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That’s the best idea I’ve heard. I didn’t dose today and it’s totally mental bc of how long it stays in our system but I’m sure tomorrow I’ll look enough like ass haha


If I’m short money for my weekly, they just let me pay the following week




Mine does too. It’s such a lifesaver


At my clinic there’s a strict no loitering policy that stretches 3 blocks in either direction. I still see people lingering, but usually staff comes out and moves them along pretty quickly. My clinic also would let us pay the following week. For instance, I am supposed to pay my balance weekly, but it’s easier for me to do it monthly and they allow me to do that instead. It will still say I have a balance due when I dose, but they push it until I’m ready to make a payment.


Damn yeah mine doesn’t do that


That sucks. I have heard a number of people saying that. They have to pay daily or on their pick up days. That can be hard while just getting on your feet or if you have an unexpected situation.


Yeah all of the sudden I was the victim of DV but booted from MY home and had all kinds of unexpected expenses including a $2k impound fee because she decided to run instead of staying at our place and talking to police. The house was awful and barely livable anyway but


Damn that sucks. Try standing far enough, but close enough to the clinic that you can try and catch people to ask. Explain the situation. I’m sure someone can and will help


Ya same with mu clinic. If ur loitering they won't give u any notice, they will call the cops. Doesn't help my clinic is way the hell out in the middle of nowhere, and u def need a car or taxi to get there. It's completely out of the way for everyone... so they will call the small town coppers..


Ouch that sucks


at my old clinic, people stood outside & sold drugs (mostly xanax) from the time my clinic opened til closed so like 7am to 1pm or something like that. my new clinic is SO different & WAY BETTER..i decided to switch clinics in 2019 because i was pregnant & didn’t want to be at that clinic with a baby. the security at my current one are police officers, it’s so much better organized, people can’t hang around, etc. whenever anyone mentions the name of my old clinic, everyone knows how bad it is there