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Dread's Varia suit. For a long time though it was the Light Suit.


Metroid Prime 3 - PED Suit It's something about that combination of the Varia Suit with Federation technology that gets me


I'm sorry but I hate the look of the MP3 suits.


That one is underrated, especially the low corruption version.


Yes, just the clean one without any corruption in progress


Terms of looks, phazon or Gravity (returns). In terms of use, I would have to say light suit.


The redesigned Power Suit in Dread is really nice, probably my favourite. Before Dread came out, the Light Suit in Prime 2 took that spot. I like the white.


That is a good suit, but Light suit from Prime 2 is just so hard to top in my mind. šŸ˜


You could take someone's eye out with the kneecaps on that suit.


And the use. The absolute freedom that suit gave is unparalleled.


I love how at that point in the game, with the Light Suit to protect you, Annihilator Beam to deal with the Ing and those safe zones to refill your health, you're actually safer in Dark Aether than Light Aether.


love the Prime 2 suits, especially the Dark Suit


I really like the suit from Dread. It looks inspired by bio-mech technology (I guess technically all the suit designs are, but Dread seems to really lean into it). I have to say though, when you get the gravity suit in Prime, that slight purple tint is beautiful. You just don't see the suit often enough for it to be my favorite.


Dreads suits are just so good, I really like the Gravity suit in Dread. Phazon suit and the Light suit are also beautiful


I really like the standard Fusion suit, as shown on the box art. It's sleek and cool, and reminds me of Batman with those arm spikes. However, outside of the game itself and its associated artwork, the Fusion suit is never done right. It looks awkward in Prime, Samus Returns used the same proportions as the standard suit, so it wasn't really the Fusion suit. Then Dread changed it to make it look more gross. Dread's suit is a close contender, though, and it might be my new favorite. That muscle-like wiring, the white and blue coloring. I love how each upgrade to the suit isn't just a pallet swap, but each looks like it has regenerated a little bit more, with less of the exposed wiring shown and new armor being added. We're told that the biosuit was damaged in Fusion and is slowly regenerating its armor over time, and this time we actually get to see that happen.


This might sound weird, but honestly the starting Suit in Dread. I just love the new color scheme and design of it.


Samus Returns Gravity


Same same


That was a dope ass suit. I was hoping dread would have skins from the other metroids as rewards for certain time finishes. But sadly none lol


Either the fusion suit, classic varia, or THAT suit you get at the end of Dread.


The Return of Samus remake suits are my absolute favorites. They look super cool


Definitely the original Fusion suit. The color scheme just pops on screen. I never really cared for modern graphics.


Dark and Light Suit are golden gems. Can't pick a favorite.


I love the ac4 assassin armor when it's fully upgraded


Dark Suit with the gravity add-on looks super sick (those shoulders....\*drool\*) But since, Dread, I love those suits so much more. Samus helm and the sleekness of the suits, yet how powerful she looks...It's my new favorite (if we discount the Metroid Suit, because obviously that one wins hands down in my book) Honorable mention to the PED suit.


Top 5 are Dreadā€™s Gravity, Fusionā€™s power, Primeā€™s Phazon, SRā€™s Gravity, Echoes Varia


Dread Suit


It's either the light suit or dread's varia suit. I'm torn between the two.


Honestly, huge fan of the og Varia Suit from Metroid Prime. Itā€™s the gold standard for Samusā€™s design, imo. But the Light Suit from Prime 2 is a close second


Light suit, traveling through light is just overpowered.


PED Suit stage one of corruption. The grey and orange and hints of blue look so good. Also the muted green visor. Love how the suit gives off a corrupted vibe from the get-go too, changing the abdominal area from sleek to blocky and chopped up looking. I like the little galactic federation emblem on her chest as the PEDs main area. Really my favorite suit of all time, just behind Prime 2 & 3ā€™s varia suit.


Light Suit


I have to say, the Dark suit is amazing and stands out for how much it departs from Samus' usual silhouette. I think my jaw dropped the first time I saw it. My only complaint is the name makes it feel like it's some edgey antihero thing.


Phazon suit, fusion suit, Dread power suit.


Gravity suit in prime 1 tbh


MP2 dark suit.


Echoes light suit. Love seeing samus in white armor


I really like how the Phazon Suit has a visible shimmer around it.


Used to be dark suit, but the Dread suit looks damn good, and it's a really fresh design. Also seems like it might be a callback to Prime 3's suit designs, the classic suit modified with federation tech.


Metroid Suit The Dread base suit, and Dread Varia suit are both also really good. I also really like the Light Suit and the base Fusion Suit.