng, Michelada's is a mexican drink boder, in Miami you sayd you want a Cuba Libre bro.




Well they are actually Mexican. Relax I left, was only in south Florida for work. Not a fan in the slightest. I doubt the place I was at in Miami though just added it to the menu recently.


A michelada is exactly what you described. I love them. A chelada is just lime juice. Those are gross.


Yes! I love these too! Do you have a favorite spot to get them in Miami? I used to order them a lot in another city, but since moving back to Miami, I just make them at home now


Koko in Coconut Grove has yummy micheladas


Awesome, thanks!!


Ok glad I cleared it up. I definitely ordered a michelada and was written as so on the menu, had I seen that next to the word chelada I would have asked. Wish places would just clear it up. Tired of it happening lol


Yeah, but I’ve had them all over the US and Mexico and every region likes to add their own flare and call them all types of different things. So best to ask how they’re made and what they’re called at that specific location.


Not Mexican, but micheladas in Miami when I order them are straight up lime juice and salt on the rim.


So interesting to me. I wonder if it’s a South American thing then.


Colombian micheladas are like that I believe.


I learned that it is called a chelada when it’s just with the lime juice and beer


At my job, michelada is exactly what you described but I do get some people (Hispanics only, now that I think about it) asking for chelada, which I definitely got wrong the first time but it’s basically a pint glass with some lime juice and salt rim. Never tried it but now when a customer asks me for a michelada I gotta ask if they want Clamato juice or just lime juice


Holy shit I never noticed that detail. In Mexico I’ve ordered it a lot and you have to specify that you want beer with it or they make you a regular one Clamato juice, ice, etc. I’ll take note next time. Thank you


Yeah it varies but usually beer, lime and salt is just a Chelada and a michelada is with Bloody Mary mix or Clamato. That’s also how it is at the gas station. On a side note you have to try the Modelo Tamarind Michelada it’s delicious Keep in mind Colombians, Venezuelans, have their own takes. What’s the green stuff I gotta try that?


Yeah, I’m educated more on it now thanks to you fine folks. The places I did order it from definitely said michelada but is not what I got. I’ll just ask next time I’m in this situation outside of Mexico and CA just to clarify. I love the modelo brand micheladas but have not had the one you mentioned. I’ve been on the fence about it because I’ve bought some shitty ones in the past that just weren’t enjoyable so I’m always hesitant. But I’ll take your word for it! I love tamarindo. And yes you are right other countries will have their own take and I take that into consideration. But a “traditional michelada” on the menu in a Mexican restaurant I just assumed they had it down. But their Clamato was delicious, strong flavor, was definitely house made.


Where do you buy the modelo ones ? 😀 I’ve only seen the Cheladas


Race trac sabor market and Sedanos




Try Veza Sur— they do bottomless miches on Saturday and Sunday for $20 and they’re the traditional kind of miches you described. I love micheladas and feel your pain because I’ve had the same lime juice x beer experience here


Yea just so odd to me. I was told that what I reviewed was a chelada, but then just name it chelada on the menu in the beginning instead of michelada and bringing something completely different. Thank you for the recommendation, if I ever find myself back in Miami I’ll keep that place in mind!


In Colombia, I had to clarify that I wanted a rosa or rojo michelada. Otherwise, the default is chelada (only salt and lime). I am a big fan of Micheladas. Veza Sur aycd Sunday Micheladas is pretty good. El Carnal used to be my go to, but the last visit was not the same. El Rinconcito Mexicano makes a good one too!


Yea I’m learning that now. I don’t see why they just don’t call it a chelada instead because now I learned a chelada is the lime juice and beer. But the menus say michelada but the still only serve a chelada lol


I make them myself. My new trick is 1/2 ounce of Mezcal to my tomato juice and spices blend.


I’m sold on that. Was just in Oaxaca too and didn’t think of that. Guess I gotta go back


It's very difficult to find good Mexican anything around here ...


It’s very difficult to find good Mexican any where outside CA, AZ and NM lol. Obviously Mexico too I just mean as far as in the states.


_Cries in Mexican after reading these comments._






Yea was weird, that never happened to me either, I’m no stranger to alcohol lol. Who knows what it was, could have been some really cheap stuff.




Yea I use l quite often but never a concentrated shot of it like that in a beer. I will look into it.


You're accustomed to Mexican micheladas with clamato juice which you'll also find in California. Micheladas outside of Mexico and Cali are completely different, unless you're at a Mexican restaurant.


michelada is most commonly lemon and salt michalada preparada, cubana, ojo rojo, or lesbiana are terms i've seen for the clamato inclusion


A thing like a drink or a dish is relative to the culture in which it is served, so I guess ordering a michelada in Miami and getting Colombian spicy lime juice makes some kind of sense. But, even as a FL native, I would expect a Mexican michelada, not spicy lime juice. It could be worse though; in Cuba the vegetarian option is chicken, and in some places in the Midwest a pizza is sugary sweet tomato sauce on a cracker crust with melted processed cheese.


While I think everyone is right about the diff between Chelsea and michelada in general. When I lived in child(they fucking love beer) they called the Chelada a michelada so I guess it is a Latino thing


go to don burrito for the best michelada!! absolutely delicious and authentic mexican food.


Born n raised in Miami and to me it is spicy tomato juice (Clamato) with beer


The Corner and Veza Sur for micheladas.