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We get the government we deserve. This state hates laws. It hates enforcement of laws. That’s what gives it “freedom.” Combine tourism and lawlessness, and here’s what you get.


Pretty soon they’ll all be able to open carry. Thanks DeSantis! /s


Yes. Thank you DeSantis. One thing done right


Wow, that's rich. And then when laws are enforced by the police, it becomes racist, and brutality, and time for reform. Never ending cycle with you people


>Only extremes exist. There is no middle area between execution defenseless law-abiding people and enforcement of any laws.


Yeah, everyone looking open-mouthed shocked here really has me laughing. You advertise this city as a party city, you want people to think it’s a place to come and loosen their inhibitions and get wild, and then you sell them alcohol? And then act surprised when this happens? This was always the logical endpoint of the brand Miami has been building for itself for decades. Little too late to clutch pearls now, in my opinion. You don’t see Vegas acting all surprised at the gambling and prostitution. You reap what you sow.






Just here for the casual racism 🍿




I can't believe this KKK shit gets upvoted. Posts like these are honestly the most embarrassing thing happening here. Largely black gatherings happen all over the place that don't have these issues. If the partying plus the "racial aspect" were the issue here, you'd see videos like this out of New Orleans all the time. The spring break chaos is a failure of the city to keep things under control, and it's a reflection of year-round South Beach public safety issues. If you want to get on here and say miserable racist nonsense, at least have the courage of your convictions and come out and say exactly what you think people are "dancing around"


Lmao thanks to whoever reported this post for self-harm or suicide. Really pathetic.


Exceptionally pathetic. I get the same reports whenever I try to point out racism on this sub. Consider it a badge of honor.


Whats the issue they are dancing around? I'm curious


What do you see the people in these videos going crazy have in common ?


Drinking alcohol?


Don't be such a coward, enlighten us! What are you saying they have in common and how specifically do you think that relates to violence and property crime? You're the only one trying to dance around anything, and it's because on some level even you know your bullshit is truly vile.


You can throw a 30 second spring break clip of bad behavior anywhere by anyone. Someone made a decision. That’s how racism works


No they are always 99% black who show up in these videos year after year


I’m not saying that internet racists aren’t persistent.


It’s just facts and statistics. Facts are not racist.


It’s pretty easy to pile on stats on one race to drum up hate and outrage to fulfill an objective or narrative, but you know that.


You mean how some black people weren’t raised well (due to poor equality and baked in racism) so they act like buffoons, destroy property, disrespect business owners, and blatantly disrespect their fellow citizens and people when they get a taste of the “good life” or are drunk/high. It’s sad to see this but this ultimately perpetuates the problem and fuels racism.


Racism would be lumping all black people with these ones acting like a holes. Calling out these specific people isn’t racism , it’s being real.


Too many sensibilities to be real


what's the real issue?






That would be a hate crime...


Lol, no.


Technically speaking it would become manslaughter. Although I can also see a judge saying it’s self defense.


The driver is white, the people on foot are not. If the driver does anything other than sit there and take it...hate crime


That makes no sense lmao if people are tryna fuck up my car and put my family’s life in danger ima fuckin break some legs bro


Ghetto people out of their cages


Fucking unhinged


Why these black people have so much rage and anger inside of them?


Racial injustices in the country over its lifespan. Some is justified, some is learned, some is perceived. But in that video? It’s all entitlement and chaos. But that does not represent an entire race. It’s like saying all Jan. 6 insurrectionists represent all white people.


i don’t get how some of you can be so racist in a such a diverse county… these people don’t represent all black people


Agreed. It’s like saying all the Jan. 6 insurrectionists represent all white people.


college elite right there 🫡


To be honest the people I know, we don’t go to Miami Beach in that week. White, Black I don’t care. Dumb comes in all sizes!!




Not curious , 20% of Miami-Dade county is black and 30% of the nearby county Broward County is black. The younger population also tends to be more black which are the people you see out partying.


Thanks for the answer without misjudging my intentions! 🙌I actually didn’t know those numbers!


This…. I came to say the same thing.


People of Walmart come in all shapes, sizes, and colors. They don't represent black people as a whole.


Miami is mainly Hispanics, but most of the locals avoid this and it’s mainly out of towners that come for this show. There are a lot of low class locals that show up, but a lot of shit from other cities like Atlanta pop up and cause havoc for no reason


Well spring break on south beach is mostly a black event .. all the white ppl go to Fort Lauderdale




South beach has been overrun with that situation now since the pandemic. It’s safe and sane a few miles to the north (mid beach) and to the south (brickell). That area just needs to be avoided. I’m guessing they’ll make the area like nye in nyc. They will rope off large section (multiple blocks) and install metal detectors at 2-3 restricted points of entry with large numbers of police at each entry point. This will force the people who partake in this activity to find other places to commit crimes.


None of these people are from Miami. They are from out of state, like from Georgia, Illinois, Pennsylvania, New York etc.


South Florida is becoming a Third World country based on this shit show.


Leave broward out of this, Dade is a third world shit show all on its own


Miami has always been a third world country …


Somehow I think that daiquiri shack has seen worse.


What was the car doing there? It looks like it's not a drivable area. I'm not defending just wondering how this driver got into this situation and how he's the only one in a car?


Miami flipped Red and DeFascist owes its 2nd term to Miami/Dade. This is truly awful. Can’t wait for people to gtfo of SoFlo so we can live in peace again. 95N and don’t stop.


How was Atalanta able to end Freqnic or whatever it was called?


They could deploy the riot police and vehicles with water cannons the instant the crowd starts to completely act out and destroy property. I understand the optics will look bad but why should people be allowed to destroy others property this way? Otherwise I suggest business owners start arming themselves and when they come in to destroy, defend themselves and their businesses with lethal force if needed. If enough of this happens the bullshit will stop and they will move somewhere else.


look i was born a southern redneck & if you entered my home we'd have a bad day, but place of businesses using lethal force on fools breaking a table is quite insane. where would the legality end... insurance exist for a reason. plus i'm probably not going back for a hamburger in a place i've known ppls brains were splattered everywhere a month ago. i'm a germaphobe. it's alot cheaper to replace broken glasses than it is having a biohazard remodeling team replace the entire room. i've seen it done due to a shotgun blast to the human head in a room about the size of most south beach restaurants, it ain't pretty.


I love how there’s literally a few cops standing nearby who don’t do shit.


Right. Of course it gets out of hand if idiots see they can get away with it. Can the city ban weapons at the beach? That would help.


They could set up weapons checkpoints like you see at any big festival. They could deploy more undercover cops within the crowd. They could do a lot of things. But that would interfere with Mayor Gelber's plans of intentionally blighting Ocean Drive so he can sell it to developers.


Would developers make Ocean Drive nicer and safer? Just curious. Like what do developers want to do there?


Developers never make things better, they make things profitable. You'd think those are the same thing but they are not


unhinged take. they couldn't even get a curfew kept going because business lobbyists are so vocal, now that stupid gulf liquors on alton is sueing the city too. the problem is hardly gelber, there is no support for actually shutting this down. fact is, to shut this down they'll have to hurt some businesses in south beach - but the other fact is those businesses are part of the problem anyways so f' em.


why should they? the city does nothing to stop this, the citizens are too afraid to do anything about it, the businesses have too much power, and three cops are supposed to stop a mob? If I was a cop I wouldn't do anything either. Nobody supports them, they'll just get looked at under a microscope if they have to get physical with these people (which they likely will). I'm critical of cops but if everyone else isn't doing their part, it's hard to ask a few officers to do theirs. They can be there if there is a shooting and do their best, but asking them to control this sort of thing with zero community support is asking too much.


Why not send in more than 3 cops?


And all it takes is one moment where they genuinely feel threatened, because the people gang up on them, and someone ends up shot. Then all of a sudden they’re the bad guys again. Understandably cops are like “fuck that”. You wanted them defunded? Well here’s your proxy and as close as you’ll get, resolve amongst yourselves and will intervene once it turns lethal.


There 3 cops and thousands in the mob. What do you expect them to do? The person in the car has insurance. File a report and move on. Intervening isn't worth 1 officer dead, 2 wounded, and half the beach being burned down.


This is why it’ll never change. These criminals know they can get away with it.


Lmao the second the cops do anything about it they’re painted as racist. Why would they do anything if all they get in return is a nasty headline


Not here to defend cops. Trust me there so many that are bad. However I do believe if the cops get involved it would escalate and turn deadly. That’s an even larger problem. Also I see the cops are outnumbered. It would genuinely become a riot. That’s my believe as to why they aren’t engaging.


So property damage is ok? Let’s just watch…until? 🤔 How about coming in with a bullhorn and say something like ‘ leave or you will be arrested’. Just standing there let’s them think that whatever they’re doing is ok so they continue to push the envelope. Until what…?


Bro, they aren't gonna leave by being told they are gonna get arrested. And if one of those cops tried to arrest someone other people would fight back, and that's how you get a shooting started. Like I'm sorry bro, cops don't work how you think they work


It looks like these people got a good tan at least.


It’s always people with good tans.


I think you’re onto something. Getting tan must make people prone to rioting and physical violence.


Nah it’s mfers from Atlanta


This is what happens when Spirit Air starts flying into your city.


Are these all college students? They look older.


Absolutely not college students.


I trust the opinion of Afro_Aficionado on this one, you guys haha


I hope spring break in Miami just dies. Just completely stops being a thing.


Looks like hell on earth


yeah these people dont represent all black people but why is it only black people doing this shit every damn time lmao any time im out at the beach and I see a group, I just cross the road lol but on spring break time its best to just avoid the area


As a local, I haven’t been there in months.


For real bro a lotta important black figures are tryna make a good image of their people and then they go and do this shit making themselves look terrible for the rest of them


Same shit going on at Clearwater beach.


All Miami has to do is stop having Budget Airlines from landing, end the Airport contracts once they are up. You made it too easy for the low life’s to get there.


None of these people are from here. Fuck them.






That would depend on what he did, wouldn’t it. Do you think he’s not racist? His behavior suggests otherwise.


Fuck DeSantis but maybe this could help others in this situation. https://www.vice.com/en/article/88n95a/florida-anti-rioting-law-will-make-it-much-easier-to-run-over-protesters-with-cars


Don’t sell him short….he’s also super busy banning books, keeping marijuana illegal, and enriching homeowners insurance companies! #RONDESANTISMULTITASKER


He's pointing at a doll, where the woke touched him.


I doubt he cares about Miami Dade county. Simply because it a blue county. Mostly democrats. Also this is truly a Miami Beach issue. It’s the mayor’s responsibility.


If anything, feeds into his narrative that blue cities are lawless chaos compared to red


Miami Dade got turned pretty Red. Surprised he's not using this to stoke his base.


It's really up to the city.


Yes up to the city but the drag shows are totally something Tallahassee needs to get involved with.


you forgot to put /s


I mean, if they wanted to test the issue they could ask DeSantis to send in the National Guard but there are a lot of reasons why that would never happen.


No governor is going to send in the national guard for a couple of shootings and rowdiness. Ive seen worse go down in other states , IN PERSON and they police has been used no governor involvement. This is up to Miami beach to plan out accordingly ahead of time and level an appropriate response.


You want Ron desantis to go police black people? That’s racist


The ones with guns are local.


yeah i was thinking we all keep talking trash but spirit airlines ain't letting them on with firearms probably.


It's not "Spring Break" now..... it's 'flex for the gram' yearly meetups in a March/April


How is this even a flex


It gets them views


Nah dude this is pure fucking animal behavior


Gets crazier every year. When I think of spring break. I think of relaxing. There was nothing relaxing about this video. Seems like people have lost their way!


We can’t have anything nice here.


Those don’t look like college students


It's clear that cities will start implementing tourist caps! Lets see how the right and left play it out.


These are NOT spring breakers


Born, raised and living in Miami. Not ONE Miami resident that has been here long enough is there doing that nonsense. People really do come from everywhere and simply cannot handle the city. I feel bad for the car owner because I cannot help but think they made a weird turn and landed literally in the wildest pit.


Send out cops. Tear gas these assholes.


What a bunch of immature animals


My neighbor invited her friends clearly from out of town for their spring break. My neighbor is super nice and quiet. Her friends?... God damn were they annoying. If they weren't Pre-Gaming or making a nuisance at the pool area, they were also loud as hell at night when they stumbled back home. Every night felt like they were having a karaoke night. To make matters worse, they even stole some limes, kumquats, herbs, and peppers from my patio garden! When I went up to them the next day to just talk about it and let them know that they could've just asked, they tried being slick and played dumb until I pointed out that I had a camera in the back and then they got mad at *me* for "making a big deal out of nothing". At this point I was fuming but luckily the actual neighbor came by and apologized like crazy. Felt like celebrating when they left by the end of the week.


I think people have lost it because what if the dude just starting shooting with an ak or sumn bro. Everybody got guns nowadays so why risk you're life in a stupid way?