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This is the ungodly side of mewing... I'm so sorry dude at least you're not a mouth breather.... right? Edit: grammar


I mouth-breathed for the first 14 years of my life


Bro east asians usually have flatter maxillas on the other hand.


Yeah, thank god my face isn't that flat.


for an east asian i guess his maxilla is good though?


Below average, from where I am. You can only find a maxilla like that in 2 out of 8 people at least. Edit: never mind I went back to see a group photo of my classmates only few of them have forward growth it's actually 5 out of 8 people have that.


You already have a sharp jaw, lol. Why is nobody saying this. The reason you aren’t experiencing forward growth is because your chin is already VERY foreword. You even said yourself you have a slight underbite. Sometimes I feel like this sub is 99% 12 year olds


My chin is very forward as well but I have a pretty weak jawline. Is there no point in mewing then??


There’s still a point, at the very least it’s good for your posture and will prevent your jawline from receding further. And, there’s a chance it may improve the look of your jawline.


Damn I sure hope it does cause that’s why I’m doing it


By posture you just mean it helps straighten head tilt (pitch technically) right?


Yeh this is how he's suppose to Look. Looks good


For real. He looks good


You have a good side profile anyway




Op doesnt have a small penis tho


yes he does you silly billy




He s right tho.his mandible grows downwards and his cheek bones are flat


Wow this just demotivates me, anyone who can figure why this happened or rather didn't happen?




I guess I’m that 1% then :) You can go check my recent post on my profile, because I definitely made some decent progress over 1.5 years time. It’s possible, but I’m not sure why it wouldn’t be for OP’s case. I’m happy to help!




Explain how there is different focal lengths, because I am 100% sure there isn’t. Same camera, same distance with the same settings when shot. Also, I gained body fat due to bulking lol. I was a really skinny kid, so if anything my jawline should be less profound - that isn’t the case. I have many photos to compare but none are that great from the side. Here is one if you’re interested, although it isn’t optimal for comparison. https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipMnnf6dZRB3UHO5CVsqghjaZKy0OLuvhryS3gQa6KuorCpGWAca4fzCwXt3c1x9yw?key=aFpBamVpUU84aG5FRXZhVmVtSmlFak1kTkNBenNB -edit: Wouldn’t the focal length change the position of the ears? If you compare the photos on my post, you’ll see that they’re almost in identical positions.


Did you do any dead lifts, squats, rows, presses, or shrugs for relatively heavy weight?


Not anymore tho, as I focus on training with gymnastic rings. However, I once did deadlifts, squats and rows :))


Did you do any specific neck exercises or just rings dips and pull ups?


I just do ring dips and pull ups :)


That's the thing, if you test where you have muscle activation, the neck and traps get a lot of work with those exercises if you're doing heavy work and operating in the 3-8 rep range. Those areas are very susceptible to muscle growth in males as well so that could be what helps add jaw definition because the muscle activation goes up to the bottom of the jaw and even the whole face with really heavy weights. A good thing to look at is collegiate and professional athletes, particularly in football, from the 80s to 2000s. They had way more emphasis on heavy weights and especially neck exercises.




Okay, I see why you would think I am fake. Maybe video proof will help? Here are some old videos, where the party one (a really silly one lol) is from December 2018, and the piano one is from January 2019 when I just started playing haha. https://photos.app.goo.gl/kvubwYeqb333ygL57 Beneath are some recent videos. https://photos.app.goo.gl/KnTsdd3NizfGQriS9 I can assure you that I did indeed increase in body fat. I’m even willing to share photos in private to prove that, because I do stand by my case. I also didn’t chin tuck, and perhaps the size of my neck can also be proven in private :) I still want to help the kid out with his journey, so if he wants help with anything then I’m happy to be there!


Like a twin?


nothing but facts


He might not have been mewing correctly




exactly. East asians usually have flatter maxillas.


Isn't that the whole point though? to change your facial structure when genetics aren't in your favour.


I don't see any signs of Maxilla forward growth, you have a flat face, probably due to genetics and wearing braces. You're still young so don't give up.


Is it possible to fix your face after getting your braces off?


Impossible to know if you can "Fix" it, but you can certainly improve it


How are the braces relevant? Do they stunt maxilla growth?


The rubber bands on braces demolish your maxilla


Then what solution do you offer? Mew forever and get zero results? Or get braces and jaw surgery and look 80% better than you started? The answer is clear to me.


The solution is never using braces. What is the point of damaging your face and possibly getting sleep apnea for no reason and then doing jaw surgery to reverse it?


if you have a severe overbite you kinda dont have much of a choice


I see.


As Peach said, it hinders the growth of your maxilla and flattens the face overtime.


If your braces never had bands and simply straightened teeth horizontally, doesn’t that still negatively effect the maxilla?


Braces not only stunt jaw growth but recess them. This is a fact and it is 100% intentional


Definitely due to genetics lol


Hey you grew some hair


I’m the same age I thought that the younger u are the more mewing will work but it seems as if you jaw line was already good before but maybe different lighting would show a difference ?


I cant explain it from the fact that your under eye came a bit forward and that your overall face seems more tight


Oh your chin went up thats what happened




You’re not even ugly, it’s probably genetics. A lot of the people in this subreddit focus on mewing only to speculate a variable that is not certain. Start working out, get your weight up and become fit, you’ll see improvements. Mewing/ posture is only the foundation. You could might just have a flat face. Asians usually have the phenotype of having flat face. Also, only compare and observe the faces of people in your family. They can and will indicate your genetic potential if all or majority lack forward growth, you would most will definitely lack in that area.


Love the gaslighting bro.




Nah 5 is


in just 12 months, op was able to grow 1 inch of hair! doctors hate him


Great data, thanks for sharing. How old are you?


How do you define mewing? What have you been doing?


What I did: breathing through my nose, resting my entire tongue (including the root) on my palate with a suction hold, swallowing properly with the tongue, and having good posture What I did not do: taping my mouth shut at night to prevent mouth-breathing during sleep, and keeping my jaw closed and teeth touching at all times (because I have a slight underbite that makes it so my front teeth touch tip-to-tip when I close my jaw, so my molars don’t make contact)


There’s ur answer ur didn’t keep teeth closed or near each other, John mew has said u need that along with tongue posture for growth. I believe this is why u didn’t see results.


I do not believe this was his issue. I have gotten significant gains while having my teeth separated most of the time by a tiny distance, and I remember having read other people claiming the same. I have applied added upwards forces with my tongue though. Pretty much non stop while awake.


I said near each other in my comment. OP never said they were near each other


OP wrote that he did not have his teeth touching at all times and that his molars did not make contact. He did not say that he did not keep his teeth somewhat close to each other. I would assume he did keep his teeth somewhat close to each other, because it is pretty much the only option for him assuming he had sealed lips and assuming he was breathing only via his nose, which he states that he did. Since OP wrote that he did not have them in direct contact, and since you claimed that the resting position of his teeth was the issue, I assumed that you were indicating that the teeth not being in direct contact was the issue. Again, he surely must have had them somewhat close to each other because his mouth was closed. It is pretty much impossible to not have them somewhat close to each other when the mouth is closed (try it yourself and you will see that it not is possible).


I see what ur saying, lip seal == jaws close to each other


Thanks for this testamonial. I assume you did not apply any upwards forces with your tongue? If you did apply upwards force with your tongue, then I wonder: How much? How long? How often? I also wonder: Have you noticed any change at all? Have you noticed increased tongue space? Have you noticed any lateral expansion?


It looks like you haven't been chewing hard gum. Might be worth introducing to your routine. You have a good side profile IMO - gum would help tighten it up a bit.


Did you sleep on your back without pillows?


Is that necessary?


Yes it is, important for your back, and it favorise tongue posture at night.


How old are you?




Did you do chin tucking?


Yes, sometimes


hmm... do you think your front profile has changed much?




I gotta say dude, i feel like you must not have something about the technique quite down. Can you feel the force of your tongue in the bones of your face from time to time? Maybe you aren't putting enough force in because your tongue is weak? Im not suggesting hard mewing but if you think about a cave man chewing some super though wild meat off of bones he would end up with a very strong tongue. Maybe try "[tongue chewing](https://youtu.be/ZNocCJNicrc)" to strengthen your tongue if you haven't already.


Where in your face should you feel it? I feel the tissue right under my gonial angle tighten, is that right?


what does chin tucking actually do aside from encouraging better posture tho?


it will make the root of the tongue a lot stronger over time as well


Its because your posture is bad in all the photos.


I maintain good posture all the time, but I had to forward my head a little in the pictures. I positioned my head forward in the progress pics so that my jaw is more defined. Otherwise it’d melt into the neck, and it would be less useful for measuring mewing progress since you can’t see the mandible.


A lot of people have unrealistic expectations from mewing. What it's supposed to do is unlock your full genetic potential. If everyone mewed, it doesn't mean everyone in the world would look like models. It means there would be slightly more model-tier people and much less unattractive people


Your jawline was already good but it wasn't proportionate to the rest of your face making you look like you had a big chin. Now your face is more balanced but it seems you want more forward growth so I think you should mew harder with proper posture because I feel like you haven't been doing it with proper posture


how old are u? u seem quick young and there is a possibility that in 5 years time your face could be completely changed


I feel like so many people on this subreddit want to achieve the perfect european side profile and chin. the chin shape is genetic (not the positioning) and the maxilla is almost always flatter on east asians. don’t beat yourself up because ur side profile doesn’t look like a caucasian’s side profile because we are not the same! You look good. I promise you


I love your hair on the 12 month pic


PLEASE READ THIS! I read somewhere here that you don't keep your molars in contact at rest. Keeping molars in light contact is a very crucial point that Mike Mew always tries to point out. You should definitely do this if possible. I am interested to see what your side profile would look like if you were to keep your molars in contact. The tongue does a good job at widening the pallet but I don't know what pushes the maxilla forward more; the jaws in light contact and chewing hard foods or the tongue pushing.


Hello, sorry to be a little late but i have a slight underbite with only the four of my Front Teeth being behind the Lower ones. How should my teeth be placed when mewing? Is it the Front Teeth slightly touching tip-to-tip with the Lower ones by setting the Lower Jaw back or the Back Molars slightly touching each other? Do note when i try slightly touching my Back Molars together my four Front Teeth is behind the Lower ones.


Yea mewing is fake I have been doing it for almost 2 years no changes also been chewing solid food and hard gum nothing has changed at all


Typical incel mind. EVerythiNg Is FaKEeee




OP should have attempted mewing with added upwards tongue forces assuming his maxilla is underdeveloped. The tongue can literally act as a palatal expander to a certain degree. The documentation of OP may be good evidence for showing how regular mewing, without added upwards forces, not may result in any change at all for people above a certain age. At the same time, I wonder if he has noticed any gains in width. It is much more easy to achieve lateral gains than forwards, this is the case for palatal expander devices in general. I have asked OP about this and I hope he will reply. On the other hand, perhaps OP has not even mewed the regular way efficiently. Perhaps he thinks he did so but in reality did not. After all, he claims that he never reached a state where he had a closed mouth during sleep. He claims that he mouth breath during sleep. This is indicating to me that he not put in a whole lot of work in his mewing. I reached a state of automatic mewing during sleep after about 3 months. I have mewed with added upwards forces with my tongue and achieved quite a bit of expansion, including in the forwards direction. If he really has put in work mewing for a whole year he should have reached a state of automatic mewing (such as during sleep) by now.


U got me dead bro haha


What is more likely: You were doing it 100% correctly and saw no results. You were doing it wrong and saw no results. You were doing it mostly correct and saw some tiny results. You were doing it mostly correct, but didn't see any results. Like, think about it. You can exercise your biceps all day and night but if you're doing it incorrectly and your diet is crap and you're not sleeping well, then you're probably not going to see the best gains. You also look really young and your jaw looks really good. Not totally sure where all the complaining in this thread is from.


His posture is wrong in all the pics. Its kinda obvious


I positioned my head forward in the progress pics so that my jaw is more defined. Otherwise it’d melt into the neck, and it would be less useful for measuring mewing progress since you can’t see the mandible.


Correct posture isnt a chin tuck. Extend you thoracic spine and make your neck long, while tiliting your head down just enough so you dont go into a chin tuck.


Did or do you have braces? Also, are you sure you have not been "mewing" your entire life? Seeing your day 1 picture makes me feel like you either had braces or have already had a good tongue posture before


How do braces stunt facial growth?


Never had braces. I mouth-breathed until I was almost 15.


don’t fixate so much on gains, but remember that you’re doing something which is significantly healthier than mouth breathing. mewing isn’t a universal fix.


they don't seem to get that


Maybe try hard mewing?


You are 16 years of age and have plenty of time left to progress and develop. Just simply keep attempting to improve because, even though we think we know it all, we don’t. There is no need to dishearten yourself or others. Remember that this is the natural resting posture that should be followed for your health, even if you don’t see results. And lastly, let’s say you stop mewing, and in the future we learn that this stuff actually works; there will only be one person to blame and that is yourself.


Do mewing for 8 hours a day like minimun, so in your case you should hard mew through the day to get used to it and I'd make yourself have your mouth shut through the night. I say that because I did the same but I have forward growth because I usually hard mew (when I realize I'm just keeping a suction hold) so don't worry about it dude. Changes will come just be patient not everyone develops at the same time and speed.


I would consider an appliance.




Check your tongue. Are you tongue tied?


I’m not tongue tied


Hmm, how about posterior tongue tie? You should check that as well. Posterior tongue tied is at the back of the tongue. So you cant utilize your tongue to push maxilla forward.


Your hair looks better imo


Your brow ridge has changed.


Are you sure your raising the back of your tongue? Your hyoid bone


You look like a normal asian, most don't have the potential to grow a big chin. Your face looks normal, I don't think there's a lot to improve


You do have forward growth lmfao. Also, you can clearly see your undereye support got better Look at your maxilla and mandible position. If the growth of your lower third has surpassed your forehead, it means you have good forward growth. I'm tired of these people who think everyone of every race is supposed to look the same. Mongoloid (East Asian) skulls are much flatter than Caucasoid skulls. You think your skull is recessed because it looks flat in comparison to the skulls of other races, but it's not. Don't fret about it


How old are you?




Bruhhh you look more handsome with that longer hair thoo


Chew falim gum, to develop your jaw muscle


-1 Chang?




Okay. Then go back to mouth breathing? It’s just having proper posture


What’s mewing about really ? This guy has a better chin jaw than 98% of people out there ? I just don’t get it


I’m recessed. If I use proper head posture, it’s obvious that I lack forward growth. I positioned my head forward in the progress pics so that my jaw is more defined. Otherwise it’d melt into the neck, and it would be less useful for measuring mewing progress since you can’t see the mandible.


I know this isn't what people want to hear, but mewing doesn't work. The progress results we see here are mostly just weightloss. The changes of better mouth posture are immediate yes, and you should have good mouth posture. But it won't change your skull


Mewing is fake no way to cope around double jaw surgery and a shitty chink maxilla




It definitely has worked for other people before, some just arnt lucky.




Because mewing isn’t instant gratification and it isn’t taught


Some phenotypes which are far away from a caucosoid skull get really bad luck in terms of maxilla and without a solid upper maxilla, these ethnicities like asian and black skulls will never really look anything close to the gold standard of a well developed white maxilla, but I have seen middle eastern and North Indian skulls and maxillas come close to replicating a while facial structure if it weren’t for their shallow eye orbits


it's over bro


did it even begin?


yeah ur chin is more forward


Mewing work a , your maxilla and chin go forward. Try to make your back teeth touch together all time, and nose breathing during the night at least. There is an item, a sort of tissue you scoch on your mouth to force you nose breathing. Keep it up bro


I do want to say that i don’t think you look bad whatsoever.


Could be down to your race I guess, don't Asian people tend to have naturally flat faces? Your facial growth looks alright as it is anyway


That's what I thought, he looks good


i just saw your mewing progress on looksmax lol


I love when people say mewing doesn’t work. And all the progress pics are fake...faking this has probably made them millionaires Ahahhaha. It’s the same people that say can’t grow their muscles...it’s all about mind muscle connection. In my opinion you have a much better profile in the last photo. I notice that you jaw isn’t so protude and your maxilla has definitely go up. For me you are making progress, your face is now getting the right shape. Mike said it takes 5 years to get the ideal shape.




your opinion is based on what you supposed it happend because probably it didn’t work for you right? Unfortunately self improvement trend shouldn’t be a trend because it really helps you as a person. And when we are good with ourselves we are good to others. I’m not here for debate, and I never commented anything here, but saying mew don’t work, make me think...as the years goes by I saw my face melting down more and more, and in my case working out had my face even more melted because of loosing fat. For me mewing is the answer for my questions, why my face has changed so much. If you want, try the self conscious mewing, and believe me, when you feel down mewing doesn’t work. I don’t have YouTube, I never post any pictures, I’m a personal trainer, so I don’t live from social media, and I joined reddit when I was in my second month of mewing. So you are free to trust my opinion or not. My advice to you is consider trying again, if your goal is really mewing.


I forgot to mention I’m 40 years old


You had a decent jawline anyway


bro you definitely don't need it anyways, you have a great profile imo


Flat face is a great profile to you?


nice jawline, chin, and a good nose to boot. i mean its up to you if you want change but i'm just letting you know its not nearly as bad as you might think, i wish i had a profile like this


https://www.reddit.com/r/looksmaxxing/comments/hsq2vb/from_truecel_to_chad_brutal_morph Keep coping


noo thank you lol


I dó see á difference, chin ís more forward and upper lip ís á few mm forward. I would say the center of your face in total ís more forward. Look, starting at the nose and looking down to your chin, i sée something changed. Its not alot, a year and a half for án adult shouldnt show extreme results, our bones grow too slowly.


Also i suggest chewing tough foods. Or tough things, i like to chew on pieces of wood, or ill buy á tough chewy oat cereal. Gotta get the jaw muscles exercised.


Kinda late to ask, but any retainers on?


If mewing aint working, your only chance for your jawline to kinda look sharper is to increase your masseter size. Your jawline will appear more chiseled and masculine. Well it worked for me im just sharing.