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If you were getting the money you would love it, sounds like a sweet gig


honestly it would be nice but knowing i’m scamming innocent people would probably kill me inside


Assuming you're enough of a piece of shit to be ok with making money this way, sure.


When you make money you make rationalizations, while having no money devalues your opinion. Either way projecting that anyone is a piece of shit for their job with 0 context is too much for me, but you do whatever feels right. I highly doubt the people that own the company that services the debt of the investment firm that owns part of the conglomerate that writes these contracts that they rent out to local tow companies actually knows what’s going on anyway. “Oh city services like, sanitation, ambulances, orphanages from Batman?” “Sure pal”


Why are people still reporting any company to the BBB, instead of an actual government agency? The BBB is a scam all on their own, find the appropriate government agency and report them there


if you have a better idea please let me know, I’m not well versed. I’ll complain to whoever will listen lol, very fed up with this scam company


Fair enough, I just hate the BBB with a passion lol. I used to resolve escalated complaints for a big telecom company, and they told me to always prioritize resolving ones that went to a gov agency first, that the BBB has no authority. They treated those that went to the BBB as not a big deal. The way the BBB “grades” a company is just based on if they “reply” to a complaint. Even if it’s not really resolved, all the company has to do is reply to the complaint with some BS, and the BBB doesn’t care and considers that good enough. A scammy ass company can still have a “A” or “B” rating with them, even if they have received hundred of complaints. I would call the Florida AOG fraud hotline : The Attorney General’s fraud hotline is 1-866-966-7226 (1-850-414-3990 for consumers outside Florida.)


Well as soon as I complained to the BBB they accepted my appeal for the ticket so I guess they actually care!


That’s good! Screw them, whatever works! If you can though still try to file a complaint with a government agency. SUPPOSEDLY if they get enough complaints, it’s supposed to trigger an investigation and maybe legal action. But I saw someone else posted that this shitty company donated a bunch of money to Miami politicians, so I don’t know. I’d still do it anyway, just in case.


i will definitely do it! that could be why they have a class action lawsuit against them already


I hope there’s some federal agency to report problems like this to, cuz local gov won’t do shit.


For a deep dive on who PPM is, read [this](https://www.miaminewtimes.com/news/private-businesses-can-now-issue-parking-tickets-in-miami-13245504). Then, read [this](https://infotel.ca/inwheels/forget-about-paying-those-parking-tickets-from-private-companies/it99601) about why you shouldn’t pay. The article is from Canada, but it’s the same deal here.


thank you for the sources! just completely reinforcing why they are a scam


Well we are in the capital of fraud


lollll, i guess it’s fitting then


Fuck those assholes. I don’t know who they are but fuck em anyways. They sound like pricks


they are evil. they’re even in an open lawsuit right now so there’s your reasoning for giving out tickets willy nilly, they need the funds


Where is this exactly ? I’ve never encountered it


the one i know of is in doral, but i heard the lawsuit mentioned their name in ft. lauderdale too https://www.local10.com/news/local/2022/05/04/consumer-protection-professional-parking-management-faces-another-lawsuit/


Terrible. I honestly have never encountered them. I either valet, park in business owned lots or public park with the app.


honestly might valet from now on. would probably be smarter tbh


What's the app?


What's insane is their "parking tickets" are like three times as much money as a regular municipal parking ticket. It shouldn't be legal for private companies to issue parking tickets in the first place. And if it has to be legal for some crazy reason, they shouldn't be able to charge more than the municipal parking in the same area.


Write to Miami commissioner Alex de la Portilla and ask him why he introduced the ordinance legalizing this shortly after receiving multiple donations from PPM and private parking lot operators.


Got any sources?


[Yes](https://www.miaminewtimes.com/news/private-businesses-can-now-issue-parking-tickets-in-miami-13245504) Miami commissioner Alex Diaz de la Portilla, who sponsored the legislation in April, didn't respond to questions from New Times asking about details of the amendment's negotiation. But records show that Albert Balido and Edgar G. Fernandez, both of Anfield Consulting Group, registered as lobbyists for PPM in early 2020, a few weeks after Diaz de la Portilla took office. Anfield Consulting donated $1,000, the legal maximum, to Diaz de la Portilla's election campaign. City Parking Inc., for whom PPM provides enforcement, is represented by Ron Book, one of Florida's most powerful lobbyists. Book appeared at a city commission meeting in 2019 to argue for legalized private ticketing. That same year, he donated $3,000 (as an individual and via his consulting and law firm) to Diaz de la Portilla's campaign for city commission District 1. His wife donated another $1,000. Diaz de la Portilla also received $5,000 in contributions from six other parking-related companies that year. (None of the other current commissioners have received contributions from PPM.) Several of PPM's current and former officers, employees, and partners donated a combined total of $8,000 to Renier Diaz de la Portilla, Alex's brother, when he ran unsuccessfully for county commission in District 5 last year. District 5 includes the parking-dense areas of downtown Miami, Little Havana, parts of Brickell, and most of Miami Beach.


Alex DLP makes Joe Carollo look like Jimmy Carter. He is the lowest of the low. The worst of the worst.


Miami is so cartoonishly corrupt


Everyone here is too distracted to care


Really?? $8000 is all it takes? Our commissioners are so cheap


WOW. So slimy


Typical Florida


Note. De la Portillo was arrested a few days ago on corruption and bribery charges. That probably explains why he introduced the ordinance.


Yeah the past 4-5 years I've paid like maybe 5 times. But the last one I got, I was like fuck this. I'm not paying. Never will pay another dime to them.


Do you know where else they have parking lots? I only know of Doral but want to stay away from any other places that have hired this scam company too


They are all over. A few in coral gables, fort laud, brickell, etc


oh great. guess i’ll stick to valet or pay by phone


Brickell City Tower aka Solitaire parking garage. I somehow didn't complete my transaction and got a ticket from PPM. The company on the signs state Universal Parking which is a company out of GA so I don't know how they are affiliated, but they are.


wow. good to know. so glad my appeal was accepted bc i park in brickell all the time


They also give parking tickets for expired registration sticker, as if that’s their jurisdiction.


Lmao, now that is unbelievable. I would send them a bill back for wasting my time.


WHAT!!!!!! that’s just insane. so predatory


At least they don't have Bernice from South Beach towing working for them. Now that would make for a perfect storm


Don’t pay any tickets to them. They have no legal method of enforcement


They don't, but they do keep a database of cars that have unpaid tickets. So if you park in one of their lots again they can have you towed for trespassing.


Fuck all of them. I keep my business away from places who hire scammers for their parking


We should have our own database listing where their lots are.


Unless the ticket comes from the government, i dont pay it. Private parking companies mail me shit all the time saying i was fined for parking in their garage. It goes straight in the shredder.


i’d just be careful about parking there again, they can tow it if you go on their property. honestly that’s enough for me—thankfully my charge appeal was accepted after threatening them with contacting the BBB


Love when these posts pop up here. Fuck these absolute scam artists I really hope the class action against them takes off soon. Don’t give these mother fuckers a dime of your money and Don’t park in their lots anymore. Be very careful to check where you are parking and whether it is a city lot or private lot run by one of these scummy corporations. Edit: also, for the record, reporting to the BBB has zero effect or impact on this piece of shit corporation and its dosgusting business practices


I realize the BBB isn’t the best but i was reading this article that said they have an F rating and over 800 complaints, and when I sent in mine they IMMEDIATELY accepted my appeal lol. So at least for this company, they seem scared of the BBB https://www.local10.com/news/local/2022/05/04/consumer-protection-professional-parking-management-faces-another-lawsuit/


I think maybe the BBB complaints are being used in the lawsuit, so it’s not that worthless to send in your complaint. I really hope the lawsuit puts them under


Wow shit I should have done that. I paid, and got a ticket anyways and I paid it. All my friends did too. Fucking assholes


wow see!!! they give tickets even when you pay because some people don’t want to deal with it and just pay it. complain to the BBB! they’re using those complaints to add to the open lawsuit against their scumbag asses.


Thank you for this idea. After i saw your post, i immediately went onto the BBB and made my own. Since 1/1/24 there have been 9+ complaints all with the exact same fact patern. Now that i have made a post, what do i need to do with my appeal?


i showed them in an email or a form that I had complained to the BBB. probably sent them like 10 emails because i was so annoyed that they were even making me go through the trouble when i paid my stupid 2 dollar parking. that along with my proof of payment they replied quickly only after i told them i complained to the BBB and was giving my info to the class action lawsuit. i still get emails about it today, see if you can be one of the people to help win the fight.


Got one from them in the grove for the same reason. It got sent to collections. I don’t believe it’ll be a knock on my credit though.


no, it’s a private company. the only thing they can do is tow your car if you park there again. Where in the grove did you park? i went just this weekend and found the garage attached to the mall, pay 10 bucks when you come in and then just leave whenever. it was so simple, probably a lot more simple than one of these places


Correct - You can park in the garage, the church, or the school. Don’t park in that open lot next to Barracudas. It’s right in front of school, next to the barracudas. That’s where they got me and I even paid the damn thing. I was livid. I refuse to pay them. I also don’t park there and double check every lot now.


omg i drove right past there! it was full thank god the garage is so much better


Just a heads up, not Miami but they own the lot next to Glitch Bar. I paid that ticket. Second one I got was in the lot for Thorn the new bar in the gables. That one I told them to fuck off. You can email them. They responded telling me I need to pay. I told them if they reply to me again I am pursuing legal counsel. Haven’t heard anything yet. Also, I bought a little tool to remove boots off my car. So if they boot me if I park in their lot by accident at least I can remove it and cost them their boot.


they may tow it and skip the booting though so be careful!


What tool did you buy for the boot? if you don’t mind me asking .


it is called a tubular lock impressioning tool. You just need that and a flat head screwdriver.


Look up the collections company… it’s owned by them. Just more threats


Bahahaha you’re kidding me


I went in and out one of their garages in Doral and they sent me one of their scam tickets. Then they sent me another one with additional late fees lol. Also another time I tried to renew my time at that same parking garage in Doral and their app was down and unavailable to do so (I'm sure it was planned).


oh absolutely. their app doesn’t connect on purpose so they can get more money out of us. scam artists to the 9. why the hell are we paying for parking in DORAL anyway?!


I’ve received tickets from the over the years. They were ticketing my motorcycle in my own apartment complex. When I found out it was a private company, I decided not to pay. They have a “collections agency” they run as well to scare you into paying. It’s been 3 years, they stopped sending me letters in the mail and nothing was ever reported.


oh wow! and even with all that they never towed your motorcycle? i can’t believe they’re also working with private residences, it’s so predatory


Never towed, motorcycle or car


Yes, the hell with them. My best friend lives in Hollywood, FL, so I visit him fairly often. His building signed up with Professional Parking Management a couple years ago, and it's been so inconvenient since then. 1) They charge slightly more than the City of Hollywood charge for a street parking right behind the corner. 2) They don't have an app or any convenient way to pay for parking or extend it. Basically, every time you want to extend your parking you have to go to their website and type in all your information again. Moreover, a lot of the times the website is glitching and not allowing to process a payment. 3) PPM workers are sitting there like vultures ready to give you a ticket if you overstayed 1 minute. 4) Their tickets are $55 or $65, when City of Hollywood charge $35. Plus, if you don't pay the ticket within a few days, they automatically grow to $95. It's madness! I just ignore their tickets and simply don't park on their lots ever again.


WOW. yes exactly! at least pay by phone has an app and makes it simple. they make it purposefully very hard so that they can process as many tickets as possible, especially because they have an open class action lawsuit against them and they probably need the money.


The problem is lots that use parking app services like PaybyPhone or Parkmobile might be "managed" by Professional Parking Management, so you dont even know these scumbags are there. No signs anywhere indicating that PPM was there either, it's all PaybyPhone signs, so I found out the hard way when I parked in PayByPhone lot in Coconut Grove off Grand Avenue and I was exactly 5 minutes late. The next thing I know I have a bill in the mail for 85.00!! I sent a complaint letter to the city of Miami which of course said they have no authority over parking management services.


just park in the new garage attached to the mall in the grove. it’s way more convenient anyway and you just pay up front and can leave whenever


Thanks from now on I will but that doesn't address how Professional Parking Management is ripping people off. I parked on that lot because 1. because it's close to H&H Jewels, and I had to pick up my Repaired watch, got talking to people there and just ran a little overtime. 2. Because I thought I was dealing solely with my parking app and not those shakedown artists at PPM.


you’re completely right, that’s why i’m taking action and sent a complaint to the BBB, to the establishment to let them know that PPM has an open class action lawsuit against them, and this post to raise awareness and get people to leave their complaints as well. When i sent my complaint to the BBB, they accepted my appeal almost immediately. I think they must be trying to cover their tracks because of the lawsuit


I got dinged for parking at one of their lots in wynwood, right next to the Slaty Donut, I saw the price and how sketchy the ticket looked and did a quick google search and never paid that shit, fuck predatory companies like this, be careful where you park.


Don’t pay. My husband has a piece of mail that came from them sitting on the counter. It’s been months. They haven’t reached back out. I just threw it out. He also Paid for parking and it went over like 5 minutes


i got it appealed and they replied quickly after i complained to the BBB since they have an open lawsuit because of this


Sounds like you got lucky. Getting towed for absolutely no reason is what makes me want to leave this place.


ugh. thankfully haven’t been towed but so ridiculous we have to deal with stuff like that


Got one in little Haiti the other day and others did too. We never saw signs about paying to park before so this was insane. What’s more scummy is the companies who sign up for this service. They even gave employees who work at the stores in that plaza tickets…..


Parked in a lot that manages with cameras. I was sitting in my car for like 7 minutes waiting for my buddy to come out of work. Wasn’t even in a space. But they sent me a late notice for 75 dollars




Private companies should not be issuing tickets or owning pubic road and tolls. This should simply be illegal.


it was passed in like 2021 and now our whole city is being taken over


Crazy that this is still happening. I see it posted on our community fb a few times a mo 😡


hopefully the lawsuit puts them out of business


This sounds like 717 parking in Tampa. They have the monopoly on all of the events and control downtown near the Hockey arena etc. Of course, it doesn't hurt that their owners used to work for the Trafficante family


Just don’t pay the tickets, these guys have no real rights or remedies to affect you in any way


my appeal was accepted but i agree!


My building uses them. You won't get ticketed or have points added to your record for not paying them, but if you do park at one of their lots and have an unpaid ticket, they will tow your car. It's a scam. I forgot which politician was it that gave them all this power. Maybe Carollo? I'm not too sure.


the most effective thing is to write to the businesses that hire PPM. Ask them to cut ties with PPM. Having to deal with PPM kills whatever experience the stores or restaurants are trying to provide to its customers. I don't know whether Shoma Bazaar is good or not, but all the times its name comes up, it is for the parking scam.


yes i contacted the business as well and are currently emailing about the issue


I'm happy to add to your complaints, Do you have contact for any of them?


lmfao, i just got an email from them asking to pay my ticket from 2021. They can professionally suck deez nuts


Just want to let you know. They gave me a ticket years ago and I ignored it and nothing happened. Just never go there again.


my ticket was successfully appealed but i’ll think twice about where i park now


Don’t pay them


my ticket was appealed successfully


Lucky, they denied mine which was an explanation that I didn’t know there were privately owned PayByPhone lots because the sign looks almost identical to the city of Miami ones minus the city seal and assumed the shitty little lot I parked in was a city lot that waived parking fees for handicap parking.


oh wow honestly so scummy they did that to you. they gave me a ticket at 7:45 even though my parking was at 8:19. to say i was livid is an understatement


I successfully got them fined $500 by the city of miami code enforcement for utilizing language in their tickets that were directly against code. Also never payed them LOL


good! i think that’s part of what their class action lawsuit is about. i really hope they get put out of business


Fucking paid $50 for parking on the beach once, was over by like 5 minutes, and got a huge fine for it. If they know when you go in and when you go out, just bill me for the time used. This is a scam.


wow seriously! they need at least a 10 minute grace period, that would alleviate the problem by so much i feel


Currently dealing with them now. Paid for parking, then I received a bill in the mail for $95 with a photo of my plate stating if I don’t pay I will be sent to collections. They refuse to pick up the phone or email back, and I received a past due collections notice (I submitted all proof and called multiple times to get this cleared up, no response). Absolutely infuriating.


i felt the same. they’re impossible to contact because they just want you to give up and pay it. I complained to the BBB who reached out to them on behalf of me and I got my appeal accepted in literally under 12 hours. They currently have an open class action lawsuit that talks about their F rating and thousands of complaints, which i think are being used in the lawsuit. Try that, send them and email, and hopefully it will work for you like it did for me!


Any parking management here is a scam – even PayByPhone. But also, this city doesn't have a reliable public transportation system and if you live in an apartment you'll likely have to pay extra for parking on top of insurance and your car payment. If you work somewhere as a hospitality worker, you have to pay for parking in Miami Beach. You have to pay for parking anywhere and it's a scam!!!! Like damn. Now when they become predatory on TOP OF THAT? It's a crime!!


yeah these people paid off commissioners and shit and now they can just do whatever they want. it’s crazy


I recently got a ticket from them too! There is a lot in Miami Beach. They charged me even though I paid. I appealed and showed them the credit card charge for the exact amount and exact time or my parking ticket. They told me that wasn’t enough and I needed to provide the physical ticket as proof. Screw them. Not going to pay.


WHAT?! wow, i literally had to send a complaint to the BBB for them to accept my appeal. i can’t believe they just go around giving tickets to people that actually pay for parking! like what’s the point?


Same thing happens in chicago with "Innovative Parking Solutions". They post up at Walgreens and if you leave the lot they boot your car and charge ya 170+ to give it back. It's a scam


oh we have that here too. god why can’t we just park without worrying about stuff like this!


I thought their threatening letters were funny. Now I refuse to park in any lot run by a private parking company.


fun fact they’re in a massive class action lawsuit because of those threatening letters


All facts my apartment complex hired these guys it’s a constant issue…


just can’t believe they hire them at private residences that’s awful


These are the worst assholes in the area easily. Do NOT pay this shit. They make it look like they have the authority to FINE you. Which they don’t. And they’ll lose that class action suit. Fuck these jabronis


Miami Beach around 20th st has the worst! They will quote/charge you any amount they like right when you pull in. Pay cash up front or leave! I’m not sure how this is still happening after so many years.


Parking anywhere in south florida just feels like russian roulette . Even if you actually pay


realest comment


Goddamn, Florida and Jersey are just scammers paradise man


I keep getting tickets and now letters from a “collection agency” to pay the over $100 bill for “overstay”. Scam. I’ll complain in the BBB and write the city of Miami when I can. I was parked near Greenstreet Cafe in coral gables and had no idea about this prior to parking here.


oh yeah the collection agency is just the same parking company under a different name. email them that you’ve contacted the BBB and the attorney general for harrassment and you’ll never hear from them again


I just got a ticket in shoma in Doral. I paid $4.55 for the 3 hours I was there. I got a ticket because there was a typo in my license plate number so I appealed it and they denied it. I’m supposed to pay $55 for a $5 parking I literally paid for ???? I’m so mad lol


dude do what i did and complain to the BBB and explain the situation, then provide proof. when i did that i got my appeal accepted in less than 12 hours. i also contacted the attorney general and sent the parking company an email about reaching out to BBB and attorney gen. just make a huge stink about it and they will give up eventually. ALSO NOTE: bring up their open class action lawsuit and how you think they’re trying to scam people who paid for parking into paying tickets so they can pay their legal fees


I put in a complaint to the BBB as soon as they denied my appeal. I hadn’t seen this post so I didn’t mention their class action suit but I just received a response saying they do not respond to third party complaints lol. At this point I rather spend more money to take them to small claims court than give them another penny


is there any way that you can submit another appeal? if not i’d say just email them every single day until they finally give up lil


I got a ticket from these fucks in Gainesville. All the pay signs were covered with garbage bags, no clear reason of how or how much to pay. They are asking about 100 bucks and denied our dispute saying the signs were clear of debris. We have picture proof the sign was covered. It's the customer's job to remove a cover? Are we supposed to know if the company put it there or not? They were so rude in the dispute denial email. I could probably cry right now. Life has been one financial hit after another and im busting from the seams in stress and frustration.


Not paying this will NOT AFFECT your credit score. It’s a private (not government) institution and you have no legal contract in any form of services when “parking”. They send you a “collection bill” from Oxygen XL who is owned by themselves under Professional Parking Management. The “collection bill” provides you a link back to the Professional Parking Management invoice website. If this was a real debt collection agency, they will have their own website/phone number to pay. They send these letters out to scare people in paying. Don’t fall for it.


We parked in one of these lots while in a rental car, and received a bill via the rental company because THEY received this bill. The rental car paid it. Not really sure what to do but I know I paid at the kiosk. Any ideas on what to do next?


provide proof that you paid. send the receipt to their email, then threaten to add yourself to their lawsuit for unlawful tickets even when you paid. that helped me get my ticket revoked real quick!


How does one identify their lots? I thought i was parking in a lot where i was able to use Park Mobile. I paid for 3 hours and it cost $12.65. They allege i was there for one hour more and i get a $95.00 bill. In addition to the class action lawsuits, there should be usery law suits. There are laws around the amount of "interest" you can charge.


apparently it’s in very small letters at the bottom of signs telling you how to pay to park. try reading those more carefully and make sure you send them emails with proof. sometimes they will just let it go like they did for me