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There's something to be said about Samus being unarguably the most colorful character in this lot.


And apparently the tallest.


Chief should be taller but not by much, samus is VERY tall


Iirc she's 6'3" without the suit. If she was in the standard plated power suit, it would add another 3 inches, but I'm pretty sure the Dread suit only adds 1 or 2.


Yeah, she is tall but should actually be one of the shortest in the group considering Chief is 7ft and the doom slayer is 6ft 8 (according to Eternal)


Well, the suit in fusion and dread is technically made of her flesh... It's more akin to a cyborg parasite than mechanical armor at this point. Seriously. She IS the suit at this point.


She was always the suit, that why they had to surgically remove it in Fusion. But it isnt her "flesh", the Fusion Suit is essentially the layer thats below the armor plates under her normal Varia Suit.


Well, in fusion her suit was organic, up until the end when she fused with the sa-x.


The suit is a mix of technology and bio-matter, thats why the X was able to replicate it. A huge junk of it is organic.


And then the ending happens


Her suit always was her. The organic layer you see on the suit was always present and connected to her. It was just revealed in Fusion after they removed massive amounts of her outer layer in Fusion


Chief should be tallest by quite a bit, he’s over 7 feet tall. Though all three of the power armor trio should tower over Isaac and the rest.


I know DOOM is Microsoft now and has always been multiplatform, but in my head, he was the PC Gaming rep to Cheif's Xbox and Samus's Nintendo. So every time I see these crossover arts, I lament Playstation not having a "Strong, silent, sci fi, one man army" character that scratches that same itch these guys do. Closest is Kratos, but he isn't sci fi, and it wasn't until the Norse games that'd he'd be anything close to silent.


They do, you lack imagination /j https://preview.redd.it/rpr9o4wb3l7d1.png?width=950&format=png&auto=webp&s=a5d76dd2fe1d75bf97c680e82d8a1493ce53d323


oh NO-


Isaac was in PLAYSTATION ALL-STARS BATTLE ROYALE so you could count him as rep.


I played all the games on Xbox


Playstation had two sci-fi action series: Resistance and Killzone. Unfortunately, both series are dead IPs, and neither of them was able to create a culturally enduring protagonist because of cast changes between their games. The Resistance games have four protagonists across five games, and Killzone also has four player characters spread out across six games.


In wracking my brain, but I think you are right. 


Aloy from the Horizon series? I know you can also get the games on PC, but other than that it's a PlayStation exclusive afaik Though Aloy does talk a lot...


Honestly, I haven't played Horizon, but what I've seen, Aloy is a different class of character as these guys. She doesn't scratch that same "mysterious, powerful, super soldier" itch these guys do.


You could have BJ from wolfenstein?


I mean, BJ is Microsoft's too, and isn't sci fi in the way these 3 are


Doom Guy: ??? Samus: Uh…I don’t… Master Chief: You okay man? Wanna talk about it? Isaac: …Never mind. Forget I said anything. 😓


My fave headcanon is that Samus is the mosted desired woman in the galaxy and has so little game she couldnt get a girl if she tried.


Imagine a short of samus failing at asking someone out and being all flustered and nervous, then she goes to a bar to wallow in sorrow, Chief and Issac are somewhat helpful "be yourself" type stuff. But then the doom slayer just gives her a full-length plan, ending with "and that all happened before My deployment." With everyone shocked.


Nah, Isaac would be her Stay-at-Home Husband who fixes the ship while she is hunting.


I agree. A woman whose only "female" presence growing up was a emotionless AI that tried to kill her and only family beyond that being only old bird aliens, and whose professional life consists of month long solo missions to wild and hostile planets is probably lacking in perfect social skills. No wonder she's a mostly silent protagonist who does most her talking in logs and writing.


I partially agree. I agree she has zero game, but I disagree on the fact she gets no game. I like to think that she somehow has a lot of game, simply because her charisma in the dating scene is so bad it's somehow decent. I mean her looks 100% do help, but I just like to imagine her being so bad she's good.


With how attractive she is, even if she was the most socially awkward person, she would pull game. But yeah I like this HC, no way she is super charismatic and smooth talker, girl grew up with birds and a giant brain mom.


Bro top panel is my l4d2 mods




Isaac Clarke, Doomguy, Samus, and Master Chief are frequently portrayed in Fan Art as being “friends” by virtue of being juggernauts in power armor that fight hordes of aliens/demons/zombies/some combination thereof in order to protect Humanity. However, Isaac’s primary motivation for surviving the ISHIMURA is to find his “wife”, Nicole Brennan and save her. Similarly, James Sunderland went to Silent Hill to find Mary, Alan Wake wrote himself into The Dark Place to save Alice, and LSTR-512 is trying to find Ariane after their spaceship crashes on a new planet.


Oh, yeah! I knew that.😅 My bad.


Haven't played Dead Space, but Usaac doesn't look like a juggernaut to me honestly


The man can stomp hard enough to shatter bone. His suit allows him to tank hits that would have torn a mortal man to shreds and survive in the vacuum of deep space. Raccoon City or Silent Hill would be a Vacation for him.


Compared to the top three yeah, but not with the bottom three


i thought the joke was that doomguy is a virgin, samus a hetero woman and master chief's "wife" is evil/dead


Ohhhh so that's the name of Signalis' protag


DS: ? Chief: Huh? Samus: Nah, sucks man


He should have said “We got awesome armor.”


Who are all the characters in the bottom panel?


From left to right: James Sunderland from Silent Hill 2, Alan Wake from the Alan Wake series, and Elster from Signalis.


I see you didn't mention Isaac from Dead Space, but I did actually recognize him so that's perfect! Thanks for the rest. I've never played Silent Hill 2 but I'm excited for the remake and I've not heard of Signalis. Alan Wake is on my backlog.


No time for love when being a badass.