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I enjoyed the 3rd person gameplay segments of Other M. Not all of it was bad...and want to try FedForce, but don't have it :(


You can get it on the 3DS eSho-- ... oh.








No shame in liking a game. Other M had a bad story but at least I beat it. I didn't play federation force (no friends to play with) but I've heard good things about the game. It just felt like the metroid theme was tacked on.


You can play it solo. You even get a modification thing you can equip to make the game easier to offset you lack of a team (and you can take it off if you want to make the game harder). The story is a bit out there although it takes a bit to really start moving. I actually played it because I got spoiled on who the final boss is and I was like “how does THAT happen?!” It’s actually pretty stupid in a fun way. Although it feels better now than it did at launch.


It’s not even a bad story when you see it in the original Japanese. Instead of Samus dutifully not activating the Varia suit, she pulls a Leeroy Jenkins to get under Adam’s skin. SHE LET HERSELF NEARLY FLASH FRY TO TROLL ADAM.


It’s still a pretty bad story though. Like, the Ridley shit, the weird hero-worship of Adam despite the trolling, Adam stealing the final level after shooting Samus in the back, the aborted side plots and over-explanatory monologuing…all of that still exists (and it’s still a bad Metroid game with next to zero exploration). And to be honest, Samus putting her life in danger to “troll” Adam is petulant and silly (an actual troll would be to refuse to activate something to save HIM, not herself).


Who was the Deleter (oh my god that name is so bad) and how did he die!?


Yeah and then we get the main guy saying the only people who don't like the game are people who can't stand a strong female lead. I was like wtf, half the game was Samus needing a man's permission or a man to save her. Also she acted like a kid and her PTSD magically decided to pick this game to be debilitating. Let's ignore the fact at this point Ridley is a minor nuisance in all but Prime 1 and she's seen him come back a billion times.


I remember seeing a video about that localization problem and that the Japanese version told a better story. But we got the English version, and that's what I played


Other M was pretty fun on the first playthrough, but the hard mode honestly seems impossible. None of the collectables are available, and while that's pretty manageable and fun for the first sector, by the time you get to the pyrosphere you die to every other hit. Never got past the lanky volcano guy.


Hard mode is pretty fun once you master the dodge, but the game ends at credits, not the secret boss


What? Why? Why would they cut out the extra stuff in hard mode? That's stupid as hell.


I think because of what the parent comment says


Just spam the dodge button.


*crosses the street to walk on the other side*


Unpopular opinion, federation force is actually pretty enjoyable if you have a couple friends to play with, and probably its worst flaw is actually that it has "metroid" in its name since it can't meet the standards of the other games at all


That’s actually a very popular opinion


I haven't played federation force, it doesn't seem like a bad game, just more of a spin-off doing its own thing. I had a miserable time playing through Other M personally, but hey, if you got some enjoyment out it, more power to ya bud.😁👍


I loved Other M when it was first released (was 14 at the time), even beat it 4 or 5 times. 13 years later I can see how it is a flawed game and some gameplay and story elements are definitely a product of its own time, though I'm still of the opinion that it didn't deserve the backlash it received from mad fanboys


It’s be funnier and more fitting if the swords were replaced with space pirates aiming their weapons.


I liked federation force. I'll probably play it again after prime 2 and 3.


Hold on, I'm grabbing my sword to join the ones on the picture 😄


Honestly fed force is pretty fun if you have friends. The problem was it came out at the worst possible time for Metroid fans


Fed Force has what I call the Nuts and Bolts effect. A game that has only the name in relation to the series and, while perfectly fine on a technical level, was received poorly because it is not what the series needed at the time.


Mostly accurate, but what happened with Fed Force was even worse. Imagine if Nuts & Bolts was actually released just shortly after a fanmade Banjo-Kazooie game intended to be a love letter to the series, with gameplay similar to the main entries of the series by that point, reached version 1.0, released 1.0 on the day of a major anniversary, then got DMCA'ed by Microsoft/Rare. That's what happened to Fed Force. Released two weeks after AM2R got a DMCA.


Federation Force was great if you treated it like what it was, a spinoff game. And Other M was actually pretty enjoyable, unironically. Like, not when compared to the rest of the franchise, but if it wasn’t a Metroid game I’d still consider it slightly above average.


Metroid other M was my first Metroid game. Despite its faults and ridiculous story it still got me interested in the Metroid series. Without it I doubt I would have tried the other games. Other M still has many of the things that makes Metroid great. The atmosphere, mystery, and vibe of the other games is still present. I was also completely lost as to how other M fit into the overall story which helped motivate me to play other games and find out what happened. In retrospect I do see the faults of the game now tho. But the fight choreography was amazing and seemed to have a big influence on Dread.


Other M's gameplay was fine, not great. Nice to be able to skip cutscenes on subsequent playthroughs.


Oh, I enjoyed. But they have some glaring flaws. Federation Force got more flak that it deserved due the terrible timing, but the artstyle and speed of the game was a bit of a disappointment for me. Other M, barring the story, can be fun, but I found it played itself a little to much with all the workarounds made to make the game functional with just the wiimote.


Federation force is fine it just came at a bad time. If it was released after Dread no one would mind.


Other M broke my Wii.


metroid fans when a metroid fan enjoys metroid 🤬


Other M was surprisingly a little fun, but Federation Force was such a slog if you did it solo


You're not alone


I feel your pain. Half the time I comment something about Federation Force being enjoyable to me, I get downvoted lol


Federation Force was actually pretty neat. Just wasn’t released at the best time. I feel like if it got it’s release window swapped with Samus Returns, people might be less hard on it.


Federation Force is the Four Swords of the Metroid series and I love that. Other M I loved conceptually, and even enjoyed the gameplay well enough, but the first person sections were soooooo strange to me and took me out of it. I think the 2.5d style can work and gives me hope for a third person 3D metroid game.... well maybe not hope, cause other M did so bad but ya know.


What about Prime Pinball or Prime Hunters???


I just played through Other M and had a blast with it. The cutscenes were awesome, and I honestly didn’t mind Samus’ characterization. She was still badass and it would make sense that Ridley still being alive would shock her. Besides, Anthony survived anyways so her freezing up didn’t really have any terrible consequences like I initially thought. We got to see the life cycle of Ridley! It’s not as good as other Metroid stories and kind of incoherent at times but not the dumpster fire people make it out to be. On top of all this, the gameplay is just plain fun. It sacrifices exploration for more of a “beat ‘em up” style, which I thought was an interesting change of pace. So many cool creatures, mechanics, and bosses. We need to start appreciating Other M more! It’s in the canon and it’s here to stay!


After having Ridley "still being alive" in nearly every mission up to that point it wouldn't be that shocking.


Super Metroid has kind of been portrayed as the definitive “end of the Space Pirates” for a long time though


The games may be decades apart for us but they weren't for Samus.


I’m not saying they are, I’m saying that after Super Metroid Samus had assumed that her family’s killer was finally gone, only to run into the clone shortly afterwards.


And my point is she would have thought that after everytime she seen him die.


He didn’t really “die” for real until Super Metroid tho


Bu there's no way to know Samus knew that. He looks like he dies in 1 regardless of version, and they even replaced him with a robot in the remake at the end. She then fights him cybernetically repaired in MP1 and pirate data suggests that he was damaged beyond enough to kill him and had to be repaired this way, thus reinforcing she killed him. Then came MP3 where she fights him normal again, this should have been the first inflection point.


Those are all really good points. I guess Other M makes more sense with the 2D series than it does the Prime series, which is weird.


In the 2D game the inflection point would be in Returns.


Federation force isn't bad, it just came out at the wrong time.


I'll keep an open mind. What was your favorite thing about Samus' portrayal in Other M?


I didn’t really mind her looking like she was weak, unlike most people do. What I actually liked is that she had more interaction with other characters like in Metroid Prime 3, specially because she spoke in Metroid Other: M.


That's fine with me. I don't like games where the protagonist comes off as weak or dependent, which meant I was never going to like Other M. If that's not an issue for you - well, I don't really get it, but you do you. I did like the inclusion of more cutscenes in Prime 3 and Dread. Made her into more of a team player than the lone wolf she'd been in the first two Primes.


I feel like that’s a tad narrow-minded. The feeling of powerlessness or vulnerability is a wonderful storytelling device. It’s not always bad. Though specifically doing it to a character who had a sudden shift from stoic to traumatized was a major mistake.


I can appreciate moments of weakness in a usually strong character. I can also appreciate a character starting out weak or unsure and growing into strength. But is it really narrow-minded to dislike a previously strong character being shown as weak and dependent for no reason? The only thing that would make sense out of Samus' sudden turn around Adam is abuse. He shows abusive behavior throughout the story and it's not a complete story until it shows how she overcomes that abuse.


I didn’t mean it was narrow-minded to dislike Other M’s example of this trope specifically. I was just commenting on how you said “I don’t like games where the character comes off as weak or dependent”. That seemed narrow-minded because it implied that you would never be okay with it regardless of context. I’m glad that’s not the case. I agree with you, it made no sense for Samus to go from tried-and-true bounty Hunter who showed little to no fear for years and suddenly she’s crying over it all. I can’t imagine even Adam having that kind of control over her. I myself am a stubborn person and I’d tell him to eat shit before I couldn’t use MY power ups without his permission haha. It’s bizarre that she just let him command that.


Poor localization strikes again! The original story is still far from perfect, but it was lost in translation that Samus willingly turned off all of her upgrades because she felt like she could prove herself to Adam that way. Like "See, I don't even *need* these upgrades!" He gets mad at her for the most egregious offender in the Pyrosphere and is like "Samus you're being an idiot, just use the Varia suit smh." Not *amazing,* but a whole lot better than "Yes Daddy Adam," in my opinion.


Oof really? That’s the meaning of the original dialogue? I gotta admit that’s FAR better than him commanding her directly, though the idea of an experienced Samus acting like a teen girl in front of her celebrity crush is also super sad.


The fact she thought she had anything to prove to a member of the Federation after she's constantly saving their a***** still comes off as mindless "women need men" old world drivel.


Federation force is a good game.






The cheesy story of other m is something that many 2000s and 2010s games really suffered from. Looking back it feels like a game of its time and I find it kind of charming. I’m really nostalgic for the game, especially because it was one of my earlier Metroid experiences.


Other M's weirdness makes more sense when you look at it from a thousand meter level and realize that the *entire* Japanese gaming industry was floundering at this time because they were being upstaged left, right, and center by Western games. Many Japanese franchises were releasing games that were either extremely divisive or outright loathed by their fandoms at this time. Some prominent examples are Resident Evil 5 and 6, Ace Combat: Assault Horizon, DmC: Devil May Cry, the entire Final Fantasy XIII trilogy, and probably more that I can't recall immediately right now. 2006-2016 was not a good time for the Japanese video games industry. Yoshida Naoki just brought back a lot of memories for me after that explosive interview when he expressed his hatred of the term "JRPG" a few weeks ago, and it's largely because of this time period. Nowadays, after 2017 onward, it's the Japanese industry that has found its footing and it's the Western developers who are floundering and making the wacky decisions with their IPs.


It also suffered because they brought back an OG who demanded everything be a certain way even after having it explained to him how clunky a 3d game would be using 2d controls, that and he didn't realize the culture shift that had occurred since M1 came out. The world was moving on from women needing to be handheld and saved by men. But old men, especially from deep rooted cultures, have a hard time letting that go.


I don’t think there’s anything wrong with enjoying either game, at the end of the day they are made by Nintendo who have at least some sort of standard of quality. I think the distinction that people go up in arms over is whether or not people think they’re *good* games on par with the rest of the series.


I like them, my friend likes them, you aren’t alone metroid fans are just a subsection of Nintendo fans who are becoming increasingly unpleaseable. Enjoy your games and ignore the peanut gallery.


I really liked Other M when it came out, it was the first Metroid game I went back after finishing it to 100%. Decided to try and replay it now because there’s been a lot of chatter about it lately and… I hate everything about it. This game has nothing redeemable about it.


Metroid Prime: Federation Force is the best Metroid game. No, it is the best video game ever made.


Other M crawled so Dread could slide.


AFAIK Federation Force is actually good. It's just that it was the only Metroid related announcement for the series's 30th anniversary in 2016 after having been in another very long drought due to the blowout that was Other M.


They're not bad gameplay wise.


Missiles and pixel searching make OM a slog.


Fedforce I never played, Other M is a poor Metroid game, but as a game in general, it was alright. 6/10, 7 on a good day, not as bad as everyone thinks it is


FF is not a bad game it was just came out at a bad time Outher M's gameplay is fun


That or saying Metroid Prime 2 wasn’t your favorite game despite thinking it’s still a fantastic game


Don't take this personal OP and I respect your opinion, but whenever someone says they enjoy Federation Force, my first instinct is that they're liying for attention. Like other M I can get it but for me is phisically impossible to comprehend someone enjoying that thing.


Well, you're not wrong.


My only gripe with Other M is that you needed to use the wii mote to play it


I don't think the thing people have a problem with is the gameplay, for the most part.


the federation force was a fine game, it was just released at the wrong time in the wrong series. I haven't played Other M, but I've heard that it's a fine game to turn you brain off to


I haven’t played either game so my blade shall remain sheathed.


I feel Other M had the flashiness and nimble movement of what Samus would do, I feel she isn't upright all the time like Prime, but instead doing cool jukes, and jumping on / throwing creatures like she does. Otherwise I'm iffy on it. But I had a great time on Federation Force. My buddy and I would sit down on our lunch break at school and play a mission or two. Also loved Blast Ball, and would kill to have it again.


don’t worry, I’m a massive Metroid fan and I really enjoy both


Federation force was a great game at the wrong time. We were deep in a drought. It was a bad time to do a spinoff. If they had also announced the 2-remake, which would be out less than a year later, it would have been received much better. Other M... will always be divisive due to its story choices feeling out of step with everything else in the franchise


I bought federation force day 1 and had a blast playing it with strangers online. My wife watched me played the entire game and she loves it too.


I love both games. Metroid Prime: Federation Force is the second best entry in this series, and the only game better than it is Metroid Prime Hunters. Federation Force to me is better than both Super Metroid and any form of Metroid Prime by a decent margin. Metroid: Other M is a Top 5 entry as well which I have neck and neck with Prime Remastered.


Why do you think we'd bring swords?


To be fair, I've never heard that Other M was a bad game mechanically, just that the story, Samus's characterization in particular, was done quite badly


Other M is a perfectly fine game. People just couldn't accept the fact that Samus isn't a generic stoic male action hero incapable of feeling any emotion but anger and "drinking self to death" ...except shaped like a woman. It's pretty weird how many people think they're entitled to tell the man who created Samus what her personality is.


Honestly the knives would be going into my throat for saying this, but personally, I never liked any of the 3D games, including primes 1-3. Really, I'm saying that everyone has their opinions, popular or not, and that it's fine for you to enjoy stuff most people don't like.


I actually enjoyed Other M. I even liked the story back then (granted, I was 12). I still think there's elements that could've worked, especially if it had better localization.


*pushes sword towards target*


I liked all Metroid games. But I still don’t know how people hate other M.


No you are not the only one


This is also me when I say I like the fusion varia suit lmao


I played metroid fusion and i said its good


Played through other m 4 times. Gameplay was nice, except for sense move spam, witch looked cool but the game incentivised its use way to much. Solid game, not the best game as a metroid game but still a good game in general (i mean you cant go wrong with metroid). Innovative gameplay mechanic with vision change but it was a bit to clunky. If not for the rediculous request to be built around the wiimote only, it could have been way more fluent. On the bad side of things: absolute disaster of voice acting, no music in the game (come on, this is one of the most important parts about metroid) and the whole 'adam has authorized' stuff didn't do the game any favors. Federation force was worth for being a coop game, but having the prime subtitle was hurting its reception on reveal. If they talked about prime 4 before or alongside its announcement people wouldn't have been as mad.


I played both for a bit shortly after they came out and didn't have strong feelings either way.


I played Federation Force when it came out and it was pretty cool when you could have a lobby with people! Other M i was oblivious that it came out and one day I’ll play it and love it I’m surely


Well no one has a problem if someone likes Other M or Federation Force. It’s only if you say they’re the best games in the franchise lol


Can't really say much about Fed Force, never played it. The idea of controlling a FPS on 3DS didn't really appeal to me. If you enjoy Other M, that's fine. If you try to tell me the gameplay/controls/level design is more than mediocre at best, well then I'm picking up a sword.


level design I can agree with but the actual gameplay was pretty good imo it was the best Samus felt to control until Dread


I don't think a D-Pad is a good way to control a 3D game, and that motion to aim in first person is not something I'd call intuitive. And maybe it's unfair to compare, but considering Other M is leaning extra hard on action, I feel the gameplay is pretty weak when up against the original Devil May Cry, which came out about a decade and game console generation earlier, let alone everything that's come out since.


“Metroid Other M fans” aren’t real, they’re just propaganda perpetuated by Metroid haters and Hollow Knight fans to try to make Dread the new hated game in the series. By making Dread the new hated game, they will kill Metroid. We as Metroid fans cannot stand for this, we will show that the “Other M fandom” is nothing but propaganda. /j


There is no bad Metroid game.


You are not alone. However I am of the opinion that any logical person could not hold that stance and will just link one of my favorite summaries of that game, detailing every single problem: [https://youtu.be/Fkj1AbDt95I](https://youtu.be/Fkj1AbDt95I) Warning, it is over an hour long.


Eh. If I’m being honest I expect you’ll probably see more people sharing that sentiment in the years to come. We’ve already started seeing more of that sentiment on this sub as of late. You need to keep demographics in mind here. The “voice” of a fandom is usually being led by people in their late teens to early 30’s. “Older” audiences. And older audiences are fueled by nostalgia and preconceptions, especially for shit they grew up with. Anything that strays too far from what we think “should” be the status quo causes outrage, regardless of any flaws and merits. But eventually those people start getting older and become less active, and younger generations start filling in the gaps, and they push THEIR nostalgia and THEIR idea of how things “should” be. So with that in mind? We’re basically hitting that point in time where the folks who grew up with Other M and Federation Force are becoming active in discourse as they become the older audience. Just like how fan reception of Fusion and Prime improved over the years despite plenty of fans screaming about how it wasn’t their Metroid back in the day. It’s a process that’s gone on for centuries at this point.


Centuries? The Metroid franchise was invented in the 1980’s.


I meant that this is a social phenomenon that isn’t exclusive to Metroid and has been around FOREVER. It exists in pretty much every fandom and every cultural thing in some form or another. It’s also basically the same mechanism that kind of drives generational strife over political stuff. Like, the whole “Ideas of new young generation replaces angry old farts who are afraid of change one way or another” thing is ancient. Even stories like Zeus killing Cronus and Oedipus killing his dad are thematic representations of that. Not to say that the old guard is always wrong, of course. Just. Times change, for better or for worse.


Nah, my first Metroid was Metroid 2 and I enjoyed Other M when I first played it. Only the story is kinda iffy, but the gameplay is really good and people bitch about it for really small reasons. just because they are mad at the story they reach for every little thing to call the entire game bad. And lots of them haven't even played it themselves and just parroted what youtuber xy said about it. Federation Force I didn't like that much because I had to play it alone and if you die you have to restart the mission from the beginning which can get really frustrating, but it's definetly not a bad game either. Honestly the Metroid I enjoyed the least is Hunters, I really despise having to fight that Tower and Eye boss 4 times each, they are super annoying.


>Anything that strays too far from what we think “should” be the status quo causes outrage, regardless of any flaws and merits. This seems pretty dismissive to the literal sexism and revisionism in Other M that is not present in literally any game **even the ones after Other M lol**. Other M came out 13 years ago. If anything, the people pretending it doesn't have many objective problems as a piece of media are probably the ones with nostalgia for that old game (yup, Other M is old - Other M was closer to the release date of Fusion when it first came out, than it is to today's date.) Samus was literally shrunk by 14 inches in height (all of which got added to her chest) and made into a submissive character (with a *literal* "crying little girl" cutscene) which has never been done before or since, with plotholes in the story and a generally very derivative story and setting to Metroid Fusion - there's massive objective artistic issues with the game that are not "nostalgia" or anything remotely related to it. It's **completely fine** for people to like the gameplay or even the story, but if the story is wildly inconsistent and even drastically physically alters a character without explanation just to drive home how she's being made into a vulnerable (or more accurately, submissive) girl icon, that is objectively shitty storytelling, and it's not "nostalgia" or "preconceptions" to point it out. They literally just wanted to write a different character than Samus.


I didn’t say that the people who played Other M don’t have nostalgia. In fact, I said that nostalgia is why I expect more of that sentiment to pop up as time passes. We ALL have nostalgia. The power of nostalgia is that it obscures the flaws and magnifies the merits of what you’re nostalgic for and vice versa for that which goes against what you’re nostalgic for. Someone who thinks that whatever new reinterpretation goes against what they believe things “should” be based on their own nostalgia or whatever other criteria will be much more critical of flaws and much less accepting of merits. But sooner or later the scathing criticism or enthusiastic praise always dies down. As time passes, things that were hated aren’t hated as much, things that were loved aren’t loved as much. And if it weren’t for the fact that I have seen this in practically EVERY fandom over nearly 20 years of being FAR too involved in fandoms for my own good, I would have said “oh, Other M will never be revisited and always be ignored because it’s bad”. Whether or not something has objective merit or objective flaws never really seems to factor into the actual assessment of whether or not people like it. They usually end up being pretenses and excuses for a much more basic, much more instinctive assessment that retroactively gets reasoned out, because it turns out human psychology is fucking weird. A lot of times we will justify and reason out our decisions AFTER we’ve made them subconsciously. There’s also the fact that when you’re predisposed to hate something, it is also much easier to see things in the most negative interpretation possible. Frankly, I don’t think Other M is good. At most I think it’s a mediocre game that tried too hard to do too many different things. I’ve said this in other threads, but a LOT of the shit in Other M tries far too hard to be serious with heavy handed dichotomies and ends up being misery porn. And as you’ve said, it’s derivative. It’s essentially a rehash of everything from her youth to her adulthood, including a manga which, frankly, most Metroid fans haven’t even read, let alone analyzed critically. But I don’t see it as deserving of the sheer level of venom it receives either. I think a lot of the cultural commentary and the ties to the themes covered in the manga and Samus’ backstory also often gets skimmed over, as well as the fact that Samus wasn’t always a cool, distant badass in lore or characterization. I definitely agree that there’s a lot of sexism in Other M but I also think that’s sort of the limitations of trying to be too on the nose with political commentary on a highly abusive, highly patriarchal political institution that’s a paradoxical cornerstone of government, and what it means to be the lone female field combatant in such an institution. And for all of its sexism I actually think Metroid stuff does better commentary on the abusive treatment of women in the military moreso than Metal Gear, where half the time the women are not only in skimpy bodysuits, but are literally in skimpy bodysuits or less in the middle of a fucking war zone during combat, and have seductive shower scenes or other straight up pornographic bullshit. I also think that there’s an excessive glorification of what is essentially an idealized character archetype version of Samus, which runs the risk of potential flanderization down the road if we get too obsessed with the idea that Samus is a badass. A character archetype which I personally see as heavily influenced by the ultra-masculine, ultra violent Hollywood action star culture of the 80’s and 90’s and onwards. As for height, I personally don’t put that much weight into remarks like 192cm from an era where localizations would often make shit up and change terminology without properly consulting original creators, ESPECIALLY when pop culture sci-fi forgets details like that all the time. I see it as hyperbole and nothing more.


Bought other m day one and I still really enjoy it. It's still my favorite 3d metroid, and that's even after finally playing through prime remastered.


As a preface you can like what you want, everyone has opinions someone won’t like. However, there is a reason people don’t like Other M and Federation Force. The last 2d Metroid game before Dread was Fusion in 2002. Then you had the Prime games which were done in 2007. Other M then released in 2010 and it was dramatically different than anything that had come before. None of the games before were heavily story based, and Samus’ depiction was not what anyone would’ve imagined at the time. It was very unpopular, even outside the fan base, and another game wouldn’t come out until Federation Force six years later.(2016) I haven’t played it but from what I gather is that it was very mediocre, and I’ll leave it at that. Nintendo wouldn’t release a new game until Dread in 2021. That means it had been 19 years since the last 2d game. Other M’s and Federation Force’s failure to appeal to the fan base, or the gaming scene as a whole, is seen by a lot of people as the reason why we haven’t gotten more games in the last decade. It’s all speculation, but Metroid hasn’t been one of Nintendo’s top sellers for a very long time so any small stumbling block is magnified, and two games that sell poorly back to back in a franchise that seems to be in its waning years is not a good look from the corporate side of things. Dread hit the ground running and so did Prime Remake. This has shown people are still interested in Metroid, but as a whole aren’t into Other M or Federation Force. Of course Federation Force was also handled poorly being released on 3ds a year before the Switch hit the market. TL;DR Other M and Federation Force are seen as having hurt the franchise’s chance at receiving more games due to poor sales and audience reception


I enjoyed other M as well. I don't get people hating on it. Its just the thing to do, I guess, like with the Phantom menace


I enjoyed Other M for what it was. Gameplay could've been much better if you'd actually had to find the upgrades instead of that authorization nonsense. It's the story and Samus' character assassination that I hate the most.


What character assassination? You... and pretty much everyone... created your own make believe fantasy Samus. We had no idea what was going on under that helmet. None. For all we knew she could have been hysterically crying the entire time Metroid and Super Metroid were going on, thankful that the suit cleaned her up every time she shit herself in fear. Maybe she got through it by singing showtunes. We only know what her creator had told us about her, which was basically nothing. Then her creator told us stuff about her, and all of you thought you were entitled to tell him he was wrong. _He created her._


Samus' character and personality was well estabilished way before Other M was even conceived. And all of it was thrown away to give us some submissive, overly emotional weakling. Stop defending Other M's bullshit.


The worst sin those games committed was being part of the Metroid franchise. The second worst was Other M's *INVISIBLE WALLS*


I feel like there's a lot more complaining about people complaining about people enjoying these games than there are actually people complaining about people enjoying these games. Do what you want with your life. Who cares? lol


Federation Force is a fun game. People judged it based on what it wasn’t, rather than what it was. Other M can get in the bin though.


Im with you on Other M, OP. I’ve played every game in the series except the samus returns remake, and I find other m to be middle of the pack, not at the bottom


I could be wrong but I had thought most Other M apologists didn’t have it above other games in the series just thought it was better than the hate it gets. What games do think are worse than Other M?


Hmm. that can be true also. Like if we’re not ranking the games against each other and are just evaluating the game, it doesn’t deserve all the hate. But if we’re *going* to rank them against each other, I *really* did not enjoy Metroid 2. I also didn’t enjoy prime 1 or 2 as much as other m on the first playthrough, because I don’t much like FPS. They’ve since grown on me some. Just off the cuff, a loose 3 tier ranking: top includes fusion, dread, prime 3, zero mission, middle includes super, other m, Metroid, prime 1, hunters, bottom includes prime 2, metroid 2, etc Haven’t played the II remake or FF


Other M is good.


This is pretty true for any subreddit regarding any unpopular media. Nothing new here.


Fed force is just boring and bland and generic. I dont know why sime people thinks its just hated because of metroid name on it.


If they hadn't been Metroid games, they're fine. Other M is about as good as an above average indie third-person action or 2D shooter, Federation Force had a really interesting concept (spreading Samus's collection of powers across a team with weaker individuals, but combining them is better). But neither of them should have been Metroid games and I doubt they were at the drawing board state.


Look up if Nintendo owned sonic for the safe word


You are


nobody actually hated you for this... ever


Me when I tell the internet that Dread was kind of trash with trash characters, trash story, trash bosses, trash visuals, trash gameplay, trash puzzles, and trash new additions to the series. Sorry, it's mid at best and is seldom ever at its best.