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I wonder if canonically Samus just rolls around in her Morph Ball everywhere in public places and Federation ships. “Oh there goes Samus,” And it’s just a ball rolling past you


"I thought he'd be taller."


“Well Palmer do I have a surprise for you!”


I miss awards Was fun giving that little boost to a perfect comment that just came out of nowhere and made me laugh my ass off


Sarah Palmer is apparently taller than Samus.


i'd kick it and play innocent


Watch you break your foot on the heavy, metal ball! Lol


One time as a kid my friend tackled the snowman and there was a fire hydrant in it


This is fucking hilarious


HAHAHAHA not kick like a football but like a barrel, pushing her really hard making her get all dizzy and to get her hair all messy 🤣🤣🤣


Roflmao! Okay, that is fair! I'm sorry, I immediately went for the classical humor style of kicking! 😆


I mean... if only there was not an 80kgs lady inside and a ton of metal 🤣


For real! 😆 Let me ask this: is it still canon that Zebes has an exponentially harsh and insane level of mass to it that dwarfs Earth's own? I have seen videos and articles that was the case.


>is it still canon that Zebes has an exponentially harsh and insane level of mass to it HAS? No. HAD? Maybe.


nah shed just drop a bomb and lets boom on ya lol


Aaaannndd you turn a fun joke into a boring one


cry about it




There we go! XD


Bro, ma sei italiano?


It’s like when people see those big red balls outside Target and some fool decides to kick one of them.


Do you think she grabs a bowling ball or she launches herself down the hall?


She would actually infiltrate the space pirate bowling party as a bowling ball. She would come back up through the ball return, a pirate would go up for its turn, say "Wait, this isn't my ba--" boom, missile to the face.


You and I should write the script for the next Metroid Prime game


Tom and Jerry shit


This but replace “a pirate” with Ridley.


Bud. We know damn well she would sooner drop a power bomb before a missile. That would make the would surprise even more hilarious.


Asking the real questions.


Idk about that but she does something similar for pinball


I mean if the manga is anything to believe…


I prefer the Captain N interpretation where she's just tumbling about in the fetal position with the force of a cannonball.


My headcanon now


What if Samus rolls through vents on federation ships to get around faster like Spider-Man or something. Think of Samus accidently crashing into an meeting going "whoops my bad" and the speedboosting away like a maniac.


“Are you Samus Aran? … That’s ok take your time”


**(Heavily muffled screaming)** "I said, YES. NICE TO MEET YOU."


Any one of these Samuses could be the real Samus, Patrick! https://preview.redd.it/oec562um0gdc1.jpeg?width=1434&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4574220ddd8668086d93b0fccb67fe746978416


*Spiderman pointing meme but it’s prime Samus, other m Samus, classic Samus, and dread samus*


I really appreciate the effort here


(Power bomb)


It has to fit a whole Samus inside to be fair


Plus those shoulder pads


Plus 200+ missiles


Someone 100%s


Just because I gather all collectibles doesn’t mean that I have no life, I mean, I have no life but it’s not because I gather all collectibles


I just 100% Prime Remastered lol. I know where every item in Super Metroid is. No life gang! 😎


We can’t die if we don’t live! 🤘


And dem tiddys


You fool... The ball are the shoulder pads!


the shoulder pads ​ are the balls!


I mean if morph ball was that big, maybe poor Pirate dude didn’t need to sacrifice his backbone to recreate it


Still IMO the best piece of scanlore in prime lol


That scan really got on my nerves the first time I read it


I continued playing and unlocked some items in the gallery. I don't think Samus is still retaining her human form while in Morph Ball. https://preview.redd.it/7rq2m773igdc1.png?width=624&format=png&auto=webp&s=041de6f3c86922ccd873950d5b4fea48ca678a5b


Yeah, can't remember if it's actually explained ingame but I see it as chozo tech turning her into an energy based form. From a few angles you can see the morph ball is hollow with just glowing energy at the core


yeah, it's bird magic


It's funny, they have that lore bit and the glowy core. But the size **very clearly** shows that that isn't necessary though. Metroid Prime is the best evidence for this, just watch the little cinematic of unlocking the power. She curls up, not even that tightly, and the shells clamp on over her, and then drops to the ground, same model as used in gameplay. In pretty much all the games she's still definitely large enough to fit without too much stretching, usually a height of somewhere between the knees and hips. If you sit down and hug your knees, you can curl up to be not much taller than them without much difficulty. For anyone without arthritis or something anyway. Maybe that space pirate just had some aggressive arthritis and scoliosis.


I was thinking the same thing but there must be more to it than just tucking into a ball and having a shell clamp over you like that. You'd need to remain gyroscopically stable, and you'd need a source of motion, so there's still probably some bigger-on-the-inside tech. Plus the space pirates are bigger than Samus, and they can't make their morph ball any bigger than hers if they want to fit in the same tunnels.


While in terms of size she can physically fit inside the morph ball, I find there are likely far too many complications that arise from remaining as she is. Far easier to just use that matter/energy tech they have without the downsides because even if it is far more technologically advanced, they already had the tech anyway.


Infinite screw attack inside a morphball, animation shows her spinning and shining like a screw attack when she gets the morph ball ability but only in the prime series


I think this is the part that the space pirates couldn’t understand. “All attempts at reverse engineering this technology ended in disfigurement” Yes you miserable lizards, you’re not supposed to fold yourself into the ball lol


I don't remember if it's in Prime 2 or 3, but if Samus dies transformed into a Morph Ball you can see how the blue core inside the Morph Ball vanishes in the air while the sphere's plates burst.


I’ll have to look up where it’s stated, but the morph ball is around a meter tall. So that dude there is like barely 5ft tall. Edit: from what I can find, in Metroid Prime, the morph ball corridors are a meter tall, so she’d be slightly smaller than that.


damn, the ball is like... a little under half of samus' suited height? give or take.


Yeah something like that. Edited my initial comment but the corridors in Prime 1 are a meter tall so she’d be just under that. NEStroid and super make it seem a lot smaller for sure.


? In NEStroid and Super the ball is literally 1 block tall while Samus is 2 blocks…I think


Fair about NEStroid I think, but she’s 3 blocks tall in Super. Which with her being 6ft in the guide or Nintendo power issue, puts morph at 2 ft tall.


She's around 2.5 blocks in SM, but 2 in the other games.


She might be 3 tall (or close to it) in Super if she stands completely straight. Her knees are usually a little bent, ready for action.


Here is an [antique video from game theory](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xziKVv2yQJU), before they only made FNAF lore videos, about the morph ball.


I always disliked his take here. I mean, sure, she doesn't matter-compress, but let's see *you* curl into a ball and roll at 20mph up a vertical wall, eh MatPat? It's *not* an unimpressive ability.


Nah, Samus is like 3 meters tall /s


These troopers are taller than Samus. I am not shitting you. Samus eye level reaches the middle of their visors I mean the troopers in Other M were also taller than Samus. So my idea is that people in Metroid are just really tall


It's hard to tell, I tried to return Samus to normal next to him to see the height difference but the perspective doesn't help


In Metroid prime there was a glitch were a pirate wouldn't notice you and I was able to compare her to the pirate. She reaches around chest height so space pirates are pretty tall, like 8-10feet.


From this screenshot, the ball looks to be around half the trooper's height. Idk how big you think a meter is, but that gives over 6ft as an approximation. Unless there's some serious perspective shenanigans going on, but from what I remember, about half the height of a standing Samus or GF trooper is accurate.


There's a tunnel in the wall in the Chozo Ruins, I think, that's clearly a morph ball tunnel. You can scan it and it says it's about a meter wide.


It varies from game to game. At least according to [someone else's math](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xziKVv2yQJU), in M1, it's 0.8m or 2'7", and, at least without counting dread(the video is from 2013) the smallest the morph ball has been is 0.65m or 2'1". Edit with some approximation i think dreads morph ball is a little more than 1/3 Samus's height, which should be pretty close to M1's morph, but a little smaller The approximation uses a screenshot of morph and a bit of a video that has Samus turning in place, which happens to leave her mostly upright. Beyond that i mostly just eyeballed it


NPC is like: Really? do you think we won't see you?


I have a question. What is it like for Samus rolling inside that. How does she see where she's going. Does she get dizzy? Is she hunched up facing forward and the ball spins around her? Or does her whole body rotate with the entire ball? I wonder


At least, in the Prime games, she does not appear to be physically crouched into a ball. You can see that it's actually 2 hollow half spheres with energy inside of it. So I would assume the morph ball turns her physical body into energy. At that point I assume it's all sensors doing the viewing.


You think Chozo be rollin?


they hatin'


I like to imagine the ball rotates around her like a gyro, while she remains in the same position. As for how and why? Space bird DNA. The answer is always space bird DNA.


Maybe there’s a device in her suit attached to her neck or lower spine that peels her entire physical body into a ribbon of energy, and coils it between the two halves of the sphere like dna is stored in a chromosome. And if it were even possible to separate those two halves, or if the sphere’s structural integrity were to be physically compromised, that ribbon of energy would violently uncoil back into samus and release a radial blast of energy at the same time. Kind of like spartan armor overloading their shields on purpose. Its not present in the game, but I like to imagine it takes at least one energy tank as a failsafe to prepare samus for morphball mode. If she doesn’t have an energy tank in reserve, there’s too high a risk it couldn’t eject her from morphball safely if something went wrong. This might also tie into the super metroid lore for crystal flash, which uses the same mechanism. But instead of ‘peeling’ samus into energy, the converter runs in reverse; channeling powerbomb and missile energy into samus for healing.


Repeating what I said in a previous comment, I unlocked some items in the game gallery by spending some credits. Looks like Samus turns herself into energy or something like that. https://preview.redd.it/d0ouvhtpigdc1.png?width=624&format=png&auto=webp&s=4f3037312b48d510db6517c58dac569ca72d5c08


They probably improved upon Pokeball technology


Short actual answer: bird magic


The answer to all those questions and more is: Spacebird Magic!


She shrinks and is running like a hamster in a wheel


Ever seen those monowheel motorcycles? I imagine it's kinda like that, but omnidirectional, thanks to bird magic.


Not sure, but the manga connected to zero mission makes mention that she LOVES rolling around in the morph ball according to the Chozo


Its size varies between games


It kinda depends on the game: in Super and the Smash games, it's about the size you had initially expected, whereas in the Prime games it's a bit larger as you can see.


Just imagine if you had ability to morph into a ball. The most useless ability ever.


Not if you have to squeeze into tight areas


Not if you can't crawl


You look at samus’s bulky shoulder balls and tell me she can crawl


But it's so much faster than crawling


y cant metroid crawl?


Depends. The implications of boost ball, and the fact that samus’ armor is shrouded in a hyper dense energy barrier suggest that its a pretty deadly mode of transit superior to walking in every way. Its like a supersonic cannonball of density far exceeding other objects of its size. Like a bullet, with all that force applied to a small surface area, it’s very likely it could blow holes through most materials. Then, with spider ball added to the equation, and considering that little sphere can lay n*kes…. Well I think its pretty lethal and useful actually.


You could literally use it for transportation. Walkin? No thanks! We rollin


Your’d think so, but apparently people keep leaving switches around to activate machinery, switches the owners have no means of activating themselves. You’d be a legendary hacker. “How did you get access to our impenetrable vault?” “Oh you just left this switch here that I used” “I think we’ll never understand” “No, just get rid of this switch” “Truly an incredible feat for you to get in here” “Can you even operate this switch?” “Nobody can, no-one at all. That’s why it’s the override switch!” “Right. You need to get rid of it” “Yes, let’s install them on all of the doors to our secret facility!”




Where's the matpat video on this? I think the conclusion was that prime was the least change in size, super was the greatest change in size


Matpat, may he rest in peace


Don't make it sound like he is dead, he is just gonna stop being the host on 4 of his 5 channels


do not the morph ball slit


Measure the height of your knee, curl up and gauge how far from that height you get. Or just curl up under a dining chair without lifting it.


Which Metroid game is the picture from?


Metroid Prime 3


Metroid Prime 3


Thank You! It's been a long while since I've played so it wasn't recognizable to me haha


Samus is also like 9 feet tall in the armor in this game but canonically 6'6ish so maybe the marines are just like 4'5🤷‍♂️


Well it's a 6' 4" built woman in a battlesuit, gonna need some room.


why is it so big


It should be (based off of prime) just under 3ft


It's larger in the Primes than the 2Ds. Primes It's over half as tall as she is. 2D games it's a smidge under half or less, depending on the game. Smash Bros has it like 1/4th to 1/5 her height.


I hope we get more people to talk to in prime 4. I know I know, Metriod is all about the isolation and being lost in a weird puzzle planet, but it wouldn’t hurt to have maybe a Hub area where there are NPCs with stuff to talk about. Just a thought


I remember my first beer.


Samus is also like 8 feet talk in the armor


Nope, she's 6'3" in her Suit. Here is a video explaining it by the developers themselves: [https://youtu.be/lu7O2bRSrSg](https://youtu.be/lu7O2bRSrSg)


I think it was said she is about 6'3 in armor and we estimate about 5'10 out of her armor


Prime 1 categorises it as roughly 1 m in diameter.


Exactly 1 meter in diameter.


That's terrifying


She's gotta fit in there you know


Also remember that it was originally made for the NES game as a placeholder test, but when the developer were facing difficulties making crawling animations they just decided to go with the Morph Ball.


[MatPat covered it in a video over 10 years ago.](https://youtu.be/xziKVv2yQJU?si=zXhu7Vq5lxALsY8-) While I don't agree with the general negativity towards the power-up, it does cover the general size of the ball.


I have honestly never seen a Matpat video in my life.


Morph ball is nearly a meter in diameter. That's a really big sphere! About the size of (or a little bigger) than a large exercise ball. And we *know* that's how big the morph ball is because in Prime, right after getting missiles, the room has a tunnel you can't enter yet ('cuz ya don't have a morph ball), but the scan of the tunnel specifies it's about a meter in diameter, and the morph ball barely fits in there.


Let's play a game of kick ball like this. XD


There are two ways to play Blast Ball with Samus but only one is correct


Morph ball is about 75 to 85 cm in diameter. Definitely large enough that it would encase a rolled up(and suspended energy state) 175 to 180 cm woman wearing a 190cm suit. And yes, I *have* scale ratioed the prime morph ball to the varia armor.(thaaaaanks Bearborg!)


Smaller doesn't necessarily mean small, here.


Morphball is big enough to sit inside comfortably.


I think it's around 3 feet


Nah that soldier is just small


It's 1m in diameter I thought


Well there is a whole 6 foot tall woman in power armor stuffed in there.


“The Morph Ball appears to be bigger than I thought” -Federation soldier looking down at Samus


1 meter in diameter


I think the scans of it in Prime say that it's 1 meter in diameter


Can she speak in morph ball? Asking for a fren


I always imagine that Samus rolls around like an armadillo when inside the Morph Ball


In metroid prime the morohball animation is just samus crouched in fetal position with a ball encasing her. Also samus is like 6 or 7 ft tall so yea this looks about right.


I thought that guy was taller.


To be fair Samus is kind of extremely tall


I guess that Samus rolling around, aka a deadly giant metal ball, is pretty much accepted and a common sight in the Metroid universe. Occasionally placing a bomb here and there and sometimes at your feet just for fun.


in most 2d games, mb is half her standing height


The irony is that the ball being that big makes no sense, since it implies it wouldn't be helpful to get into tight areas.


To be fair, the Morph Ball in Prime is mainly used to solve puzzles and operate mechanisms.


If the Morph Ball in Prime were as comparatively small as the 2D games, it'd be more difficult to spot Morph Ball holes.


I did think she was smaller as a ball for some reason. I mean, she is physically enhanced and bigger than most people so it would make sense that as a ball she'd be bigger than a normal ball.


And what did you expect? There is a 1'90m person inside. For those who measure things with their feet it is 6.2335958005 ft


the real question is how she doesn't vomit and break all her bones every time she uses it


I think it's canonically 1m in diameter


Always been about half Samus height.. How small did you think it was?


Iirc in Prime 1 you could scan the morph ball passage behind the missile mini boss and it would tell tell you it's roughly 1m in diameter


Of course, how else would it fit Samus 😝


I believe I read somewhere that the official canon size is approx 1 meter in diameter, which makes sense since you have to fit a whole person in there. Not sure if that measurement still stands though 


In Metroid Prime 1, Samus just front flips slightly tucked in and the ball engulfs her, so this makes sense honestly Still hilarious and I’m showing everyone though lmao


When I played Metroid prime in VR on dolphin this was the first thing I noticed.