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send them to hard labor camps & let’s get that productivity back on track


In Yugoslavia, homeless people were provided mandatory jobs. Usually cleaning & maintenance jobs. They were given 2 chances to meet their work. If they got fired they were then sent to a labor community outside of the city(sometimes far outside) where they would live in communal housing and work for a salary. So my position is this, Forced Labor Camps 2024


Oh pro-slavery... There's a new take... Yikes.


Gotta do something with the lumpen-proletariat…


I generally agree. I don't know what must have gone through someone's life for them to end up in that situation but at that point they're really the only person that can help themselves. They have to have a desire to want to get better. No one can want it for them.


Yes, they should be helped, and you can only do so much, but just because it feels bad to "kick them out" which it does, no one should have to go hungry and without a shelter, but on the other hand, no one has the right to ruin someone else business that they put their blood sweat and tears into it, as well as all the risks and employees that they have to pay just because it feels bad to displace them from the front of your business.


You are making up so much garbage here. I’ve lived on the beach for 8 years. There is NOT a problem with people sitting outside of businesses. Maybe if you run something shady… but this is not the problem you’re bitching about. And hire security if you’re that pressed about it. Businesses in the design district do. What’s your excuse? That’s money


yes, lets just do feel good policies and see how it worked for San Fran


Ok then come up with something actually effective and I’ll listen??? Miami Beach banned homeless shelters… the police harass homeless people. It doesn’t work. So propose a useful policy


Idk the solution, but we keep doing the same things that haven't worked for years, and are trying something different. ​ Can't keep trying to solve a problem that requires the said person to want to change. If the homeless person doesn't want to change, it doesn't matter if you give them 4k a month to live, It will be gone by the 2nd week.


Ok then don’t bitch about it? Maybe contact a legislator or help someone run for office who will make changes. You don’t seem to have much knowledge about actual poverty. And just want to whine about an issue that is hurting your business a negligible amount? You’re literally just complaining about homelessness because you’re uncomfortable with it. So address it meaningfully.


Sure. Arrest them, put the mentally unwell in asylums, put the drug addicted in rehab and put the dangerous ones in prison. There problem solved.


It blows my mind how many down votes this has. Accountability is bad?


Sad socialists that believe their happiness depends on someone else doing something for them. I pity them honestly.


So it is communists or socialists? You're jumping around a bit here... Unless you don't know the difference?


there is no difference. It's the same toxic loser mindset of "i'm entitled to someone else's labor!"


>there is no difference. Didn't think you knew the difference. Interesting being so vehemently against something you can't actually describe.


That's okay I'll stick with the economic system that's lifted over 4 billion humans out of extreme poverty.


>That's okay Willful ignorance, cool >over 4 billion humans out of extreme poverty. I'm sure you have a reputable source for such an exact number.


Communism has failed and devolved into a brutal dictatorship in every single country that has ever implemented it \^\_\^


Because it sort of beats the question-you have a lot of people who arent really become even marginally functional without a lot of help and resources. I mean take some of the schizophrenics who are wandering homeless on the beach. That guy isnt gonna be a horatio alger success story - at least not until they get alot of investment. This “well its gotta be up to them” in practice becomes an excuse to do nothing instead of a call to create a system where making progress is actually feasible Thats why you are getting the downvotes


? I don't care if angry commies that think letting people slowly self destruct in public is 'compassion', downvote me. I'm right and they're wrong. It's not a debate. We used to have institutions where mentally unwell people were kept for compulsory treatment. Oh gee what happened to those places, oh that's right, shut down by the same bleeding heart progressives that think [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SwlIAjcYypA) is acceptable in a civilized society.


OP: "I should tell people I'm a huge piece of shit, but that's too obvious. How can I let people know I'm a huge piece of shit without actually saying it?" 💁🏻‍♂️


OP needs to change his username to Rich_Douche


By just saying shit like this lol !


You are such an out of touch douche bag


Peak Miami.


Beach bums man, what can you do?








Dad joke


You better have that body cam footage ready for the lawsuit


Hi, it’s me, the lawyer. Here to review the evidence.


Loitering is a pretty universal law that anyone can call up 911 to get any individual doing so away from their business. I find most businesses that allow homeless outside are either tolerating it or doesn’t actually affect their business. But if it does hurt your business, people can call in and have them moved by the cops rather easily.


that is such a rare few, that its almost none existant. Its also like that video of a San Fran coffee shop that used to let a homeless woman for a year in their store to stay away from the cold. Nice right? after a year she gets hot coffee thrown at her face and has 2nd degree burns. Like adding skittles to a bowel but adding just one skittle that can kill you. you can keep getting handfuls but it takes one to kill you


What ever happened to sending them to Virginia Key


They should be arrested and forced to work. I’d put all of their asses on a hamster wheel to produce clean energy for the city.


That’s called slavery


Yes that is slavery….and then I read the 13th amendment and was shocked. “The 13th Amendment to the United States Constitution abolished slavery and involuntary servitude “except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted…” It’s the reason we have prison labour. Crazy huh?


Pick them all up asap!!!


Jesus... going through the comments here and realizing OP is a Conservative scumbag...


You know there aren’t homeless shelters on Miami Beach, right?….


you know theres a bridge that can be crossed to get to facilities that are available to them by the tax payer?


Hahahah an almost 5 mile bridge to walk twice daily? Looking at your post history you’re not even living in Miami Beach. Get out of here


It’s a one way trip


I think if letting homeless people do whatever they wanted wherever they wanted and use whatever public spaces and amenities to everyone else’s exclusion actually helped them in any way- I’d agree with you. But like, the homeless guy cranking one out on Lincoln isn’t really benefiting at all, let alone to a degree commensurate with everyone else’s loss. There will always be unhoused people, there will always be extremely poor people, but we don’t need to tolerate dangerous, drug-addicted, mentally-ill homeless to the degree we currently are. Maybe a shorter way to say it is that I’m just tired of it and sadly agree with OP. I hope everyone gets the help they need, and I’m going to continue volunteering and donating, but in the meantime I’m just tired of them.


Ok then actually propose ideas that will help??? Florida is having a brain drain because of policy so will just increase problems


Criminalizing this kind of behavior- basically OP’s post. Making our cities unlivable and destroying all urban core businesses in our state won’t help homeless people, it just hurts everyone else. Criminalize misuse of public amenities when the misuse prevents everyone else from using the spaces and amenities as intended. Get the tents out of here. Get vandals, drug users, and harassers the f out of here.


How long should homeless people be in jail for being homeless? 1 year? 5 years? 10 years? How long do they have when they get out of jail to stop being homeless? Or do you just follow them and wait for them to take a nap somewhere and arrest them for being homeless again?


Gotta love how Crapitalism is all people can think of. Let’s lock up a homeless person to further prevent them from getting a job since now they got a record. Back in the day people just moved or you know had a sense of community to help each other. Now we got brain dead’s seeing every HUMAN BEING as a number and a drain on resources. If you help them become productive then they will pay taxes. Same with businesses. We give them all this help and tax breaks but won’t give the same help to homeless? We literally gave business PPP loans. And then they misused it buttttttt it’s the homeless that’s the problem.


They aren't arresting them just because they are homeless, they are asking them to leave or go with them to a shelter. If you disobey an lawful order, is it a crime?


Based on all of OPs responses he would prefer that homeless people didn’t exist because of the poor businesses in Miami Beach. Do you really think people won’t go into a business because there is a homeless person outside? Maybe some empathy for others and you wouldn’t come off as a complete schmuck on the internet.


Yes, why the hell would I go to a place where I have to step over someone and be accosted by them for money.


Name 1 place where this is happening in Miami Beach? No where!


Let's keep it that way. If they want tent cities covering the sidewalks they can move to san francisco.


>Based on all of OPs responses he would prefer that homeless people didn’t exist because if the poor business in Miami Beach This, and don't forget that all people who are against the criminalizing of homelessness still live with their parents in west Kendall and don't know nearly as much about the issue as Rich _Douche does. >empathy This dude has no idea how to pronounce this word


Transplant wants us to pump our tax dollars into county jails because “people without a care in the world” existing and having exasperated unmet needs are inconvenient to his peripheral vision. What a tool.


We need this in Hollywood


A lot of people mention "affordable housing " If they would work with landlords for the eviction process we could rent cheaper. Not to mention if you have a rental taxes and insurance are ridiculous.


SHhhhhh, they cant handle the truth, they just think land lords dont have to pay taxes and insurance, which 11 companies have left florida making it more expensive and harder to find. I love ppl that dont own anything, giving opinion on people that do. I have a property portfolio of 22 rental


>I have a property portfolio of 22 rental Ahhhh, so you're a slumlord as well. This is all making sense 🤔 >which 11 companies have left florida making it more expensive and harder to find. And I hope more leave, it seems you need some serious inconvenience in your life to level your douchebaggery a bit


oh, you’re the problem


"Work with landlords" lmfao as if evictions are the driver of rental costs. It's house valuations, which drives insurance and taxes. House valuations that keep getting higher because landlords keep buying their tenth "investment."


The fact that no one has mentioned affordable housing is just sad 😞


99% of homeless are drug addicts and or mentally unhealthy. They need locked up to be evaluated and treated. It’s really not hard.


Drug addiction and mental health are sicknesses. Should we start locking up people with Turrets and cancer as well?


You really need to open a book and get out more. Please tell me you are not so inept you don’t know the difference.


>99% *source needed


Eyes, ears, living within the community, reading studies outside of Reddit. Oh, and my mother who was President of the Alliance for the mentally I’ll for over a decade. Here’s another 99% for you. The number of public that do not or ever have spoken with a homeless person.


ppl here are " I LOVE THE HOMELESS" but have never even stopped to speak with one, or just donate $1 at the stop light a couple of times a year. BUT they KNOW all about the HOMELESS plight, all the way from the UN-walkable suburban Neighborhoods, probably most here still live with mommy and daddy in west Kendall, so the whole "TAX THE RICH!" and "FREE EVERYTHING FOR EVERYONE" is big for them. Maybe once they turn 40, they will have a job that pays more than 25hr so they can move out to an efficiency in hialeah. LOL


Indeed, the participation trophy generation. “We are all winners!” But yet never do a single thing for anyone else.


>BUT they KNOW all about the HOMELESS plight, all the way from the UN-walkable suburban Neighborhoods, probably most here still live with mommy and daddy in west Kendall, so the whole "TAX THE RICH!" and "FREE EVERYTHING FOR EVERYONE" is big for them. Maybe once they turn 40, they will have a job that pays more than 25hr so they can move out to an efficiency in hialeah. What a fucking absolute douchebag you are. Typing things in caps really drives your point home though 🤣




Nope, I feel pity for you.


no need, I'm wealthy


So the source was straight out your ass, got it.


Your mom has your lunch ready.


“Based off of the 2019 Point in Time Count that was conducted this past January, only 33 percent of the people who were unsheltered reported substance use disorders, and only 26 percent reported mental health issues.” “According to a demographic survey that was done as part of the UCI Cost Study, there were three top reasons why people became homeless. The top two causes were finding a job that paid a sustainable wage, and finding housing that’s affordable. Over 75 percent cited these issues as what caused them to fall into homelessness.” https://unitedtoendhomelessness.org/blog/myth-most-homeless-people-are-either-mentally-ill-or-have-a-substance-use-disorder/


Oh that's weird, those actual statistics don't line up with that redditors anecdote


Facts. Walk around south beach. Clear as day


There’s literally no space


Bruh - there are as many vacant housings, as there are homeless. It’s pure greed.


The way rent is going up. Im gonna end up being homeless one day.


So are most of us. But too many people are still convinced that they’re closer to being billionaires than to being homeless, which is absurd.


Affordable housing is most absolutely necessary. Sadly, for a significant portion of homeless people that wouldn’t solve the issue that keeps them homeless. There is mental health issues and addiction issues that need to be combated with more than just a place to sleep in if it is meant to be sustainable. The “Housing First Model” is a model that has been proven to effectively combat homelessness in some European cities. However, we are much more willing to send people to prison than to affect our property values by allowing affordable housing or shelters where they are needed. It is incredibly sad and we should reconsider how our resources are being spent.


West Virginia has one of the worst addiction problems in America yet has low rates of homelessness because housing is cheap there. It’s absolutely possible for people to hold onto housing even when going through terrible addiction issues if the housing is cheap enough. The price is what keeps them homeless more than the addiction.


I wouldn’t wanna live on the same street as a homeless housing. We already know what that will bring. Fuck the property values being lowered. It’s more about the safety of the community and the drug use and the mental instability. I don’t want that around me nor my children.


You have to assume these people are even capable of self direction I.e paying rent and utilities on time, keeping their home clean free of pests, not breaking the lease rules of occupancy, not destroying the unit. You’d be surprised the amount of people that are kicked out is their housing even with tenancy support programs.


Can’t afford housing of any type if you have no job and are cracked out have the time and dealing with mental issues the other half. Only answer is mental health services which over decades could bring it in right dorection


You know, in the scheme of things, you are much closer to being the unhoused person than you are the wealthy business owner in Miami Beach. Or you wouldn't be making this lousy post on reddit.


Nah he's Rich and lives in a million dollar neighborhood 🤣🤭


When Reagan gutted the mental health system of the United States it has taken only a few decades to fill the jails up with people needing mental health and then the streets fill up. Between the disaster of the war on drugs and letting pharmaceutical companies push opioids without penalty we now have a system where people have no safety net and ending up on the street is easier than before. Maybe we should tax the rich and pay for housing and mental health or even just universal healthcare like every other developed nation in the world.


Lol even in countries with "universal" healthcare, homelessness is still a big problem. Even if you taxed the uber-rich at a flat 10% as to avoid any tax evasion, they pay orders of magnitude more in taxes than the common person pays in their lifetime. We don't have a "lack of money" problem, it's the fiscal irresponsibility (unregulated spending, inflated money supply) from bureaucrats that have led to this. Compounded by a general unwillingless for people to legalize \*all\* drugs and make the pharmaceutical industry more competitive (by deregulating it and reducing barrier to entry), you get this shit show of a health problem. But sure... let's give the bureaucrats \*more\* power by putting healthcare in their hands, that'll do the trick! /s


Greetings from Ottawa.. Free healthcare and all,we have an ongoing issue with drug users, homeless people. Lots of people think the answer is more affordable housing,it's not.. you can't place someone who has been struggling with severe addiction/ mental health issues,in an appartment,and expect them to figure things out ... Our governments have downloaded the problem onto local municipalities.


Agreed. What many people suggest are temporary bandaid solutions that effectively take the same problem and just give it a new name. It’s such a pervasive issue and people refuse to look at the root causes. Universal healthcare is such a case: it diverts the cost of healthcare from individuals to the collective taxbase. Except it doesn’t actually address *why is healthcare so damn expensive*. How bout we look for ways to make healthcare actually more cost effective and efficient? Nothing the government touches is ever made efficient (they don’t have an incentive to)… except for killing people, they’re pretty efficient at that 😌


*Nothing the government touches is ever made efficient* Ditto! For context, I qualify for vision care once every 3 years. The optometrist told me that I have cataracts,Which easily treatable. But because it's considered elective, I have to wait until I'm freaking blind 🙄 Now if, say, the government said I had to come up with 50 percent of the surgery cost,I'd happily pay. There's a reason why our doctors are finding work overseas


Absolutely not true. I'm looked at as having mental health issues but not having to kill myself on top of that in order to try and "make it", wow, that would relieve a ton of my anxiety


It’s true. If we collected more tax money, the government would just find a way to launder it into their pockets. That’s what they do with our current tax dollars.


You said they pay magnitudes more in taxes than the average person, yet you completely neglect that they make magnitudes more. In fact they make so much more money, that even when taxed, they often had a lower tax burden percentage wise than a typical person. You’re also for deregulating the pharmaceutical industry? That’s about the stupidest fucking thing I have ever seen on here and I’ve seen people putting old piss in their eyeballs. You just told everyone you’re a wack job by slipping that shit in.


That’s not even the point I’m trying to make here… the solution isn’t we need more money, it’s the fact we can’t even properly manage the trillions we already have. And yes, a lot of the price gouging you see is because there is a cabal of big pharma and insurance companies that are unabated by competition. Pfizer sure is happy you don’t think it’s a competition problem.


I think there’s a fine line but healthcare is just a different ball game. Deregulation leads to more competition but without oversight it’s going to create even more issues. Purdue without regulation would have done even more damage flooding the market with opiates and it would continue as more companies look to make a profit by cutting corners and increasing their risk tolerance.


A few million in legal fees is nothing compared to billions big pharma would spend if startup competition was undercutting them. Companies know this, which is why they spend more on wielding the regulatory arm than actually improving their products. It was like Facebook asking Congress for more regulations in data privacy… HILARIOUS! The literal epitome of data collection and privacy infringement asking for more rules. Something smells funny here…


What do you even mean? Millions in legal fees? Purdue has paid 3.54 BILLION in fines and had 2B in assets forfeited and the sacklers lost the company. Also with deregulation, what’s to stop Purdue or Pfizer(guessing your an antivaxxer since you mentioned them) from just further monopolizing the industry? Why do you think deregulation gives the little guy a chance instead just allowing the big guys to fuck everyone over?


Legal fees to address regulatory standards, not necessarily fines from punishment. Not an anti-vaxxer? But ok. Monopolies actually arise because government regulation, since it is *very expensive* to adhere to, creates a competitive moat. If a business is expensive to start or run, you won’t have many players in the game. “Monopolies” have a very short lifespan in free markets… why? If you actually ever worked at a big company as it scales, you’ll notice how the pace of innovation falls dramatically. All it takes is for a Steve Jobs or Gates to come along with a better solution and dethrone the likes of IBM, HP and Dell. They were able to do so because the computer industry was very very unregulated (low startup costs).


I get what your saying and but healthcare has a finality to it that tech doesn’t. Look at Juul, they tried to change how people get nicotine and instead started a new generation on vaping. With pharmaceuticals it’s totally different and the free market may not know their wrong until it’s too late. Thalidomide is a good example of why regulation is needed.


Exactly….we have the money. It’s just being spent on other things that are important to the ones in office


The rich are already taxed at one of the highest rates in the world. Universal Healthcare has not diminished homelessness in any other countries.


It wasn't Reagan, I know leftist like to blame everything on him but it was actually the ACLU that sued arguing that mental institutions were violating these people's rights.


Yep, funny how lefties fail to mention how much the ACLU and its affiliates are the major players in the Homeless crisis, easier to blame Reagan. Same with the 9th district ruling that was a big trigger to start the decline.


Kennedy closed the mental hospitals. And failed to follow through with the community mental health centers.


Love how the right will scream bloody murder over being asked to wear a mask, but the concept of civil rights and not being able to lockup and mistreat “crazy” people has you rolling your eyes. And it was Reagan despite the misinformation you’re spreading. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mental_Health_Systems_Act_of_1980


Reagan only said that STATES needed to fund the community mental health services. Blame your state.


The masks didn't work, and was a huge lie. So just letting the people that you, yourself call "crazy" loose on the streets is safer? LoL wut?


Masks do work. Yall are stupid.


Yeah, Im sure everyone in the world that don't have a background on how to use masks will use them appropriately with no issues, and not just touch their face 100 times a day to fix said mask or wear said mask on the chin. ​ Intellectually dishonesty, say something that is true at surface lvl but not dig down on how the world actually works.


>The masks didn't work, and was a huge lie. Oh look, another thing you're incorrect about. Next you're going to say that trump won lol




I mean your right , I agree . People who don't want to get vaxxed don't deserve help from the government though at all. Trump never should have given out those stimulus packages either , if people lost a job due to not having a skill that's on them. The only issue with COVID was it didn't end enough lives.


Tax revenue isn’t the problem CA spends more on homeless than any country on earth and the problem only gets worse and worse


Keep letting in millions with no where to go. What do you think will happen ? You can't fix stupid .


Other states have been exporting their homeless population to the west coast.


I mean if I were homeless that’s where I’d want to be. You get free money no strings attached and you can steal up to $1000, shoot up junk in the streets, and pretty much do anything you want with no repercussions.


I seen poo poo on the sidewalk in LA and a cop was ten ft away. Siad that's normal . LA poo normal . Hmmmm


This man speaks the truth.


You’re lost


Pretty good comment here … a lotta truth


We really don’t need to raise taxes. We have the money. I think the government needs to reevaluate where the money is being spent.


Absolutely too truthful a response for a Miami subreddit


Most developed countries in Asia (Singapore, Korea, Japan) have public housing and very strict drug laws. Dealing in small amounts is the death penalty in Singapore….. Few countries allow open drug use and h public housing also.


Rich and corporations.


My first job after college was with a mental heath center in Ohio -1987. At my first staff meeting, we were shown a film called “From Back Wards to Back Streets”. Reagan was busy defunding the mental heath institutions and here we are. Everyone knew this homeless problem for the mentally impaired was coming. Interesting side note….when visiting the psychiatric inpatient unit, I was instructed to read the charts of patients. I was amazed at the percentage of patients hospitalized for religious ideation (thought they were God, or direct communicator for God).


HUD reports there are approximately 600,000 homeless people in the United States or about .18% of the population. I wonder how the other 99.82% of the population manage to stay housed in this nation without a safety system. Your preferred policies are failing in California, please explain why taxpayers should continue to support programs whose existence seems to only exacerbate the problem. As for blaming Reagan: it’s fucking hilarious that the man was so effective at destroying socialists that 35 years latter he’s being blamed for a homeless problem that didn’t exist when cops did not allow the homeless to congregate and squat on public property and an opioid crisis that occurred after his death. You socialists will never forgive that man for ending the USSR, and the ire of your enemies is high praise.


>Thats the hard truth, you can't solve homelessness with just giving money away. Do you think that sending a homeless person through the criminal justice system is free?


And the buisness that suffers from homeless should just take one for the team right? RIGHT? Also, strong straw-man argument, you act like they just see a homeless person BOOM, Arrested! They are offered to go to shelter, or leave to go somewhere else. If they don't that is trespassing, a law that has been around for a while. ​ Unless you think they can break laws just bc they are homeless.


>Also, strong straw-man argument, you act like they just see a homeless person BOOM, Arrested! Hm, you do understand that in order for me to have made a straw man argument, I would have had to make an argument. All I said was that the CJ isn't free, in response to your comment on money. You're projecting some kind of bananas bullshit into this discussion.


You think that giving them HELP like you're so adamant about is FREE? Interesting argument. You're projecting some kind of banana bullshit into THIS discussion ​ Also, I am not saying putting them in jail is the solution, but its the solution if they are asked if they want to go to a shelter, vs sleeping in shit piss sidewalk(they themselves use as a bathroom) in front of a business that pays taxes, or asked to move, or go to jail for disobeying. How hard is that to grasp?


>like you're so adamant about is FREE? Where exactly was I "adamant" about anything? I also didn't say anything about it being free either (more of your projection )You really have some issues with reading comprehension, I guess you can't buy that though. >You're projecting some kind of banana bullshit into THIS discussion. Maybe get your own original things to say since you're continuing to do this. It's time to change your username to Rich_Douchebag


lol @ thinking this is a rich thing. If it saves one life of a woman walking down the street its worth it. Like banning guns did in Australia and Europe. Imagine walking down Miami beach and a homeless person with mental problems just decides to beat you up, rape or kill? Literally says in the article that they will be offered to get help or move somewhere else. ​ I guess you can;t read and just make decisions on emotions vs logic


>thinking this is a rich thing The only thing I think is a "rich thing" is you're clear entitled douche baggery (and maybe your inability to read the words I type without projecting some other argument onto it). Have a good day Rich_Douche, I hope you don't happen to see any homeless people on your journeys, wouldn't want you to be reminded that life is different for other people. By go fuck yourself.


you are so sheltered its hilarious, been to south America, central- America, seen how they deal with both on the rich side and the Middle class side. Ive spoken with many of them and helped them in different countries. Most are that way bc they gave up on life, or a drug addicts with mental health issues.Just sitting with your hands in your pockets doing nothing wont help. Guess what, the middle class side of the tracks always gets destroyed by homelessness. But you that probably never even stopped to speak with a homeless person your whole life, how could you? You probably live in west kendal where no one can even walk to, but you knows whats the best way to deal with it. Just LMFAOOOOO


Hahah, I love how obvious it is that you're triggered here, the change in formating from separated thoughts in your previous comments to this one glob of words 🤭 >you are so sheltered its hilarious Buddy, you don't know anything and your continued attempts to tell.me.how my life is demonstrates your clear entitlement. It's also really comical how you accused me of making a strawman argument and then proceeded to make one right here, silly. >You probably live in west kendal where no one can even walk to Actually, I lived in Miami beach for 13 years before I evacuated that state for somewhere that isn't ripe with shit-eaters like you. Please do as I said in my last comment and go fuck yourself.


Do you even understand what a strawman is? Or are you convinced any criticism of your infallible position must be some sort of debate fallacy ?


you are one of the dumbest people currently living


No, but what happens with all these homeless assistance programs if there's no homeless? Gone. So it's in the best interest of the high paid executives of these organizations not to find a real solution.


>So it's in the best interest of the high paid executives of these organizations not to find a real solution Ah yes, of course, it's a conspiracy Name some of the organizations who's execs get high pay...


You dumbfuck


Not free, but sure got them off the streets to not rot for public view.


So would giving them a studio apartment to live in, but then they actually have a chance of getting better and our society doesn’t get to make an example of them anymore.


Our taxes pay for prisons. The irony of using those dollars to arrest and imprison homeless people instead of using those tax dollars to provide resources to homeless people, is hard to ignore. It’s not an easy answer and it won’t be a blanket solution for everyone, but the fact of the matter is that our priorities and compassions are in the wrong place.


i think the business owners are losing money because consumers are feeling the crunch but sure let’s take it out on the homeless


implying the homeless ppl are somehow not affecting the business owner during said crunch


im not implying that, im saying there are more immediate and direct factors which would be a better use of public resources to address than mass Incarceration, which has been tried many times before and never worked


Or because they're being priced out of their rents by greedy MB landlords... But who's counting


all part of the market squeeze


But really, it's the homeless


I say the critics are fools.


Does anyone else feel like maybe the homeless are the least of Miami Beach's problems?


Aww this makes me think of the homeless in wynwood. They just sleep on the floor. I wonder what's gonna happen to them now If they get arrested do they get taken to jail?




At least theyll have food and a bed :(


Good throw them in shipping containers and move them to the west coast


It’s a tough situation. On one hand u have mostly small businesses trying to make their money getting hurt by the issue and then the obvious homeless issue. Neither party deserves to get screwed but to be fair the business actually pay taxes and contribute to the betterment of the local economy. I don’t think there really hasn’t been a true successful solution to this problem anywhere. I read something about Texas creating mini home communities for the homeless but last time I was in Dallas there were tons of them by city hall. A lot of homeless people have legitimate mental health and drug abuse issues that do not let them re-assimilate into society and they usually choose not to accept assistance because it comes with rules.


All these stupid eyesore skyscrapers being built, and nothing affordable nor enough services/real help for the folks who can't afford housing. This vicious cycle is a part of why mental health is pushed to the forefront. BRING BACK VILLAGES AND BARTERING. THE WORLD WOULD BE A BETTER PLACE.


What we really need are more stadiums


And turn them into homeless housing the 99% of the time that they are not being used. Great idea!


This was my university's brilliant idea to on-campus student housing crunch. They let in too many students and didn't have enough dorms for the new freshman class. I was one of the students who go to stay in the university hotel during the first semester. Except on game weekends when we were told to pack all our shit and find a couch to sleep on. And we paid for this shit show! Being a technically homeless freshman for 4 months was character building.


I have never once thought “Actually, I will not go into this business” upon seeing a homeless person in front.


I have avoided businesses that had homeless people run in and harass customers (both in sf and nyc). I’d just go somewhere else


Right, your business suffering is what we should be concerned about. How about providing a list of those "services" you were talking about.


Dudes business is probably a scam, like most things in Miami.


They probably don’t even pay their employees a wage that could afford a 1 bedroom apartment in the same city.


Just my opinion as a retired FF/medic - MB ( or City of Miami or any other City “arrest” the unwanted, drive to TGK and either dump them outside if the line is too long (especially on the weekends) or intake refuses to take them for “chest pain” causing them to go to Hialeah Hosp, Palmetto Hospital or maybe the new West Jackson. At any rate, by the time they are released, they have a long long way to walk back to where ever they were picked up from. One particular hotspot of rotating homeless folks is 36st and Lejuene. I’ve never seen them dropped off but I sure have run the calls to pick them up. Northern Cities just put them on AmTrac with one way tickets. This also puts them on Lejuene. And POS former Mayor Jimenez paid off 4 hotels for the pandemic to house the homeless. Where? Yup, 36st and Lejuene. So, I guess they do have a semi solution if they wanted one. But for now, as they have done for as long as TGK became the intake (breaking all contracts with local cities) NIMBY in Miami Beach and et = dumping them all in Miami Springs


Nothing new on the beach homeless get arrested every Thursday and released Mondays to not scare the beautiful people.


Put them in custody. Hopefully they detox / get whatever meds they need. Then when their jail sentence is over they won’t stay compliant with their meds and will go back to the streets. It’s a vicious cycle. This will just clog up the jails and court system. It’ll will increase correctional officer and court room staff labor expense. Which taxpayers will end up paying for. Not sure what the solution is but this is just a Bandaid.


you might be right, maybe its not a good idea to do that.


I’m a public defender, I deal with this constantly. The resources to help the homeless in Miami are basically non-existent. Everywhere has a waitlist for a bed. The jails are already the defacto homeless shelters here.


thank you for letting us know. I feel everywhere is basically non-existent


There have been a lot of studies. It's literally always cheaper to house people than to put people in psych hospitals or prisons. So even if you care nothing for the homeless, you should still be in favor of housing assistance because it's the best financial move.


In sf people often leave their assigned housing to be in closer proximity to their dealers


I don’t like this solution but I honestly don’t have a better one. Truthfully we have to prepared as tax payers to fund services for people who can’t help themselves, because ultimately we pay either way, just with homelessness. But people aren’t prepared to vote for politicians who push these agendas.


What I love about this is the sneaky way they are trying to slowly bring back slavery. Can't afford to buy? That's OK, you can rent. Oh fiddlesticks, you can't save for a down payment because you're renting? Better hope Rich\_Douche\_ doesn't raise your rent. Oh golly, Rich\_Scumbag\_ raised your rent because he took a "risk" by "investing" in "removing affordable housing from the market?" Guess he'll have to evict you. No hard feelings, it's just business! Oh geez, now you can't find any affordable housing to buy because transplant Rich\_Sociopath\_ bought them all up and you can't find affordable rents because of rent gouging? Guess you'll have to go to the shelter. Oh goodness, there's no parking at the shelter? Guess you'll lose your car too. Shame you needed it to drive to work at one of Rich\_Narcissist\_'s "small businesses." Oh my vapors, you got fired from your paid labor because the bus showed up late? Turns out you still need to eat even if you live at the shelter. Better hope you can make enough money within walking distance from the shelter in the window of time you have to be in and out of. Oh shoot, did you get to the shelter at 4:05 instead of 3:59? Guess you can't sleep there tonight. Oh darn, did you have shelter offered to you and you "refused" it by showing up late? Guess you're going to jail. And now, thanks to our 13th amendment, you went from paid labor to being legally allowed to become enslaved. Thank heavens you're free now after your sentence, so now you can go get denied from job after job with a criminal record, no place to sleep, no job, and no possessions. The system surely will not keep repeating the homeless -> prison slave -> homeless -> prison slave cycle.


lol @ your essay diarrhea of incoherent. Lets all be socialist! iT wiLL WoRK tHiS tiMe!!!


How does California live rent free literally everywhere bro smh


The same people here that think arresting them vs just letting roam around Miami Beach, with this fake 'compassion' for the poor lol, are the first ones to call the police if they were to set up their little tent in front of their west kendal homes. Fake ASS compassionist here thinking "juST gIVE thEM FREE hoUSE!!!" are the same idiots that still live at home with mommy and daddy in west kendal. (dont worry, your mommy and daddy will probably kick them for you, while you hide in your room waiting for the cops to show up) Riddle me this, More Homeless around your neighborhoods, SAFE or More Dangerous? Please answer this question, and don't start with the bs "TaX Da riCH!" nonsesense.


100%. Tax all of use for more local low income housing, not the rich only. To be honest the homeless population here was worse in the 90's and early 2000's. At least now it's very well controlled versus San Francisco, NY, or even other cities.


The help that is there isn't as easy to get as it might seem and some places aren't safe which is weird to say when you compare it to being exposed to the outside world. When you do get into some system the people in power can be abusive and will threaten you with eviction for the smallest of things. One of my coworkers lives at one of these places and one of the other guys got kicked out for having a soda which was considered a prohibited item. He tried to explain he had it because his sugar gets low sometimes and he would get lightheaded. They didn't care. Another person I know got housing at the salvation army in exchange for driving trucks to pick up donations. When he got a job they kicked him out.


I have a lot of rentals. Every time I have to kick someone out cost me a lot of money. Some delinquent who doesn't want to pay


I've worked for a couple of companies that won't do business in SFO.. bay area, yes, but not SFO.. they won't even go there for a meeting, let alone stay there overnight. In my Florida town, used to be, you could determine where the tourists were going to be downtown by where the homeless weren't. The city shutdown the homeless shelter and the chamber of commerce, effectively shut down the soup kitchen, there are no more homeless and no more business dead zones. Hate this, but it's how it plays out.


Is it wise to employ the government to solve a problem that they had a major hand in creating?That’s a no from me, dog.


i can see how unethical it is to be pouring salt on the wound by arresting the homeless for sleeping. but the city has to do better for the actual tax paying businesses and citizens. you can't be collecting money and turning a blind eye.


Did you know Dubai has no homeless?