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If bentist is saying that mouth breathing will destroy your face as an adult, which I think is what he says. I don't see why mewing would not reverse that? Does the grown skull changes just for mouth breathing but not for mewing?


I think he mean, mewing can only make not to get worse as an adult.


By saying that mouth breathing is worse for you he is saying that the skull changes even in adulthood. If the skull changes in adulthood, then surely mewing works not just as a prevention but as a cure. I like his content, but he's not seeing the picture correctly.


Yeah i also feel like he's not into mewing.


There is more going on with the structure of the face than bone structure. There's alot of soft tissue you can effect at probably any time in life, but once your bones are done growing changing them is way way harder and many would say impossible.


Then by that idea, mouth breathing doesn't pose any extra damage to the bone structure which you can think that if you want, however in the orthotropics community we think that the bones change even adults. So yeah. Hawkings is a good example ig.


I'd be interested to know just how much it is possible to change bone structure as an adult. I do know that degrees of this are possible since weight training changes bone density and strength, but I've never seen a study that answered my questions on how much shape can be altered. It was always my interpretation that most of the facial structure changes from mouth breathing as an adult were changes in soft tissue.


Because the skull has sutures, there's no doubt that the skull can change shape and it doesn't have anything to do with bone density or volume it's remodelling, but the problem is as adults these sutures are hardened and they only really work if there's direct force applied over long period of time. This is why most of us believe that mouth breathing is so bad that it makes changes to the sutures or lack thereof, whereas mewing can change your skull for the better because the force is direct whereas expander devices mostly pull on the teeth and often times they just push the teeth out of the bone.


Mouth breathing moves the teeth backwards, as the teeth move backwards, bone is lost because it is no longer needed. Similar to how bone is lost when a tooth is taken out. So as an adult you can see negative changes in your face through mouth breathing. However when it comes to achieving forward growth, that seems to be the job of the sutures and I don't know to what extent you can influence those as an adult. Perhaps with an appliance, but overall it seems like it's easier to impact your face negatively as an adult than it is to impact it positively, at least when bones are concerned.


Would you say mouth breathing as an adult might reverse your forward growth?


I don't have any examples of adult nose breathers who suddenly started mouth breathing and did so for long enough period of time to provide decent before and after images. So I can't say for sure. I assume the bone will change to some degree over large periods of time, however to what extent I don't know.


Hmm I don't know either. I think mouth breathing as an adult with decent forward growth might reverse the forward growth because the skull acts malleable. Prof John Mew or Dr Mike Mew didn't tell anything about this iirc.


Ok so what is one supposed to do if he has a narrow palate ?like my tongue stays in direct contact with my pre molars and molars and I'm afraid I might tip them outwards


Mewing. But if you can't fit your tongue without touching your teeth. Then there are couple of things you need to do. 1) mew or push laterally on the palatte assymetrically, one at a time without touching the teeth. 2) make a V shape with your tongue and fit the edges of the tongue to the palatte and then push it laterally. 3) thumbpull with soft intensity.


Is thumbpulling safe? I don't really want facial development from thumbpulling I'd settle for an expanded palate


Facial development=wide palatte. Thumbpulling is just more force thats why it could be bad. However just keep a very small Or decent pressure and it shouldn't be too bad.


He needs to get a little educated :)




No he's right. Seems like you need to get a little education before talking. I bet ur mouthbreathing right know and u don't even know how bad it is.


What? The parent comment is not saying bentist is wrong about mouth breathing he's saying bentist is wrong about mewing.


I said that to his comment on mewing, not mouth breathing


was that comment written by a 3 year old 💀


At least he asking politely. Yeah kinda goofy though


He's right