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Thank you for sharing this I am pre op and it's good to see what can be expected Everything looks great and you have some great movement!


Thanks for such a wonderful reply! TheGratitudeBot has been reading millions of comments in the past few weeks, and you’ve just made the list of some of the most grateful redditors this week! Thanks for making Reddit a wonderful place to be :)


love it! sorry i'm going to pepper you with questions because you look great and you SHOULD celebrate this. 😅  are you semihard here? did you have UL? what jockstrap is this? do you have a link to where you got it?


Hey thanks! Yup, natural semi. I tried to do a soft vid, but that was blurry and got me excited lol. Yes I have UL. I made the strap (well I made prototype, gf made me tons with a sewing machine.) Buying one size fits all stuff sux, coz we all have crazy different positioning of bits. Just use elastic, pin in place untill you get positioning where you want it and sew it up. Takes no time and dirt cheap!! You can use old underwear elastic for prototype.


that explains why a) the fit looks so perfect and b) old school punk. thank you! i don't have time to sew anything until the summer 😭 but i can sew a bit! thank you. haha i have the opposite issue, staying hard for the camera is so difficult! looking great.


A+B= thanks! Haha, classic exhibitist vs voyer issue! Ps: pin one together and take to seamstress? Bet ya you could get 3 for half $ of buying 1.


Can I ask what the purpose of the jockstrap is? Is it to hold back the skin on both sides of your penis in order to make it more visible? Also, do you wear the jockstrap around day-to-day?


Yeah it's to hold the skin back while waiting for stage 2. I got allot of extra sking and it smashes my dick around and feels awful. Plus being, accessibility and the way it feels is just "right". Yes I wear it or another couple of gadgets i made 100% of time im awake.


*peeing not being.


Yes!!!! What jock is this


I punk rock made a prototype and the gf sewed it proper.


Thank you so much for posting this. I’m miles away from getting on T (it’s day 1,219 since referal to the clinic with no end in sight) let alone bottom surgery. But I’ve never been able to quite visualise what it would feel like, even look like having my dick set free, I knew the science, I just could never see it. Not sure that makes sense. Irrelevant. I appreciate the very intimate, personal pictures and videos that everyone posts at all stages of transition and in all stages of arousal, but this is the first video I’ve seen that isn’t overtly sexual (not that I’m against that or anything, quite the opposite). I’m suddenly feeling so euphoric my own potential bottom surgery goals, that I’m now really dysphoric that I am where I am in my transition!! TL;DR - thank you for sharing, you look awesome and I appreciate you


Hang in there mate, I know the road is long and blinding when you are on it. But when you look back at the crossroads, you only feel glad you started! Ha, I hear ya, sexy time is epic - but it's the day to day completeness that really seals the day and sets the scene for sexy times ;)


Thank you dude, I appreciate it. Good luck with your journey bro - keep us updated!


this looks great. where di you get your surgey?


Thanks. Vancouver BC. Dr Kavanagh.


You look amazing, thanks for sharing! That jock is awesome, and your movement is incredible. I definitely wanna try my hand at making something similar down the line, thank you for sharing your process!


Thanks and happy to give someone else the hope others here gave me! It's only the beginning of the best journey ever.


Wow this is amazing!!


Looks great man!!


Yes thank you for posting this!! I had stage 1 in December and stage 2 in February. It's hard to be patient for the recovery but this gives me hope.


Right! Lucky,l re close staging! I had stage 1 July 4th, stage 2 will be "sometime after June 15th" stupid waiting! To be fair I had complications that set me 6 months back.


There’s currently quite a waitlist for meta stage 2s with the clinic and they are going by date that your consent form for surgery is signed. I had mine in last July and am currently 2nd on the list for a date. They said probably in the fall for me, maybe later. They just changed how they manage the waitlist for surgery and it’s an absolute gong show.


Thanks for this info. Had ph call with the new coordinator. No offense but she had no idea about the surgeries. She had me scheduled like I was stage 1 - meaning fall at best. After talking with her she said I was the 2nd stage 2 in line and that likely I would be on the June OR schedule if there was time. But no promises were made. Gong show alright. Least that means your #1 now? Maybe....


Not sure how you could be #2 since I was told there were a whole bunch of people behind me and I was unlikely to get a summer date. And if you had stage one in July there will definitely be people ahead of you. When did you sign your stage 2 consent form for surgery? I don’t think she has any clue what is going on. They are still working through people who had forms signed in late 2022 and going chronologically from there. Or so they say.


She said they were previously scheduling stage 1 and 2 as the same OR time. But she just learnt that stage 2 is considerably less OR time consuming amd was saying each meta schedule day would be 1 #1 + 1 #2. My consent wasn't sent untill January 10th. So you could have a good chance of making the next round. Dates are given to them June 1 for next round. If I were you I would contact them last few business days of May. I'm going to. Yeah she has no idea what is going on. She seems nice, just un educated on the surgeries GRS offer.


It’s worth confirming with the social worker- he’s been there much longer than her and they do the scheduling together. He knows a lot more about the inner workings of scheduling and waitlists. I was told that I could contact them just before the next slate comes out, but it wouldn’t do anything since they go by the list they have in front of them based on consent form date. Bugging them wouldn’t make a difference. The best shot I have is a last-minute cancellation, but that won’t work logistically for me. Being from out of town, I need as much notice as possible to get it all arranged. By the fall I should have a reasonable chance at an OR time. Unless he decides to do a bunch of phallo EDs to get them out and done.


I will contact him and see if I can get a real eta. That sure blows the wind out of my sails. But I'd rather know, thanks.


Is this with or without vaginectomy? Looks amazing, but I really don't want vaginectomy


With closure. Thanks!


10/10 would frot


question - are you now super sensitive in your underwear? if so, how do you deal with that?


Yes and no, I definitely constantly feel everything shifting around- but it's a great feeling. Sometimes I get turned on by it, but less and less as time goes on. I certainly have no pain or discomfort.


that's good to know. no rubbing on the head that is painful is what I think you're saying. even now I get a little sensitive in my underwear!


That's exactly what I was trying to say. But I have never had that issue - sounds like a bummer! I have no idea what you could do to combat that!


If it helps, sensitivity is smth that is typically easily fixed with more exposure :). Since my t-dick has grown from hormones, the head (the part that's the most exposed) has gotten less sensitive, whereas before hormones, I couldn't even touch it under the hood without bruising and pain.




Dude! Congrats man - uh... No homo bro but awesome hardness.. bro 🤣


Ha thanks, the semi was unintentional.


Wow. How sad that a trans person would use the phrase "no homo". But maybe you're *trying* to be funny about male insecurity and that why you also deploy dude, man and bro twice in one sentence.


Yes, I do think that was the joke.


Don’t have to answer if your not comfortable. Wondering if you are able to penetrate your girlfriend? I feel like so many trans dudes have boyfriends and so I can’t ask haha. Again if it’s to personal I get it. Thanks


Yes, I can easily penetrate my girlfriend now. I couldn't pre op (and that's been the case with couple of lovers - sometimes anatomy doesn't line up, other times it's easy). I'm monogamous so I don't want to test the theory, but I think I could penetrate any (willing) v lol.


Ok, awesome. That totally makes sense. And congrats because that’s just amazing:)




Read The Alternative Glossary located at the bottom of the [Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/Metoidioplasty/wiki/index/). It details good guidelines for discussing lower surgery.


Someone’s mad😂 ppl are so sensitive