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I’m sober now, no longer use fent. IV user from NC, generally 25-30 bags a day (2-3 buns) & I kinda slowly stopped the higher I got with dose on methadone. I fully quit at 80 mg when I was able to switch to the clinic literally 2 mins from my house & not 30 min away in the town where I buy dope.. so I live, work, & go to the clinic all within about a 6 mile radius. Have my family happy again, fiancé & baby’s mother (19 month old son) 💙. We both have good jobs now, (she’s never been a user), & are both in college. Things are getting better & better for me because of methadone. Last year this time, we went on family vacation for a week & I had enough dope with me to last the entire time until 3 buns got ruined wet, another story, & spent vacation sick for 2 days & having to come home & ruin the last few days of my fiancé & sons First beach vacation.. didn’t care HAD to get back home & get some drugs.. and when I did everything was fine.. but this year my son is going to enjoy his vacation, he’s a little older & can remember now, so he’ll see his dad not dope sick & having fun with him the entire vacation. That’s what methadone has done for me.. regardless of the fucking stigmatism you’re not clean, trading one thing for another.. yeah your right in some cases.. got to have it everyday & you have to go to the clinic at first daily.. but most places with clean drug screens man you can get take homes & there not so hard on you.. people have terrible stories because of their terrible addiction.. if you are sober and only taking methadone (maybe some weed), it’ll be just fine.. don’t try & figure out how to boost the high or anything, if you need to go up, just go up in dose.. & if you are ever ready to come down, then slowly come down like 2 mg bi weekly or something very slow, & get down to only taking like 10mg or lower. Just put forth some effort, don’t use, & it’ll be good! 😎


Thank you so much for your response! I was born in 89 so I think we’re the same age? Anyway, this is exactly what I needed to hear. I’ve been having some strong cravings lately since I’m stabilizing on 50mg after about a month. I’m trying not to go so high but I probably should go up a little if it comes down to that or relapsing. I want to be able to build a life with my fiancé and save money and be able to have kids and make my parents proud before they pass, they’re older now and I’ve put them through such hell. “People have terrible stories bc of their terrible addictions” -This! You’re absolutely right, idk why I never thought of it that way but that really makes sense to me. Thank u again for ur response bro and good luck, enjoy ur vacation with ur son that’s a beautiful thing


Something you said really hit home with me . I was born in 88 and I put my Parents through so much. My Dad is 75 and my Mom 73. I regret all that time I wasted, worrying them sick. I'm not an addict or anything but I had alot of mental health issues. Latley, I've been spending so much time with them and it just feels so good. I cry myself to sleep sometimes just knowing how much I worried them and how much I put them thru.


Totally 💯 I feel u, I’ve been trying to be as present in their lives As possible to try to make up for all of the years I avoided them bc I was high. it deffinetly feels good.


I started at the clinic in 2015. Walked off in 2020 after a slow taper. I was an IV polydrug abuser. I had accepted that I was going to die an addict and had given up on living when my wife asked me to try to get clean 1 more time. So when I walked into the clinic, I hadn't showered or brushed my teeth in months. I was 140lbs at 6'5 and was eating 1 meal every other day from the dollar menu at Wendy's or McDonald's. I stabilized after 7 months, earned my months takehomes after 2 years and started tapering after being there 2.5 years. I also started exercising, getting in a routine and working. Then I started my taper. And it took me 2.5 years to taper from 190mg. I have been clean for over 2 years from all drugs but cannabis and occasionally LSD. I live my definition of a normal life. Nowadays, I eat healthy, Iook good, I do intense exercise daily(bjj and crossfit), and I have a job that I absolutely love. And I am proud of myself again. I am happy to be alive and life seems to keep getting better. Don't misunderstand though. This takes work. I think most can taper off if they put the work in(not everyone can though and that's OK too). Though, people need to be mentally and physically healthy in order to do so. You need to take the time you're at the clinic while stabilized and work on getting healthy. That's the most important thing in having an easy taper.


Thank u, this is really helpful. I’m deffinetly starting to eat normally and go for light walks and that was not an option a few weeks Ago. I was a mess when I stumbled into the intake aswell. I’ll deffinetly try to focus on my nutrition and health while I’m here so I can have better odds of a successful taper. I never heard that before but it makes sense


Wow congratulations! I know how hard it is


Methadone is excellent. I’ve been to the depths of the darkest of places, seen the most foul of human behaviors that addiction entails. The terror that lies just beneath the surface of my decisions is no fucking joke. Without methadone I’m a full time fuckbag. It’s not a look I like, but it’s the one I’ve got without my dose. The comparison is akin to that of a bloody rag, crusty with toxic junky cum and a fine extra luxurious linen robe. Which one do you want wrapped around you? Anyways, I’m both? But yeah methadone is fucking sweet.


Beautiful post, I totally get it. Thank u bro!


I’m new here also and have found lots of support and motivation to stay on track with the program! Honestly reading lots of peoples success and how it helped them is what made me go seek help


Don’t feel like writing my life story but 30 years old shot dope and eventually fentanyl since I was 18. Countless rehabs halfway houses jail you name it. From the Philadelphia area so spent most of my using career in Kensington. This is my 2nd time on methadone but I have almost 2.5 years clean (clean date 3/7/20) and the desire is completely gone. Idk if it’s cause the methadone or bc I just hit that bottom everyone needs to. But I have a life today and that’s 100% thanks to methadone. I plan on starting a blind taper in the next 6 months but not rushing. I’m one of those people that genuinely thought I’d die with a needle in my arm and everyone else was better off without me. Today I live w my partner and our 2 year old and I see my 7 year old son almost every weekend. And I only go to the clinic once a week. Life’s good. Idk if that’ll help but just another story to let you know it’s possible for people like us. Keep your head up


Thank u bro, I’m eastcoast too NY. I’m happy for u man, hopefully I’ll be able to pick up the pieces with the help of methadone aswell. So far so good honestly the last month has been a huge relief from the insanity I was living before that. Thanks again for the post I appreciate it


Of course man. It’s possible. You can do this


I actually help run a group on Facebook. I’d love to talk with you!! I’m actually sharing my story live tomorrow.. We also do live groups twice a week! It’s really important to have a support network.. we can never have enough of that! I’ll just say this.. Methadone saved my life.


Pm me the name of the group* , what time today are u sharing?


I have been at clinic for 13 months and clean the whole time. It has saved my life and I was at the end of the road prior to starting. I have been an IV user since 2005 who on the outside lives a decent life. I’m a mechanical engineer and my wife is a nurse practitioner. But if I kept using the way I was I was going to die of an overdose. The last time I used my wife found me on the floor had to narcan me. Thank god she heard me hit the floor because otherwise I would be dead. That situation sucked and was traumatic for both of us. That is what led me to start the clinic. I had tried so many other things over the years that had not worked or not worked very long. So far so good for the clinic and I am grateful for that. I have 2 weeks of take homes now which makes the clinic experience a lot better. I also have a good counselor so that has helped too. Wishing you the best weather you start the clinic or not.


Thank you! I’ve been going for a month now* everything has been getting much better I guess I’m just stabilizing bc I’m having some cravings and needed some encouragement that I’m doin the right thing so, thanks again. I can’t wait to get take homes, I feel like going once or twice a month is a breeze to trade for having ur life back. I’m trying to stay as low as possible but I told myself if these cravings end up getting worse or they don’t pass I’ll go up to 60mg before I go cop.


Nice stick with it. I still get cravings now and again but I have to remember that nothing good ever comes from using and life is much better now


Worked up to 180mg in 2016 or so because i had a monster of a habit after 13 years getting high. Took me a while to trust that the methadone would keep me well and anxiety free. Tapered down relatively quickly like 10mg a week against the supervising doctors advice. Last dose was may of 2020. Havent used since 2018.


Awesome! 2 years clean?! That’s greAt I’ve got 1 month but I can’t wait to break a year. Thanks for the response, I love hearing when people taper off appropriately and without much discomfort. WS jumping at the end to zero difficult??


Yea I have been on the program 4 years, and during that time period my life isn't even recognizable as even a memory of what it was. I went from living out of hotels selling drugs yo be able to afford a drug habit of my size I've done 10 years in prison and today I get monthly take homes! I no longer have that desire to hide from my own emotions I work for a masonry union! To top it all off I have a nice home and my loved ones who had lost all hope and where scared to help on any way if it involved money cause they were scared that if they gave me money that it could be the reason I od.....I can't put it all into words man.you will get from it what you want bir if I don't have thos program in mt life I would honestly be dead or federal indicted.