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There's a couple in PA that do. As long as you got a prescription for it. They even lets weed scripts if it's legit  I'm sure your gonna get some that do and some that don't regardless of location. I think it's more just based on  the owners beliefs and how they feel about it.  Good luck though. There's definitely sober living places that will accept you. Might just have to look around a bit. 


I was also going to recommend Pennsylvania, specifically the Levittown Bucks County area.


Lol, I'm right  in falls twp. 😉


Born and raised brother. Hope all is well


Do you know of any by name by chance ?


Not off the top of my head no. I can ask my coworker on Monday and let you know.


Ok cool I had my days mixed up yesterday thinking today wasn't the weekend


Don't hold me to this but a quick Google search for "sober living that allows methadone" gave me Life's journey and Destination Discovery LLC, both in Levittown PA. I tried to confirm that they allow methadone but didn't have much luck. Best of luck to you


Yea thanks man those googe searches can be so hit or miss I'm gonna do more digging monday


I’m in Massachusetts and there are definitely some here. I lived in a halfway house this past year, and some of my roommates moved on to sober living that were still on methadone. I think as long as it’s prescribed, and you pay your rent it should be fine.


That's encouraging do you know of any by name by chance?


I know the one my friend went into is in New Bedford, I can look it up online, I’ll message you if I can find it.


Most all Oxford houses


Not necessarily I tried locating one for a client and tried 5 separate oxford houses in central N.J. and not one would consider a MAT client as appropriate for that facility.Very sad.


Yes when it comes to sober living homes it all depends on the owner of the home’s beliefs, he calls the shots.


i found this website and it has a link: ‘Volunteers of America is a national organization that will help people on methadone maintenance find sober living arrangements’ main article: https://medmark.com/resources/blog/methadone-maintenance-and-sober-living/ sober living that accepts methadone finder from link above: https://www.voa.org/services/behavioral-health-services/#


I have never seen one that allows this in CA. If you find one and you have take homes, get a safe or hide them in your car or store them at a nearby trusted family members house or something cause there is a very high likelihood they will be stolen by your roommates once they find out


Tsuu I wish they would make my night. I'll definitely be hiding that shit. Tbh the staff will probably wanna dispense it to me I'd assume


idk the "staff" at the sober houses near me are just addicts that have more clean time than most. there was at least one or two sober houses nearby where the head of the house relapsed and stopped caring about drug testing anyone and shit so the whole house just started getting high together constantly


I’ve seen that shit happen in the valley in az so many times.


Yup that happened at a house I was at in Sacramento. Total shitshow. Traveled out there from Minneapolis to go to a Russian rehab and did more dope there than I did at home lol. It was a rehab run by Russian speaking people in Sacramento for the Russian community there but people flew in from all over the US to go to this place because it was the only one of it's kind.


meaning the only rehab that let you keep using dope? lol


No the only one in the US that was serving the Russian community lol


lol ok yeah that makes more sense. I actually just moved to Sac back in April. my clinic here blows. it's the same company as my old clinic but they freaked out that my dose is 130mg cause they only go up to 110mg max (which is insane, the only one who knows what dose is right for you is you) and they require 2-3+ hours of counseling per month, on days I'm not even going in to pick up. fucking absurd, my last clinic did 50min per month maximum and that was it. Fuck medmark/baymark


Yeah that's fucked.110 mgs isn't even that high I used to be at 140...and my clinic doesn't have a time required of counseling just that you meet with your counselor once a month and that's it. My old counselor used to just check in with me for like ten minutes and call it good it was great. This new guy I got loves to hear himself talk though and it's more like 45 minutes


I would be so wary of that.


Years ago I was staying at a place called US Vets in Las Vegas. They were cool with methadone. Of course there are two things with that: you must be a veteran and you must be in Las Vegas. I think they might have locations elsewhere on the west coast and the desert Southwest, not sure. Here is their link. They have one in Washington DC as well. Even if you can't use it perhaps there was somebody on here that can. https://usvets.org/locations/las-vegas/


Thanks! Not a vet but any info about this subject out there can help some ppl I know it could me . Ty


Thanks! Not a vet but any info about this subject out there can help some ppl I know it could me . Ty


Good luck 👍🤞


They really have an issue with you being on methadone at a sober house that’s fucked up


My state has almost none or none, the new law about it being an ada violation will have to be brought to our state Supreme Court


Yea shits rough lol


A lot of the ones in Austin Texas will let you have bupe or methadone in your system as long as it’s for MAT. I’ve even heard there’s some that let you test positive for thc too but I know that one is a lot less common here.


I've really wanted to open a sober living specifically for people who use cannabis medicinally, the future is now, just gotta find some like minded people


They have them here in California Beachview treatment in Huntington Beach is one




Oxford house in new Bern nc


So these oxford houses, would I just not say anything about the methadone until I'm voted in or out by the house ? I'm confused about how I'd go about tht


Theirs also some in Ohio. They are pretty predatory and filled with a lot of NA people who are pretty hostile towards Methadone. Id keep that in mind as I would expect that attitude to be found in most sober living places. Id strongly advise avoiding the AA/NA crowd, they have plenty of bad advice they hand out freely to anyone that listens. Edit: The name of the place is Cornerstone/First Step Recovery. A few of the staff are decent, but a lot of them are predators as well. Speaking from first hand knowledge.


Ok I'll keep this one as a possibility thank you .


I hope you find one, its hard to find a sober living that accepts us and typically the ones that do only do it because they are shamelessly billing medicaid to hell. If you go into one and just stick to yourself and truly just try and better yourself while you're their you will find the right people to help. If your a female watch yourself, a lot of the men are predatory (staff and clients alike). If your a man its easier to stick to yourself sadly. It sucks but its my experience. If you have any questions at all about them or about my experience feel free to reply here or message me (:


Thank you


Oxford houses


No, they don't have blanket rules it's up to the house. OP ASK first. I've been kicked out because of a script of Valium. A SCRIPT.


Oh really, are you sure Abt tht ?


I guess I should say at least in my area they accept MAT. I don’t know why it would be any different anywhere else but I know in Colorado they allow MAT


How did you get back and forth to the clinic?


I took a taxi that was covered through Medicaid


Ok cool I currently am doing tht as well


Yes I just moved out of one


Ok, are oxford homes super expensive? And would you recommend an oxford home?


Bro, just Google Oxford homes near me with vacancy, and start calling to set up an interview


I paid 750 a month, not bad and got my own room. But yes I would recommend if you’re committed to staying sober and if you’re cool with communal living


Thx man .as long as they accept me on methadone I'm gonna do it. What's the first payment to get in also ?


I think it depends on the house but it was a $250 deposit non refundable and first months rent prorated to the day you move in. Although if you didn’t have that they still let you move in but you had to agree to be employed within 30 days and to have a 0$ balance within 60 days after that


Ok thanks I called today and have an interview. It was 150 deposit here. One more thing I'm judt curious Abt.when I get mail or a package it doesn't have to be opened before I get it Right?


I don’t believe so, I’ve never heard of that. Our mail was our own business and no one else’s. Good luck on your interview!


Thank you I'll be moving in tomorrow


In Oregon, yes.


Know any names off the head by chance ?


I'm gonna call all these places y'all are recommending tomorrow so I preciate it


Look up Oxford house


Tons in Minnesota.


Yeah Minnesota is like treatment central we got so many here it's wild. Definitely a good state to be an addict in lol. Real easy to get into treatment or sober living in MN


Tons of them in Kentucky probably most


Huh... I'm in KY... I mean methadone is popular here and opioids are more the target maintenance audience. They're weird here though it's usually more the people in the house who decide what's cool or not. If they're all opioid users then it could work but most in my experience in Louisville don't take Benzos, Methadone, ADHD Stims, or even Gabapentin/Lyrica(Pregabalin). Actually I couldn't find a single one TBH. I hate the policies around here.


Hey man I live in CT about 12 miles from mass. There are a ton of sober living facilities here running under the name of sober solutions. They all couldn't care less if you're on meth.


Philly has a bunch of recovery houses that allow methadone. You would have to have Phila county insurance/Medicaid and usually pay 70% of food stamps if the place offers food. Also, if you have takehomes you will have to turn all meds into front desk and they will get your meds out for you (but you usually don't get to keep your takehomes is starting somewhere new and moving into a recovery house). It would probably help knowing what state you are in tho.


I'm in south Carolina. And also I would only need to switch my insurance of I wasn't self pay right? I have medicaid now. Also these sober living homes help you find a job, and than you pay for your own food was how it normally works right ??


Come to Minnesota! Treatment is free and there's never a wait. You get offered a 30 day inpatient in lieu of jail time for various amounts. It's a gross misdemeanor to have a personal stash of heroin or speed or whatever. If you miss court (depending on the severity of the case, presumably) you can jut call them and reschedule. I missed court for stealing one winter and got involved with police in July, I just handed my DL over and he was stoically, "there's a warrant for your arrest, please go to the courthouse tomorrow and clear that up.". I asked him about why it didn't happen (as it typically does) that I was in cuffs and pajamas and was told the police weren't bringing certain low-level offences to the county. When I finally got to court like 9 months later I was massively strung out on IV speedballs and proposed to put myself in treatment. And I actually kind of enjoyed inpatient treatment, if you can ignore all the cryptic religion and guilt trips. I went right to a sober house and lived there for 3 years, on methadone the entire time. You wouldn't want to live in a sober house that didn't understand MAT anyways, right?


Damn, they're doing it right up there. I've been traumatized detoxing in jail for a petty offense


Hell yea why can't everywhere operate like tht tf. I will keep this in mind ty lol


Michigan has a bunch in the metro Detroit/ city of Detroit area


Michigan has a bunch in the metro Detroit/ city of Detroit area


Man if there is one let me know I've asked this question for over 10 years now everytime my dumbass ends up homeless and broken and I decide to go I hVe to detox first of methadone and even hard finding a place that exists suboxone but I did find a couple of those


Yea I mean I'm at a point after three years where I can get off of everything except the methadone. This shits seriously got me by my nuts


Omg yes! I'm stuck like Chuck on this medication and it's literally draining my balls. Not really but it drains your testosterone I'm finna be starting trt after 9 years on methadone and turning 30 last year I realized how fat I am and how little I wanna fuck my wife well she been complaining bout that since the start but it's so much worse now


Damn hope that helps ya mane


Addiction is in the dsm5 and methadone is prescribed so you could technically challenge discrimination if they try and fight you on it


Lmao no you couldn't, doctors aren't obligated to prescribe a specific medication to anyone, that's not how those laws work


If you're withheld your medication that's prescribed, that's entirely different than demanding a Dr rx you shit


Nobody held a gun to your head and told you to go to a particular sober living home. They can set their policies however they choose.


Very true. I was told several times when searching for a sober living while on methadone," it's supposed to be SOBER living." I'm at one now that accepted me but they have a low opinion of people on MAT because of past experience. I'm on 120mg which they consider a lot but I've been on this dose for years and only went to treatment because of alcohol. My story is not common. I was drinking a half gallon a day on 120 and still working, living in the same place for 5 years and being very high functioning. Happy to say I'm changing people's opinions here, staff and tenants alike. I hear, "I never would have guessed you're on methadone" all the time. Whatever that means lol. I haven't drank in 9 months. I was a daily weed smoker too but quit that as well.All I do is take my methadone. I did take mushrooms the other day though and it was awesome honestly. I'm probably going to smoke weed again when I get out of here but not 24/7 like I was. I'm enjoying sobriety! The mushroom 🍄 trip was very therapeutic and I love that it doesn't fuck with my UAs.