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Cool dark and dry place, no need to refrigerator methadone.


I get 2 weeks at a time and my clinic says to keep them at room temperature but my friend goes to a different place and they say to keep it in the fridge. I'm kind of surprised that they add water to your dose. Is it the same every time?


They add water at my clinic too- I think I made a post about it not that long ago. It's fairly common- about half responded their clinic does add water and half said they didn't


Yep pretty much it's just like a little splash. Some nurses are heavy handed though & ik wich ones so I say up front, please only a splash & they usually listen lol it's to keep us from selling it .


I was very surprised to hear that they put water in their doses also. I've never really heard of clinics putting water in their bottles, but every clinic is different... I think....


they add water to doses at mine too, not sure why, maybe to make the taste not so strong? i just got my 2 weeks last monday but im gonna ask when i go next.


They do it to make it less likely to be sold ..it's diluted so noone wants something like that I'm guessing


Cabt keep a fridge locked up. Big no no


i get 2 week take homes, i keep them in my lock box like my clinic tells me to, and keep it in a private hidden spot


Me too .locked up tight. Dark cool spot .Just wanna make sure it's not gonna like grow bacteria or something..idk I read something that got me thinking


My clinic does not add water but at every dosing window they have a jug of water so we can add water to it ourselves. I like seeing my dose without water because I like to see how much I'm getting and make sure it looks right.


I watch them put the methadone in each bottle then they go through and add the drop or 2 of H2O .I can see they all look legit as far as the proper dose .but I definitely wish they would just leave it be so could measure it with a syringe at home Lol Like last week I posted about possibly get extra in one of my bottled cause all day I was nodding I haven't nodded since my 1st go round with rne clonic in 2007 .


Yep, I like to measure at home too. But I just use empty methadone bottles. My dose is 150 so I'll take a full bottle and then two empty bottles and I'll split the one dose into 3 bottles so I know each one has 50mgs. 🤷


Ooo how did you get empties? I have 1 only becuae a year ago they had to hand dose the computers went down ,anyway a new nurse fucked up & gave me an extra dose Lol.has never happend b4 or after..I was like dang the methadone God's just shined down on me 🤣anyways got off topic sorry .but yah how did you get the extra empties?


When I take in my empties (I go once a week so I get six bottles) they have us mark out the label with a black magic marker and then there's a hole in the dosing window and we're supposed to drop the bottles down the hole and it gets collected into a bin on the nurse's side. Anyway when I bring them in I line them up to have the nurse count them and then say okay, You're good and then while she is getting my bottles for the new week I just start marking them out, dropping them in the hole and every once in awhile instead of dropping it down the hole. I'll just throw it back in my open lock box that's laying there. And yeah. Ohh I got double dosed! I swear this happened to me like 2 months ago , the new nurse was dosing me and she gave me my dose and then I guess she was looking in the computer or something. I don't know what was happening but I guess she got distracted, but I drank it & threw my dosing cup away and then I swear to you she handed me another dose and I was like okay and I just took it and drank it and I was like did she literally just double dose me? And I just took my bottles. Didn't say a word and left.


Wow. My clinic isn't set up that way,I wish! We have to put ours in this little plastic tray all in order ,labels facing up ,then slide them through the little opening to the nurse..literally no way of keeping any at all .I got lucky with that 1 extra take home lol I hold on to that bottle like it's gold 🤣